Second marriage: will it be happy, how to prevent the same mistakes? Prayer for the well -being of a second marriage

Second marriage: will it be happy, how to prevent the same mistakes? Prayer for the well -being of a second marriage

In the first marriage, each of the spouses dreams of a strong full family for life. But alas, many marriages break up very quickly and people have to start their story from scratch.

The second marriage gives a person hope to find new happy relationships. Having an unsuccessful experience, everyone seeks to create a stronger union. I would like to leave all the hardships and misunderstandings in the past, to experience new vivid emotions.

Exclude common errors of the second marriage

For the fact that the family breaks up, two people are responsible. Everyone consciously chooses a partner. To blame your spouse of all mortal sins means to admit that you initially married a bad person.

It is possible to prevent conflict situations and exclude misunderstanding in a new family by analyzing the most common mistakes of a second marriage.

  • The same type of men.Many women consciously choose a partner who has a great resemblance to the first husband. In such a situation, there is a high probability of repeating the history of the first relations. The character traits that attract during the period of love can cause irritation through time. Wanting to get strong volitional man, We do not think about the fact that he will be the main thing in the family And then we try to turn the situation in every way.
Select the same type of man
Select the same type of man
  • Comparison with the first husband.In the event of the same domestic situations, a woman subconsciously begins compare the second husband with the first. The second husband, for his part, can draw a parallel between you and a woman from past relations. Such comparisons lead to conflicts and frequent clarifications of relations. A constant comparison of the past with the present suggests that you are not ready for a second marriage and too in a hurry to build a new relationship.
  • Model of sexual behavior.The first marriage leaves the experience of sexual relations. Intimate proximity helps to better understand the partner and accept it. Long -term relationships in the first marriage instill behavioral habits and form ideas about sex. We are unconsciously starting compare new sexual relations with existing experience. Unjustified expectations can spoil the proximity in the new union. Of course, there is no getting away from the memories. But it is very important to stop comparing old and new relationships and start life from a new sheet.
  • The rapid origin of new relationships.Do not allow a short acquaintance to grow into sudden second marriage. Give yourself time to get to know a person better, try to “get sick” to each other. Sometimes women with the help of a stamp in the passport want to wipe their nose to the former partner. But it is the first divorce that makes it clear that the painting in the registry office is not the key to a strong relationship.
  • Do not rush to respond to a hand and heart proposal. The slightest uncertainty is a significant occasion to weigh everything. The ring on the finger should appear only at your desire. It is foolish to follow the lead of public customs and circumstances.
Haste in marriage
Haste in marriage
  • Active communication of former spouses.Many spouses manage to maintain strong friendly relations after the divorce. It’s good when a former partner is always ready to come to your rescue. It is important to learn how to dose such communication. Too frequent interaction with a former partner can interfere with new relationships, give vain hopes. When the new union is born, old ties can cause distrust and become a reason for conflicts.
  • Unconvention to invest in a new relationship.Negative experience from the first marriage makes people be careful. We we scurry to an emotional and material contribution In a new relationship, afraid to burn again. If the second marriage turns into a practical deal, then the probability of the second divorce is rapidly increasing. You need to invest in a relationship, and not evaluate the material contributions of your partner.
  • Children from the first marriage.The failure of children from the first marriage is a significant argument to terminate this relationship. You will not be forcibly sweet. Children will become the cause of frequent conflicts in the second marriage.

It is important to have common views on the methods of raising children, otherwise the care of children will turn into a tug of rope. You can not neglect the interests of the child, you need to be able to put up with unlocked circumstances, the second marriage of her husband should not become an obstacle to communicating with children from past relations.

Children from the first marriage
Children from the first marriage

Why is the second marriage happier than the first?

The second marriage has more chances for strong long -term relationships for a number of reasons:

  • We are guided not only by feeling, but also by reason.Creating a new relationship, we are more carefully approached by the choice of partners. If the first love blinds, and we are ready for paradise in a hut, then when entry into a second marriage Our approach is becoming more practical. An increased interest in the nature of the new spouse, in his habits and attitude to various household situations helps to exclude mistakes of the past.
  • Experience of family life.Joint accommodation with the opposite sex makes us more responsible. General life teaches you to take care of another person, to take into account his wishes. We learn to make joint plans. In the second marriage, much it is easier to find an approach to a loved one and points of contact.
  • A conscious desire to have children.In a normal family, children help strengthen relationships. With age, the desire to have children becomes more conscious. We know exactly what we want and plan our future relying on specific desires. A woman no longer thinks about her own self -realization as a mother, but takes into account the desire of both partners. A man who is ready to take an obligation for other people's children inspires even more confidence in the future.
  • Long -term plans.The first love has to enjoy current events. When entering a second marriage material benefits acquire a different value, and we strive to improve the quality of our life. Large joint acquisitions and setting long -term goals always holds relationships. The same aspirations help to quickly come to the desired result and experience pride in the general work done.
New plans
New plans
  • Change of world view.Many little things acquire new significance when a person loses them. In the second marriage, a new meaning is invested in words and actions. Spouses seek to support each other and find new points of contact for joint pastime.

The period of loneliness after a divorce causes an irresistible desire to experience warmth and tenderness in new relationships. Mutual efforts with another partner gain new power.

How to successfully enter into a second marriage: Simple tips

Several simple tips will help to discharge the situation and strengthen mutual understanding when entering into a second marriage:

  • be kinder And stop annoying along the little things.
  • Joking more often, Humor will help to avoid unnecessary conflicts.
  • Correctly use the experience of past relationships. Analyze both positive and negative events.
  • Respect the decisions of your partner.
  • Make others understand about the seriousness of your new relationships. This will minimize unnecessary questions about the ex -wife.
  • Correct your behavior Remove the right lessons from your mistakes.
  • Develop a new relationshipwithout violating personal space.
  • If a person is truly dear to you, then do not attach any importance to his former relationship.

Prayer for the well -being of a second marriage

In addition to your own efforts, always enlist the support of the saints. The prayer for the well -being of the second marriage addressed to St. Athanasius, will give you faith in a new relationship. The Monk Athanasius twice married not at the call of her heart, but with the blessing of her parents. Wanting to devote her life to serving God, she came to a lonely life among the desert. Her relics help to find prosperity in the family asking everyone.

“O holy sainty of God, the Monk Afanasy! A feat of good to the earth, she perceived the crown of truth in heaven, the Lord also prepared the Lord to all his loving him. The same look at your holy image, we rejoice about the glorious end of your residence and honor your holy memory. You, the presentation of the throne of God, bring our prayers and bring to God, to forgive us all the sin and help us, we will defer the devil against us, and get rid of sorrows, illnesses, troubles and misfortunes, and righteously live in the present in the current The belief and will be given to your representation, as if not worthy of the Esma, desiccate good on the lands of the living, glorifying one in the saints of his Slavimago God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and now forever and ever. Amen".

The second marriages are much less likely to lead to divorces. But in order not to step on the same rake twice, it is necessary to carefully analyze your mistakes.

Video: How to get married successfully a second time?

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