Basilica seeds - food composition, beneficial properties, harm: how to be used in food?

Basilica seeds - food composition, beneficial properties, harm: how to be used in food?

In this article we will talk about the seeds of the basilic, what benefits they bring for female, male health. You will also find out what desserts and drinks from them can be prepared.

The basil is a herbaceous plant, a lot is mentioned about the benefits of it. But basil seeds are not used so actively, despite their positive effect on the whole human health. Not many people know that the practice of using them has been known, for many years.

More than thousands of years from seeds have been preparing desserts, drinks. They are a real storehouse of vitamins, mineral components, have nutritional value. Next, consider information about the seeds of basil in detail.

Basilica seeds - food composition

There are many vitamins, mineral components in plant seeds - this vitamins: A, B2, C, B6, PP, what substances are phytoncides, carotene, eugenol, rutin. Basil seeds contain fatty acids omega-3. People using plant seeds noticed a tonic effect, antibacterial effects. Also, with frequent use, the antispasmodic effect is also noticeable, which is comparable only with pharmacy drugs (aspirin, ibuprofen).

Properties of seeds
Properties of seeds

Plant seeds contain a fairly large the amount of alpha-linolenic acid or as it is also called, omega-3. Alk It is simply necessary for the body of women and the body of men.

After the study, scientists have found that basil seeds have a positive effect on the immune system, prevent the development of malignant tumors.

Many seeds have similar properties. They are used in Thai, Indian cooking. Thanks to these eggs from basil seeds, the taste of desserts, drinks, cocktails and even ice cream improve.

Basilica seeds - beneficial properties

IMPORTANT: Do not use basil seeds for cooking, which are sold in stores that are specialized in planting material. Such seeds are treated with various chemicals for good germination and to protect against harmful insects.

In another way, the seeds of the basil are called the seeds of the subzha, the tukmalanga. They are used to make refreshing drinks, for cooking useful desserts, soups.

Basil seeds with water
Basil seeds with water

It is a pity that in our kitchen they are not particularly common. After all, their benefits are unambiguously confirmed. In addition to the fact that the basil seeds are powerful antioxidants, they still have a number useful properties:

  1. When eating their food hair condition improves noticeably. They favorably affect the hair follicle, hair loss is prevented, curls grow better, their structure improves. A large number of antioxidants contribute to this, vitamin K, the FE element improves blood flow in the skin of the head, this is necessary to stimulate the growth of strands. Even antioxidants neutralize stressful situations, thanks to such a reaction, again, hair does not fall out.
  2. With regular use of basil seeds, the condition improves skin. They are included not only in food, even seeds can be added to cosmetic products. Flavonoids, antioxidants positively affect the state of the epidermis. Antioxidants neutralize the effect of free radicals, therefore, premature aging of the skin ceases, the probability of wrinkles is significantly reduced.
  3. Thanks to plant seeds, weight loss is possible. There are a large number of fibers in the seeds, they give a feeling of saturation of the stomach, because after their use I do not want to eat. The calorie content of the product is low, which is why weight loss occurs.
  4. Panacea in the body reduces cholesterol level. According to scientists' research, plant seeds can normalize blood pressure, reducing the content of low density lipoproteins. The reaction leads to a decrease in the risk of developing a pathology such as atherosclerosis. The manifestations of the formation of plaques in the vessels are also minimized.
  5. Thanks to the seeds blood pressure is normalized, because their composition contains potassium. This element relaxes the vessels, which favors the improvement of the cardiovascular system.
  6. Bone tissue is strengthened. The seeds have the presence of such elements as: copper, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese. And when these substances enter the body, the risk of bone tissue aging decreases.
  7. If you use seeds, you can get rid From seasonal infectious diseases. In the seeds there are vitamins of group A, C, which contribute to the strengthening of immunity.
  8. With the help of seeds, you can reduce bloody glucose level. It is useful to use plant seeds with type of second type of diabetes. To control diabetes, it is recommended to drink one cup of water with basil seeds.
  9. Basil seeds are toned, cooled. For the manufacture of summer drinks, they are indispensable. They are effective for lowering temperature.
  10. Thanks to the seeds, you can remove stress. They have a calming effect, establish the functioning of the heart system, improve blood flow in the brain. Even panacea seeds have a favorable effect on the reproductive system.
  11. Regularly, using basil seeds, you Adjust your vision. And, note, not only in carrots there are useful components that improve the quality of vision.

The fact that basil seeds have an analgesic effect already mentioned. The effect is manifested due to the presence of cytokines in the product. Drinks with basil seeds are used to treat the syndrome of irritation of the large intestine, treatment of gout, arthritis, migraines in combination with medicines.

Basilica seeds - harm

Smuses with Basilica seeds
Smuses with Basilica seeds

If you overdo it with the use of basil seeds, then side effects in the digestive tract may appear. Often, people in this case are pursuing bloating. To adapt the intestines, the basil seeds should be gradually introduced into food, increasing the amount in stages.

According to experts, plant seeds give a doubled daily vitamin K norm and this vitamin improves blood flow coagulation. Therefore, if you use seeds, then you need to take into account their properties. After all, they will interfere with the drugs of warfarin, which thin the blood.

Basilic seeds - how to use for food?

It is better to buy seeds in oriental specialized stores or on online portals. Those seeds that can be found in landing stores have high prices, sometimes they are treated with chemistry for good yield. To prepare the seeds of basil, they are preliminarily soaked in cold water.

Which basil seeds are suitable for the preparation of drinks?
Which basil seeds are suitable for the preparation of drinks?

It is not at all difficult to soak the seeds of basil, just do the following:

  • Take 25 grams of basil seeds and soak in 225 ml of water. You can use more liquids, sometimes the seeds absorb a larger amount. And if the fluid is not enough, then a clump of seeds occurs.
  • Usually, for swelling, from fifteen minutes to several hours, during the period of swelling, the seeds increase in size, approximately three times. And the outer shell changes its color to gray.
  • In the center of the nucleus, a black component will be visible, it looks like a tapioka and issues a crunch when it is chewed.
  • After soaking, the seeds are filtered to get rid of excess fluid, then they can be added to different dishes.

Plant seeds are able to save the human body from harmful toxins, they also improve the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. It is not worth preparing a product in advance, otherwise it will simply lose its value.

Desserts, drinks from basil seeds - recipes

To the taste of the basil seeds nourished with cold water are incomparable with nothing. They resemble the taste of grass, and the smell is almost invisible. That is why the seeds are not eaten separately for food. To get an original dessert, you should add fruits, juices with brightly exposed aromas to the dish. For mousse, strawberries, peaches, marakuya, oranges are perfect.

You will need to prepare a refreshing drink:

  • The buds of the French rose - 3 pcs.
  • Stevia leaves - 2 pcs.
  • Lemon - 0.5
  • Basilic seeds.
Preparation of seeds for drinks
Preparation of seeds for drinks


  1. Pour the leaves, plant buds with hot water. When the drink is infused and cool, it is better to remove the leaves and buds from it.
  2. Pour the seeds of the plant with the finished liquid. To do this, you need half a liter of infusion on a spoonful of basil seeds.
  3. At the end, add lemon juice. For decoration, you can use the fetus.

All households will like this drink, especially if there is heat outside, because the drink cools and refreshes the body.

Pinole from basil seeds


  • Honey - 25 ml.
  • Lime - 1 pc.
  • Water - 225 ml.
  • Mint - 15 g
  • Basilica seeds - 40 g
Bass with lime and mint
Bass with lime and mint


  1. Basil seeds must be nourished with water. Moreover, for this it is not necessary to use hot water, it will be enough to soak them in 125 ml of cold water. For cooking you will need a lot of time. To swell the seeds, at least five to six hours are needed.
  2. Next, fill with hot water (100 milliliters) of mint leaves, dissolve honey. When it cools, add lime juice there.
  3. Mix two liquids, a refreshing drink is ready.

Not only is Pinole is tasty and refreshing, it also contains a whole storehouse of vitamins and minerals, useful for all human body systems.

Fragrant dessert with cream and basil seeds:


  • Basilica seeds - 40 g
  • Water - 125 ml.
  • Strawberries - 3 pcs.
  • Coconut milk - 75 ml.
  • Cream - 75 ml.
  • Sugar - 45 g
  • Melisa, fruits.
Dessert with basil seeds
Dessert with basil seeds


  1. In 125 ml of water, soak the seeds. Let them stand for several hours.
  2. Mix milk, sugar, cream so that sugar disappears completely. After adding the mass for aroma and fruits to the mass.
  3. Strain the seeds, more precisely, save them from excess fluid. After add them to the cream. Lay out the dessert into cremants, cool, treat the guests.

Such a dessert will appeal to both adults and children. Whoever wants to lose weight can prepare a light dinner from swollen seeds, mixing them with kefir, ash.

You can also read interesting drink recipes here:

  1. Drinks for weight loss
  2. Diet on the smoothie
  3. Pumpkin drinks
  4. Protein cocktails
  5. Milk cocktail.

Video: drinks with basil seeds


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