Pork kebab: the best recipes for the marinade and cooking in a bank, in the oven, in a pan, multicooker, aerogrile, barbecue. How to make a barbecue barbed in kefir, vinegar, onions, lemon, kiwi, mineral water, dry wine, beer: recipe

Pork kebab: the best recipes for the marinade and cooking in a bank, in the oven, in a pan, multicooker, aerogrile, barbecue. How to make a barbecue barbed in kefir, vinegar, onions, lemon, kiwi, mineral water, dry wine, beer: recipe

The article offers you several options for pickling pork for barbecue.

Pork for barbecue: Which part of the carcass is better suitable?

A real skilled barbecue is able to cook tasty even the dry and lean meat. However, to make barbecue, professionals always recommend using the fat part . Osheuk is ideal - Marble, moderately fatty and juicy meat.

As a rule, Oshek is always more expensive than pulp and even clipping. To make the barbecue in a good successful one, the meat should be fresh (fresh) and in no case ice cream. You need to cut it across the fibers and pre -marin the first before frying.

Whatever you choose the marinade for the collapse, the barbecue from it will always be tasty. In other cases, if you buy a pulp, cutout, a coin or back, the marinade should pay special attention, choosing the one that softens and breaks down the fibers, impregnates and saturates the meat.

Parts of the carcass
Parts of the carcass

Pork kebab with vinegar and onions, tomatoes: the most delicious classic recipe for marinade so that the meat is soft and juicy

The secret of this marinade in a unique combination of ingredients, after all, vinegar will perfectly split the fibers of meat, and soak the juice of vegetables with taste and aroma. In order to avoid sharpness, try to find apple or wine vinegar, onions and tomatoes should be juicy, ripe, saturated.

How to pickle it correctly:

  • The meat (preferably fresh) from any part should be cleaned of films and veins.
  • Gently cut the meat with medium -sized pieces (not too large for the barbecue to be well fried and not too small so as not to be dry).
  • Marining must be done in a pan or plastic (enameled) bowl so that the meat does not contact with metal dishes.
  • First, it should be seasoned to taste (you can choose any spices and sharp seasonings to taste), and then sprinkled with vinegar.
  • 1 kg of meat will require no more than 10-15 ml of vinegar (2-3 tbsp)
  • Mix the meat actively with your hands, leave for a while
  • Grind tomatoes and onions with a blender (the mass should be liquid and homogeneous).
  • Pour the resulting thick juice into the meat, mix everything thoroughly.
  • The pickling time is 3-4 hours (you can keep it longer, but then after a while add a little water so that the marinade is not “dry”).

Interesting: 0.5-1 hours before frying meat to the marinade, you can add 1 package of mayonnaise of any fat content (with the calculation of 2-3 kg of meat). Mayonnaise will enable the meat to be browned during frying on fire, but the tomato will give him a slightly reddish color.

Tomatoes and onions saturate meat with juice
Tomatoes and onions saturate meat with juice

Pork kebab: a simple recipe with mineral water and lemon

This marinade recipe is suitable for any meat, since it is able to make any part of the carcass soft and juicy.

What is required:

  • Any meat -approximately 1.5-1.7 kg. (fat or lean).
  • Barbecue spices -1 small packaging (or use those that you have to your liking).
  • The mineral water is strongly magazine -0.5-0.7 l. (not salty and not sweet).
  • Onion -2-4 pcs. (large)
  • Lemon -1 PC. (small)

How to do:

  • The lemon must be cut into thin circles, and onions are rings (medium thickness).
  • Clean and put the meat, pieces should not be excessively large or small.
  • Put the meat, lemon and onion in the marinage dishes, mix everything with your hands with the addition of spices.
  • Then pour the mineral water and leave the meat in this state for at least 5 hours (and better for the whole night).
  • The secret of the recipe is that citric acid and the smallest gas bubbles in a mineral water will act on meat fibers like vinegar, and split them, making the meat incredibly tender and soft.
  • In turn, onions are soaked in juice, adding the meat aroma.
  • After a long pickling, the meat “swells” a little absorbing the water.
  • Before frying, you can lubricate the meat with mayonnaise a little, this will help him to find a blush crust when frying.

Important: onions from the marinade and even lemon, can be strung on skewers with meat.

Lemon-onion marinade
Lemon-onion marinade

Pork barbecue: Caucasian recipe with cilantro and red pepper

In the Caucasus, men really know how to cook meat deliciously. This "eastern" recipe for marinade will allow you to prepare meat for frying on fire. It will turn out juicy, sharp, “hot” and incredibly tasty!

Important: in the original, the “Caucasian” barbecue should be prepared from lamb, but you can also fry pork.

What is required for the marinade:

  • Meat -1-1.5 kg. (from any part, but better than the bellies - it is fatter).
  • Grape vinegar -several tbsp.
  • Onion -4-5 pcs. (large or medium)
  • Cins -bunch (only for serving meat)
  • Red pepper -0.5-1 tsp (You can also add black or a mixture of not sharp peppers).

How to pickle:

  • Correctly and carefully cut the meat correctly and gently
  • Pour it with vinegar and mix it
  • Season evenly with peppers
  • The onion should be cut with rings, rolled a little and mixed with meat.
  • After frying the meat on the fire, put pieces or skewers on a serving dish and sprinkle abundantly with finely chopped cilantro.
Caucasian pork barbecue
"Caucasian" pork barbecue

Pork kebab: Georgian recipe with dry wine

White and red wine is easily suitable for pickling meat. Consider the fact that the semi-sweet drink will give the sweetness of the meat, while dry will be perfectly split the fiber and make it soft without any “sweet note”.

What to prepare:

  • Meat from any part (preferably fat) -approximately 2 kg. (Oshek, or anthrakot).
  • A mixture of spices for barbecue -0.5 of one package (there is a large selection of barbecue "Caucasian" or "Georgian" natural spices).
  • Onion -2 kg. (There should be many of it - this is the main secret of the juiciness of barbecue!).
  • Dry wine -200-250 ml. (Red will give a little red meat, but there is no white, choose what you like more).
  • Garlic head -you can only a few lobules (focus on your preferences).
  • Pepper and salt -only to your taste (you can serve separately a pitch and a salt shaker when serving meat on the table).

How to pickle:

  • Neatly chopped meat with beautiful barbecue pieces, fold in a marinage dishes (basin, bucket or large pan).
  • The entire onion is cut by rings of medium and large thickness and evenly distributed throughout the dishes so that each piece absorbs onion juice.
  • At the same stage, spices and pepper are added, as well as wine poured and garlic is squeezed out.
  • If the marinade seems “dry” to you, share water and mix again.
  • In this state, barbecue should stand in the refrigerator for about 8-10 hours.
Red dry wine marinade
Red dry wine marinade

Pork kebab: Armenian recipe on kefir

It is the marinade that “gives” the dish juiciness and tenderness, it is very popular in the east only because the sour -milk product makes barbecue, piquant and “melting in the mouth”.

What is required:

  • Meat -at least 1 kg. (from any part of the carcass: fat or lean).
  • Kefir 1% -1.5-2 cups (if there is no kefir, you can try to replace 2.5% ash).
  • Onion -1 kg. (the amount of onion is proportional to the meat)
  • Garlic -a few teeth (if you like spicy aroma)
  • A mixture of peppers -1-2 tsp
  • Nutmeg -0.5-1 tsp

How to pickle:

  • Gently chopped pieces of meat, put in dishes for pickling.
  • The meat must taste and add all the necessary spices.
  • Squeeze the garlic and chop the onion in large rings, mix everything thoroughly.
  • Pour kefir, distribute it all over the meat and mix with your hands with your hands.
  • The time of insisting in the marinade is 8-10 hours (up to 12-14 hours).
Kefir marinade for meat
Kefir marinade for meat

Pork kebab: recipe with kiwi

Such a marinade can be made even for the hardest meat, kiwi will help to make any part juicy and soft. Kiwi marinade is often called “fast” and indeed, in a short time it is able to split pork fibers, soak them with sweet and sour juice.

What to prepare:

  • Meat (from any part) -at least 1 kg.
  • Onion -2-3 pcs. (large, cut with thick rings)
  • Kiwi -3-4 pcs. (juicy and ripe fruits, not sour)
  • Garlic -1 small head (a spice from the marinade can be removed and not added kiwi).
  • A mixture of peppers, aromatic herbs or seaming "barbecue" -according to their preferences.

How to pickle:

  • The meat is prepared for frying, cut with neat and not too large pieces (large ones are not saturated with marinade, and small ones are overdried during frying).
  • The meat is seasoned, along with the rings of onions (layers or mixed), is laid in the dishes for pickling.
  • There is also a garlic chopped with plates
  • Kiwi must be killed with a blender in a liquid pulp and pour the meat with the resulting mass.
  • The pickling time using this recipe is very short, 1 hour is enough for fatty meat, for dry meat - you can leave it in the refrigerator at night (if the marinade is small, add a little water).
Unusual, but tasty marinade from kiwi
Unusual, but tasty marinade from kiwi fruits

Pork kebab: recipe with beer

Beer is good in that every piece of meat is able to deeply soak. Gas bubbles in beer will help split meat fibers, and this will contribute to the juice of the rest of the ingredients to penetrate the barbecue. The smell and taste of the beer itself will be barely perceptible, the alcohols will completely “disappear” during frying.

For beer marinade, it is recommended to choose fresh and fat pork, it is good even if the meat has small layers of fat. To make the marinade saturated and tasty, choose beer more expensive and preferably what is filtered. If you do not like beer in principle, it can be replaced with kvass.

What is required:

  • Fat pork -approximately 1.5-1.7 kg. (any part).
  • Nonfiltered beer-1 bottle (400-500 ml.)
  • Bulb-4-5 pcs. (Large, sliced \u200b\u200bby thick rings).
  • Sharp black pepper- Several a pinch

How to pickle:

  • Cut medium -sized pieces (and be sure to the fibers).
  • Season it to taste (you can use absolutely any seasonings).
  • Mix the meat in dishes with onions
  • Pour everything with beer, mix a little again and keep in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours (you can at night, especially if the meat is lean).
Beer marinade
Beer marinade

Pork kebab: prescription with mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is the sauce that can be actively used in cooking in the preparation of any dishes, salads, marinades. He not only perfectly impregnates the meat, adding juicies to it, but also gives a barbecue during frying a beautiful brown crust.

What you need to have:

  • Meat (any fat content, from any part) -1.5-2 kg.
  • Mayonnaise -1 packaging at 200-300 gr. (any fat content)
  • Water -0.5 cups (ordinary or soda)
  • Onion -1 kg. (any: blue, white, onion)
  • Garlic -upon request (cut with plates)
  • Classic soy sauce -80-100 ml. (if you add it, you do not need to salt the meat).
  • Pepper

How to pickle:

  • The meat can be cut with plates or pieces
  • All meat is folded into pickling dishes and sprinkled with onions, as well as garlic.
  • Mix sauce, mayonnaise and water (this can be done in advance or, directly, pouring them into a bowl of meat).
  • Mix everything thoroughly so that the sauce is distributed all over the meat.
  • Pick up up to 8 hours (be sure to in the refrigerator)
Mayonnaise marinade
Mayonnaise marinade

Pork kebab: recipe with soy sauce and mustard

What will be required for 2-3 kg of meat:

  • Classic soy sauce -150-200 ml. (you can with a different taste).
  • Onion -1-1.2 kg (any)
  • Mustard -2-3 tbsp. (ordinary, acute)
  • Mayonnaise -several tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil -several tbsp.
  • Water -1 cup (ordinary or carbonated)
  • A mixture of peppers or seasoning "barbecue"

How to cook:

  • Cut the meat and pierce into pickling dishes
  • Add onion coarsely chopped rings
  • In a bowl separately mix mayonnaise, sauce, mustard and oil, add water.
  • Season the meat to taste and pour in the marinade, mix everything thoroughly with your hands.
  • Keep in the refrigerator meat 5-6 hours at least
Soy marinade for pork
Soy marinade for pork

Fast marinade for pork barbecue: recipe

What to prepare for 2-3 kg of meat:

  • Pomegranate juice -1 liter (natural, 100%, without adding sugar).
  • Onion -1 kg. (you can more)
  • Garlic -1 head
  • Oil -several tbsp. (vegetable)
  • Seasoning from a mixture of peppers

How to pickle:

  • Cut the meat and pierce the marinage dishes
  • Sprinkle with onions, chopped rings and garlic plates
  • Season and sunbathe, pour in the oil, mix everything
  • Pour juice, mix again and take into the refrigerator for 5-6 hours.

How much is pickled, and how to fry pork bar?

Marining of meat depends on which variety and which part of the pork you have chosen. The fatter the meat, the less he should “lie” in the marinade. The minimum time for the marinade is 1 hour (in the case of fruit marinades: kiwi, grenade, orange, lemon). But it is best to keep the meat in the refrigerator all night, so you can be 100% sure that the meat will soak well and become gentle.

IMPORTANT: They fried bar kebabs, that is, when the bonfire goes out and leaves the heat behind. The frying time is about half an hour, during this time you must turn the skewer over the other side several times.

Features of preparing pork barbecue in a bank, in the oven, in a pan, multicooker, aerogrile, barbecue

Barbecue in the bank:

  • Get the meat by cutting it with small cubes (use any marinade you like).
  • After that, the meat must be strung on wooden skewers
  • Swaps with meat are placed vertically in a jar (4-5 pcs)
  • The bank goes to the oven
  • Fry meat should be 1-1.5 hours

Barbecue in a slow cooker:

  • Not coarsely chopped and pickled meat is strung on wooden skewers.
  • Each is laid in a multicooker bowl diagonally (2-3 pcs. Preferably).
  • Turn on the "baking" mode and cook the meat for 1 hour

Barbecue in a pan:

  • Cut and marinated meat put on wooden skewers.
  • Heat the oil in a pan
  • Send several kebabs of barbecue to the pan (in one layer)
  • Fry over low heat until golden color on each side

Shanglyk in the Aerogrile:

  • Sliced \u200b\u200band marinated meat "wear" on the skewers with the onion.
  • Put on the Aerogril grid
  • Turn on the airgril for 30 minutes
  • After half an hour, turn the skewers and fry for another 10 minutes

Barbecue on the barbecue:

  • Cut the meat not in pieces, but thick plates
  • Light up at night
  • Put the barbecue on the grid with onions
  • Fry for 15-20 minutes on each side (the heat is moderate)

How to beautifully decorate a barbecue on a festive table: ideas, photos

Ideas for supplying meat:

Restaurant Original barbecue ideas
Restaurant Original barbecue ideas
Forter on the bottom of the skewer
Forter on the bottom of the skewer

Video: "A barbecue in a bank at home"

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