The script of the perfect date to conquer the girl the first time: the secrets of the first date that will help to fall in love with her?

The script of the perfect date to conquer the girl the first time: the secrets of the first date that will help to fall in love with her?

Want to conquer the girl on the first date and fall in love with her? Read tips and secrets in the article.

Men who experience feelings for the opposite sex often think about an ideal date. They, as a rule, want to surprise their soul mate. If this is the first date, then it is still more complicated. First of all, the girl needs to make a good impression.

Read in another article on our website on the topic: "Ideas of a budget date". You will find a list of the best.

A woman on a first date not only pays attention to the behavior of a man, but also with surprises. There should be a comfortable situation on the date. It is necessary to make sure that the meeting lasts until the end of the evening and the woman does not run away. The next will be behind her. She needs to be alone and analyze everything that happened on a date. No need to rush to call or see her. The remaining tips are described below in this article. Read further.

What girls love - how to roll up to her: tips

Girls love pleasant surprises
Girls love pleasant surprises

Modern girls are very fond of flowers and gifts. It is important for them that their man considers her the queen, who deserves all the best. Sometimes even the most modest bouquet or a small cute gift can make a woman happy for several days, and she can remember this for several years. What do girls love? How to roll up to her: here are the tips:

  • For each date, it is not necessary to give a bouquet, one firmly rose will be enough and the girl will be very pleased. The main emphasis will be on which man is attentive and gallant.
  • If a man knows about the girl’s hobby, you can present any modest gift associated with this hobby.
  • One restaurant or cafe, also do not do. Offer to take a walk after dinner. Or just spend her home with a walk.
  • If the evening has become cool, and the girl is easily dressed, show care. Land her with your jacket or jacket so that she does not freeze.

Below even more interesting information. Read further.

What to write to the girl when meeting: how to fall in love with her in correspondence?

By correspondence, you can fall in love with a girl
By correspondence, you can fall in love with a girl

If the acquaintance between a man and a woman happened on the Internet, you need to be very neat. What to write to the girl when meeting? How to fall in love with it by correspondence? There are several points that must be adhere to when correspondence with a girl. You can get acquainted with the errors that must be avoided below:

  • Do not insist on a meeting

During correspondence, you should not immediately speak and insist on a personal meeting in the near future. You need to wait a bit. Acquaintance on the Internet is not very suitable for a quick transition to a new stage.

  • Avoid monosyllabic phrases

All men do not like to write long messages and paint every step. Their credo is brevity and clarity in statements. But in this case, it is worth focusing on the fact that a man is drawn not only to get an answer to his question, but also to prepare the soil to expand the dialogue. But it is worth noting that an unfamiliar person does not need to write long messages. This can be quickly tired and interest will disappear.

  • Do not disappear

Some time after communication, it is not recommended to disappear and not write to the girl. Some ladies can be worried and write to you first, and some will simply be silent, just like you. In this regard, communication can completely disappear, and the girl will find a new relationship.

  • Avoid personal issues

Do not climb into the soul of a person, taking into account the fact that you are little familiar and have never seen. If a woman wants to share with you something secret, she will do it herself.

  • Speech

It is necessary to follow your speech very carefully. It is worth completely abandoning rudeness. But the main aspect in this paragraph is the presence of spelling and grammatical errors. No one advises you to use the spelling dictionary. But it is worth paying attention to how and what you write. If many mistakes are made, then they will cease to communicate with you. Women do not like this in correspondence and they are very striking in the eye.

  • Initiative

Do not be afraid that, subject to all previously listed points, a woman begins to show the initiative on her part. Indeed, often not only men get tired of expectations, but also the female sex. Therefore, there are times when they take everything into their own hands and take the first step. For example, insisting in a personal meeting.

  • Changing priorities

You should never try to change the priorities of a woman. Even if you decide to start a serious relationship with her, but on the contrary, she is looking for a meeting for one night. Do not redo it. Stay friends, continue communication, but at the same time, each of you has the right to look for another soul mate.

  • Meeting

If your communication develops gradually into something more, you should offer to meet. A new acquaintance at this moment will understand that you have more serious intentions than just correspondence on social networks.

If you followed all of the above points and were able to avoid these errors, it is worth moving on to the next. Now it is necessary to consider some tips on how to interest the girl.

Listen to her:

  • This is a very important and good advice. With such tactics it is impossible to lose.
  • Girls, more men, love them to be listened and heard.

Ask questions:

  • It is worth noting that questions must be asked in moderation so as not to cause an aggressive or irritating reaction to your direction.
  • And also, so that you do not have the impression that you do not listen and delve into a conversation with your new acquaintance.

Without negativity:

  • Do not immediately tell the girl about their problems and troubles.
  • Also, in no case do not give your negative forecasts to what the representative of the weaker sex told you.


  • It is worth recalling funny stories and telling them.
  • This will not only cheer up, but also make a good impression of you on the girl.
  • But it is worth avoiding in the stories of any unsuccessful and inhumane situations. This, on the contrary, can push your companion.

Non -standard:

  • Behind yourself in all its glory.
  • Try to surprise it not only at the first meeting, but also in the correspondence itself.
  • Do non -standard compliments, fantasize.


  • Not only girls know how to flirt and it's time to prove it.
  • Try to flirt with a new acquaintance. She will not only like it, but also provoke flirting on her part.
  • All this will give some peppercorn to your correspondence.

Visual part:

  • It is worth noting that it is not necessary to send your photos either from your studies or work. Start small.
  • Send her funny memes. Start communicating with voice messages. This will give some highlight in your correspondence.

Share with her what you like:

  • For example, music or video that does not come out of your head.
  • The plus is not only that she learns about your preferences, but also the opportunity to discuss them.

Be yourself:

  • Do not build yourself as you are not.
  • After all, if you succeed, no one can play a role for a long time.
  • There will be many questions and complaints about how much has changed.

If you do everything, observing caution and adhere to the above points, there is a great chance to build serious and long -term relationships.

How to call a girl cute?

Call the girl cute
Call the girl cute

Every girl loves at any age when she is called cute, pleasant words. For example, it can be called diminutive-abominating animal names:

  • Fox
  • Kitty
  • Bunny
  • Fish
  • Pussy
  • Squirrel
  • Tigerok
  • Funny
  • Mouse
  • Squirrel

There is also a list of universal pleasant names:

  • Sun
  • Queen
  • Princess
  • Star
  • Button
  • Angel
  • Ray
  • Cutie

It is worth saying that not all girls love when they are called diminutive names. Many are rather not romantic persons. In this regard, this category of the weaker sex prefers to be called simply by name. For example: Lena, Helen, Lenok, Lenusik.

How to conquer a girl on a first date: a scenario of an ideal date

We conquer the girl on the first date
We conquer the girl on the first date

The weaker sex is very fond of dating and surprises. First of all, if you met a girl and decided to call her on a date, invite to a restaurant or cafe. The fact that the path to the heart of a man lies through the stomach is also applies to women. They like to eat deliciously, exquisite wine and fun atmosphere. How to conquer the girl on the first date? Below you will find a script for an ideal date.

It is necessary to calculate your budget and invite to the institution that will be in financial availability for you. Here you can distinguish two points on which a woman can act.

  • In the first case, she can check the presence of your finances and order expensive dishes or wine.
  • In another-a modest girl who can refuse to eat something. Here you need to take everything into your own hands. That is, order something to your taste.

After you have decided on the institution, you should think about the first surprise. A good gift will be a modest, but at the same time, a refined bouquet. Every woman will be pleasant to such a surprise, especially if the bouquet consists of a girl's favorite colors.

The next, very important point is the situation:

  • It should be calm, moderately cheerful and unpredictable.
  • Do not forget that the whole female floor loves ears.
  • Therefore, it is necessary to exclude awkward situations, but to focus on humor, as well as moderately speak compliments.
  • This will be enough to make the first good impression on the girl.

After the date of the date, be sure to hold a lady home or call and pay her a taxi yourself. This will make it clear to the girl not only that you are caring, but not greedy. Never offer and do not agree to pay the bill in half.

The secrets of the first date that will help you fall in love with it

Some secrets of the first date that will help to fall in love with it
Some secrets of the first date that will help to fall in love with it

There are several secrets that are suitable for the first date. They will help you fall in love with absolutely any person, even if you are completely different. Here are the secrets of the first date:

  • Eye contact

It is worth trying to maintain a sufficiently long visual contact with a partner. At this moment, the woman understands that you are interested in her. But do not overdo it. For example, not a single woman will like a single woman when they look at her during eating.

  • Positive associations with your way

The first impression is very important. It is at this moment that the idea of \u200b\u200ba person is formed. It is worth showing yourself from the winning side. Joke, give positive emotions to your interlocutor.

  • Allow the lady to take care of you

Ask for any help or service. In this regard, the girl will feel necessary and desirable.

  • Attention to details

On the first date, as a rule, people say what they like and what they are fond of. That is why it is very important to listen and hear what the partner tells you. Next time, any little things should be noted-another of the pleasant gestures and impressions in your direction.

  • Attractiveness

It is worth under the slightest opportunity to emphasize its attractiveness. This can be done with the help of clothes, accessories and even manners of not only communication, but also behavior. Be sure to come to the date exclusively after taking the shower, no one will like the smell of sweat. Clothing should be imprisoned and well -groomed. Also, the girls make a special emphasis on the teeth. They must be clean.

  • Place for a date

It is necessary to choose the right place for your date. It may just be a walk in a park or embankment, a romantic candlelight dinner in a restaurant or cafe. It is worth noting that the choice must be made based on your financial capabilities. If you show yourself greedy or vice versa, it will not play on your hand.

  • Intimate topics

The rise of such topics in the conversation very closely, but do not forget that everything should be appropriate. According to psychologists, in order to quickly fall in love with a person, it is necessary to raise intimate conversations. Drip deeper, but at the same time be very careful so that the woman does not think about any hints.

  • Do not play a role

You need to be yourself and not play any ideal for a woman. In the future development of relations, this will only hinder and leave a certain harmony and mutual understanding.

  • Extreme date

Adrenaline can provoke the emergence of love. Do not be afraid to be creative and make a surprise associated with extreme. The more impressions the girl gets, the greater the chance that you will be remembered.

  • Remote periodically

In order not to look intrusive, do not spend all your free time together. It is necessary to keep at least a small distance. All this will help you not get tired of each other. And also do not forget about your studies or work. Since the career is a very important aspect in human everyday life.

All of the above is undoubtedly important on the first date. But do not forget that it is necessary to remain yourself and then people to reach you yourself. Good luck!

Video: Scenario of the perfect first date. Fragment of online training

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