Secrets of the perfect wife: 10 recommendations on how to create trusting and strong relationships in marriage

Secrets of the perfect wife: 10 recommendations on how to create trusting and strong relationships in marriage

We learn the secrets of the perfect wife: 10 tips that will allow you to be an ideal wife and a happy woman.

An ideal family begins with an ideal wife. And in this article we prepared 10 tips on how to become an ideal wife, and what needs to be done so that there is strong and trusting relationships between you.

Secrets of the perfect wife: self -improvement and development

A happy and perfect wife is a happy family. A well -groomed wife is a lover husband. These are axioms that always work 100%. So, you can "plow" around the clock, but the situation in the family will only worsen. Therefore, the first secret of the perfect wife is self -love and self -improvement.

  • Dream. This is a mandatory part of a person’s life, but everyone needs a certain time for sleep. Someone falls asleep in 5 hours, someone only in 12. Try to sleep at least 7 hours at night, and if you have hard work and there is an opportunity, then a time lunch sleep will help to spend the rest of the day more productively. But if you wake up after 5 hours energetic and rested without an alarm clock, a cup of coffee, then 5 hours are enough!
  • Your goal is to stay healthy and cheerful throughout life. A sick wife - no one needs. The old proverb that reveals the truth. But the sick wife is not the one who is being treated and tries to recover, but the one who launches itself walks sluggish and depressed.
Give yourself time on a hobby
Give yourself time on a hobby
  • The third whale on which the base of the happy wife is being builtpersonal care. Regardless of what your partner tells you, and what you think - the world is full of smart, beautiful, well -groomed women. Therefore, basic concepts, such as makeup, manicure, depilation, hairstyle, hair dyeing, as well as fitness and maintaining a figure in the form - the necessary attributes of an ideal wife.

Raise your daughter - teach her from virginity so that a neat hairstyle and fitness are as familiar as brushing your teeth.

  • And when the basic needs are resolved and established, we proceed to self -improvement. Everyone has its own, because we are personalities. Think about in which direction you would like to develop? Read books under the floor lamp? Learn to knit? Play a musical instrument? Learn psychology? Decide what will give you positive emotions and develop you

Learn from men - they always find funds to buy fishing fishing rod or a subscription to the gym. Develop and be always attractive. How to become an ideal wife? To begin with, become happy and well -groomed and proceed to the next point.

Secrets of the perfect wife: Talk to your husband

It’s good if your relationship is only born. Then establish a dialogue is much easier. Worse, when you together for many years and realized that the time has come. Life, like communication, is established, even if it does not suit both of them. But everything is real, including reaching a new level of trust.

Talk to your husband
Talk to your husband
  • Tactile contact. In the relationship of her husband and ideal wife, this is very important! Always kiss when you meet and forgive your husband. Go to him when come home and meet him when he comes. Do not forget about eye contact.
  • Always ask how the day has passed, what's new. But not as a phrase on duty, but show interest. Drink into his affairs and experiences. After listening to him, tell us about your affairs how the day went. Do not devote it to the female niche of gossip, jokes, and caring for yourself. But no one forbids, cocketing to show a new manicure, haircut, dress. Such things are done playfully, coquettish, so that the man feels like a sultan with the most beautiful wife in the world.
  • Do not saw! Bad mood - pick up water in the mouth. There are problems - lay out their husband cleanly, but in a quiet tone, and with a minimum of emotions. Ask for help or just support. But never saw!
  • Ask and consult. Ask your husband how he wants your family to spend the weekend? How does he see a vacation? What is the best way to distribute the budget? Should I give the child to the section? If he says something in the spirit of “do not say stupidity”, “decide for yourself”-tell me that his opinion is important to you. If you do not agree with his opinion, tell him that you have a different vision of the issue. Give the arguments and together come to a consensus.
  • Give your husband the right to make a mistake, especially if you already have many years of marriage experience. Gradually, your new manner of communication will interest him, and he will connect to the new rules of communication.

And remember, no matter how much a man is trying to twist his nose from female tenderness - he is waiting for her! All these embrace, kisses, questions about his thoughts attract a man and make you change the usual image of idle life, for life in marriage.

Secrets of the perfect wife: life and finances

How to become an ideal wife? Create cleanliness in the house and support the welfare of the family. Let's honestly admit to ourselves, we work ten times less by home than our mothers and grandmothers worked. At the same time, we were so “arrogant” that we even try to divide this work with my husband in half. And when this fails, what is happening? That's right - a scandal. You say that you are a woman, not a slave. Completely agree! But the house should be clean and smelled of delicious food.

Do not bring yourself to the extremes in attempts to become an ideal wife

So, in order to get a constructive solution to the question, the following algorithm should be used:

  • Hold a conversation with her husband in which he is ready to make efforts to maintain life. Men are all different, like their income. For example, asking her husband a middle -level manager for household assistance is relevant, but if your husband is a businessman who often travels on business trips is simply stupid;
  • Write all the responsibilities of the house in the column, on the contrary to put the time, how much is required for execution and daily/monthly/once a year. Now read the list and put a plus where you are happy to perform duties. Put a minus where the duties can perform technology. Now write out a technique on a separate sheet, which is required for easier farming. And the last point - which categorically does not want to do. Write these points on a separate sheet. Write down the cost of this service if you hire a person;
  • With these three sheets, return to your husband and repeat the dialogue. Start by the fact that you love him and respect his right to comfort in the house, as well as that you do not have time to do everything in one person with efficient and often quite often. After that, lay out the details of the question. Questions that you are ready to take on, questions for which technology are required - a list of technology, and questions that are overlapped with hired assistants, and the sum;

If your financial situation is modest, then it will not be possible to fill the house with equipment in a matter of days. But you already have a plan - and you can start implementing it.

Here are a few examples. You work five days a week and do not have time to make delicious and prepare a lot - connect the cooks that will cook food, and you will only take the ship from him. You can also agree on delivery. So your house will be filled with useful home food, and you do not fall from fatigue and exhaustion.

Daily cleaning can be performed by yourself, but to the general to invite the assistant. Or windows are washed once in the season - you can spend a day, or you can allocate a fund from the budget and hire an assistant. Believe me, such a distribution of responsibilities, even if it initially causes objections, then the husband will feel comfort as a result - he will be glad of the wise decisions of his wife.

The topic of finance is no less scrupulous than the topic of everyday life. Discuss with your spouse budget distribution issues. Say with him the amounts and niches in which you can spend without coordination. Be sure to coordinate all other expenses with your spouse. This will add respect for you, and you will establish yourself as a wise woman and an ideal wife.

Secrets of the perfect wife: care

An ideal wife is a caring, tender spouse who radiates kindness and is admired by the spouse. How to become an ideal wife? Learn to take care Not only about cat and child, but also about my beloved husband.

Caring is one of the main indicators of love for a man
Caring is one of the main indicators of love for a man

You can take care in different ways: prepare breakfast, collect food for work, stroke shirts or knock down the temperature with colds. But that's not all! Caring is the creation of a special atmosphere around the spouse, who will entirely trust you and know that you are the same woman near whom he is comfortable and comfortable. In addition, it is easier to open in comfort and trust your beloved woman!

Secrets of the perfect wife: Trust and respect

To be the perfect wife is to be a woman who loves, admires and admires her husband. A woman who supports her spouse even in the most adventurous decisions. A woman who will never discuss and criticize him, both with him and behind him.

And another important point - confidence. The ideal wife will not fall to the “sniffing” of things or the roar by phone and notebooks. The perfect wife or completely trusts his spouse - or leaves him with his head proudly raised.

Trust and respect is the key to the perfect family
Trust and respect is the key to an ideal family

However, this does not mean that you should always agree with your spouse. You can express your opinion, but it should always be correct, and only when you are alone. You also have the right to ask your spouse a response, respect.

Special attention deserves mutual trust and respect. Agree not to voice your plans and decisions for life until you discuss the issue with each other. So you will avoid many conflicts.

Secrets of the perfect wife: Creating comfort

The ability to create comfort is a great talent that every girl can master. And the sooner you learn to do this, the faster grow up in the eyes of men to the perfect wife. Many inexperienced girls are sure that to make the house cozy a lot of money is needed. And others with a minimum of finances are able to create comfort from the void!

Cozy house- house to return to
Cozy house- house to return to

We give some tips for creating comfort:

  • Soft light. This is a fireplace, a floor lamp, a nightlight, muffled light. Try to have several lighting objects in each room. Ideal - put a light regulator;
  • Support order in the housethrow the trash in time;
  • Sofa - Gray cardinal comfort. It is he who, like no one else, gives a sensation of home, comfort, comfort;
  • Sofas pillows, comfortable rugs, soft poufs And linen tablecloths with napkins. This cannot be saved, only a few things - and the room is filled with comfort;
  • Clothing for windows is a best friend of comfort. Correctly selected curtains, the presence of translucent curtains allows you to set a cozy environment in the room;
  • Aroma. And this is not an air freshener. Synthetic aromas give false smells, which eventually begin to irritate. Aromatic candles, aromatic sticks, lavender bouquets, rinser. All this fills the house with a special aroma that you want to return to;
  • Flowers. In this case, magic possess both roses in pots and cacti with ficuses;
  • Mirrors, paintings, books, The product of your hobby - adds individuality.

Remember that not only the house, but also the cottage, your workplace should be cozy. Bring yourself a piece of yourself and you will see what changes in your life will be! If you wondered how to become an ideal wife - learn to create comfort as a housewife at home.

Secrets of the perfect wife: sexuality and seductiveness

How to become an ideal wife? Become a sexual obsession of your husband! You can be a good mistress, you can be a kind woman, but also do not forget about sexuality. Life eats even the most romantic relationship if they are not seasoned with a good portion of passion.

Group and tightness of the figure are important parameters. But no less important is sexual packaging and inner desire. If you feel that sex has become dedicated - urgently solve the problem, as the man feels cold and will also respond with detachment over time and lose confidence.

Perfect wife \u003d sexy wife
Perfect wife \u003d sexy wife

If you do not feel desire, a surge of excitement - talk with your husband and find a consensus in which both will be good. Romantic music, candles, warm bath, full sleep. The sooner you find your excitement points, the more bright and passionate your life will be. A honest conversation with your spouse will only add confidence. Perhaps he also does not suit him, but he is embarrassed to tell you this?

Secrets of the perfect wife: Fidelity

Fidelity of the wife is a reliable rear for her husband. And fidelity is not only the lack of communication with other men, but also a respectful attitude to the spouse before the whole world, including children, parents. A man who at least once heard criticism about himself from his wife to his relatives, friends and acquaintances - never trusted completely. How to become an ideal wife? Never speak badly about the spouse.

Absolute love is absolute trust and respect
Absolute love is absolute trust and respect

That's why be faithful to him in thoughts, gestures, actions and even dreams. Often repeat your spouse that you are one. That you are together in grief and joy forever. And you will support him both in the moments of victories and in the moments of crises.

Be prepared that a man’s life may be accompanied by diseases, injuries, and dismissal from work. Its support at these moments is an important point of family relations. It is at such moments that you can correct his opinion about you, even if you previously allowed oversights.

Secrets of the perfect wife: personal desires, personal space

During the abandoned husband alone, it can save marriage. Have respect for yourself and your man, and also give yourself and him the possibility of personal desires. No, this does not mean that you can have connections on the side. But you may have a girlfriend with whom it is interesting only to you, but not to your family.

Can you go to the cafe with her? So your spouse can drink beer in a bar with friends. And again we recall - if you do not trust him, do not waste time on him. If you do not trust any men - consult a psychologist, solve the problem, return to solving the issue with your spouse. Solve problems as an ideal wife.

Personal space needs everyone, even in a loving family
Personal space needs everyone, even in a loving family

Personal space - A mandatory point in healthy family relationships. Know how to keep the distance until you are invited. Sometimes really a man wants to be himself. And for this, do not even leave home - just to be alone in the room. You will be disturbed - it will go to the garage, to the cottage, and over time and where your eyes look, only away from the annoying spouse.

Secrets of the perfect wife: Prince on a white horse

As a child, we all believe in a fairy tale. Someone represents himself as a modest princess, someone perky sorceress, but our fiancé always seems to be a prince on a white horse, a strong pirate, a powerful robber, in general-a hero!

And so we meet a hero, get married, get used to, “turn on the mommy” and turn him into insignificance. Worse, only a desperate girl can be presented than this, who has never found his prince, agrees to the one who made an offer. And it seems to love him, but the hero did not work out from him. No and no! We ourselves kill the hero in my husband!

Husband is a hero and an example for a family
Husband is a hero and an example for a family

In a dark alley, it is really better to sprinkle with the first pepper spray, than to wait until your man can cripple. But in everyday life give him the championship. Let him take a cart in a supermarket and fold the main list of products, and you will help him. Let him pay at the checkout, and distributes the budget at home.

Save your desires regarding vacation, but trust him with a choice. When raising a child, always focus on the fact that the father’s opinion is the most significant in the house. And even if your man has lost the knightly enthusiasm, having received power, respect and worship will surely surprise you.

And in conclusion, we add that in order to become an ideal wife and have a trusting relationship with her husband and mutual understanding, it is important to remember that your husband is the most beloved and close person around the world. At the same time, do not forget to love and respect yourself. Do not become an ideal wife to someone who regularly wipes your legs about you. Happiness and great love!

Video: 5 qualities of an ideal wife. An ideal wife - what is she?

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  1. There should never be any plaster on the face

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