Comic nominations for men on February 23 - a selection for a fun holiday

Comic nominations for men on February 23 - a selection for a fun holiday

A collection of comic nominations for February 23 for festive events.

Comic nominations for men on February 23 by names

Comic nominations for men on February 23 by names
Comic nominations for men on February 23 by names

Comic nominations for men on February 23 by name:

Alexander - adventurer
Life is not life without adventure
And without creative torment.
Bright, courageous, Sasha,
You won our hearts!

Take a look at the girls at Sasha -
The guy is valuable like a diamond.
Maybe overnight once eight,
And ten times in the morning!
Like ours has Sasha
The root crop grew up in the trousers.
Very much the girls fell in love
To climb him in the garden!
Alexander, dear!
Look out the window.
Have you come to you there
Naked women?
Shurik, you be a man
Like a lemon is not sour
If what happens suddenly,
Do not be shy, whistle!


Alexey - lord of female hearts
It never becomes bad
If Lech is nearby.
Alexey, like a ray of light
Sadness will instantly dispel this.
Our Alyosha is just a class!
Cooler than Bruce Willis.
If I hadn't snored at night,
We would fall in love with him.
Girls love Alexei,
Girls we can understand:
Six hours without stopping
Maybe he is staggering a bed!
Alexey is well done
All hands master
From carrots and nails
Can make a blaster
Our Lech is a cool man
Finally without competitors
Cooler than Jean Claude Wandam
Five hundred percent!


Anatoly is the dream of all women
Anatoly. Briefly - Tolya.
The mind is inquisitive. Strength. Will.
He is aware of the events of all.
Doomed to success.
Anatoly, Anatoly
So that everything is in life “ice”
Make money that there is strength
Like your namesake - A. Chubais.
Bought Tolik "Zhiguli"
Closed in the garage.
He is on these "Lada"
Probably married.
Among Tamar and Natasha
Our tolyonchik is our
Does not thump, does not snore
Not a man - but a deficit!
Our tolya is a cool fisherman
All thoughts about fishing
He even has a wife
Not a woman - but a mermaid!


Andrey - a real Russian man
Andrey - Udaller,
Balagur, merrychak,
Well done in business
And in love is not simple.
Our dreamy Andrey
The most brave among friends,
Courageous, strong
And loving.
I will prepare Andryusha
Something delicious for dinner.
Dinner will be festive
Our table will be colorful.
Andrey is the winner!
Andrey is our idol -
He is a laughter of a carrier
He is a muse for Lear.
In nature, by the river
Andryukha fries barbecue.
Wonderful man
I will take his barbecue.


Anton is a way of mystery
Not constant, Antosha,
But in general, the guy you are good.
It is not boring with you.
Friends do not forget you.
Abilities - do not occupy.
After all, your slogan is “I want to know everything!”.
Why Anton Rumyan?
Because the captain!
He went on swimming
So he was opened!

If something shakes
Somewhere on the planet
Know this is our Anton
Standed in the toilet!

Like ours of Anton
The holiday happened here
Even a tuzik with a pass
I got drunk!

In kindergarten Anton
It was observed for a long time
How much he changed pots
Nobody guessed.


Artem - Winner in Life
Artem - healthy, unharmed,
Rinseed, tireless.
Deep, strong, romantic,
A wonderful friend and husband are excellent.
We have a silent Artemka:
Good, affectionate, like a hooma,
But does not hide in the reserve,
All the last will give.
Artem - healthy, unharmed,
Rinseed, tireless.
He is a pastor and artist in life,
A split idealist.
You are strong and reliable
Our dear, Artem.
Although the world is harsh and complicated
Any way is nothing.
Soul with you, Artem, sings
He does not know any boredom or trouble
Centuries and years in time
She only wants to be with you.


Boris is the best worker
Boris - fighter, Boris - sage,
Our Borya is just well done!
Categorical, maybe
But how can I not love Boris?
Boris recently traveled to Gagra
With Viagra packaging
He pulled there with a soul
It is a pity that the city is small.
Borya got a terrible mask to scare the mother -in -law.
It would be better if I got a helmet
Breeding again.
Borya was released on vacation,
Vacation has been dumped!
Borya was spent on vacation,
The vacation pay was drank!

Men all die -
From the fact that they drink a lot!
They would work like Borya, a lot,
And there would be comfort in the country!


Vadim is the most successful
Vadik Vadik knows
That life promises a lot
To the one who does not sit still.
Goes forward with luck together.
With twenty -third February
Vadim Congratulations!
And mind you, we
We are not forced to drink!
We congratulate Vadim
We pour, drink
We wish you not much:
Be in finance the king,
And in bed by God!
We congratulate Vadim
With twenty -third February
We will give him a kiss -
We will not spend a ruble!


Valentine is the kindest
Responsive Valentine and a bit,
Will come at any time of the day
To the aid of loved ones and friends.
How not to appreciate all this to us?
I fell in love with Valentine
For his similarity.
And he is still by
Swims like a boat!
We want to wish Valentina
Joy, health and love!
Be happy forever from now on
And up to a hundred years, Valya, live!
We will unshak your spirit
You were called Valentine
I wish you happiness I
Good, warmth, harmony and peace!
Dear, Valya,
Man more beautiful and kind
We will hardly find in the world!
Smile Bodrey.


Valery - strong nuts
Valera is a fidget, mischievous,
I got used to luck from childhood.
It’s interesting to go with him in life,
And friendship is measured on the way!
Valera is a bastard and cattle.
You are a driver at least where
You will have a car
Not a car - beauty.
Ay, Valera, ah, well, well,
You bought one car,
Here buy another accordion
And you will find your wife.

Vitaly - the most optimistic
A beautiful name is given at birth!
It has so much softness in it, so much fun
Mobility, lightness and optimism,
Forgoted by us - almost - altruism.
There are all these qualities in Vitaly!
It’s nice to compose poems in his honor.
Vitaly is very fond of life,
He is always cheerful.
You have ever heard
That our Vitaly is sad?
Our Vitalya is like a clown,
Building terrible faces.
Apparently, looks a lot
The beetles are terrible.


Vladimir - eighth miracle of light
Where he is - there is peace, partnership, friendship,
It is difficult and not necessary to argue with him.
A great friend, husband, father.
Vladimir, right, well done!
Vova is strong and strong,
Vova is passionate about sports.
Rollers, bicycle
He loves Vova from childhood.
Volodya is a big specialist
In his work,
I am ready to pack the mountains
In any weather.


Vyacheslav - a little slow
A more glorious name,
It seems we can’t find.
This is a wonderful luck
You will meet you on the way.
The heart is open to yours
Thoughts are always honest.
Cute, only glory
We love you very much.
Glory soon has a salary again!
You are standing at the ATM,
There is only one hour in the store -
You have no money again!


Gennady - just handsome
Gennady is our natural leader.
I am sure that always right in everything.
God did not offend with beauty.
And the mind, and become, and all with him.

Christmas trees, even forest
Gennady is not tall.
Not tall, not small,
Beautiful roses of Ango.


George - Mr. Popularity
A lot of “star” Gosh in the world -
It’s easy for you to stand in this line.
Always spectacular and good,
Well, you just won’t pass by!
The guys came to us
Dress the clock.
Only Gosha ran
In the cap of black and underpants.


Gleb - a real superman
Friendly with people
In the response for his affairs,
Our Gleb is reliable and smart,
He will not throw words into the wind.
Gleb, let's say, "Thank you!"
He is reliable - just a block.
If he takes under the wing,
Evil will retreat from everyone.
Gleb the leader-find fault
He does not want to be trifles.
How can I not try for him?
He is like a healing balm.
For friends not to see Gleb
Anyway, to live without bread.
Are you catching the thread?
Hunger must be satisfied.


Gregory - wand helped
Gregory, you are like a hurricane:
Ideas - a fountain, the passions of the volcano!
You are a mood generator,
You arouse inspiration in us.
Gregory - awake, vigorous,
So the name in Greece sounds.
That, Grisha, the most noble
Who does not sleep more than all.
Gregory - You are tireless.
Gregory - Pashch and create!
You are loved by friends, you love
To the enemies - you can easily show Shish.
In the polygal head I am
I will highlight Gregory!
He will pull out of all stories,
Our circle is lifebuilding, Gregory!
Grigory, Grisha, dear,
We are loud on this holiday
We sing and dance with you,
The glasses ring loudly!


Denis is the best speaker
Denis has all weekdays - holidays,
Sparkling happiness is complete,
All men are so different
But with you - and in the cold it is not cold!
Our Deniska, let's just say,
The best toasts know the essence:
Rubia from Khayyam
Can deftly shut!


Dmitry - the one who gives calm
Dima means "mother - earth",
That's what yours is in!
At least work for three,
At least love for four -
You have enough strength for everything:
Apparently, the name helps.
Who is the wall for us?
Dmitry is our dad,
For “children” he puts a shield,
That any “ram” is squealing!

Our director, dear Dmitry
He is economical and cunning:
There are always no stationery
And ... pieces of paper to the toilet!

Dmitry has no urine
Make friends with arithmetic:
Deduct, share - does not want to
Likes to multiply and fold!

What are the laws strict,
It’s a pity, you can't do not care about them:
Dima paid taxes,
And then he cannot sleep!


Eugene - Mr. Reliability
Faithful husband and good father,
In life, in work - well done everywhere.
We forgot your face.
How do you look, Zhenya?
Appear at least in the tournament
You are again.


Ivan is the mostresponsible
It is not without reason that Ivan is a hero -
It smashes the problem with one blow.
In the soul of Vanyusha wound and thin
Outside - a warrior, inside - a child.


Igor is the mostresponsive
The last shirt is Garik
He will give and smile after.
There are many responsive people,
There are no more people like Igor!


Ilya - Mr. Eorror
Eloquent, smart Ilyusha,
It is so interesting to listen to him.
Beautiful husband and family man -
Such Ilya we have alone!


Konstantin is the most hardworking
Reliable, faithful, pure soul,
Our Kostya is a golden guy!
And we cordially congratulate
You, our friend! We wish you all the best!


Cyril is a male magnet
Pulls like a magnet, Cyril,
You don't get bored with him.
Witty, lightweight, fire -
He is a surprise, not a gift!

Cyril has a patience;
Always plans to do,
Then it clearly performs them,
Having spent the maximum of labor


Leonid - Fortune's favorite
Life is not a joke, life is a game,
Miracle, fairy tale, depth.
Living, dreaming, more interesting
Lena knows all this.
In the conversation of Lenya - like a fish at sea,
In any, you are winning a dispute.
Leonid is persistent and smart,
His fortune visits.
In the service, he respect
Delights everyone with his labor.
Let all the obstacles in the way
Leonid easily overcome;
In life optimism to observe
Let it never forget!


Maxim is the smartest
In Latin: the most, most,
Maximum and large.
Experience is initial
Let it serve well.
Maxim has everything on the shelves
The head is laid out.
He will tell everything with feeling, really
Even about ice cream.
Our Maxim is always in work -
There is no place for conversations.
He is held in high esteem;
Cornses the cost of victories.
It will help if it is difficult
Not a talker or a bore,
Maxim's humor is thin,
He does not cry like a girl,
Max does not wave his fists
He does not complain to his mother
I'm not used to complaining
Because he is a man!


Mikhail - Veselchak and Balagur
And Bear has clogs
The mouth is spread to the ears.
So that he doesn’t, everything with a smile,
At least sew the ties.

Be happy, Misha, a bright man!
Love for you, dear, we have forever.
Be all respect and love
And we keep his whole life with his whole life!

You are Odessa, Bear, which means
Nobody here will forbid you a tie!
And Odessa Mishka jumps with happiness,
And on the screens of the sealing mug is shining.

All that Misha picked up
He shoves in his pocket.
If Misha walked
The janitor is resting.

Misha speaks calmly
He behaves with dignity
Even if something is wrong
He will squeeze the will into a fist.


Nikita is always winning
Nikita means “winner”.
Angel is capable - your keeper
Bring you to victories.
Forward! And a good way!
Nikita is the winner
Nikita is our hero,
He easily copes
With a candy mountain.
Nikita means "winner."
Angel is capable - your keeper
Bring you to victories.
Trust him on the way!
Nikita, we want to tell you this:
You are a balagur and a merryman
And a good friend, kind, faithful
Why should you always be the first?
Nikita - the word "winner",
So it translates from Greek.
And only to the one in whom there is a will to win,
Such a name is given to the ancestors.
In work, Nikita tempers strength.


Nikolai - our protection and support
Council and help are needed
Kolya will help - everyone knows this.
Calm, wise, comrade faithful,
You are in our heart, our friend, believe us!
He enters the apple, as in a dash,
He firmly knows “What? When? How much? "
When the need occurs in the commander,
Of course, Nicholas will call.
And at the same time talented and educated,
Persistent and hardworking,
You are soaked in all extraordinary,
Kolya is a surge of life, her impulse.
We wish to be the same energetic
And boldly move forward
Nikolai, be the same unusual ...
Victory is waiting! Victory is waiting!
And again the hearts are ignited
In them, the fire of love has been burning for a long time.
Our Kolya does not wave with troubles,
And today he drinks wine with us!


Oleg - Mr. Galances
Dear, our glorious Oleg!
You're a wonderful person,
You are smart and romantic
And we are very pretty!
Oleg is very nice,
Reliable, excellent person,
I'm ready to admit to you -
It’s so great to fall in love with you.
Oleg in life romantic,
He seeks to visit everywhere:
Unknown to see the Dali
And, of course, show yourself.
May fate give Oleg
Novelty of impressions and meetings;
Let the voyage be glorious throughout life
And all the good can attract!
Oleg loves music and dances,
Carrying for wanderings in blood.
Apparently, he was born a wanderer,
The conqueror of the Earth.


Pavel is the most good -natured
Calmly and reliably with Pasha,
He became a support in our life.
Do you need help - Pavlik nearby,
It will help with a thing, in a word, a look.
They notice about Pasha
Say, proud and negligent,
He just strives for happiness
And slightly impatient.
Pavel is a kind soul.
Your hand will extend your hand;
Always be near the haste
A good faithful friend will be.


Peter - Mr. Intelligence
He is thorough and impudent,
He can be a haze.
Cannot be taken away in endurance -
Peter can raise the whole world.
Let dreams come true
And our Petya will be full.
Let him live without fuss,
Resentment of vain and unrest!
You, Petka, grow up,
You know a lot and know how!
You can become a captain
And swim to distant countries!
Peter values \u200b\u200bfriendship
And he can stand up for protection;
The brave act will make,
He will warm us with a kind word.


Roman - Mr. Romance
The novel has solid novels,
Life as a story, a ball of adventures.
His friend was an eternal wanderer,
Golden -haired boy Amur.
The novel is the most romantic,
Beautiful and charming.
The novel is the most practical
And attractive.

It is always easy with a novel
Where the case will not throw.
It’s always funny with a novel
The novel is very lucky.

Roman, accept congratulations,
On one of the holidays.
Let life be an adventure
And a variety of ideas!
Roman is a man at least where
He is a strong man.
Strong spirit, beautiful body
It will be remembered forever.


Ruslan - Mr. Reliability
Ruslanchik is light, Ruslanchik is light,
Cheerful, sonorous, a little timid.
We wish you happiness in everything more
Live a bright life for as long as possible!
Ruslan is an exemplary family man,
Will not go left
Because in the wives
Only the queen!

Rus ours is a big joker,
Fidget, mischievous.
I’m ready to cheer everyone
Fit it delicious juice.

Then he rushes for skipping,
Then sits, reads a book,
Then plays the ball

Rus - a glorious boy!
Ruslan is very economic,
Work is on in his hands.
Never documents
He is everyday worries.


Semyon - conqueror of the peaks
We know Semyon that you are very wounded,
Believe us, friends: you appreciate and love!
More responsive to a friend than you cannot find
You helped so so much on the everyday path!
And we want to wish on your holiday -
Be strong spiritually and do not lose heart!
Hot seed in the dispute, but that hour
He always knows how to restrain himself;
And despite the fact that he loves the house
It often gravitates to the tour.
Let the wit of seeds
In life often helps out;
Let joy, happiness and success
They meet him day by day!
Oh, what kind of seed we have
Great beautiful!
Next to him are all seconds
They do not proceed in vain.
Semen is ready for justice in the struggle
To enter immediately,
He calculates truthfulness
In everything from life to get.


Sergey - Mr. Justice
Sometimes Seryozha is the center of attention,
Sometimes in the eyes of the sad - a secret.
Your world is rich, the soul is immense,
Sadness gives you this, probably?


Timofey is the most balanced
Timothy is practical and caring,
But, sometimes to the touch enters life.
You need to be easier, look easier
And do without self -eating.
Timothy is immensely charming,
Talented as if in everything.
And friends are surprised:
Where does it carry it again?
Timofey, you are a true dreamer.
In heavenly heights, you are steaming.
The villains of the vile you are a punisher.
You will always protect loved ones.


Fedor - Mr. Popularity
Fedor will help just like that.
The wise will give all the advice,
Archimant, no doubt!
The name Fedor is like the sky
After the rain of the mushroom,
The name Fedor smells of bread,
Extracted from the furnace.
People have known for a long time:
The gift from God is Theodore.
Be a gift for us
Every year and every time
We kiss you
We keep you.
Fedor is our happiness,
Fedor is our idol.


Yuri - Mr. mystery
Yuri for friends Riddle,
Glorious, kind, not Tai.
It's good for us, sweet,
Just give the key.


Yaroslav is the coolest
Yaroslav a wonderful guy,
Yaroslav is a wonderful friend.
He does not just cook iron,
Yaroslav is incredibly cool.
Yaroslav is very talented,
That's why it is friends with glory
Not supplied to the bad,
And it is a kind husband.

Reasonable, friendly,
He knows Yarik, how to arrive friends,
Believes in different signs
And the hunter to the pancakes.

Comic nominations for men on February 23 on military topics

Comic nominations for men on February 23 on military topics
Comic nominations for men on February 23 on military topics

Comic nominations for men on February 23 on military topics:

The most reliable

It’s not so easy for the military
But you are used to it and like it.
On your day we wish the good of human
Celebrate and blow with loved ones!
Whatever the edge you are
There are people who remember you,
Send fluids of heat,
Considering the best on Earth!


A real defender of the homeland

Our support and defender,
We hasten to congratulate you!
It’s not a shortage of health,
Abuse good luck
We wish you all our souls.
Be happy, dare, love, love.
We are waiting for you and respect
Your work is for the benefit of the whole country.


A brave soldier

Fighting become,
The straightening is excellent.
What should you wish for?
Only personal happiness
So that your favorite family
Crusade colleagues
I wish you long years
And the good of the immense.



We are talking about the stars here,
We sing a hymn and a song!
Stars are a true sign of victories,
Sign of success over the century!
To be worthy is your destiny
The title is not the limit.
The equation is on you -
Order execution!


Combat Comrade

Battles, battles and battles,
Intelligence plans, exploits and dates,
Infantry, tanks, armored personnel carriers, planes,
Colonels, majors and soldiers.
Everything was mixed, as in the house of the Oblonsky,
Tanks fly, infantry swims,
And for some reason, helicopters drive.
To be a correspondent - this is a difficult job!
But you succeed, to surprise,
All dates were built in the ranks.
Let it be combat and mood,
And health, we need you.


The most necessary person

Who is the most useful in the world?
Both adults and children know about this!
Yes, yes, this is the one who straightens the guts,
Who picks us sharp with a scalpel,
Who, just laughing, cuts off the tonsils for us,
And whose we are doing the teams,
We are sitting on the strictest diet without meat,
Forgetting dumplings and all sorts of sausages!
Let our meetings be rare with him,
And let him calmly treat the military!



Soaring blue into the sky,
Like a bird, flying away
Rising above the cloud,
Put under heaven.
Can you do
What are we only dreaming about
And so special on the day
We wish from the heart:
Let there be every flight
And every landing
Always successful,
Sitting is only soft!
Let the heart only in the heart,
The helm is always obedient,
God bless you,
From the storm and from the cold!


Defender of Motherland

You are always in great shape
You play sports!
And then put it .. form,
And faster to work!
I won’t take something to a point
You love your shape!
And why are you so,
You take care even in a mess!?
Because you are a military,
And adescript, hefty,
And you are not offended with your mind,
Well, you are very mobile!
Because I'm calm
On any, at the borders,
The homeland is protected!
Well, I, your wife,
I, in reliable hands!


The most attractive military

Always tightened, assembled, attractive,
In any business, he is required!
All because he is a military,
And he will certainly do everything for sure!
You sincerely accept congratulations,
We wish you without any doubt
Successful service, good health,
Let all adversities more likely go away!
Great joy, attention, warmth,
And let the cherished dream come true!

Comic nominations for men on February 23 for congratulatory letters

Comic nominations for men on February 23 for congratulatory letters
Comic nominations for men on February 23 for congratulatory letters

Comic nominations for men on February 23 for congratulatory letters:

The most lucky

So that you are raising
He kept the course steadily,
The place is warm under the sun
For myself to choose.
So that the health is strong,
Cheerful mood,
It was unchanged in life
So that your luck.



Stay strong
Smart and healthy,
Be long -sighted
But at risk ready.
Let the luck be
Always next
Let the family love you
And life will be bright.


The most respected

With you all these years
It's nice for us to work.
You can’t say the words of the offensive
And you will not refuse help.
Even give in the winter of snow,
Dear colleague!
This is a joke, but in the case -
There is no limit to admiration.


The most sociable

Let the work succeed
And wealth is a full house!
On the table - wine, snacks,
Well, we - we will come to you!
And we wish you and health
Both success and love!
Let dreams come true
At your holiday, look!


The most delightful

The whole team wishes:
Always go forward
Do not take fatigue,
Be awake all year round.
Let higher concentration
Your ideas and strength
And the demonstration is brighter
The advantages of all male!


The chosen one of Fortune

Be healthy, joyful, successful,
Let everything turn out on the life path.
May there be joy, happiness and hope,
So that you all go around in life!


Our sun

Be sure to be in abundance
So that happiness lasts forever.
If thrashing, then a second
Vacation is only endless.
So that the reports are accepted,
And they did not peer into the dates.
So that colleagues respect
And the thirteenth salary.


The most timid

Let the work always boil
We will all help
Cope with any care,
Then rest together.
Let all tasks are given.
Wonderful victories
Happiness, joy, good luck,
Bright days and long years!


The most dreamy

Twist your globe, friend,
He will fly around everything around
You will fly away like in a dream
On a flying ship.
Relax from work,
Go on a trip,
Without colleagues and without relatives -
Get rid of fatigue!


The most eloquent

Let the work succeed
And wealth is a full house!
On the table - wine, snacks,
Well, we - we will come to you!
And we wish you and health
Both success and love!
Let dreams come true
At your holiday, look!


The most purposeful

The whole team wishes:
Always go forward
Do not take fatigue,
Be awake all year round.
Let higher concentration
Your ideas and strength
And the demonstration is brighter
The advantages of all male!

Comic nominations for men on February 23 in verses

Comic nominations for men on February 23 in verses
Comic nominations for men on February 23 in verses

Comic nominations for men on February 23 in verses:

The most sick worker of the year

Wakes up in the morning, here's the trouble.
His head was exhausted!
Then the stomach, then the back will get sick,
Either tonsillitis, then flu, then colitis.
He will not go to work
A hundred reasons will call.
He will call to work
He poisons and screams into the phone.
And so every day he suffers
For this, he receives a reward.


The most late employee of the year

The alarm clock will call in the morning
Get up, get up! The time has come!
But only he cannot get up
He so wants to sleep.
He is in no hurry to work
He has become a struggle for a long time and sleeps.
As soon as he sees that he overslept
He runs to a taxi, but was late again.
Well, who doesn’t happen to?
He receives his award deservedly!


Mr. Confidence

Leisurely and solid,
Blooms, our __________!
It is obvious.
He is always at the limit:
He will not turn off the straight path -
He is in the know, in the process, in business,
Well, if you swallow it, then it will finish it.
Straight broad shoulders
And a brave assertive look -
Winds and alarms towards
Flies like an army shell.


Attressing Mr.

You _______ are illuminated
Monotonous female life;
You are a deity and inspiration!
You are so vulnerable and moody.
Many girls are looking with hope
Following the same, but to idle.
The man is adorned not appearance,
A mustache adorn the man.


Bright personality

You are not adapted to the sessions
Amenities, influences, health,
But your main decisions,
All are dictated by love.
_________ ours from that breed,
Who knows strong friendship.
For a friend he is in the fire and into the water
Ready, without looking, to seize.


Mr. Reliability

You are tied to your toys -
Computer, fishing, machine guns,
You threaten the sparrows with a gun
Throw the infantry on the tank.
But with you in the car is more reliable than in the tank.
This run is for pleasure.
Because a soldier in a civilian
It remains a soldier forever.
He will find any way
And deliver to the address in a moment.
Do not find this one of the thousand.
Stunning this man!


Mr. Patience

You are __, a wonderful man.
Frank, honest, wise.
Kind and sociable,
Bold and decisive.
Let it are not always intelligent,
But in his business is competent,
And condescendingly forgives
When he is not understood.


The most energetic
_______ goes into the fire without looking,
A fair goal for the sake.
With its energy, it starts everything and everyone
And you forget about problems in an instant.
Where our ____, there is laughter,
You are just resting in his company.


A little unstable

Lived in the white world _____________,
And he grew up and became - _______________.
He will be in trouble for you,
Only terribly afraid of ridicule.
Often his anxiety eats,
What is disturbing - and he himself does not know,
Too seriously from the fly of the elephant
He makes and goes crazy.


The best bos

Our ______ is super.
There is a masculine in it.
Okay, there was a reason
To tell him about this.
It is not easy to be the chief of the company,
He pulls a WHO, which is not many.
He would be for harmful milk,
But he is not harmful, thank God!


The most brave

Slowly and solid
Our Sasha blooms! I see.
Always Alexander at the limit:
He will not turn off the straight path -
He is in the know, in the process, in business,
Well, if you swallow it, then it will finish it.
Straight broad shoulders
And a brave assertive look -
Winds and alarms towards
Flies like an army shell.


Warrior of Light

You, Victor, are illuminated
Monotonous women's everyday life;
You are a deity and inspiration!
We will not forget your compliments.
At least you don't wear a uniform
But we know that at a difficult hour
You are the same as all soldiers,
Save our homeland and us.


For a healthy lifestyle

You, Vyacheslav, do not like deprivation
Follow you with weight and health,
But your main solutions
All are dictated by love.
And our glory from that breed,
Who knows strong friendship.
For a friend he is in the fire and into the water
Ready, without looking, to seize.


Awesome man

And we all owe you so much
You do not mind helping anyone!
Andrey will find any road
And deliver to the address in the address.
Do not find this one of the thousand.
Stunning this man!


The most understanding person

Frank, honest, wise.
Kind and sociable,
Bold and decisive.
Not always intellectual
But in business he is competent,
And condescendingly forgives
When he is not understood.


A real man

Max goes into the fire without looking,
A fair goal for the sake.
He can start everyone
Where Maxim is heard there,
In his company we just rest
And we forget about problems in an instant!


Just a nice person

Our Vadim is super.
There is a masculine in it.
Okay, there was a reason
To tell him about this.
It is not easy to be our chef,
He pulls a WHO, which is not many.
He would be for harmful milk,
But he is not harmful, thank God!


Good gentleman

This man, modesty decorates.
To him, not in the subject - beauty ...
A man chooses women.
Today is this, tomorrow - that ...
This man gets money,
He is with them “bos” and “lord” ...


All in chocolate

This man, modesty decorates.
Big and black Cadillac.
A man suffers in logic,
Today - "so", and tomorrow - "so."
This man loves to be free
Gully, and eat tasty ...


You are protection and support:
Everything for children, wife - salary,
Let's say all of us again, again
You're just great ... DAD! (Medal is awarded)


Your years are your wealth
After all, you are the head of the Great Brotherhood,
And then we say more:
You are reliable The head of the family! (Medal is awarded)


Everything in your house is perfectly arranged.
Your hands are landscaped
In life, you do not tolerate boredom.
And you are a master ... SKILLFUL FINGERS! (Medal is awarded)


You are a man in the prime of strength
Let all guests remember forever -
That whoever you are in life,
You just … GOOD MAN! (Medal is awarded)

Comic nominations for men on February 23 by month

Comic nominations for men on February 23 by month
Comic nominations for men on February 23 by month

Comic nominations for men on February 23 by month:

Mr. Advisor

April man - stubborn and passionate,
For little ones, a friend and adviser are wonderful.


Conqueror of female hearts

Tolerant and affectionate May man,
Any peak will submit to him.


The most romantic

June - rapid and romantic,
He is light and sweet, and organized in everything.


Mr. Intellectuality

July man - careless and soft,
A lover of animals and complex mysteries.


Mr. Perfection

A man from August - generosity is true,
He is tireless, hard, perfect.


Mr. Tact

Beautiful and tactful, September man,
He appreciates comfort and ancient wines.


Mr. Harmonicity

October man - slightly ironic,
He does not climb forward, refined, harmonious.


Good rebel

Noyabrsky is a rebel, but reliable and honest,
The philosopher in the soul, erotic, is not fresh.


Mr. Popularity

December - decisive and popular,
And just a good, sociable guy.


Mr. Group

The January man is stubborn and smart,
Homemade, does not like the company noisy.


Mr. Independence

Always independent February man,
There is a reason to meet friends.


Mr. genius

And the March - genius and inventor,
Funny and serious and gentle dreamer ...

Comic nominations for men on February 23 for a small company

Comic nominations for men on February 23 for a small company
Comic nominations for men on February 23 for a small company

Comic nominations for men on February 23 for a small company:

The Oscar is awarded in the nomination "Charming Smile" ....
You are all big optimists
Veselchaki and humorists.
Let the humor decorate you with humor,
Problems turn into a joke!
No wonder you distinguished yourself in sports,
We learned to go to victory!
Let hardening will help you
Personal successes multiply!


The Oscar receives the “workaholics” in the nomination ....
It is known that patience and labor
All complex problems will be shook!
We also wish to work well
And in life to achieve a lot!


Oscar "Hero of our time", according to our ladies, deserved ...
We are sure that it was not without reason
Such an energy fountain!
You are not sitting on the spot
But in life it will come in handy!
Always useful, without doubt,
Have a position and a mint!
You are outstanding in everything,
So let you have a rise in life!


Oscar in the nomination "Avil Handles" is awarded …………………
An employee, by magical wave of the hand of which any office equipment will work.
Gold "golden hands" are given to you,
And this is a plus in any science,
And in personal life and in work!
In short, you will not be lost!


Oscars in the nomination "Technical vein" is worthy ...
You are with our technique "on you",
So let the dreams come true!
No wonder you are an example for everyone,
As a businessman, as an engineer!


Oscar is awarded in the nomination "Acting Volcano" ...
Let the energy of the spring
Does not run out for a moment
So that all things are being able to have time
So that life is filled!


Oscar in the nomination "Statement to match the mind" receive ...
Admiring, we are glad to
That your growth is your mind!
So be high in your soul
Let him expect a big take -off!


The Oscar is awarded in the nomination "Intellectual" ....
A horizon helps you
Conduct a free conversation.
With people, as you know,
It’s always interesting to be nearby!
This is our most intellectual employee, erudite and intellectual.
He is on the shoulder of solving the most difficult problems.


The Oscar deserved in the nomination "Reliable shoulder" ...
We hear about such often
What can be with them, at least in intelligence!
And if you yourself are a true friend,
Everyone is drawn to you around!


Nomination "Artist of large and small scenes":
Let interruption with hearing
But there is a loud voice,
Good with face ...
Yes, the advantages of everyone cannot be counted!
If you suddenly ask what you need
The scene will be arranged instantly to you,
And talent to marvel
And a colleague, and ...


- “Order of the 3rd degree“ gallant knight ”is awarded ...
The gentleman is not just a title
What is given to you from God,
Gentleman to be - a vocation,
Take it yourself and try it yourself!
You are by nature knights in everything,
And in each nobility we will find!
Good is given to you,
And on the shoulder any test!

Video: Congratulations on February 23

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