Scenario of graduation in kindergarten - interesting, cheerful, original, beautiful: the best selection

Scenario of graduation in kindergarten - interesting, cheerful, original, beautiful: the best selection

In our article you will find scripts for graduation in kindergarten of various topics.

Interesting graduation in kindergarten - script

Interesting graduation in kindergarten - script
Interesting graduation in kindergarten - script

Interesting graduation in kindergarten - script:

On a holiday by a friendly family
We gathered for the last time
We are guessing children to school
They go to first grade.

1 child.
Our kindergarten is decorated in the morning,
Today is a graduation holiday
And we are proud of our garden
After all, he is for us, like a home home.

Song "Goodbye Kindergarten"

2 child.
Today is spring day, bright
So exciting for us
Summer rushes unnoticed
We will meet the school, 1st grade.

3 child.
We will read so many books at school
Page by the page
Here is our song about
How do we want to study.
Song "I want to learn" words

4 child.
Any of us today is very happy
We all sing, and with us birds
The last time we came to kindergarten
They came to say goodbye to you forever.

5 child.
Do not forget your kind look
Affection and attention
Goodbye, kindergarten

Song »Goodbye, kindergarten"

4 child.
Minutes everyone is flying, the earth is spinning
And time not to return back
Childhood will never return to us
And we will not come to kindergarten.
Exercises with flowers.
(for the song "Childhood"- Disk- turns the wheel)
After the exercises, the children sit on the chairs.

Let's imagine that we found ourselves in one of the families and saw ...
Windows are burning until late in the evening
Parents are preparing children in school
What bothers them in the late hour
Well, let's look at the apartment now!

(Children come out: dad, mom, daughter. Daughter plays dolls. Dad sits in a chair)

Soon daughter to school
Will go to first grade
I wonder how she herself
Will it lead there?

Mom (strokes underwear).
I remember how for the first time
Daughter in the kindergarten without us
I yearned and missed
Even cried, it happened.

(The daughter approaches parents, calms them)
Mommy don't be afraid!
Dad, calm down!
Feel free to school I will go
We were taught in kindergarten
Do not shit or not be shy about
And in all their affairs
To be no worse than the rest!

Game pause

Let's call me fairy -tale heroes:
Koschei the Deathless)
The Little Humpbacked Horse)
Tiny ........ (Havroshechka)
Boy……. (With a finger)
Kurochka ....... .. (Ryaba)
Ivan ……… .. (fool)
Baba ……… .. (Yaga)

A noise is heard outside the door, Baba Yaga flies on a broomstick.

B-I: What is this fun here? (to the child).
Do you have a birthday?

What are you, who are you? Who called you?
We have a graduation ball today!

B-I: This is what a ball!
Who gave permission?

Yes, our children go to school. And say goodbye to kindergarten.

B-I: To school! So these are lessons to teach, felts to lie on the stove.

No Baba Yaga, you're wrong
Listen. What will the guys tell you

Children take turns:
Learning is light and ignorance is darkness.
Learning is better than wealth.
Learning in happiness decorates,
And in misfortune comforts.
Learning is always useful.

B-I: Does not matter! No matter what.

And we will check now
Are they ready for school ...

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, we start playing
We will train with you
So that in September the first day
Go to school.

Game: "Collect a portfolio"
(B-I slips unnecessary objects to children)

Well, B-I was convinced, how they deftly, quickly and correctly collect a portfolio.
Tell me, can you count? How much will be 2+3

B-I: He counts on his fingers
2+3 it will be something around ...

It will not be right

Children: FIVE.

B-y Just think, I was mistaken once!
Do your children know how to count?

Now we will check.
1 Two Belchik Mom-Belka
Waited near the hollow
They for breakfast mom-white
I brought three nuts
Divided into two
How much is each of them?

B-y: Senior 2, and the youngest 1

What do you think guys?

Children: EQUALLY.

Well, Baba Yaga gathered at school
In the meantime, she is going, let's sing ditties about the school.

1. Every day we have care
Soon we will go to school
We are not afraid of work
We will not be lost at school.

2. And we draw, and dance, and read, and sing
For no reason we do not pamper
We will not be lost at school.

3. Part of porridge and cheesecakes
Just so we won't go
Do not worry, dads, mom
We will not be lost at school!

4. Tanya Masha invited
To visit a book read
They decided to change their minds
Play barbie girls.

5. Says the guys Vasya:
I read the best in class
I opened a new book
I forgot the first letter.

Well done, they sang cheerfully.!

B-i runs into the hall, she has 2 white bow, white apron, briefcase on her head.

No, not late. Only I wanted to know how old you are?



What guys, take B-I with you to school?

Now it's time to thank all those. Who has been with you in kindergarten all these years.

Song: "Our teacher"
Song: "Goodbye Kindergarten"
Children give gifts, flowers to employees.

We are preschoolers today
We see for first grade
In parting, we invite
Dance a preschool waltz.

Waltz with parents.

Cheerful graduation in kindergarten - script

Cheerful graduation in kindergarten - script
Cheerful graduation in kindergarten - script

Cheerful graduation in kindergarten - script:

1st host:
Ah, how many times in a spacious hall
We have met the holidays!
But this one had been waiting for so many years -
And then the exciting moment has come!

2nd host:
Go to say goodbye to kindergarten here
Preschoolers hurry in the morning
We solemnly meet them
Applause, friends!

The release of children with mothers or dads.

1 child:
The holiday is not simple with us
It happens only once
And today to kindergarten
Guests are in vain in vain.
This holiday is our cheerful,
Because soon to school.
Only a pity, you need to say goodbye
We and my beloved kindergarten.

2 child:
Here we were friends, played,
The first ones learned the letters
They grew up imperceptibly
And completely large.
This holiday is a farewell day,
Sad and cheerful.
Our kindergarten, goodbye!
Hello, hello, school!

1. Song "Now we are first -graders"

Child: Guys, let's remember at this hour how we lived here, studied, played, walked, sang, danced.

Two children come out.

1st child:
We will tell you today
We will even show something:
How we played in the kindergarten
What they read, painted.

2nd child:
They know everything that every hour
For a minute, it is painted with us.
The arrows are running fun -
They don’t let us get bored.
The watch arrow costs at 8.00

The morning only comes, the alarm clock does not sleep.
It raises everyone from bed and everyone has a lot of worries.
People, adults and children are in their own hurry
Kindergarten shines with lights, opens the door to us.

Child: (transfers arrows at 8.15 in the morning)
At 8. 15 - we are made together by the schedule
On command: “-Arce, trim, pull yourself up, pull up,
Bend, squat, breast and shoulders straighten! ”

2. Dance with balls (charging)

Child: (transfers arrows at 8.30 in the morning):
Eight thirty - our time:
We sit down to eat porridge.
Thanks to our cooks
That delicious porridge is boiled for us.

3. ditties to the cooks

Child: And now, rather, you have to boldly take the case.
Glue, build, draw, sing songs, read poems.

Child: (transfers arrows at 9.00 in the morning):
Nine zero - zero in the morning -
We have to do it.
We invite you to the lego lesson,
Here we build and play.

4. Dance with lego cubes
(at the end of the dance, from cubes, lay out the word school)

Child: (transfers arrows at 10.00)
Time runs forward -
The second lesson is waiting for us!

Musical classes are loved by kids.
They sing, dance, play from the heart.
Composers of various children are studying here.
Together with the song, along with the dance, they grow along with music.

5. Orchestra

Child: (transfers hours to 11.00)
Here is 11. 00. We have to get a time!
If the sun shines brightly or cloudy with us.
All the same, we go for a walk at this hour.

Child: Finally waited!
They gathered for a walk!
There we will rest
Run, jump and play!

6. Song-drive "Do you love me?"

It's time, guys, lunch is waiting for us!
There are no such borscht, such cutlets are nowhere tastier in the world!
Just do not forget
Wash our hands purely.


How unfair is this:
Am! - And there are no sweets!
But the soup is so, and Xiak, -
It does not end in any way!

Very tasty candy.
I love her for this.
And for the elegant candy wrapper
From it you can make a bow
A ring to your finger
And just put in a pocket.

Why for lunch
Do not give any sweets at all?
It would be good -
I ate and say - more!
Mom will be glad
And you don’t have to scold!

8. Dance with caramels "Sweet tooth"

Child: (transfers hours to 12.15)
We’ll eat and go to bed -
That will be grace!
Just something I can’t sleep
I want to have fun!
Or to chat with a neighbor,
Or leave the pillows!

9. The scene "Quiet hour"

10. Dance with pillows

Child: Three hours! Get up! Climb!
We have a half -day time!
We will eat now.
Here is the curd souffle
Before us on the table!

And to him strawberry jam!
Everyone likes him very much!
And cocoa with milk,
To drink everything later!

We begin to draw
Draw, as everyone knows
It is very interesting!
We take the brush again
We begin to draw!

11. Song about paints

Child: (transfers hours to 17.00)
A cuckoo sings on the clock,
Says: "It's time to say goodbye!"
Goodbye, toys,
It's a pity to part with the garden.

12. Waltz "City of Childhood"

1st host.
OK it's all over Now!
It's time to say goodbye
And the school is waiting for yesterday's preschoolchildren!

2nd presenter.
Everything is ahead of you
But only to kindergarten
You will never return!

You will educate other children,
Learn letters, mathematics.
We learned from you to the main thing -
Respect other people, make friends.

You took care of us like mothers,
Worried, sitting by the window ...
And now we say goodbye to you
We part with the kindergarten forever!

Song of the teachers of the kindergarten.
The word for congratulations is provided by the head of the kindergarten.

Scenario for graduation in kindergarten modern - "Profession"

Scenario for graduation in kindergarten modern
Scenario for graduation in kindergarten modern - "Profession"

Scenario for graduation in kindergarten modern - "Professions":

Children: We called dear guests here
For our farewell concert,
To get in this room today
In the adult world, a mysterious ticket.

My kindergarten
I wake up with the sun,
I am glad to come in the morning.
I'm going quickly
To your favorite kindergarten!
There are books and toys, and
There are favorite friends there
My faithful girlfriends
I can’t do without them!
The cute teacher is the most
Helps us and teaches.
She is almost like mom.
And our kindergarten is the best!

Song "Kindergarten"
Poems about friendship
Fair dance "Polka"

Leading children: We guys from kindergarten. We are talking about
Who will we become in this life when we grow up soon.
A lot of good professions in the world,
But it is important to choose one.
Listen to what children will tell
What will delight our country tomorrow.

Doctor: Here is a thermometer under the mouse,
Sit five minutes.
I am sown with the best ointment,
I will put a tourniquet in my hand.
Raise the shirt,
I will listen to the stomach.
Oh oh oh! Rummies there something
Drink compote urgently.
To injections! To injections!
Get ready, guys!
You don't be afraid! I don't hurt -
After all, I am a good doctor.

Song "For the vaccine first grade"

Honey. sister: I will treat patients, improve their health.
I will tell them: well, first of all, take care of your nerves.
Secondly, you try-engage in physical education.
Doctors are ready to help you.

Together: Better we are all healthy!

Athletes: We are fighting girls. And we can do it
All records of the world to give to the native country.
Mastery is ripening over the years. And your star hour will come.
It is not in vain, friends, our homeland is sick for us.

Sports number

It turns out a girl-educator with the folder "Program". Reveals it. As if reading. Remembering. Calls children.

Educator-girl: Children, children, come to me!

To the music “Top-Top, stomping the baby” comes out the “bunch” of children, holding onto the rope.

Educator (child): Who will teach the friendship strong,
Divide the game with a neighbor,
Gently eat all the porridge?

All children: Our teacher!
With whom to sculpt mushrooms and the sun,
Draw flowers in the window?
Who will sing, tells poetry?

All children: Our teacher!
Who will console will regret
Who will teach to become kinder?
The garden is more beautiful with her,

All children: With our teacher!
So I will return here!
Affectionate, attentive.
And always responsive
I will become a teacher!

Minister: If I had been a minister, I would not lose time,
I would certainly have issued a law on kindergarten.
To build a pool, everyone was given for lunch
Not boiled carrots - but half a kilo of sweets!
Let them work until night, Sunday, on the New Year ...
And for the summer they take us to rest in Sochi without worries.
If I had been a minister, I would easily help everyone.
I would have written everyone in our kindergarten. I checked it myself - there will be a lot!

The noise of the aircraft. A stewardess with airplanes comes out and launches them into the audience.

Stewardess: I am always in flight, in a snow -white plane.
I help passengers, press, coffee.
Here is the minister and artist, traveler, tourist.
I am an air princess and I am called a stewardess.
Do you speak English? He asks 2-3 times.

Children: I want to learn English in English.
After all, in the profession, any he will be useful to me.

Song in English

The hairdresser: I’ll go to the hairdressers, I will let the eyes, eyebrows.
Come, our mothers, I will dye your hair.
A thin, small comb will quickly make a hairstyle.
It will be fashionable - super class. Dads will not recognize you!

Presenter: Oh, how beautiful everyone sitting in the hall. Stop, a moment. Where is our photographer?

Photographer: I will take you to profile il Anfas,
Although standing, at least lying, everything will be like.
Just do not blink, squint and yawn.
You can’t cough and itch,
And you need to smile with might and main.
And you will have a portrait that is not better.
Smile! Chiz!

Presenter: Oh, who was sad? Now we will raise his mood.

Song "Once Palm"

Musician: How can we live without a song if the music calls.
The world is great and interesting if the soul sings in you.
I want to become a musician and go on a cruise.
So that on the scenes of the whole world they shout to me the word "bis".

"Children's orchestra"

Presenter: They love music everywhere.
And on land and on the water.

Fashion designer: I want to become a fashion designer, wearing everyone beautifully.
The style of the new, unusual girls to hit all the girls.
That I have guchi il Armani, I will open a new style.
Gold, airy, thin, in general, not for a simpleton.

We were protected by great -grandfathers and grandfathers -
The flag of victory fluttered in Berlin.
When we have a sweet dream at night,
Our soldiers do not sleep on the border.
On land, in the sky, in the seas and even under water
Our soldiers protect our world for us, my friend, with you.
When I grow up big, wherever I served, everywhere
I will protect my homeland, and I will reliably.

The song "If you want to be a military man"

Architect: The architect is building a house, a high -rise building.
Builds a house with a pencil on a piece of paper.
You need to draw everything, calculate, check,
All apartments are counted, stairs and doors.
So that he stood for many years, so that the Light is in the apartment,
Baths, washbasins for large and small.

Astronaut: And I want to become an astronaut, fly to other worlds.
If I meet there reasonable ones, I will invite everyone to visit us.
We will show them the planet how we live we will tell them.
Spinning, spinning a ball of blue
This is the land where we live with you!
Blue - rivers, seas, oceans ...
Mountains, plains, thick fogs.
Well, green - meadows and fields!
Our motley planet is the Earth!

Dance with inflatable balls "Earth's ball"

Leading children: All professions are beautiful.

Song "Goodbye, kindergarten"

Graduation scenario in kindergarten original

Graduation scenario in kindergarten original
Graduation scenario in kindergarten original

Graduation scenario in kindergarten original:

Presenter: Yes, children, you are no longer kids, but almost real schoolchildren ...

We are your future teacher
Passed the portfolio - look!
And in the portfolio Tom is a secret.
Well, what is not there:
It has pictures and notebooks,
Where the riddles are recorded
And the tasks are interesting,
Games, wonderful songs!
Play these games
And guess the riddles.
Interesting tasks
You guys decide!

The presenter opens the portfolio, takes out the beautiful book “Tales”, is surprised. I just touched the pages. Someone is already knocking on us.

Baba Yaga:
Fu-you, priests, tired,
Finally jumped!

Looks at the granddaughter.

Baba Yaga:
You are not your own with a bell.
Not ruddy, not alive.
Moya, who offended you?
The miracle, where did you see?
Eat aspen bark
And you will cheer up for the time being.
Tea, not chemistry,
Tea, natural gifts.
Eat it soon, granddaughter,
And then the grass is a bunch. (Treats.)

No, granny, I'm healthy, I'm not afraid of enemies.
Something is sad alone, why I do not understand.
Here in the wilderness one at all, I don’t even eat goodies.
Moya, make an appointment with school.
I will do there. (Thinking.)
How can I go to school, there is no portfolio, even die!
I want a briefcase, granny!
Well, get him, Yagul!

Baba Yaga:
You have grown up, you have grown up,
If I have such a demand with me.
Well, why do you study (grabs your head),
With grief, or something, drown!
Better you are Shugai beasts
Yes, scare the people in the forest!
Here is your calling.
Oh, my fuel!

I said I want to study!
You can even drown
And take a big portfolio!

Baba Yaga:
What stuck to me, leave me alone! (Thinks.)
Okay, sit down under this spruce,
Wait, I will get a portfolio!

Baba Yaga and Yagik leave.

What will happen, wait,
Now let's go dance!

Children are performing a dance at the choice of a musical director. Baba Yaga appears again.

Baba Yaga:
Somewhere the music is heard
And I must check
Why are there having fun here
Look, they decided to amuse yourself!
Ah, how fun you have
Though now let's go to the dance!
What a holiday, tell us
Explain everything to the yagule.

We have a holiday in the kindergarten,
See how many kind eyes!
We are preschoolers today
We escort to first grade!

Baba Yaga:
Fun, then here,
Right now I will bring sorrow! (Starts to sob.)
And the granddaughter in the forest is dark.
Though not at all sick. (Thinks.)
Do you have a porthwell? (Menacing.)
And I can not eat everyone!

Why are you, Yaga, scare?
You interfere with the holiday!

Baba Yaga:
So, ento, like I'm joking
Do not be angry at me.
You would give me a porthwell,
And the fun continued.

Why do you need a portfolio?

Baba Yaga:
So that the granddaughter is amused!
He wants to study at school,
I am ready to vouch:
He is smart, I will not save,
You will not find such a hundred years!

So call him here,
If this is the trouble!
Let him have fun with us.
Well, why do you need to be angry?

Baba Yaga (joyfully):
Anto so it, of course,
I'll call my granddaughter hastily.
Let him have fun here,
Let not be angry with the granny. (Whistling.)

Yagik enters.

You, granny, called me?
Tell me how are you?
Did you get my portfolio?
Not! I will leave again under the spruce!

Baba Yaga:
You, granddaughter, do not look like
Sit down with the children
Show your skill,
It is possible, then they will come in handy in learning.

(Proudly): After all, I taught you!

Presenter: In our magical portfolio there are interesting tasks. Now we will solve them. The presenter sets the tasks for the children, then turns to Yagika.

Presenter: Well, you, Yagik, know how to count?

Baba Yaga (very proud):
Well, he is a mastic!
I will correct what is wrong!
How it starts to count in the forest,

They say: "Mastak, see!"

So let's my tasks
They decided in the forest for chewing gum!
If I decide correctly,
I will allow you to chew them!

Baba Yaga:
He clicked them like nuts,
For fun, for fun!

For me, they are a game!

Baba Yaga:
Well, no fluff, no pen!

The host makes Yagika arithmetic riddles, he answers incorrectly, confuses.

Baba Yaga:
Here is misfortune, here is embarrassment!
I will spank instantly, Butuz!
You can’t solve the problem.
Get a slap in addition.

Yagik (pretends to be unhealthy):
Oh, everything is in full and hurt
And inside the fire burns.
I have long suspected encephalitis.
Oh, it’s bad for me!
Babs, hear how he crymates in the back!
There is no learning.
From him only torment!

Presenter: Do not be upset, Yagik, you will go to school - you will learn everything.

Baba Yaga: And did the children learn in kindergarten?

Presenter: Yes, and not only that. In our kindergarten, children learned to draw. Do you, Yagik, know how to draw?

Well, what to learn to him,
All can only marveur,
I am an artist at least where!
I sometimes draw.
Only with the thought will gather,
I will take the drawings!

The competition "Young artist.

Well, we got enough, played enough ...
Will they give me a portfolio?
No, so with grief zrereu-oo-oo!
Well, where do I put things,
Here is misfortune, here to attack!

The presenter and children give the portfolio Yagika, he rejoices.

Baba Yaga:
Thank you, I got it
And they gave the portfolio!
Our gift to you, friends,
I want to give.

Baba Yaga and Yagik give sweet gifts.

Baba Yaga:
Though you have fun with you
Though you are glad to see us
But it's time, friends, say goodbye
We need to return to the forest.

(The phonogram "Sounds of the forest").

Without a hostess - a dumb house,
Without yaguli - the forest is empty.
There the hut is sad in the wilderness,
You hear, a cuckoo calls us!

Baba Yaga and Yagik say goodbye and go. Children go to the construction, give flowers to the kindergarten to the kindergarten.

Graduation scenarios in kindergarten the most beautiful

Graduation scenarios in kindergarten the most beautiful
Graduation scenarios in kindergarten the most beautiful

Graduation scenarios in kindergarten is the most beautiful:

Presenter 1.
Gardens bloom and bloom a little,
And the sun shines so merrily.
And our favorite kindergarten "Ryabinushka"
On a spring day, a little sad.

Presenter 2.
Today in our bright hall
The guys gathered for the last time.
There will be a sea of \u200b\u200bjoy and a drop of sadness:
They go to first grade from us.

We meet our graduates.
Under the phonogram of the song "Little Country"

1. In this bright good house
We walked for five years
And here's a petty clear day
They should say goodbye to him.

2. Here they surrounded us with good,
Here everyone was happy.
Here in the morning a cheerful gnome
He came to visit us.

3. Here is Pinocchio and Pierrot
Read us taught us
Carlson knocked on our window,
I dancing with us.

4. And now the farewell has come for an hour
For adults and guys.
We leave to school, to first grade.

Everything (in chorus). Goodbye, our kindergarten!

Presenter 1:Everyone in life is the only time
There is its first, its memorable class,
Both the first textbook and the first lesson,
And the first bold school bell.
Because very soon
Everyone who has grown is needed to school,
And they want to say ...

Children. Goodbye, kindergarten! Hello school!

1. So we grew up and us
The school is waiting for the very first grade.
And remember, five years ago
How did we go to kindergarten?

2. What are you, did not go
We were taken in strollers.
On the handles, we often sat,
They didn’t want to stomp with their feet.

3. I remember crying every day,
He was waiting for his mother, looked out the window.
And Vova walked with a nipple,
And someone wore diapers.
Yes, we were all good
Well, what to take from us - after all, kids!

4. Oh, I did this,
At lunch over the soup, she poured.

5. I used to eat badly,
They fed me from a spoon.
Slunifik saved us from porridge,
From tea, soup, yogurt.

6. Remember, I'm from sand
Big build cities!

7. Oh, ... no need!
We baked all the Easter cakes,
Not very smooth - as they could.
And together we played
They treated each other!
They were solewounds,
Fought with their hands and feet,

Presenter 2. Just like these kids
Who have come to visit you now!

Children of the younger group run up into the hall, line up in front of graduates.

1. Do you go to first grade?
Maybe take us?

2. No, because we still have to grow
It’s early for us to go to school!

3. We wish you to learn
Draw, read, write,

4. In the lessons only four
And receive five.

Perform the dance "Romashkoye Field".

Presenter 1. And on this page we collected all the drawings of our children.

"Merry pencil."

1. We will tell you that we are
They loved to draw.

2. put up a whole year
Work for parents.

3. Both landscapes and portraits -
Everyone knows how to draw!

4. Not otherwise how they decided
Is it all artists to become?

Presenter 1. In the kindergarten, we not only played, but also studied, taught poetry, listened to fairy tales.

Presenter 2. Therefore, our next page is “fairy -tale”.

The girl runs out and puts large flowers on the music to the music.

The girl is an inch.
The forest woke up, the meadow woke up,
The butterflies around were waking up,
Herbs and flowers woke up
There is so much beauty everywhere.
I'm calling me with an inch
Little beauty.
I live in a magical flower,
I like my house.

Girls take flowers from the floor and dance "Dance with flowers."

Elves school very soon
Opens with us.
I will study in it
And my friends are with me.
We will study the letters
Reading books read.
And then any fairy tale
I can tell everyone.

Presenter 1. Our children will also go to school in the fall. .

Thumbelina. Well, then, before meeting at school.

Presenter 1: On the road, girls! On the road, boys!
Walk on the ladder of knowledge bold!
Wonderful meetings and good books
The steps will be on it.

Presenter 2: With a cheerful song on the road, walk,
She will help you in a difficult path.
What in the kindergarten did you learn for yourself,
As a banner in grade 1, add!
Presenter 1: The next page is dedicated to "our educators."

Children perform the song "Our Educator".

Presenter 1: How nice, how wonderful
How mentally you sang.
All worked hard to fame
We were convinced of this!

Presenter 2: You glorified our garden
Good deeds.
You have become relatives to us,
We became friends.

Educators perform the song "Where is the childhood."

Leading: Our next page "Farewell toys".
And now it's time to say goodbye to the toys.

Children. Goodbye, toys,
It's a pity to part with you!
Do not miss the dolls, bears
And pictures in our books.
Guys will come to you again,
As we once came.

Dance "Farewell, toys!

Presenter 1. So the breaks have come for the hour
The kindergarten is circling in the garden!
Our beloved house,
Native kindergarten,
You see your guys to your school!

2. The hall froze in solemn silence, friends are waiting for the cherished words.
Today we will say goodbye, what is neither to say.

3. We are sad, very sorry to part. We promise to visit our garden.
But it's time to say goodbye, we want to tell you all.

4. It was cozy, beautiful in the group, in the kindergarten in the morning we went joyfully.
We tell you all together "thank you."
And bow to you to the very ground.

Perform the waltz "Anastasia"
Awarding of graduates.

Graduation script in kindergarten with Dunno

Graduation script in kindergarten with Dunno
Graduation script in kindergarten with Dunno

Graduation scenario in kindergarten with Dunno:

Dunno from the flower city.

Vedas: Today the holiday is amazing
Today the holiday is final.
For everyone who is going to school
A cheerful holiday begins!

1 Reb.: Preschool childhood is leaving once,
And today everyone will feel it.
Toys, cars, rocking, swinging, leave,
And books - babies, and dolls - squeaks.

2 Reb.: But we do not forget this world -colored world,
And our kindergarten is kind, cozy and bright.
And warm hands, and affectionate look,

All: Thank you, thanks for everything, kindergarten!

3 Reb.: In the garden we learned to count
And to draw and dance, learned the roles.
Board and chalk, and pencil, and watercolors and gouache
We have just at school.

1 Reb.: Only we need to say goodbye to the kindergarten expensive,
The school will be very happy for first -graders.
Strong, brave and cheerful, the most friendly of the guys,
Hello holiday, hello school,

All: Goodbye, kindergarten!

2 Reb.: We will at school, as large, write a lesson on the board,
We decided in advance all excellent students.

3 Reb.: Summer Red rushes, ringing the call is cheerful,
With a bright festive bouquet, I will go to study at school.

1 Reb.: I walk along the road, a new satchel behind me,
I will not forget the pens, books and notebooks.

2 Reb.: I will try at school, because you need to know so much,
To get a brand new diary, only five.

3 Reb.: I myself will teach lessons and solve problems too,
Well, if something happens, I know, my mother will help me.

(Children sit in places)

(Dunno with a portfolio in his hands runs to the music, disheveled)

(approaches some guys, greets the hand and calls it)

- Hi, Pilyulkin!
- Hello, blue -eyed,
- Hello, donut,
- Hi, Flower,
- Hello, tube!
- Hello, Znayka!
- Hi, grumble!
- Hello, button!

Vedas: Wait, wait! What are these shorties, from what such a flower city? These are the guys of the preparatory group from the kindergarten and their parents.

Children: Yes!

Dont know.:
I am a poet, I am called Dunno,
From me you are a balalaika!

Vedas: Well, you can compose poems and well, and now we will check how you can read and write.

The game "Make a word" (Dunno doesn’t succeed)

It happens fish, and happens with a tool - (saw)
A tree, of the flowers of which fragrant tea is brewed - (linden)
Can be football and wheat - (field)
What you can't hide in the bag - (awl)
Wheel shoes - (tire)
It is sea and happens for shaving - (foam)
Little horse - (pony)

Dont know.: Well, think, but I think the fastest in the flower city.

Vedas: Well, and we have tasks. Try, count!
Now I will check
How you learned to count.
There are four lions under the tree.
One left, remained ...

Dont know. Two!
Children. Three!

Vedas: The mouse counts holes in cheese:
Three plus two - total ...

Dont know. Four!

Children: Five!

Vedas: You will sleep in the lessons
You will receive for the answer ... (not five, but two)

Three sparrows were sitting on the branch:
Mom, dad, son - family!
A Vorobey neighbor flew to them,
And with him three more sons!
How much? Count as soon as possible.

Dont know. And I'll take a slingshot -
That's the whole riddle!
Feathers will fly away, fluff,
There were three, it will not be two!

Vedas. You do not know how to count at all
The guys have to tell you!
Guys, give me the answer:
"Can you shoot from a slingshot, or no?"

Children: Not!

Dont know.: Your tasks are very difficult, I can’t on the shoulder. Something would be easier.

Vedas: Okay, then here is the task of attention.

The game "Ears shoulders, arms, nose."

Dont know.: Well, okay, someday I will learn.

Non -z.: Look, look, there are kids at the door,

Even less shorty.

Vedas: These guys came to congratulate our graduates on the holiday. Come on, kids!

1 Reb.: Leave us guys,
You have long grown up for a long time.
There are no dolls and horses at the school
Instead, there is an archers!

2 Reb.: We came to you to say goodbye
It is very sorry to part
You go to first grade,
But do not forget us!

3 Reb.: We lived together with you,
We went on a campaign more than once.
And they met the holidays
And they played merrily.

4 Reb.: On stage together performed,
We competed more than once.
We sang together, danced,
You studied a lot with you!

5 Reb.: And today is goodbye
We want to wish you:
“Kindergarten don't forget
And learn only five! "

SPP: Happy Wonderful Day
And we hand medals to you!
The call will call - a cheerful call -
And go to school soon!
Medals are presented, the kids go under applause.

Vedas: Our holiday we continue
We invite everyone to the dance.

Vedas: Now I am announcing a disco. The disco is not easy, but we will have it. I ask our gentlemen to invite their mothers.

Diplomas and gifts are awarded. To the music, everyone leaves the hall.

Graduation "Scarlet Sails" in kindergarten - script

Graduation scarlet sails in kindergarten - script
Graduation "Scarlet Sails" in kindergarten - script

Graduation "Scarlet Sails" in kindergarten - script:

The solemn music sounds leading.

The guys were quiet today in the morning.
Farewell Day: It's time to part.
In the hallway - the smell of spirits is thrown,
And the group has a stable smell of flowers.
All phones are sober tired,
The girls went for the hairstyle to the salons,
The boys combed their whirlwinds
I don’t recognize my children at all.

1 presenter:
How good, how festive with us!
We meet a farewell holiday with you.
And we invited you to kindergarten,
To admire you graduates!

2 Vedas. Today they are beautiful and stylish here,
And the hall freezes in anticipation!
The applause sounds strong everywhere,
We are opening the graduation of our ball!

Four enters children, educators call their names and surnames.

Vedas 1
Today it is impossible to restrain the excitement:
Your last holiday in kindergarten,
Our heart is warm and anxious,
After all, the children have grown to school.

Vedas 2
And how hard it is to part with you,
And release you from under the wing.
We have become relatives, we became friends,
And it’s better not to find you.

1 Reb.
Well - what everything is answered together
What a funny day?
Why are there so many guests
Chorus: We are leaving for school!

2 Reb.
Why are all our guests
They look at us joyfully
They congratulate us from the heart

In chorus: We are leaving for first grade!

3 Reb.
Why tell me directly
Mom hides nose in a handkerchief
To say
In chorus: how quickly we have grown up!

4 Reb.
Why are all our eyes
They burn impatiently
What do they want to say
Chorus: Goodbye Kindergarten!

Song "Goodbye, kindergarten"

5 child:
- Well, that's all, that hour has come
Which we all were waiting!
We gathered for the last time
In our cozy room!

6 child:
- a bright bright hall is decorated
Bouquets alive.
We came to the ball to the ball
With friends and relatives.

7 child:
- We lived so fun here,
We sang and danced ....
And they didn't even notice
Suddenly they became large.

8 child:
- The smart ones are now standing,
Words, worrying, say,
How to sadly leave our garden,
But we have already given a school start to us.

9 child:
- The school opens the door to us,
But you, your beloved garden, believe me
We will never forget.
Your preschool years!

10 child:
How many years have we come here,
How many tears spilled here sometimes,
For the first time we beat the knees,
They felt sorry for us, loved us all.

11 child:
We wish us today
Everyone's happy path
So that difficulties, obstacles
We could easily pass.

12 child:
To make the sun the sun,
So that the sky is peaceful,
So that we grow with strong
So that everyone is proud of us.

13 child:
Goodbye to the garden
The song is together.
Never, nowhere, guys
We will not forget about him.

The song "What is a kindergarten"

Vedas 2.
Preschool childhood is a big country
In the magic seas, she was lost
On the map, this country cannot be found.
Want, guys, you get there?

Children: We want.

Vedas 1: . Look at our wonderful ship with red sails

Vedas 2. Guys, do you agree to go to the country of knowledge - to school?

Children: Yes!

Educator: Then we set off!

14 Reb.
We are sailing. It's hard for us to say goodbye
With the island that I have met with good,
Who raised us. And it will dream for a long time
Our calm kindergarten pier.

15 Reb.
Goodbye, the country of Kuklandia, continuous invention!
We float, friends, bolder!
We sail to the country of fantasy, distant first -class
On our ship!

16 Reb.
Goodbye, the pier of our fairytale,
And kind and mysterious!

All (in chorus): Goodbye, our kindergarten!

Captain: So, are you ready for swimming?

Children: Yes!

Captain: Botsman, give the pins!

Boatswain: Yes, give the pins.

Captain: Raise sails!

Boatswain: Eat, raise sails!

Captain: In the country of knowledge full forward!

Boatswain: There is a complete forward!

17 Reb.
Today we want to look at the kindergarten:
A boat of preschool childhood floats.
We part with toys, with semolina,
With a group, with girlfriends, with our nanny.

18 Reb.
Raise the anchors, and catching a fair wind
We float into unfamiliar seas at dawn.
To the new school islands and mysterious straits.
This voyage will be difficult for us, but happy.

Captain. The blue sea is waiting for us.
In places! Full forward!

Song "Sea Journey"

(The noise of the sea is heard a phonogram, the captain looks at binoculars)

Presenter 1: Botsman, what can be seen?

Boatswain: I see the island

Vedas 2.
Here at the course of the island
He is not low, not high.
There are toys on the island:
Dolls, bears, rattles.
Hey, assistant, island whose?
Boatswain. This is the island of kids

The gym includes children of the younger group

1 Reb. Of course, we understand - today you are not up to us.
We just wish you a good way and in a good hour!

2 Reb. We wish you learning, five
And the kindergarten is beloved, often recall and do not forget us!

ALL: In parting, we ask you to invite us to dance!

Dance "kids with graduates"

19 Reb.
On the kindergarten we are countrymen
But it’s a pity already graduates
Do not miss the baby without us
And do not offend adults here!

Graduates pass in a circle with kids and escort the kids

(everyone waves their hand)

The blue sea is waiting for us.
In places! Full forward!

(The noise of the sea is heard a phonogram, the captain looks at binoculars)

Boatswain. I see an island right on the course

Vedas 2. This is an island of kind words.
You were kids yesterday
And now you have to go to school.
You got stronger and matured -
When did you grow up?

Children in chorus: We are surprised ourselves,
Maybe something here with the clock?

20 Reb.
Only in the kindergarten we will come
And we will not recognize ourselves.
For some reason, for some reason
We are growing very quickly!

21 Reb.
Like us like trees,
Water endlessly
Like miracle vitamins
All day in the garden we eat

Vedas. What is the secret?

Children in chorus: But there is no secret at all

22 Reb.
There is such a force in words
From which we are growing
We pull like maples to the sun,
Higher, higher every day!

23 Reb.
"Good afternoon, thanks, hello!"
We are talking to each other
For lessons of education
We thank the kindergarten!
We will never forget
Our preschool island,
Our kindergarten is our cozy,
Warm, light tower!

24 Reb.
We are sad, very sorry to part
We promise to visit our garden.
But it's time to say goodbye
We want to say “thank you” to everyone.

25 Reb.
Everything in the garden is fine with us -
Beauty is visible in everything,
Because it is personally
She works wonders!
And our head,
For her efforts,
We let's say thanks now
My sincere!

26 reb.
They lived together in this house,
There were games, tears, laughter ...
Kind friend, warm light
The teacher has become for everyone.
We will raise our hands together,
Words are not needed now -
We will hug the educators!
They, our beloved, are two

27 reb
The doctor is wonderful in the garden -
We are not afraid of meetings with him.
He heals, interestingly,
Only the wrong speech.

28 reb.
Sounds are difficult to mint
The kids learned
We shout loudly, without flaw,
We are a speech therapist

29 reb.
FA "from" salt "do not distinguish,
Not every talent is given
But this does not bother us,
There is a musician in the kindergarten.
On my mother's day and on my father's holiday,
On Christmas or New Year
Even a furious prankster
It famously sings a song.

30 Reb.
They learned about culture here
They were engaged in physical education
Each lesson passed
Children remember the teeth

31 Reb.
Our nannies, thanks
You are for the sun of smiles
For attention, for comfort,
For hearty good work

32 reb.
We say cooks
Thank you sincerely!
Go around at least a whole world
Better your porridge is not!

33 Reb.
The manager has no few things,
To our kids
It became more comfortable in the kindergarten
You need to be here and there.

34 Reb.
The senior teacher does not sleep at night,
A new technique is written and crammed.
So that with the interest of the year three in a row
The kids walked into this kindergarten.

35 reb.
Laundress, our watchmen,
We say thank you.
Every day, hurrying here
Be happy always! (Give flowers.)

Well, team, don't yawn!
Singer about the school about the school!

The song "soon to school."

Vedas 1. Well, now, let's remember how it all began.

Many years ago,
You came to our kindergarten
With kids babies,
With Vicki, Arishki.
They stood under the windows,
They worried about the child
And, it seemed to you then
He will always cry.
Days rushed like a moment,
And you have passed the excitement.
That hour has already come
Spend them to first grade!
Only we want to remember
How difficult it was for them!

The solemn exit of graduates.

1. The sun is cheerful
The windows are joyfully knocking.
And we are proud today
In a word important

(in chorus) graduate!

2. Today we are graduates, no longer preschool.
Funny calls and new guys are waiting for us!

3. We will read so many books at school
Page by the page.
Goodbye, our dear kindergarten,
We are all going

(in chorus) to study!

4. Let the couples spin in the dance
Today at this hour
And they will remain in memory
You have graduates!

Dance "Farewell"

A solemn moment has come:
I hand over the children a document,
It is called a diploma,
And for life. He is in memory.
Everything will be: school, institute,
Your first diploma is here!
You, our children, cranes,
The first step passed,
And the second, the third is waiting for you
Fly to the sun forward!
And try to study like that
To be proud of diplomas!

Scenario of graduation in kindergarten - "Journey"

Graduation scenario in kindergarten - journey
Scenario of graduation in kindergarten - "Journey"

Scenario of graduation in kindergarten - "Journey":

Child 1
We invite everyone to the ball to the elegant music room,
Here the music gathers guests again,
She starts a solemn holiday.

Child 2
We are circling in a waltz today, friends,
After all, the time has come for a farewell time.

Child 3
As a gift from all the guys
Accept our sun, kindergarten!

/girls give balls to parents, take colored flags/
Boys are balls

Dance composition "Road to the Sun"

Child 4
Our kindergarten is decorated in the morning, today the holiday is graduation.
And we are proud of our garden, because it is for us, like a native house.

Child 5
We lived here so fun, we sang and danced,
And they did not even notice how large they were.

Song "Goodbye, kindergarten"

As if a mischievous ray, which in the morning illuminates the sky,
Our Garden is beloved and meets our own kindness.
You are our cozy dear house, you give tenderness to us and affection,
We play and sing here, and every day we live in a fairy tale
Goodbye cute kindergarten, you remember the mischievous guys,
We will give children's dreams, smiles and flowers.
Goodbye cute kindergarten, you remember the mischievous guys,
In a childhood steam locomotive, you will take us to a fairy tale every time.

-You -the world of mysterious miracles, you shine with your magic,
Thanks to the kindergarten for being, for giving us miracles.

Solny girl
Look, guys, look at heaven,
My rays shine, they will give you miracles,
An unexpected surprise, along the sea of \u200b\u200ba blue cruise.

Child 6
Look, our white ship and the blue sea distance.
After all, traveling so interesting on a ship called "childhood"!

Child 7
Friends, look, there is a captain,
He traveled, it seems, a thousand countries.
A beautiful gait walks forward,
On the sea, he will boldly lead the ship.

There is a captain, a golden key in the hand, stops.

Before the ship, the captain is met by sailors.

I am a cheerful captain, I traveled a lot of countries.
I have a treasured key, gold, friends, secret.
It will help to swim, the kingdom of the alphabet to open.

cabin boy
We swim, sail, wait for us in the sea of \u200b\u200bmiracles,
We sail, swim, raise the sails.
Comrade Captain, Ship "Childhood" is ready for sailing!

There is a complete forward!

The song "Our boat swims forward"
The sun's ray in the sky plays, the cloud floats into the distance in the distance,
The rainbow bridge will open the door for us, only you believe my friend in my fairy tale.
Our boat swims forward, invites us on a trip,
Let the drops silver, only in a fairy tale, my friend, believe me.

/the noise of the sea is heard/

Yung 1
On the right - the sea, on the left - the sea, the waves splash at the expanse,
And, in my opinion, the country is visible to us.

/heard SOS signal/

Radio operator
I hear a signal, they call for help,
Apparently, in Kuklandia they are waiting for us very much.

Course in Kuklandia!

/4 girls-dolls go and stop, stand motionless/

Child 8
See how many dolls, only they are all sad.
They do not sing, do not have fun, are motionless.

/children leave the ship/

Child 9
We will free the dolls and, of course, revive,
It is worth touching the key, immediately the dolls will smile.

/start the dolls with a key, sit down/

Dance "Summer Castanet"

/after the dance appears Karabas Barabas, doll girls/

? My name is Karabas, I will put all the dolls once!
Ah, what a grace to manage everyone in the theater!

Karabas, do not bother us, we hurry to the distant land
To the alphabet wonderful, very interesting.
Karabas, do not bother us, we hurry to the distant land,
It will help us not easy, this golden key!

/run into the ship/

So you freed my dolls? So you have a golden key that rightfully belongs to me?

/Karabas-Barabas leaves/

Song "Childhood Nazi"

Hello, morning, mischievous morning, our childhood is like a bright ray
It illuminates the blue sky from inconspicuous and unkind clouds.
You, as a fairy tale, kind, wonderful, are beckoning and calling and calling
Our childhood, mischievous childhood, you play and sing with us.
We go on a trip to the seas, friends,
You are my friend and I am your friend, together the rainbows of a semicircle.
We go on a trip to the seas, friends,
You stretch your palm and give me a smile.

The distance is sealess, the country is wonderful behind the sea,
An unknown land here, Argentina is a wonderful paradise.

Argentina will meet tango, there are a lot of love, fire in him,
There is, of course, a secret, it calls us Manya.

/emerge from the ship, muses "Mysterious Island"/

Dance "Tango"

/After the dance, pirate and pirate appear, muses. "Hey sailor!"/

Well, now hands up, otherwise we will sink everyone!
Aboard! Aboard! We will capture your ship!

Hello, the peanuts, dancing ended,
And I swear by jellyfish, we will capture everyone, brothers!

Child 10
An adult uncle, like a child, non -vocrated from the diapers.
There were deuces without doubt for your behavior.

School? No, quit!

Do you get rich for this knowledge? Well, the buddy, finding them, properly, maybe where they hid the gold?

The game "Pass the key" /Pirates take the key /

This is the treasure! Go from real gold, well, answer where you keep the path and why?

To the alphabet cheerful, meet the school!

To check if this is so, we offer a baton.
We want to know now, can you read?

Yes, we can!

Pirate and pirate
Well, then, once and two, make all the words!

Game "Compose a word"

Ah yes fellows! Listen, buddy, I feel sorry for these schoolchildren, maybe give them a key?

Do you not remember that Karabas Barabas will make a cutlet out of us for this key!

Well, give it!

/Pirate and pirate throw a key and drop it in the sea/

Oh, this is how we did miracles! How to find a key now?

Child 11
We should not lose heart, but rather sail
And we must call the sea ruler to help us!

Captain, do not blame, go in a good way!

/pirates go away, children go into the ship/

Song "Road of Good"
Ask life strict for how dear to go,
Where in the world will go in the morning in the morning.
Fly behind the sun followed, even though this path is unknown,
Go, my friend, always go to the road of good.
Goodbye your favorite kindergarten, now I'm a first grader,
And I will remember, the school is not a game at all.
And if it is difficult, do not be able to a miracle,
Go, my friend, always go to the road of good.

/the noise of the sea, the knock of the ship about the bottom/

How beautiful the distance is sea, there is no better sea, there is no miracle,
I observe an unidentified object in binoculars.

Yung 2
Attention! Attention! On the way, underwater reefs!
It is very simple to guess, this is a coral island!

/run out of the ship/

Dance "Mermaids"

/After the dance, Neptune appears to the music/

Grozny I am the ruler, fish, mermaids by the Lord,
My palace at the bottom of the sea is all strewn with silver,
There is a lot of good for the sea Neptune.

Mermaid 1
You are our underwater ruler, our dear lord!
We have news for you, this key from the ship!

Mermaid 2
The long -awaited news to us, which means there will be guests here!

I am Neptune, a sea miracle, all ships are subject to me,
Cute guests, where are you floating from and where?

Child 12
To the alphabet of fun to meet with the school.
You, Neptune, help us, the Golden Return key!

Key, say? So this is your treasure? Okay, so be it, but with one condition, you would have fun, play with me, surprised me with something new.

Child 13
Well, of course, we will play and we invite you,
The one who does not find the pier will lead the ships.

The game "Ships»
Ships float far to the edge of the earth
In the blue sea distance, captain, lead the ship!

Thank you for the start, but one more desire
You will perform, friends, and play for me.
Orchestra of children's musical instruments "Turkish march"

Well, guests this time, I would leave you at home.
You just need to study, to hurry to the alphabet.
Here is your golden key, go home,
Goodbye, goodbye, do not forget about us.

/Neptune leaves, children become a semicircle/

Look, guys, the kingdom of knowledge ahead,
We finally came to visit the ABC of the entertaining!

/appears the ASBUCA Queen/

I am the queen of the alphabet, get acquainted with everything, friends,
In my ownerships, I welcome everyone here.
And you, I see, on the way of obstacles were able to go through,
The moment has come, and now my door is open to school!

/ABC waves a key to magical music/

You and the cute kindergarten will say goodbye forever
How birds fly away from the nest.

Dance composition "Pigeons".

/Anthrak, children change into ballroom outfits/

Educator 1
Today it is impossible to restrain the excitement,
Your last holiday in kindergarten,
Our heart is warm and anxious,
After all, the children have grown to school.

Educator 2
Today we are glad to welcome them,
Beloved by all their hearts and expensive
Girls, boys who became
Now our graduates.

/To the music, children go into the hall in pairs/

Child 14
We part with a kindergarten, a magical, fabulous country,
But there is no need to forget it, because the kindergarten is like a home!

Child 15
More than once we recall how we played
And how much was the venture here,
As the evenings were painted by the forest, and mother, and stream.

Child 16
It is a little sorry that we will only be guests here,
But you are always in our souls, and we are with you with you.

Song "Farewell Waltz"

/after the song, children give employees flowers and are built on a waltz/

Dance "Waltz"

Educator 1
You will never forget your first ball,
Even when you will be adults.

Educator 2
Our ball is completed, the holiday ends,
Happy Road to you, first grader!
Private preschool educational institution

Scenario of graduation in kindergarten - "Oscar"

Scenario of graduation in kindergarten - Oscar
Scenario of graduation in kindergarten - "Oscar"

Scenario of graduation in kindergarten - Oscar:

The music sounds (1).

Leading: The hall solemnly beautifully removed.
Today, graduation is a wonderful, sad ball!
Beautiful - because the children have matured,
And sad - because years flew by
They are worried, stand at the entrance!
Our release is the best release!
Two thousand twenty -second years!

The song "Clap your hands"

1 Reb.
The holiday is not simple with us
It happens only once
And today to kindergarten
Guests are in vain in vain.
This holiday is our cheerful,
Because soon to school.
Only a pity, you need to say goodbye
We and my beloved kindergarten.

2 Reb.
Here we were friends, played,
The first ones learned the letters
They grew up imperceptibly
And completely large.
This holiday is a farewell day,
Sad and cheerful.
Our kindergarten, goodbye!
Hello, hello, school!

The song "Little Country" is performed.

The song "Goodbye, kindergarten."

Children take their places


1. Here, just recently
The kids were we
And by the handle with tears
Moms in the kindergarten led us

2. We did not sing funny songs -
We all roared and roared.
It was very sad for us
We were left alone, without mothers.

3. Here the educators came,
We were led by us.
The tears were said abruptly: "Stop!"
Life turned into kaleidoscope.

4. We are like chicks today
We leave our native d \\ garden
Wish us on the way
Do not meet any barriers.

Presenter: Our children have grown up, became large.
And they have already earned their Oscar.
Today our children are like flowers,
Such adult daughters and sons ...

(Music sounds)

(Presentation of the prize)

Song "Daughters and Sons"

Leading: And now attention!
Nomination "Rising scene stars ...

(Music sounds)

(Nominees come out)

1 Reb. The Mir Theater will open our scenes to us,
And we will see miracles and fairy tales.
There is Pinocchio, cat Basilio, Alice
Heroes, masks are changing easily.

2 Reb. The magical world of the game and adventure
Any baby wants to visit here.
Suddenly it will turn into Cinderella in the prince,
And show everyone their talents.

3 Reb. Theater, like a sorcerer, a wizard,
Having a magical wand with his wand,
And here is a child, modest and shy
Today the king suddenly plays.

4 Reb. Let childhood be like a fairy tale
May miracles be happening every moment,
And let the world around will become kindly affectionate.
And we will go out wings instantly.

(Music sounds)

Leading: And we continue our ceremony. And now the next
Nomination "Sports Reserves of Russia".

Attention to the screen.

Film (children are playing sports)

Leading:We meet our nominees.

(Music sounds.)

(Nominees come out)

1 Reb. Hello all the guys
And such a word
Love sports from an early age -
You will be healthy!

2 Reb. Everyone knows, everyone understands
That healthy is nice.
You just need to know
How to become healthy!

3 Reb. There is no better recipe in the world -
Be inseparable with sports
You will live a hundred years -
That's the whole secret!

4 Reb. Close yourself to the order -
Do charging every day.
Laugh more fun
You will be healthier.

All: Sports guys are very needed!
We are friends with sports!
Sports - assistant, sports - health,
Sports - game, physical education ... cheers!
(Music sounds

Presenter: The next nomination "Clever and clever"

(Music sounds)

(Nominees come out)

Presenter: is wonderful that the group has guys
Whose mind and knowledge bring glory to her
After all, it is precisely about them that they will say once
You are the pride and hope of our days.

1 Reb: The sun is cheerful
The windows are joyfully knocking.
And we are proud today
In a word important is the graduate.

2 Reb: They flew quietly
Carefree days.
We got stronger, matured
And now - students!

3 Reb: Handles and notebooks are waiting for us,
Books, paints and diary.
Everyone will tell in order
We are pages of school books!

4 Reb: Even if it is difficult
Subtract and multiply,
We promise to study
On the "four" and on "five".

(Music sounds)
(Presentation of the prize)

Leading: The next nomination "workaholics".

(Music sounds)

(Nominees come out)

1 Reb. My garden, garden
How much is trouble with you
From spring to cold weather -
"Be ready always ready!"

2 Reb: Carry out landings on time,
Water, since it could not rain,
Here, as there is weeds,
Too, after all, not trifles -

3 Reb. Oh, insidious, unnecessary -
You climb everywhere without demand -
You won't die from idleness,
By night you are very tired.

4 Reb: But, after all, there is beauty,
Everything blooms and for a reason -
Prevents the mind -
I will overcome all the works!

(Music sounds)
(Presentation of the prize)

Perform dance "Twist."

Presenter: The next nomination "Gentlemen"

1 Reb: The gentleman respects everyone,
Helps everyone in everything
He loves oatmeal
And he does not champ it at all.

2 Reb: He always takes off his hat
And the cylinder, and the ball, and the cube.
Mom obeys, dad,
Even with my grandmother is not rude.

3 Reb: Lady loves gentlemen
Unprecedented beauty.
Can become any in the world
Even you!

4 Reb. What is a gentleman?
Maybe, nevertheless, Jam-Pelmen?
Oh, have to eat oatmeal ...
But I decided so, friends:
If the lady becomes Sonya,
I will become a gentleman!

(Music sounds)

(Presentation of the bonus.)

Perform the dance "Mom and Sons"

Leading: The next nomination and the last “great artists”.

1 Reb: We sit and talk with our legs,
Admiring the world and people
As if the secrets of the world know,
They are available only to us.

2 Reb: As soon as we take only a brush,
How the world will be transformed!
The magical world will open the sheet,
And a miracle is knocking into the house.

3 Reb: You can decorate everything around
Water, earth and leaves.
And the house will turn into a fairy tale
The smear of a wonderful brush

4reb: It is difficult for us to wish,
We will always achieve everything,
Although you should always know
We are "colorful" live.

(Music sounds)

(Presentation of the prize)

The dance with the canvas is performed.

Presenter: 1: Children are in a hurry to grow up soon,
And time comes to us to accompany them,
And now, in conclusion, let me say!
Today I want to hug you from the bottom of my heart!
The guys became their sons and daughters!
They understand me from a half -look!

Children stand in a semicircle

1st Reb.: OK it's all over Now! Goodbye my kindergarten,
A child is leaving with you a little
I will save childhood memories,
I'll take them a particle with me on the road.

2nd Reb.: Everything goes away, but I'm a little sorry
That childhood is closing the page,
Everything is ahead, but only to kindergarten
We will never return.

The song "Very sorry to part."

Leading: Thank you, children, for being that you were
For the fact that you came together to our garden,
Swal, grow, dream, love!
And if it loses, go to our garden.
We wish you success in school and pronounce "In good time!"
Let the school warmly warm you will meet you in September!

Video: The most touching script in kindergarten!


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