Sharades for children - for school, preschool age: a selection for comprehensive development

Sharades for children - for school, preschool age: a selection for comprehensive development

A large selection of Sharad for school and preschool children.

Sharades for children - the best selection

Sharades for children - the best selection

Sharades for children - the best selection:

With the letter "y" - they are sitting on me,
With the letter "o" - they eat for me.
(Chair table.)

With the letter "B" - I am one -legged, and I stand by the road.
And without “b” - there are already four legs, and I stand in your apartment.
(Pillar - table.)

With the letter "D" - lets you into the house,
With the letter "z" - growls, bites.
(Door - beast.)

With the letter "T" is a symbol of protection,
And without "t" - you are poured into a plate.
(Shield - cabbage soup)

With the letter "P"-an assistant automat, he is glad to ease any work.
With the letter "x" - it has an elephant, it is famous for its length.
(Robot - trunk.)

With the letter "g" - you will scare you with thunder,
And without "g" - it blooms on a flowerbed.
(Thunderstorm - rose.)

With the letter "g" - I fly in the sky,
With the letter "B" - I fly children.
(Grach - doctor.)

With the letter "P" - I'm backwards,
With the letter "M" - I am hiding in a bun.
(Cancer - Mac.)

With the letter "K" - spits on the worm,
And without “k” - on the tip of the hook.
(Fisherman - fish.)

With the letter "B" - I am a capacity for pickles,
With the letter "T" - at the end I am sentences.
(Barrel - point)

With the letter "m" - the bee carries home,
With the letter "L" - on the river he is in the winter.
(Honey - ice)

With the letter "n" - he dreams of children at night,
With the letter "K" - in the heat gives to get drunk.
(Sleep - juice.)

With the letter "P" - it goes from the pan,
With the letter "w" - on the thread of Julia.
(Steam - ball.)

With the letter "p" - a rewards you reward,
With the letter "n" - it wins on the races.
(Measles - horse.)

With "c" - the Indians heads,
With "D" - watering the whole earth.
(Leader - rain.)

With "g" - he walks on the nails,
With "d" - anoint the wound to you.
(Yogi - iodine)

With "and" - I'll have a wound to you,
With "A" - I will dress up girls.
(Bandage - bow.)

With "K" - it hits a lot of it,
With "P" - Grandmother bakes us.
(Club - buns.)

With "P" - I burn in the stove with fire,
With "K" - I bend your leg.
(Log - knee.)

With "C" - on the tree, growing,
With "g" - crawl on wood.
(Bitches - beetle.)

With "h" - sick leave issues,
With the "g" - the war goes on us.
(Doctor - enemy.)

With "s" - we rush the kids that there are urine,
With "y" - we will get our feet to everyone.
(Skis - puddles.)

With the letter "B" - you will find in birds,
With the "h" - you will take them the castle.
(Beak - key.)

With the letter "B" - a night bird,
But with "f" - it is suitable for sleeping.
(Owl - Sofa.)

With the letter "g" - it will come to our holiday,
But with “K” - only the dog gnaws.
(Guest - bone.)

With the letter "D" - I am in the oak tree,
But with "z" - my root in the mouth.
(Oak - tooth)

With the letter "and" - the fountain is allowing
With the letter "o" - drives mice.
(Kit - cat.)

With the letter "K" - I adorn the king,
With the letter "B" - I, crooked, fly.
(Crown - crow.)

With the letter "K" - a figure without corners,
With the letter "D" - to be friends with you.
(Circle - friend.)

Sharades for children with answers

Sharades for children with answers

Sharades for children with answers:

There is a small word
From only the syllable.
And in the word Tom, inside,
Replace at and
And instantly a bird
It will turn into a fish.
(Moon, Lin.)

This word
This is what it means:
With the letter and -
Health oppresses.
And change and
On the letter O -
He gives health
One hundred percent.
(Alcohol, sports)

For the fourth letter
All captivity
I fitted in the syllable.
The letter plus bondage
And look,
It turned out a tree

And it was necessary
This happens!
Two syllables recorded
Black bird.
And then someone
Was recorded on time
A syllable alone
Thorny animal.
Short word guys,
And in it the name of the city
We will find out.

In one syllable
I contained forever
Male name
With the vowel letter "A".
Union union -
With him, one part of the world
Wrote later, and together
All written is
Famous city
In the same part of the world.

Once the author took a fountain pen,
Thought and recorded in Sharad
First a big and friendly team,
Which can sing any motive.
And then he wrote more, friends,
He is something like a duck, nightingale
But only without a bean at first,
So that the island on the Dnieper you learn everything.

First a cross, and after a ford -
And the result was a flower.

First, the animal,
But the rural is quite.
Then an opening for light
In the stone wall.
And the one who delves
To the essence of this ball, he will say
What the factory needs
For the production of yarn.

And suddenly a hint came out
At Irinka,
What grows in the river
From eggs.

There is a father in this charad
And the only syllable from laughter.
And finally it turned out
Cool hat, all of fur.

First frog
Without the last "a".
Then without the syllable "ba"
Pescarik, pike
Or som.
And now it is already written
The name is all known to us
Respiratory organs.

Sharades for children 11-12 years old

Sharades for children 11-12 years old

Sharades for children 11-12 years old:

Union and two prepositions - the first syllable,
The second part is an odd number,
The pronoun is the end of Sharada.
You need to look for the answer among the countries.

There is a first syllable in the play
Middle is a useful, valuable, valuable, valuable
The ending of the public is called,
Answer - works on the stage.

The letter "A" took a slave with him,
After all, in Egypt he is ...?

Union is part of the first ball,
The second will give ungulates herd
(Read it the other way around).
Guess - sweet juicy fruit.

Tsinovka in sports is a mat,
And with Aro together?

What is a musical instrument
From the measure of area and name of the note?

AC pilot and note "Salt"
Sails are waiting for how ....?

The first syllable in surprise I exclaim
I take off the second syllable from the book shelf,
When the first is connected to the second,
You will get the smallest particle.

You will remember the measure of area at the beginning -
You have undoubtedly studied her at school.
The five letters following are inspired,
They do not live without dance, music and scenes.
On the exhibits weapons glazes,
You will find an answer in the historical museum.

Two syllables are the first - a flower,
Tatar king is my third syllable,
And consider the soft sign the end.
If you guess - you will be well done.

The first I exclaim in surprise
I take off the second from the book shelf.
When the first is connected to the second,
You will get the smallest particle.

First syllable: I am like in a fairy tale -
The kingdom of dance, luxury of the hall;
Alexander Andreich Chatsky
I got here from the ship.
On the second part
Puts a card player.
Now we’ll put it nearby
The syllable is the second and first syllable.
Strengthened brains a little:
Part of the apartment behind the window.

In the beginning - the actions are a series,
But - not walking and not riding.
Then the vowel goes here.
And then - on the contrary.
Guess - a beast of hippo.
You need to say otherwise.

The answer will not be difficult:
In the beginning - a small ship;
Behind him - America natives,
Medieval Indians,
Which were replaced in the mountains
Spanish conquistadors.
Sharades of this glowing syllables,
Go boldly along the road.

The first syllable shines from the wall,
The rider rushes on the second,
And the third (who would have thought?)
In the Slavic alphabet we find.
But in general, he is unpleasant
He is pursued by the law.

To show your skill
Let's think with you:
My first syllable - methmics,
The name of the forest is the second syllable.
And at the end (bolder for business!)
One consonant
Take the sound. The end of Sharad!
The whole word
We will call the Russian city.

Sharades for children 9-10 years old

Sharades for children 9-10 years old

Sharades for children 9-10 years old:

By the number of seven of them,
All of them are played.
By the way, the letter "e" pretend -
The animals are obtained.
(Notes - raccoons).

The prefix "U".
The style of music later.
Where is our name call?
(Rock - to the lesson).

There are three letters in the word.
Stinging, flying.
Put the letter "P" -
She sparks.
(Wasp - dew).

Crucian carp is saved by Tina, and With a crown "kar" -

In every house it is.
He knows how to creak, knock.
And "D" to "Z" just change -
She will be browned.
(The door is a beast).

With the letter "T" she is in the sky
The sun obscures.
Instead of “t”, put “w” -
Barking and biting.
(Cloud - bug).

The night comes. The day went out.
Who is in a hurry to us at this hour?
Who will turn the answer -
In the word, part of the face will find.
(Sleep - nose).

Beautiful short female name,
The initial letter is “o”.
And if we put “K” ahead,
It will turn into male easily.
(Olya - Kolya).

The oldest Italian city.
He fought a lot in his lifetime.
Read three letters on the contrary -
You will find out what he dreamed about.
(Rome - peace).

There are five brothers on the hand,
Soldatics brothers.
The fifth is small as a dwarf
We call him affectionately.
"P" to "M" we will change,
And who then do we meet?
(Finger - boy).

The first letter hisses.
He is already flying into the sky.
You add the letter "F" to the word -
There will be an update on the shoulders.
(Ball - scarf).

Mostly everyone eats me.
Tasty and healthy I say.
And if we “K” to “M” change,
We turn food into a beautiful name.
(Porridge - Masha).

With the letter "K" on the stove sleeps.
Instead of “k”, put “p” -
He will speak.
(Cat - mouth).

The beginning is a bird with a flat beak.
The end of Sharada is part of the face.
(Duck - nose - platypus).

Sharades for children 8-7 years old

Sharades for children 8-7 years old

Sharades for children 8-7 years old:

And here in the sharade
I am in one moment
The main document.

First a pit
For storage of vegetables
Without a bean of the last
And behind her - a goat,
What flies around the room
And all the tenants
All day bothers.
In the end -
A toy for a child,
Which is noisy
Not very loud.

And here in the sharade we are given
Find out what fell to the bottom.

You put things in it,
The bird was attached.
On the road! .. We sat down on the sofa,
It will be …

The wind grabbed him
Long in the air circled.
He tore off his tail,
And he immediately became a beast.
(Sheet - fox).

The first letter is buzzing
Asks to fly.
With "PA", replace the letter "F" -
The mesh is weaving.
(Beetle - Spider).

By the way, we put the trouble with "by",
Now - already -

Near the house, all in flowers,
It costs with a roof.
From the word the letter "K" remove -
She will speak.
(The gazebo is a conversation).

It has a second
Important word.
Could read -
And you're ready to eat.

What a bird
It will turn into
If the letter is the last
(Forty - forty).

If the most beautiful flower
In the name of his letter "g" suddenly let in,
For everyone, I assure you
He would not be nice.
(Rose, rod).

He can deftly
Back back.
Read the back in advance -
Whose notes sound?
(Cancer - kar, crown).

Birds, bunnies in the cold
Very cold.
"X" on "g" we will not change,
So that it does not ...

In it, the summer is the whole.
What is the name of our house?
The prefix to the word add
And we decide the new word.
(Cottage is a task).

Spring the last month.
Add to it the syllable "ka".
Then change the clothes
On a cute animal.
(May - T -shirt - bunny).

To a happy number
(Everyone should know it)
Try to add the letter "I".
And there is hardly a worse word,
It is your founding happiness.
(Seven - family).

With a letter added
We are lazy to drive away.
In the handsome forest
We turn it.
(Laziness - deer).

He is homemade, he is fluffy,
Fold. Sings the song.
You will read the hunch from the tail -
Electricity will go.
(Cat - current).

When adding two notes
For all not new
We get a product from the Beaver family.
(Fa, salt, beans).

She was born in the first month of spring
When the desired dreams became reality.
To the name of the month we add the letter,
And with the name this daughter will imagine.
(March - Marta).

Sharades for children 5-6 years old

Sharades for children 5-6 years old

Sharades for children 5-6 years old:

I played on the stage
I performed in the arena
The letters, apparently, made fun of -
They took it into utensils,
And now in the kitchen dexterously
I rub the carrot.
(Actor - grater.)

I am in the mountains of growing usually
I'm strong, I'm afraid of fire,
Both the chest of drawers and the cabinet are excellent
Can be made of me.
At a change,
And then, if you want
I can stand with water.
With s, I am in the meadow.
(Beech - tank - bull.)

I am a synonym for the word bull
And known to everyone,
But add the letter K to me,
And I eat kids.
(Volk - wolf.)

With the letter l in the game of football
Often we hear the word ...
With the word, the meaning is not the same -
It became a measure - just ...
(Goal - year.)

The beginning is a note. Then a deer decoration.
And together - a place of lively movement.

Like in our garden hedgehog
Lost the letter and.
Vika found Bukovka
And she took the hedgehogs.
Hedgehog and Vika met
The berry was noted.

Lesnoy's barbeling lives with the letter.
And he crawls by the fact that with the letter B sometimes.
(Beetle - Buk.)

I am gold
And natural - bone.
If you replace Z.
The meaning is completely different in me:
In the first grade only for the account
In the lesson I am yours
And in the fourth you willingly
Count my volume.
(Tooth - cubic meter)

I am a herbaceous plant
With a lilac flower,
But rearrange the stress -
And I will turn into a candy.
(Iris - Iris.)

The beginning is the voice of the bird
The end is at the bottom of the pond.
And the whole in the museum
You will find it without difficulty.

I am in a notebook
Oblique and straight.
In another sense
I am a slicing bar.
And finally, sometimes
I will build you in the line.

When I am a month, then I breathed easily
You, like snow, seem to melt in the sun.
If instead of T, you will put it in me,
Then you are striding for me cheerfully.
(March - march.)

You will solve the problem freely:
I am a small part of the face.
But read me from the end -
You will see anything in me.
(Nose - dream.)

I can’t go into a branched forest -
My horns were stuck in the branches,
But exchange me l on c -
And the leaves of the forest will all be filled.
(Deer - Autumn.)

They eat with me with "o"
With "E" - hide.
(Fruit - blanket.)

Go to the garden and look:
I am there, shaking
But g put in ahead
And in the sky I am cluttering.
(Rose - Thunderstorm.)

My bushes are easy to find out:
I bloom with clusters in the spring.
But replace the soft sign
On the letter A - and I will conquer.
(Lilac - Siren.)

I beat, ringing, ringing
I supply firewood for the winter,
When they read me from the end,
I express dissatisfaction.
(Ax - murmur.)

I am with a softened - underground,
I am stone and brown,
And with hard - in my room
In a geometric figure.
(Coal - corner.)

My first syllable is short - note,
It is easy to find her care.
I love the second I early spring:
He flowering is especially good!
And everything - you will find at the building.
(FA - SAD.)

They wear me with the letter X on themselves,
With the letter C in the dining room, they ask.
(Robe - salad.)

With h over the sea, I fly,
C g in the car I am
I dress you with M.
I am getting stronger with a dog,
You can buy in a bakery,
With w in the bathhouse, wash yourself.
(Seagull - Gaika - T -shirt - Like - Saika - Gang.)

To supportwallpaper
Or antenna, I'm good,
With a soft sign, of course,
I will immediately find myself with the figure.
(Pole - six.)

Sharades for preschool children

Sharades for preschool children

Sharades for preschool children:

The first syllable from the booth barks,
Put in a syllable a second bouquet,
And fold - flies in the darkness
And the light does not like the sun.
(Owl: dog, vase.)

The first syllable is the limb of the octopus,
The second syllable with a patch,
And all together - Barracuda
Only in the river.
(Pike: tentacles, wild boar.)

The first syllable in the sky shines
The second syllable is a bug-tone,
And add two syllables these
And you will see the point with the ball.
(Lupa: Moon, Spider.)

The first syllable is the arc color,
The second syllable is the iron horse,
And all together surrounds
The canvas, at least from the field, at least with the palm of your hand.
(Rama: Rainbow, Machine.)

The first syllable is from the berries sweetness,
Wear a second syllable at home,
Together - white furry
And sometimes sterile.
(Vata: jam, slippers.)

The first syllable is red, like a flame,
Beach hat - second,
Together - a tree with flowers,
What attracts the bee swarm.
(Lipa: Fox, Panama.)

The first syllable is a dairy dessert,
The second syllable is the holder of the trousers,
And all together day and night
Beats about everything around.
(Sea: ice cream, belt.)

The first syllable is an elegant chest,
Kexce aroma - the second,
Together - a stone, but boiling,
Poured out by the mountain.
(Lava: Casket, Vanilla.)

The first syllable is just a note,
And the second syllable is the crew,
Put and get water
What flows to the sea already.
(River: re, carriage.)

The first syllable is on my feet,
Damp where the syllable is second,
And all together along the road
Rushes behind the troika drenad.
(Sani: boots, lowlands.)

The first syllable - six strings of singing,
In the red clusters, the syllable is the second,
Together all the athlete is mighty
Raised up with one hand.
(Weight: guitar, mountain ash.)

The first syllable of the queen is worn
The second syllable is salty fat,
And all together was branded
And on the shoulder lies.
(Spit: Crown, lard.)

The first syllable in fruit puree,
The second syllable rushes in the snow,
Fold them, you will get a word
What is toothy but silent.
(Vila: vitamins, skis.)

The first syllable hides the face,
The second syllable is the mollusk house,
And all together illuminates
The path to go there later.
(Farah: veil, sink.)

The first syllable is in the middle of the field,
The syllable of the second "kv-kva!" Sings,
And all together there is a lot of pain
Caught, if it will get.
(Bullet: scarecrow, frog.)

The first syllable is baked from the dough,
The second syllable blooms in the meadow,
They fold them, and what is together,
Those who are all in the right.
(Feather: cookies, chamomile.)

The first syllable on the waves of the tops,
Squeeze the second syllable
But fold, and there are shells
You can find sometimes.
(Sand: foam, juice)

The first in the treasures of the syllable is found,
Brother's second camel syllable
Together all at the stove in the haze,
How the logs will burn out.
(Ash: gold, lama)

The first syllable at the bee in the abdomen,
The wool gives us the second syllable,
And all together - not a frog,
But it looks like her.
(Toad: sting, ram)

The first syllable is the game with the handicraft
The syllable of the second cheese will grind,
Together, the tunnel will be removed,
Becoming black in the night.
(Shakhtar: chess, grater.)

The first syllable is a sound icon
Cooking variety - second syllable,
And all together wears trousers
And runs after the kids.
(Leg: note, galet.)

The first syllable with a tail and mane,
The second flies with poplars,
And all together proudly
It grown over the grass.
(Burdock: horse, fluff.)

The first syllable is a feathered predator,
The second syllable - on the stick light,
If anyone will lie down where he is looking for
There is no better place in the world.
(Sofa: Falcon, torch.)

The first syllable is almost soundless,
Roof's protrusion - second syllable,
Together all - the catch is not the best,
But floating and alive.
(Tina: silence, canopy.)

Sharades puzzles for children

Sharades puzzles for children

Sharades puzzles for children:

I bring pain with me
There is a great distortion in the person.
And "F" with "P" will replace Kohl,
Then I will immediately turn as a sign of addition.
(Flux - plus.)

Kohl in the triangle straight angle,
I am called him.
I can change the last letter -
I will, like the wind, rush you by the sea.
(Katet - boat.)

With the letter "p" - cut off the sheep,
Durable spinning in the thread.
And without "p" - is needed for an account,
To be the figure - her work.
(Wool - six.)

The number I am less than ten.
It’s easy for you to find me.
But if you order the letter "I" to stand nearby,
I am all: father, and you, and grandfather, and mother.
(Seven family.)

We read to the right boldly -
Geometric body.
We read to the right to the left -
We will see a type of tree.
(Cube - beech.)

I am born in a furniture factory I
And in every farm you can’t live without me.
Throw my last letter -
I give the name to the big number.
(Table - one hundred)

I am with "l" softened - underground,
I am stone and brown.
And with hard - in your room
And in geometry a figure.
(Coal - corner.)

With "D" - I have long glued a measure,
With "T" - there is no longer higher than the score.
(Span - five.)

The number of TU is considered to be a happy figure
It is used in the score.
And “m” was changed to “t” -
And the fish caught a lot.
(Seven - network.)

With "k" - for products is suitable,
With "M" - it is needed to addition.
(Bag - sum.)

With "w" - I need it for an account
With "M" - the offenders are terrible!
(Six - revenge.)

With a dull hissing -
Round like a ball.
With ringing -
Like fire, hot.
(Ball - heat.)

With a deaf hissing I -
With ringing - name
(Six - tin.)

With "K" - a figure without corners,
With "d" - ready to be friends with you.
(Circle - friend.)

With "c" - the segment is not simple -
With a direction, with a length.
With "C" will become part of the circle,
That the arc pulled tight.
(Vector - sector.)

Geometric body,
And in it the water boiled.

The first syllable is the note
The second syllable is a note.
But in general -
Only part of something.
(Up to + la \u003d share.)

Game - horses are needed in it,
Fasten the misconduct.
And call, friend, boldly
That which has long been no longer.
(Polo + wine \u003d half)

The preposition stands in my beginning,
In the end - a country house.
And we all decided the whole
And at the board and at the table.
(For + cottage \u003d Task.)

The first at school is all studying,
Well, the second from the double -barreled man is shot.
The third will be performed by two drums
Or heels will beat her zealously.

The first is such a polygon
Know which every schoolboy should know.
The second gymnasts perform,
She lifts them under the dome.

We find the first, we calculate
We know many formulas for her.
At the second rallies, parades,
We are always happy to walk along it.

The first can be tied
If you take my father’s tie.
And the second, the dictionary is flipping, -
The measure of speed is sea.

Logical tasks of charades for children

Sharades puzzles for children

Sharades puzzles for children:

  • "Ba!" -once exclaimed the Cancer, seeing a big .... (Barak.)
  • GVI bathed in the Don River, and went ashore ... . (Guidon.)
  • The pass “for” the pass, and the ball flies to sit in .... (Reserve)
  • “For” stuck to the word run and won together .... ( Race.)
  • “For” wanted our sensitive nose to remove that one .... (Skid.)
  • “Ka” admitted Lub’s love and running to painting in .... (CLUB.)
  • “Ka” suddenly hit sweat, overheated, he - .... (HOOD.)
  • “Kla” and our cucumber Vir - Forte he and he - .... (Clavier)
  • “Ko” suddenly meets the drill, the tracks are hiding in .... (Holster.)
  • “Ma” and a wonderful dream, a secret lodge member - .... (Freemason.)
  • “Having looked at the“ on ”himself and looked out the window, he was surprised very much his nose:“ From the snowstorm, what is that ...? ” (Nanos.)
  • “I was tired of burning,” the Topka was indignant, “with Es I will“ drink ”vodka, as a big one .... (Stop.)
  • “From” served the heroically, having received a medal .... (COURAGE.)
  • “Pi” - the number took himself a horn and he with him on holidays .... (PIE.)
  • “By” we put on the horn and it will work out .... (THRESHOLD.)
  • “At” I came, where the WHO money, in Odessa, the market is .... (BRINGING.)
  • “At” wanted to catch up with the mat. Caught up - went .... (Primat.)
  • “One” movement of the wings - mah, will be the breadth of work - .... (Scope.)
  • “One” sat down on that WHO and went out - home .... (Razvo.)
  • The “speedometer” of the vessel, the lag, with the letter “EF” raised his ... . (FLAG.)
  • “Ha” tried on Lat in Riga - he became like a grandmother .... (ROBE.)
  • “Che” was curved like an arch and became a stack, as if .... (Charck.)
  • “ES” add to the word TU and get a new one .... (TABLE.)
  • “ES” add the current to the word and get water .... (Stock.)
  • "ES" boasted an accurate pass, like August month - honey .... (Savior.)
  • A dish of Russian cuisine “Sift” with “Ney” scoop - .... (Inquires.)
  • A barrel of four pounds - a person, with the letter "el" - manual .... (Load.)
  • The letter "A" and the windows of the frame are fleeing - .... (Aram.)
  • The letter "B" with the girl Olya will be forever ours .... (Will.)
  • The letter "w" with a drink "Cola" will be a new word .... (SCHOOL.)
  • The letter "C" and the word current - there are water from the cloud .... (Stock.)
  • The letter “U” is hard to stand on the leg, but the gift was sent to her from the sky. Now in football it is so easily applied on the ball .... (HIT.)
  • The letter “A” took a slave with him, because in Egypt - he .... (ARAB.)
  • The letter "g" tried on his forehead, came up. And he went out .... (Rusp.)
  • The letter "n" was taken by Yura. What happened? It turned out - .... (Nyura.)
  • The letter "C" grabbed the lava, and the bad went ... . (GLORY.)
  • The letter "F" suddenly found cancer and put it on how ... . (Tailcoat.)
  • The meat broth is Yushka, and with the “P”, the decoration of the skirt is .... (Ryushka.)
  • He was an accurate pass in hockey, and with “C” he became in August - .... (Savior.)
  • He was a mechanic that cancer, with the letter “T” sent us .... (Trac.)
  • There was a German physicist OM, and with the “t” he was chasing Jerry .... (VOLUME.)

Sharades for children in Russian

Sharades for children in Russian

Sharades for children in the Russian language:

You will solve the problem freely
I am a small part of my face
But if you read me from the end,
You can see anything in me.
(Nose - dream.)

I crumble, demolishing the path
All that I need to destroy.
And from the end, read me -
I am a reward to sea waves.
(Scrap - they say)

Run into me to eat
And on the left - read on the right

In the ground, I will dug for water,
Look, don't fall into me!
But just read me from the end
You will catch an evil cunning.
(Moat - thief.)

The first word is in a bag
In a bunch of bread on the table.
And the second - flies to us,
And it interferes and buzzes.
Only the third will help us
Inspire and encourage.
(Flour - fly - muse.)

Guess four words
Only the letters by the way select:
With the letter "D" I am the time of the day,
Gray to the sun flock of ducks.
With the letter "P" I am a trace of the saw,
Mushrooms under me.
With the letter "T" I am in the light,
I do not like the darkness.
Well, with "l" I want to sleep
And I do not teach lessons.
(Day - stump - shadow - laziness.)

Guess three words,
Just select the letters:
Cossacks are proud of me:
"Look, under the nose - look!"
You will not have time to put "o"
How she is in a hurry to sting.
If you insert a soft sign,
In the wheel I am not a trifle.
(Mustache - wasp - axis.)

Let's make six words to you
With the first letter. Are you ready?
With "h" I fly over the sea,
I am in the car, I am in the car
With "M" I dress you,
With "l" the dog is called
With "C" you can buy in a bakery,
With "w" in the bath to wash yourself.
(Seagull - Gaika - T -shirt - Like - Saika - Gang.)

And now four words
With the first letter. You are ready?
With "o" - I finish you the story,
With "y" - I water you with rain,
C "A" - I translate your cargo,
With "K" - I am friends with the waves.
If I happen to the sea
Fishermen with me grief.
(Point - cloud - car - pitching.)

Guess three words,
Choose the second letter:
With the letter "K" I study in it,
With "P" - I will rush on the leg,
With "t" - you close the window,
You know all the words now.
(School - spur - curtain.)

With "m" she is piercing a coat,
With "C" there is a place in the kitchen.
(Mol - salt.)

Change only the letters again:
With "B" - hit in her hand,
With "M" - sits in a collar,
From "t" to the roof, it climbed,
With the "KR" - the swimmer only succeeded.
(Pain - mol - only - rabbit.)

Guess three words,
Boldly substitute the letters:
With "y" - he goes in every school,
With "for" - a guarantee in any dispute,
With "soft" - will stick to the kids
And interferes with us in life.
(Lesson - vine - vice.)

The word hid and waits
Who will find him soon?
The earth plows this word
You're ready to concern you
And you will find him in a cafe,
What word - will you understand?
(Harrow - ram - bar.)

Funny charades for children

Funny charades for children

Funny charades for children:

In winter in the den
He sees a dream
Clotted ... elephant

The faster of fear
Rushing .... turtle.

The mountain coin was
Overgrown with wool ... crocodile

In the warm puddle of his
Quarled loudly ... ant

From a palm tree down
On the palm tree again
Drownly jumps ... cow

You will not find a longer neck.
Will tear any branch ... Hedgehog

Song under the moon to sing
Sat on a twig ... Bear

-Who in Malin knows a lot?
- Clotted, brown ... wolf

All obstacles by overcome,
It bears the right one ... lion

Fruits take the trunk
Tolstoye ... Hippo

Daughters and sons
Teaches to grunt ... ant

On the pine, as in the drum,
Came in the forest ... Baran

Above the forest glade
At night
I was heard for a long time
Sweet, ahal,
Howled in wolf
And scared animals ... mosquito

Put your ear to the flower
And in it buzzes, sings
Diligent ... Fly
And collects honey.

Through his head threw off his head
Howls with hunger ... giraffe

Clulture curled up-well, touch it!
Thorny ... horse

On the fence in the morning
Kukarskal ... kangaroo

Like a bus salon
To mom jumped into her bag ... Elephant

Above the forest
The sun is extinct,
King of animals ... Rooster

Pinfront question for kids:
"Who is the cat afraid of?" ... mice

The tail is fan, on the head of the crown.
There is no bird more beautiful than ... Raven

Who loves to rush about the branches?
Of course, red ... fox

Sharades and puzzles for children for a quest

Sharades and puzzles for children for a quest

Sharades and puzzles for children for a quest:

The first letter is a dressing gown for the Japanese,
The second letter can close the sun
The third Bukovka runs in wires,
And all this is together - the main fear.
(Cat: kimono, cloud, current)

The first letter is everywhere in the forest,
The second letter sits on the nose
The third in the hollow is hidden by wild bees,
And all this together is the dream of the newcomer.
(House: wood, glasses, honey)

The first letter will give you milk
The second letter is pulling and sucking
There will be no lightning or thunder without the third,
And together you will turn out the beast overgrown.
(Kit: cow, iris, cloud)

The first letter is a singing bird,
The second letter is the clouds of the sister,
The third red nose in the ground hides its own,
And all this is together - the luck of the fishing.
(SOM: Nightingale, Cloud, Carrots)

The first letter buzzes and flies,
The second, the first, swallows aground,
Bukovka third - elegant mug,
And all this is together a pry toy.
(Ball: fly, lizard, cup)

The first book has a knife
The second - people from the people of the watchman,
The third is the thief for the barn tail,
And all this is together - a drink of pirates.
(Rum: handle, guard, mouse)

The first letter is a sailor-nedo-man,
The letter is the second candy-tuck,
The third - the children bringing a bird,
And all this is spinning together.
(Yula: Jung, Lollipop, Stork)

The first letter is a floating bird,
The second letter is a prickly tree,
The third is grass and dry, while
And all this wags his tail together.
(Dog: Penguin, Christmas tree, hay)

The first letter is not a horse, but with a mane,
The second is a horse with a horn, beautiful on a marvel,
Third - hits the current in the abyss of the seas,
And all this together is the house of birds and animals.
(Forest: lion, unicorn, slope)

The first letter is the bunches of the callouses,
The second letter is that the pancakes are thick,
You will find the third by unlocking a bunch of threads,
And all this together is a useful drink.
(Juice: crackers, pancakes, coil)

The first letter is the wolf housing
The second letter strokes the laundry
The third gnaws sheets in the garden,
And all this is together - grass and flowers.
(Meadow: lair, iron, caterpillar)

The first letter is sewn from the furs
The second letter is the smell of spirits,
Bukovka third - blood union,
And all this is together both Mars and watermelon.
(Ball: fur coat, aroma, genus)

The first letter is triumph dishes,
The second letter is a fish dish,
From the third, in the village of Srub, they are built for the house,
And all this together is a measure of volume.
(Cube: Cup, ear, log)

The first letter is the eared coward,
The second is a terrible phenomenon too,
The third will be forcibly tied to the cat
And you will find all this together in your mouth.
(Tooth: hare, horror, bow)

The first can only quack and jump
The second letter is a sacred book,
The third bean is sterile,
And all this together - the beast is predatory and strong.
(Lion: frog, gospel, cotton wool)

The first letter is a variety of cheese,
The second letter is lucky passengers
A bean of the third wounds smear the edges,
Fold and get the name of drinking.
(Tea: Chedder, bus, iodine)

The first letter is a broom on the stick,
The second letter is taken to the landfill,
Bobov is building a third, Bobe,
And all this is together - a green carpet.
(Moss: broom, waste, hut)

The first letter is sung in chorus,
The second of the fish is taken out,
The third Bukovka torments pain
And all this together is a large feast.
(Feast: Song, caviar, wound)

The first letter is the shoes of the Greeks,
The second letter is Mecca's knowledge,
The third in the river is a little lower than the water,
And all this brings fruits together.
(Garden: sandals, academy, bottom)

The first letter is a pit at the bottom,
The second will melt in the fields in the spring,
The third from God will deliver people to people,
And you touched all together, the poison in the wound will leave.
(Wasp: pool, snow, angel)

The first letter is the paper tape,
The second letter is a terrible girl,
The third pieces are found in the ruble,
And all this is together - lunch on the table.
(Soup: serpentine, ugly, nickle)

The first letter on the roof is cooked,
The second in a boring lesson is yearning for
The third weaves a dodgy mind,
And we put everything together, you will get a noise.
(Hum: pigeon, student, lies)

The first letter in the pig and in the bbw,
The second at the hare by the top on the top of the head,
Bukovka third - with fish cake,
And all this together has six legs.
(Beetle: fat, ears, kulebyak)

The first letter is without windows of the pantry,
The second letter is the trick, the trick,
The third is the sound in the river of the current water,
And all this together is a singing bird.
(Chizh: Chulan, intrigue, murmur)

The first letter walks slowly,
The second is the essence of the robot, but you and I seem to
The third is the battle of views and opinions,
And all this is together only the sum of moments.
(Hour: Turtle, android, dispute)

The first letter is a taiga predator,
The second letter is unreliable,
The third is a synonym for the unfortunate fate,
And all this is together - a house for shooting.
(Shooting gallery: tiger, traitor, rock)

The first letter is about science numbers,
The second letter is the fusion of sounds,
The third is the third - the fruit is yellow and juicy,
And all this together is the Eastern wizard.
(Magician: mathematics, chord, pear)

The first letter gives birth to the eyes
A thunderstorm smells of the second,
The third will record all the sounds that he sang,
And all this together - our vacation from business.
(Sleep: tear, ozone, notes)

The first letter is a dairy product,
The second letter is the orange fruit,
The third with them is taken to the rink,
And all this together is a beautiful flower.
(Mac: oil, apricot, skates)

The first letter is floating along the river
The second house drags and barely crawls,
The third stream near the song blooms,
And all this is growing together in the garden.
(Onions: boat, snail, viburnum)

The first letter is a water veil,
The second letter is icy mountain,
The third, like the sun, but very distant,
And all this together - the capacity is wide.
(Basin: fog, iceberg, star)

The first letter pushes a bullet into the barrel,
The second letter goes after July,
The third is known on the dish with trembling,
And all this together is the court rank.
(Page: Wad, August, jelly)

Video: Riddles for children-Videoshades for children

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