Comic nominations for employees for a corporate party - the best selection

Comic nominations for employees for a corporate party - the best selection

In our article you will find comic nominations for employees for fun corporate holidays.

Comic nominations for employees - the best selection

Comic nominations for employees - the best selection
Comic nominations for employees - the best selection
Comic nominations for employees - the best selection
Comic nominations for employees - the best selection

Comic nominations for employees are the best selection:

The most responsive

Responsive, very pretty,
She is also a great dancer!
To tell everything about our Lena,
We need to write a poem.
Therefore, we will say very briefly:
Elena does not have our shortcomings!


The kindest

Our dear Tatyana!
Do not find a flaw in you!
You are such a smart girl - you study on five.
As if casting as a sculptor,
You are a figure - Aphrodite,
And for all friends, your kind soul is open.
You help all friends
And you yourself do not understand how much good is in you.
Classmates are not like each other, but still
You are more expensive for all of gold and silver for them!


Legislator Mod

Everyone knows
That Vika is not a faceless.
Vicki has everything
Your own approach.
Outfit Victoria -
"From the squeak to the scream":
Legislator Mod.
Victory, energetic, cheerful.
To communicate with Vika is just enjoyment.
And no matter how dreary life was,
Victoria is always
Will raise the mood!


Beautiful speaker

The guys always
There is one opinion:
See Ksyusha -
Just pleasure!
And when Ksyusha starts the conversation,
Then you can listen to her for hours.
Our Ksyusha is super -chorginal,
Her tastes and addictions are not banal.
Ksyusha can demonstrate fashion,
But her herself can not be copy!


Incorrigible optimist

Incorrigible optimist.
And more often a dreamer is not a realist.
Your soft humor and sincerity
They don't know the boundaries
Like generosity.
And I will add without deception:
We like such a novel.
Funny, generous and simple,
With vulnerable, good soul.


Soul person

Soul person Anastasia,
You have so much joy and strength in you
Heat and endless kindness,
And there is no friend more reliable than you!
You are not sitting idle, all in the works,
Like a bee: In the morning she is in business!
You can only dream about a girl!
Such as Nastya, you have to look!


Golden guy

We read about the cost in the book,
What is constant, became stronger ...
Yes, and we ourselves knew it!
After all, they did not meet a better friend!
Reliable, faithful, pure soul,
Our Kostya is a golden guy!
It will always support a joke, in a word.
Well, where else will you find this?!



In the eyes of the smile is mischievous,
Always cheerful, marvelous laughter.
The girl Nastya is a groovy.
You are our joy, our success!
Easy to communicate, simple,
But also with cheerful mischief
Strive to do everything wisely
And therefore, among us is a star!


The most cordial

Few people compare with her
In spiritual kindness:
She will always help -
And in grief and in trouble.
Good, smart, responsive,
Attentive, Mila,
Hardworking, moral,
Heart and warmth.


Sunny lady

You ask: are I lying?
Can I call her?
And I will answer: "Yes, I can!"
After all, this is our sunny Julia!


The most polite

Nothing is so expensive.
Like politeness and kindness,
Ilya has a tact,
Attention, devotion,
Mind, sincerity and simplicity.
He will still show his talents
And he will definitely declare himself!


Girl attractiveness

Katya's name sounds like a tint.
She is not in a hurry to leadership.
Brighter, it can’t find it more spiritual.
So much heat can bring everyone!
We value Katya and love this:
Modest, sweet, very simple.


A little eager for a little

Who is always the initiator of all the glead?
Who is usually a generator of all ideas?
In all matters, it is active and sociable,
Well, he dances - just amazing!
She is a little eager for her.
I am confident, critical.
Beautiful, feminine, slim.
Decisive and romantic.
Her soul is open to everyone!
Meet - our Margarita!


Damn charming

The guy is strong, interesting
Its openness
And the innocence is well -known
He is to classmates
Very attentive,
Always cheerful
And damn charming!


Idea's generator

Olya cannot help but compare to us with Yoloy,
She even likes to be clockwork!
Boredom apathy in it causes
Only this happens.
Test everything, participate, delve into ...
It’s hard for us to get used to the pace!
But we are proud that Olya is among us:
The first to come to the aid at a difficult hour!


Mr. hard work

Sergey will not be art.
When his name is for battle.
Sergey does not like gray Buden,
He does not like boring sluggish work.
But if there is a chance to distinguish
He is ready to pack the mountains.
He can work for days
And dump all rivals.


Bright little man

Well, it happens like this:
And smart and beautiful,
And opened by soul,
And the hand is generous,
And pleasant in communication,
And not springs,
And for whatever it will take - always on "Hurray"!
Have you guessed who these words are talking about?
Well, of course, about her - about the light!


The faithful spiritual girlfriend

Trepidable Julia, chatterbox,
The faithful spiritual girlfriend.
You are stumble carelessly with a butterfly,
People like yourself, you trust.
Affectionate, cute coquette,
You give your generosity to everyone often.
And we also appreciate you in you.
May your life look like a fairy tale.


A real man

Andrey Assistan
And respect in achievements.
Suitable for the case thoroughly
And he studies very diligently.
Answer for your act
Andrey is accustomed straight from the diapers!
He does not have to repeat:
He is an adult guy, not a child!


The leader of our team

He is a hockey player, a sports leader,
Always confident in everything.
God did not offend the appearance:
And the mind, and become, and all with him.
Our Kostya strives for the heights,
He goes to the ice with the club - to fight.
He cannot occupy sports titles:
He knows how to play and win!


The most purposeful

Sergei is our flandist,
Not stubborn at all
Active, smart, energetic,
In business - always honest
And devoted to friends.
And he is pretty to us.
We know that in life he will find himself,
Will achieve success and will not disappear!


By vocation, a psychologist

We know that Angelica
Means "angel face."
We also know well:
Ours is an angel and soul.
In the affairs of good people you can see
And the face in them has always been active,
The problems of loved ones are not indifferent to her,
The psychologist will come out of it excellent.


Beautiful and strong

Beautiful and strong, successful, brave.
Anyone, Artem, is about you to do!
You will always approach the business responsibly -
And you will do it, and you won’t let you down!
On the right one, we know you are standing the way,
And then we wish to triumph.
Success - in study, in affairs - new forces,
Good luck and happiness - you deserve them!


Reliable person

Everyone knows, Olya is a reliable person,
And this will help her in a difficult life,
In study and in certain sports,
From Olya we are waiting for victories and records.
And the medals now will not go anywhere,
After all, she is now the most-most!
Of course, everything will not happen.
Only Olya will achieve, she is stubborn!

Nominations for awarding employees comic - presenting a medal

Nominations for awarding employees comic - presenting a medal
Nominations for awarding employees comic - presenting a medal
Nominations for awarding employees comic - presenting a medal
Nominations for awarding employees comic - presenting a medal
Nominations for awarding employees comic - presenting a medal
Nominations for awarding employees comic - presenting a medal

Nominations for awarding employees comic - presenting the medal:

The most alluring smile

I give me a medal for the holiday.
I wish to earn fame
And such a real one
Once you get!
And my gift, like a bonus,
You are a good person
She will raise you a tone
Let the life be long!
So that there are no bumps,
Pits on the life path,
I wish you on the way
Always confidently go!


Golden man

We give you a medal
We are not sorry for her.
For you, for the dear,
Golden man.
For cordiality, kindness,
Friendship, fidelity, warmth.
We can’t list everything,
This list is numerous.
Let her find a place for her
On your chest is great.


The guideline of the team

There is a very important detail:
For a great achievement
You have a medal,
And not just congratulations!
You can be proud of you
But, know, do not relax,
After all, you need to strive for the better
And achieve new goals!


our pride

I hand you a medal
For high merits,
Do not be afraid of you with her
There will be life blizzards.
Let the gift become a talisman
And will bring good luck
Let you with this medal
Fantastically lucky.
We hand you a medal
Deservedly rightfully.
For achievements to you
We shout loudly: "Bravo!"


Recognized leader

Always be a leader and know
Not everyone is given a medal
Let there be happiness in the soul
And the song is pouring in the heart!
Success, joy, warmth
And new achievements.
Medal - Victory Good Sign
And the promotion stimulus!


a wise man

For wisdom, patience,
For strength and zeal, for labor and courage,
For the fact that your merits are invaluable,
For not without reason you use time.
To the sounds of fanfares, we present the medal.
Solemn on the holiday we congratulate you!


A man with a bright smile

I give you the medal now!
I sincerely congratulate you!
You always wear it proudly
Have the character is brave, hard!
Love people and white light,
Live you for three hundred forty years
Do only good deeds
And life will be sweet to you!
Always smile to the world
And with a positive you are friends.
I wish to turn into reality
Fantasies and mirages.


Important person
I give you a medal
She is more valuable than crystal.
For all your qualities
Both merits and fruits.
Let the medal remind
How the donor appreciates you.


Shining person

I give her loving her
Let me hug stronger I!
Warmth, love and kindness,
We sincerely wish you.
We solemnly hand the medal.
Let it shine brightly on the chest,
Recalling every time.
Our sincer is a gift for you
With a smile, this day and hour.
From an alloy alloy,
Friendship and love
Created a medal
We are as a keepsake.


Warming soul

Solemn medal
We are handing you
Proudly on the chest
We wish to wear it.
We wish the medal
I warmed your soul
So as not to forget
You are your best friends.
Let it be
To remind us
We swear annually
We wash the medal.


The winner in life

Reward you with a medal
On this holiday we decided
We were looking for her for a long time
And finally, bought
If you wear it,
We will be very happy for everyone
You deserve happiness
And of course, rewards!



The best man in the world
It is not a pity to give me the whole world,
For sensitivity, kindness,
For friendship and fidelity
I want you today
I give a medal.
I am your virtues
Do not count on the fingers
And good deeds
Do not count yours
I am a medal to you
I give with the words:
Thank you for the world
I have you.
Let luck love you
Let them carry success into the distance,
Remember firmly that you are super!
And take the medal soon.


True friend

Let the delight in the eyes shine,
Joy is pouring like a stream
Tenderness, light and understanding
They bloom like a flower!
No matter how many medals you will obey
I still give one more!
I am not at all sorry for this surprise,
And you can remember me, friend,
How the look will suddenly fall on her,
And you will understand that it is not a service
And just choose a medal for a friend.


Honorary person

I was immediately decided,
As if we were in the cinema at all,
In those days where it is still valued
Such, as a gift.
Let your smile shine brightly!
Not everyone is given a medal as a gift,
She is always an honorary sign!
Everyone puts her in the head of the corner,
Or cling to a jacket!
She is always in a prominent place!
Without false words and excess flattery
He talks about respect.
Happiness only promises the owner.
And in a situation of the most difficult
Doubts of everyone will deprive the slightest.


A man with a huge soul

A man with a huge soul
We decided to give the medal,
We wish you more fun
And always in the heart to live with faith.
Achieve the intended goals,
Never get off your way
Happiness is always on the sight,
With a positive thing in life!
We are handing you a medal
For merits all yours,
Get a worthy prize
Banding him on his chest!


True friend

You are a true friend, real
Sit an example shiny,
All the advantages do not count,
Okay, you are in the world!
We hand you a medal
As the highest sign of recognition,
We wish you all my heart
Good and prosperity.


Enthusiast with a capital letter

Let the medal skillfully
Your costume decorates
And respected feeling
In the oncoming ones, it calls.
On a day, such, of course, is necessary
You put a medal on your chest.
You deserve a reward -
You can have fun, sing!
You can boast of her bold
(This, right, is not sinful),
We give you her for business -
You coped with it easily!


Rydug man

To regret, impossible
It’s happiness to give people.
We wish you it
And we want to hand the medal.

Let it remind you
About success, about friends.
And it makes sure that the owner
I did not stay on the beans!
Here, take the medal as a gift,
For prosperity and luck,
It will bring joy
Happiness and success in addition.
After all, a reward is deserved
This force, kindness,
You are not afraid of a call with her
By fate, any.


Well, very cute

I give you a medal
Honest honestly
Let it be worthy on the chest
She will find a place.
You are my gift
I wish to be proud
Not everyone in life
The honor fell out.
Keep the medal like a memory
As a sign is especially important,
Now with the medal
Let everyone envy.


The riddles of nature

We reward you with a medal
And with pride, we ask to wear!
We hand it personally
Only with you it should be!
And we wish you a lot of praise
Successes of different ones, and in everything.


Decoration of planet Earth

We congratulate you cordially,
May happiness be every day!
With this medal you take today
And my heartfelt congratulation.
I prepared the wishes of hundreds
I'm afraid that everything will not fit into the verse.
I wish peace, kindness and happiness,
I wish you joy, health and love,
I wish you understanding, care and participation,
I wish everyone dreams are fulfilled.


Favorite Bos employee

Your merits are all noted,
And plans going into the distance,
As the best gift in the world
We will give a medal today.
And let's say, honestly, and strictly:
We are very proud of you
Simple metal medal,
Your character is gold!
Congratulations to you cordially,
With all my heart I give the medal,
Wear it with a posture of proud,
In all matters, you put records.
So that there were a lot of medals,
Choose the road for success.
And let my gift shine
And your style is brightly complemented!


Who loves to joke

Take the medal as a gift today,
And with her, the wishes are simple -
Good, good luck, happiness and health,
To be a leader is from now on.
Let the medal confirm your success,
Walk forward, ahead of everyone.
For merits all yours
You accept this medal
Let it be preserved as a keepsake
Browst to your friends.


A symbol of success

Golden man
We are handing this medal,
Let the gift excellent
The soul warms up year from year to year!
Here, I hand you the medal
For merits and labors,
Let this gift feature this gift
Reach the star.
Let fate give more often
For the efforts of the medal,
To make the desire in the heart
Move to others.
The success will become a symbol of success
This gift is for you,
I wish you in fate
Only a bright plot.


Our bead is sweet

I give you a medal today
For all merits and victories.
Let only give a reward life,
Let there be no place for troubles.
Let my gift only luck
It will bring you rather
Let this glorious medal
You are lucky in life.


A little lazy paw

Give a medal today
I want you from the bottom of my heart
A symbol of the victories of the great
May she become in fate.
Let good luck, good luck
It is like a magnet to life,
Let the step on the pedestal
This sign promises you.


Local Zhivchik

I give you a medal
Victory and recognition sign,
She will inspire it
Again you to conquest.
There will be a lot in your life
Let the golden medals,
I wish to live happily
Without anxieties and without sorrows.


Stoke a sweet tooth

I give you the medal
Congratulations on pleasure
Let victory sweet taste
He will throw off the entire heavy load from the shoulders!
So she shines brightly
That it became hot from shine,
Be fun, my medalist,
Let the day is bright and radiant!


Struggling with windmills
The battle is forever waged for victory,
Everyone has a desire to defeat
But know, the medal is deserved by you,
Your efforts brought you to her,
As well as strength, courage and patience!
Know, only success awaits you in the future!


My good

There are great achievements ahead,
Working, you will be able to surpass everyone!
No matter how much sadness tormented you
But my gift is good.
I will give you a beautiful medal,
Which will drive her away - substitute your hands!
So no matter how it will be over your soul
Any manifestation of sadness -
I give this present, albeit small,
But he will not let him go longing.
Let everything be fine
Let the negativity let you go!
Drive away the spleen, sadness.
Let the medal will cheer up!


A resident of the metropolis

I give you a medal
As a mark for efforts,
She will spur
For large endeavors.
You hold your gift,
Remember me more often
Believe that you will get from fate
Soon the prize are real.
Let the medalist be proud of her -
The reward of your main!
Let the cheeks rush, the heart jumps -
The door is open to the future!
Let the will strive forward for a dream -
And the tops are flinch under a strong hand,
Let the new steel smell like a victory -
And again he hugs the medal's neck!


In the soul is a child

This medal is deserved!
Look, she shines, plays brightly,
Shine with joy, not melting a smile,
After all, there is no better gift for you!
May there be many victories in life,
Always confidently step ahead
Let every moment be a success,
Accense easily all your goals!


The most successful

I give you the medal! Wish
In health only flourish.
Let the successes surround you
To be able to win everywhere.
Let them be nearby and glory, and glory
Let everything be good everywhere.
Let there be compliments, screams "Bravo"!
Let the warmth live in the soul.


A man with a good soul

I'll give you a medal now
For good things.
I'll congratulate you on her
And I put a place on visible.
Let everyone see her -
Who stands and who crouched.
You deserve a medal,
So I gave you!

Comic nominations for employees for corporate

Comic nominations for employees for corporate
Comic nominations for employees for corporate
Comic nominations for employees for corporate
Comic nominations for employees for corporate

Comic nominations for employees for a corporate party:

The most active
You are like an eternal engine
You sing, dance and always full of ideas,
And you cannot say about you definitely
What talent in you will appear stronger.


The most independent
You are independent practical
You know how to make the right decision,
And in our life you understand perfectly -
I can quickly change everything.


The most purposeful
You have a hard character,
Proudly in moderation, and always
You go forward decisively and proudly
Having invested a lot in this strength and labor.


The most fun
Laughs there, laughs here
Make fun friends, girlfriends.
It always sounds funny laughter
To charge everyone with a mixing!


The most flirty
Cute face, beautiful eyes
And he says, like a princess from a fairy tale.
Her dress is like a conflict wrapper
You can call it simply - a coquette!


The best sweet tooth
Neither cookies nor sweets
They do not give us for lunch ...
You would be from a creamy pull
I thought much better
And from a strawberry waffle
You would study "excellent"!


Best artist
I love to draw very much
And do not count the paintings!
You have a lot of talents
May your road be bright!


The smartest
You don't have time to eat
Do not go on the Internet,
You are reading day and night
There is no time for a walk.
You read a lot
Interesting smart books
To complex questions
You answer quickly, in a moment!


The kindest
As if you are shining the sun,
You help everyone to study,
You never lose heart.
If the pie is in your pocket,
You will certainly treat.
Those who themselves do not have time
You will solve all the tasks!


The best Pevunier
You are a soloist in our choir.
After all, you can barely open your mouth.
It is heard even in the corridor
Everyone understands who sings.


The most confident
You confidently go ahead
And you always believe your strength
Good luck appreciates such, you know!
Dare, fight and win!


The most approximate
You behave approximately
You are always attention itself.
And therefore, probably
You are an example to follow!


Most versatile
Talented very, smart
The soul of the company and started
Responsive, good, honest
Such a beautiful picture!


The most sociable
Communication with people is easy for you,
It is as if it turned out by itself
As a diplomat you can achieve a lot,
We advise you to act in MGIMO.


The most modest
The modest and pretty is very,
I am restrained with everyone, calm and even,
Not verbose, but her smile - for sure
Suddenly, because of the clouds in the night, the flashing moon.


The strongest spirit
Thin like a string, but it is steel string,
I’m used to always solving everything myself
She perfectly performs music,
God gave everything to her - both talent and mind!


The most shy
Smart and brought up, in life - a hero,
Only you are shy sometimes.
Try to be brave to be in life always,
Success will never leave you!


The most sports
For dexterity, for strength, dexterity
Hard work in training
For the comprehension, for the help of the rest
We sincerely want to congratulate you.


The most fashionable
Slightly lazy and a little improving,
Dressed elegantly and handsome
And exactly the dandy from the magazine is important
Anyone will confirm this now.


The future traveler
You will be excellent dancer
Or geography you will devote to yourself,
You will certainly study the countries
Those who someday, of course, will visit.


The most cheerful
Is always capable of joking on everything
He is an optimist and a balagur and a merryman,
He goes through life with an open smile,
He loves the draws, and for fiction a mastic!


The most hardworking
The class is proud of
You like to learn
And you like to work,
Successful with new ones please us!
You can achieve so much in life!


The best debate
Right or not, but in the dispute he does not retreat,
There are no eternal truths - it has comprehended,
He brought up endurance and strength in himself
And I am used to defending my opinion.


Computer gamer
For a long time with a computer to "you"
And Bill Gates can soon be overshadowed
You play games you excellent
No one will defeat you in them.


The most restrained
He is calm and reliable
He does not show his emotions,
So restrained that it is impossible to imagine,
So that he is something very outraged.


The most sleepy one
At least in the lessons you will usually dock
Going into yourself, almost without listening, you sit,
But, waking up, you answer logically,
I am sure what it means - erudite!


The most absent -minded
So many thoughts are in the head that they are crowded there,
That's why you are scattered sometimes
You forget everything, and this is a well -known fact
You often come there and not then.

The most artistic
You are artistic, you love to be in the center
You always try to please people,
And you have a very important talent -
From situations difficult to find out.


The most independent
There are no difficult obstacles to you
And you know how to win, and hold a blow,
There is no such thing for you that it is impossible
For the result, you are ready to give everything!


The best vocalist
Everyone knows you in our team -
You have been singing the best for many years
In addition to talent, you have willpower
So, success awaits you in life!


The most delicate
From delicacy, you are a little shy,
You know how to be friends and forgive for misses,
And in life a beautiful road awaits you
Friends will help you in it!

Comic nominations of employees cool

Comic nominations of employees cool
Comic nominations of employees cool
Comic nominations of employees cool
Comic nominations of employees cool

Comic nominations of employees are funny:

The most responsible

You are responsible, simple
Smart, sensitive, strong -willed!
Both pleasant and tactful,
Good, bright, energetic!


Very brighthuman

You are great, very bright,
And in the crowd of people noticeable,
Be, please always
Never change!


Indecently pretty

It is not typical for men, not typical,
To be so indecently cute!
And for the gift of such thank nature,
I mixed everything: beauty, mind and breed!
You are cooler than Sylvester Stallone,
Vann Dame, Schwarzenegger, Putin and Hercules,
Seeing your torso in the summer on the balcony,
Chuck Norris, like a girl, cried!


A unique man

You open beer with one glance
And you deprive girls around,
You know about this very well,
But I'm not afraid to remind you!


Mount of muscles

No one can compare with you
Neither Superman nor a hero:
After all, there are no people who want to fight
With such muscles by mountain!


The best

You are strong, brave, the best
Wherever you look - everyone is good,
And without blinking, clouds in the sky
Joking your hands, you will divorce!


Real Apollo

You are Apollo, neither give nor take!
Biceps is vain in the girth.
You would have statues from you,
You are very pleasant to look!


Funny proud

When you are serious, it is pretty too -
In the eyes, metal, back is straight, the profile is hard.
No, no one can resist you,
You can be pleased with this, and proud!


More beautiful than a star

You are so good that the stars go out
Seeing you, with shame!
And I agree with the stars:
After all, you are more beautiful than a star!


Wonderful creature

I can't hold back emotions!
Ideal proportions,
Height is good and weight rate,
The gaze is arrogant, dare and cheerful.
Appearance - wonderful picture
And the soul is not invisible,
But clean, tender, beautiful
And besides patient.


The most beautiful on earth

Your eyes, as if lakes,
I still drown in them with my head!
They are like two powerful motors,
I am quickly started sometimes.
Sometimes they are beckoning playfully
Sometimes they will pour it with cold
Then blink calling away,
It is as if they were whipping with a whip.
Although emotions are raging in them,
Like porridge in a boiling boiler ...
How these eyes excite me!
No more beautiful on Earth!


More beautiful than beauty

You are beautiful! You are elegant!
You are dear! You are so shocked!
You are more beautiful than dreams!
You are more beautiful than beauty!
You are the creation of the gods!
You are a mixture of heavenly dreams!
You are a plexus of miracles!
You are the magical light of heaven!
You are just lovely and star
And everyone knows this!
There is no mile in the world!
You are the most wonderful!


Eastern princess

You are hot, eyes, like sparks
Shine in silk shocking hair.
The artists envy you
Fans of an armful of roses
Bring to the entrance itself
And they pour likes on Instagram.
You are like an oriental princess
In the chambers of the royal Taj Mahal!
You are all so cool
That just blinds the gaze.
And with you for joy
I carry every nonsense ...
That you are divine
And the super-duper is feminine!


Beautiful as a dream

The steamer is, an eyebrow will go aim at
Your beauty attracts.
You are beautiful as a dream
And always amazing!


The dream of all women

You are not a man - you are a dream!
Beautiful as a sultry macho,
You know how to conquer women
You solve the problems masterfully.
You’ll sew easily both the “bolt” and the nail,
You will give happiness and problem,
You can clearly fight back
And to the lady to devote the poem.
Take garbage and brains - -
What can I say? You are incomparable!
You are active and strong during the day
And at night - combat -ready!


Mademoiselle perfection

And let you paint madly for a long time
And you also choose your outfit for a long time.
Your voice is softer than velvet and silk,
Your laughter gives me vigor.
And let you fan from gifts,
You love both Swarovski and Chanel madly.
But your gaze shines cheerfully and brightly,
My beauty! Ah, sorry ... Mademoiselle!


Fairytale diva

There are many beautiful people
But you overshadowed everyone with yourself
You are queen, Pari, Diva! ..
That's what vodka with beer means.


Person who knows how to listen

You are inherent in mind and beauty
But this is more important for me,
And your pure soul
There is no envy and anger in it,
And this is a rare gift in our time,
You can listen calmly
Help with advice or just be near
And I love you for this,
You just help me to be yourself.


Loose berry

Blinded with her smile
Give me a crafty look ...
I am ready with a gold fish,
All your desires to fulfill!


Just a fashionista

I am such a fashionista, don't you see?
Dresses and shoes, tails, bows ...
I have left, you know, only grow a little,
And then I will win a beauty contest!

I will buy sweets from great joy,
Pastilles, two / no cakes, three! / Baskets,
I have / well, girl! / There will be their weaknesses:
Helicopters, yachts, rest, limousines ...


Just smart

I am so smart, don't you know?
I can read and count to a hundred!
It's hard to be beautiful! Do you understand that?
I have fans - a whole kindergarten!

Mom! And time! .. A quiet hour is nearing.
Something I got sick. I have to run!
Well, of course, girls, we will see each other ...
Just and beauties need to rest!


Desired prize

Congratulations on the award,
Let it be filled with a joy,
Happiness, joy soul,
After all, she came true - a dream!

Let it be not one,
To the new dream
The soul was filled again
To go and breathe!


How gunpowder is hot -tempered

Yes, I'm cutting, sometimes malicious,
Conquest in me is not visible,
Stubborn and rude sometimes,
As gunpowder is quick -tempered, I will not hide ...
But that’s all - only the view from the outside,
Inside, believe me, ... even worse!


  Stubborn as a tractor

I have such a character
Oh, I'm stubborn like a tractor!
If I had to stall
I will immediately get it!

I temper my character
Overcoming barriers,
Painting a square stubbornly with a circul.


The one who is not afraid of difficulties

If to the stars, then through thorns,
If to light, then through the dark,
If uphill - along the rocks ...
I am somehow sad without difficulties.
Well, if the road is straight
I will want to make it easier for me to
The wrong, I will tell her, attacked,
I’ll go around and go around the swamp!


Emotional, lively

You simply can't change your character,
It is given once and for all.
You no longer notice much,
However, this does not matter at all.

Emotional, lively.
But at the same time not to call it stupid.
You, of course, understand everything at once.
Only, here, you don't want to answer.


I am ironing the folds
I read tears
I re -read fairy tales
I transplant roses
I grind the grains,
I overdo it,
I break the nonsense
Your character is multi -thorough.


Person with character

My character is stubborn.
The moral is free and straight.
At least I seem sometimes
And I'm eagerly.
But I know one thing
Nobody is given
Trained cat
Make me.


Piercing lady

Her figure is not ideal
Her character is so terrible.
But the eyes are like that crystal -
Piercing and so dangerous.


Self -confident goddess

I am the way I am,
I do not exchange a little
I hate the word "revenge"
And I play with the word "prank."
I get sick from the word "lie",
I am dying of the word "treason",
After the word "goodbye" - you will not return,
By the way, “help” - I will definitely come.


Mysterious fairy

I am the way I am,
I do not exchange a little
I hate the word "revenge"
And I play with the word "prank."
I get sick from the word "lie",
I am dying of the word "treason",
After the word "goodbye" - you will not return,
By the way, “help” - I will definitely come.


A real witch

“Quiet pool” is my style.
Do not catch a meek gaze.
On my face full of Calm,
And in the soul - a hurricane and a storm.
Throw a stone, - break the expanse, -
The devils will break out of the depths ...
It’s better not to dive into my pool,
If you yourself are from the ice.


Sightening of dissonances

She is a steam of dissonances,
Not life, but just an eternal battle!
Who needs me - gave up to FIG,
And who did not give up, he on the other ...
I go with a smile in the fate
I am amusing me with that game -
Someone passionate goddess
Someone in the pope hemorrhoids.

Comic nominations for employees are funny

Comic nominations for employees are funny
Comic nominations for employees are funny
Comic nominations for employees are funny
Comic nominations for employees are funny

Comic nominations for employees are ridiculous:

Incorrigible workaholic

Who works, without unbending,
One day, a decline will come to this.
And so it doesn’t work for us,
But to work the workaholic Paddok.
Or maybe his wife is buying up,
He works, expressing love for her?
Not! He is not forced at all,
And he was born as work -Great.



He is not averse to getting to work
At least without rest every night!
Do not get bored with our cat.
He is always at the post!
Our cat will not leave this post
Just as he will not give his tail!


Lazyi in life

I'm not afraid of work
But for now, I am homeless.
I am in no hurry to be a slave
The authorities have bourgeois!


Living in the office
I do not regret, do not call, do not cry…
Just once. I work, Ishachu ...


Lives at work

I love this overtime schedule,
When a sweet dream is taken for a long time,
The employer is running around - vile chahlik,
I also like it - such is the law.


An indispensable employee

When my friends completely forgot me,
The smell of beer does not attract, barbecue ...
I wrap tears, and will be shook off from dust,
And again I am ready to go to work!

Nominations for awarding employees comic in verses

Nominations for awarding employees comic in verses
Nominations for awarding employees comic in verses
Nominations for awarding employees comic in verses
Nominations for awarding employees comic in verses

Nominations for awarding employees comic in verses:

The best boss

Oh, director, you are powerful,
You are chasing flocks of clouds
You force on Saturday
Go to work.
Al, will you refuse me to answer?
Have you seen where in the world
Are you annual salaries?
I'm looking for her ... - Wait
There is a mountain in the north
She has a deep hole in her
In that hole on three ropes
The coffin sways from the gold.
In that coffin, your salary!


Young brave

You are beautiful, who would argue, young bold,
And in the work, mischievous, fast, skillful.
Well, we’ll raise the glasses for health, we are good,
Beauty, love, luck, your heart is tender.
We wish the inspiration and success of creative,
I never knew troubles, I did not know loneliness.
Let the angel always protect your soul,
And protects the wing invisible from grief.


Resort at work

I sit at work and pretend,
As if it are very invigorating me,
As if I do not give a damn about it, well
That the authorities are going south to rest.
Think about it! - The sun, sea coast.
But I have a pie for lunch,
Is it with him to compete with a cool wave?
By the way, there is the sun - nearby, in the window.
You can’t hide from the sun on the shore,
And I can cover the blinds.
Only dream of this resort -
To turn on the sun, and then turn off.


Calm itself

All whim is subject to me in the office -
In the socket of confectionery - please - breeze!
Gotties are full of top tropical.
Again - they carry pies straight into their hands.
Well, what, tell me, not grace -
Here, on the table to sleep with impunity?


Cunning subscription

I love work, I love salary!
More and more I catch myself on this.
I love the boss; He is better than others!
And the boss boss, and everyone else.


Office wizard

I love my office, its placement
And I feel disgust for vacation.
I love my furniture, raw and gray,
Paper, in which I believe in God!
I love my chair in a cell without light
And in the world of the subject there is no favorite!
I love and equal to me by position
Their cunning views, ridicule, mockery.


Not quite normal workaholic

Despite the rain, bad weather.
Despite diarrhea and colds.
Anyway, crawl to work.
I will not work, but I will not work.


Bracket lady

Oh, our dear, lady-approval!
Today everyone wants to congratulate you (without a doubt),
And to wish, of course, a beautiful car,
And a mink coat, a sand mantle.
Let breakfast go at least in Paris,
Walk with your beloved husband in St. Petersburg roofs,
And enjoy your life in friendly Spain.
And, of course, visit Greenland and Denmark!


Good programmer

The male. Twenty two. Capable of learning.
In. H/y. Good programmer.
And if we talk about hobbies,
Then I am a poet, athlete, philosopher and artist.

And although in life I am considered an optimist,
Almost all the places of people are taken according to the form.
Take the programmer!
At least a janitor. With a worthy salary.


Harmonious person

Colleague, you are always worthy of admiring!
You are so manner, very restrained and strict,
And you are not afraid of a black cat on the road.
You are harmonious, and at the same time simple.
Let the cherished dreams come true!
Smile the bright smile of us more often!
And take your prize from friends!


The first knight

You are the first knight for women,
And for men authority!
Blond -haired, blue -eyed -
Epic Russian hero,
Pumping business with you right away
He went to grow both deeper and in breadth.
Let any plans come true!
We wish you every day in the morning
Turning on the luck of the fountains,
Pull luck on the mountain!


Starfish employee

Who is this with a smile radiant
Has ours joined the modest team?
You, colleague, are now congratulations!
You are a star, there is definitely no arguing here!
In your reflections and we are shining.
Rejoice us with light for many years!


The best of colleagues

You are the best of our colleagues in our team.
You always try to help, and everyone, and everywhere.
What to hide me, like a terrible sin -
We respect you, appreciate, love you.

You know about raw materials, calculations, exit.
And you will draw up the plan in the world.
We wish you to be sure always
To fulfill the dreams to have enough strength.


A worthy colleague

We can’t keep up with this -
You work as it should!
It seems even in the dance
You will overcome all obstacles.
We are a worthy colleague
We wish to increase
That in the life of the cart
It can very come in handy:
One hundred bags of selected jokes,
Forty kilograms of fun,
Two hundred joyful minutes
And the bottles are three hangover!


Our brigade commander

Not everyone is suitable for colonels,
But our brigade commander came up tall!
Such times in a hundred years will be born -
And a clear gaze, and a marvelous face!


Lover of women

Lover of skiing and women,
The gunners are an example for everyone.
But the "plinth" loved no less -
Lovely officer!


Pure gold

The character of pure gold,
The soul is like a fresh spring!
We wish you to look young
And step towards the goal straight!

Comic nominations for kindergarten staff

Comic nominations for kindergarten staff
Comic nominations for kindergarten staff
Comic nominations for kindergarten staff
Comic nominations for kindergarten staff

Comic nominations for kindergarten employees:

Senior educator
(mustard and gingerbread)
The methodologist is beautiful with us:
The view is lovely, the mind is clear.
She will come in handy at work
Sweet gingerbread and mustard.
Who will receive a sweet gingerbread,
Know, everything is in order in work.
Who tastes mustard
Will certainly be upset.


A speech therapist
Speech therapist - what a marvel!
So smart, eloquent,
The voice is sonorous, speech is clear
He says, in fact, clearly.
We revealed this secret -
We give a bag of drying her.
In the morning you get drying
And you put on your cheeks in your mouth.
Repeat this phrase
Clearly, clearly, quickly, immediately:
"Sasha walked along the highway and sucked drying."


The psychologist has work -
Every day there are only worries:
Someone's pain or ailments,
Either conflicts, then leisure
Then problems, reconciliation.
Where to find patience for all?
Nerves so as not to be naughty
How steel rods were
To mitigate torment
We give drops of relief!


Musical leaders
Music is a special world.
Muse here is an idol.
Reveal talents in us
Music teachers.
Educators with children
They invite them to the hall.
Musical country
The sacraments of fairy tale are full.
The animals here sing forests,
Fairies, dolls - like alive,
Toys come to life here.
As a gift, take rattles.
This is also a tool


Fisos and swimming
Sports strengthens health,
Every adult knows this.
Swimming and physical education
They instill a culture for us
How to try to temper
How do not be afraid of diseases.
So that everyone can hear you,
We give a corporate whistle.
He will teach everyone to order.
Stand for charging!


Educators of the younger group
In the younger group, guard!
There are lovely guys.
Everything is almost in order.
Only the first year is difficult:
Rivers of tears, cycle,
Persuasion, fairy tales, caresses,
Squats, songs, dances.
So that the children of tears do not pour,
So that peace and way reign,
We give the nipples to the kids
And patience to all of you!


Educators of the middle group
In the middle group, it is also difficult,
But you can solve the problem.
The phone as a gift to you,
To call all mothers.
Mom will come in time
And he will take the child.
You can also not be shy about
And contact the manager!


Educators of the senior group
(Chupa Chups)
In the older group, children are happy
Give a reward
For duty, for the start,
For homework.
Educators are no worse
They also need a gift.
After all, they try -
We send your days!


Educators of the preparatory group
The last year is tense,
On the road, the road is equipped.
Everyone will be ready for school:
Dasha, Masha, Misha, Vova.
To part with the kids,
We must say goodbye tearfully.
We will give you scarves
So that your sons, daughters -
All with whom you have already been akin to
They were proud of your sensitivity.
You do not hide your feelings,
Seeing the kids to the school.
You can no longer hide tears
And cry with joy!


Who meets us in the morning
And in the evening escapes?
Who is always a mountain for us?
Who sometimes spoils us?
Who charges the salary?
Who knows about us the whole truth?
Who adorned this garden?
Sponsors who are very happy?
Who solves the problems?
Who is worried about us?
Who is the protein in the wheel?
And to whom everyone is striving for?
Each teacher knows
Who protects us all.
This is our leader,
Our mentor, leader.
Let the angel keep it,
Good to bless!

Comic nominations for employees in production

Comic nominations for employees in production
Comic nominations for employees in production

Comic nominations for employees in production:

Just a man

I am simple like a penny, blush, like a donut,
And to protect against hardships
I have a gas can,
But in it, of course, oxygen.
Not very literate in science,
I suffer from a phobia on birds.
Yes, and hands, consider grow from the buttocks.


Very long -range

I'm not steel, rotten and rusty,
I will not calm down, I will not fall asleep
While the great power,
The supply of diamonds and the treasury ...


A notorious drink

Notorious drink
On the part of the women - Big Shalun
The language is very bad,
For a performance from the stands

Again - with clothing missing,
In the Kremlin, I heard drafts
For me, so old vest
Where warmth than jackets

And in the New Year there will be no sense
When with a piece of paper, all in the snow
I will get drunk under the Christmas tree,
But I can't say words


Mr. Calm

I love pork chop
I can also a glass to the borscht,
But I am not angry and not jealous,
And I'm not looking for adventures.

I do not respect the swindlers
I don't understand drunk fights
I love poets and artists
(but more cats and dogs).



I am lazy to torment the simulators,
Knock on the ball on the ball,
But I do not envy the major
And the beads are not a sword.



I'm not ready with a flag raised
And with a drum on the chest
Give scammers an oath
And go into battle for stupidity.


The most correct

I don't want to carry Verigs
Bliss on the porch in the heat,
Spit on gossip and intrigues,
I read my beloved books
I laugh and do not take bribes.


The man is impressive

You are an impressive man
Strong, brave and welcome,
Lonely, young,
Very honest and simple.

There is a secret in your view,
That as if by chance
Beckons again somewhere in the distance,
Driving all sadness ...


Man is cordiality

Interesting, talkative,
Your eyes are always happy
Dark, pale brown eyes
Chases every time ...

You can just drown
You can look from the heart,
Meekly, reverently in response -
And hundreds of troubles will disappear.


A real man

You are a real man
And with this is necessary
Unique, a miracle to be
And, of course, love.

You are an interlocutor at least where
With you is not boring. Indeed,
You joke - there is no sadness,
And every day as the first of April!


A real man

You are a real man
Strong, brave, hardworking.
For friends is always encouraged,
With a sense of humor huge.


The cleverest

The most intelligent for colleagues,
And the wisest person.
For your beloved - playful,
Stunning and cute,
Sexual, romantic.
In general, you are excellent in everything!


Raises the mood

You know how to be affectionate and gentle
And compliments to say
And if necessary, you will be restrained,
Powan by loving sensually.
You have strength and abdomen
To realize my dreams,
You raise your mood
And you give joy in your heart.


Mysterious, irresistible

My prince, mysterious, irresistible,
Like Hamlet that you are so thoughtful?
Ophelia with you, my beloved,
Only about you all thoughts and dreams!


The dream of all women

Tall, thin, slender,
With a shock of curly hair,
The character is peaceful and calm,
Girlish embodiment of dreams,
No roads to the left,
Not drunk and not smoked, not plow,
Any lady queen
Capable of doing in five minutes
Blond, free, like a bird,
Naive, like a child, not a juggle
I am not suitable for no one!

Video: comic letters and diplomas

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