Turkish hammams - history of origin, temperature, the structure of the premises, useful properties and contraindications to visit. How to correctly and how often to visit hammams, massage, procedures for rejuvenation and weight loss in Turkish steam room?

Turkish hammams - history of origin, temperature, the structure of the premises, useful properties and contraindications to visit. How to correctly and how often to visit hammams, massage, procedures for rejuvenation and weight loss in Turkish steam room?

From our article you will learn what Turkish boor is, how to steam in it and what procedures can be carried out. We will also tell you about the useful properties of the steam room and contraindications to her visit.

Recently, lovers had the opportunity to visit the Turkish hammam, in which, like in a Russian bath, you can relax both soul and body. True, some people still consider Hamam a place where you can only wash.

In fact, this is not at all the case. Here, too, you can steam, only a little differently that we are used to doing it in more familiar paired ones. We will talk about the features of the Turkish steam room in our article.

Turkish hammam: A brief history of origin

Turkish hammam

The first references to the Turkish steam room appeared at the very beginning of the 17th century. Although some sources claim that Hamam appeared much earlier. This is due to the fact that there is an opinion that Turkish Hamam is the maximum improved copy of the ancient Arab soaps.

It is believed that even the word "hammam" has Arab roots and came from the word "boor", which in Russian sounds like a scattering steam. Prior to the official announcement of Islam, the pair were not particularly popular, most often they were visited by financially wealthy people. But after the great Muslim prophet Muhammad emphasized the importance of regular cleansing the body, people began to visit the hammam in absolutely all layers of society.

Over time, its popularity became so large that it was necessary to officially distribute days for the poor and the rich, as well as women and men. Thanks to this popularity, Turkish boor has become an important part of oriental culture. Coming here, people were not easy to wash and steam, they rested, discussed the latest news and even met.

Turkish hammam: temperature regime, room device

Temperature regime in paired boor

As you already, probably, understood the Turkish boor very much like a Russian bathhouse or a Finnish sauna. But still there is one difference. In such a steam room, the temperature does not rise above 65 degrees, but the humidity is maintained 100%. Thanks to such a sparing temperature regime and maximum humidity, the human body almost without shock tolerates high temperature.

High humidity contributes to the fact that, having entered the hammam, a person literally immediately begins to feel light in the body. And in order for everyone to be able to enjoy the pastime in such a steam room, separate rooms with different temperature regime are provided here. As a rule, a temperature of +35 degrees is the minimum, then it increases from the room to the room by +10-15 degrees and in the latter reaches +65 degrees.

Now let's talk about the device so paired. If you get into the real Turkish boor, then it should have at least 5 main premises.


  • Jamekyan. In another way, this room can be called a locker room. Here, a person takes off all his clothes, shoes and all jewelry. In ancient times, it was here that they put on a loincloth, which covered the genitals. Now the comer simply puts on the linen or wrapps a sheet and goes on.
  • Pestemal. In the modern world, this room is called a shower. It is here that a person prepares the skin for further procedures. It is advisable for women to remove all cosmetics at this stage. As a rule, they do not linger in the shower for a long time, they simply take a warm shower and go further.
  • Chebek. In this room, preparation of the body for further relaxing and wellness procedures is already beginning. There should be multi -stage benches and marble streams, on which you can sit and lie down while the body warms up.
  • Hararet. This room has the highest temperature, therefore it is here that massage, peeling and the most deep skin cleaning using essential oils and scrubbing are done.
  • Keif. This room is intended exclusively for relaxation after all procedures. After their conduct, a person must wait until the body cools down a little. In order for the process to pass as comfortable as possible, absolutely everyone who has come out of the steam room offers warm tea, herbal decoction or just water at room temperature.

Turkish hammam: beneficial properties and contraindications to visit

Turkish hammam: beneficial properties
Turkish hammam: beneficial properties

Turkish boor is a unique place that, subject to all rules, will help to significantly improve the condition of the body. According to people who regularly visit such a steam room, with its help you can get rid of many chronic diseases.

This is due to the fact that high temperature and wet air open the pores of the skin as much as possible, so that the body begins to get rid of toxins and toxins that are in the body of each person more intensively. In view of this, if you often visit the hammers, you can completely get rid of substances that poison the human body and, as a result, all organs and systems will begin to work correctly.

Useful properties of the steam room:

  • Beneficial affects the nervous system And as a result, a person becomes more calm, restrained and balanced. In addition, Turkish hammam helps to get rid of insomnia.
  • Normalizes the work of the sebaceous glandsdue to which a person completely disappears skin problems. And even if the rash appears, then it passes, as quickly as possible, without leaving behind a long -lasting red spots.
  • Roots the bloody and vascular system to normal, as a result of which the functioning of the heart is normalized, pressure comes back and completely removed blood stagnation in the small pelvis and abdominal region.
  • Warm and wet air removes from muscle mass, lactic acidwhich provokes the appearance of discomfort after prolonged or power loads. In view of this, if you have a similar problem, then try at least sometimes after visiting the gym to go to the steam rooms.
  • Also wet air beneficial affects the respiratory system. Especially if the thermal effect on the body is combined with aromatherapy. Such a pastime will help get rid of bronchitis, tracheitis and will contribute to rapid recovery after pneumonia.

Contraindications to visiting the steam room:

  • Bronchial asthma
  • Wet or rotting wounds
  • Various fungal diseases
  • Hypertension
  • Tuberculosis
  • Nervous and mental disorders
  • Cardiovascular diseases in an exacerbation stage

How correctly and how often can Turkish hammam visit?

Rules for visiting the steam room

As you can see, visiting Turkish boors is very useful. But still, this must be done correctly. If you come to the steam room and immediately go to the room with the highest temperature, then your body will experience shock, and the benefits of the procedure will be minimized. In view of this, try to plan your time so that you can do everything according to the rules. And this means that you will have to spend 60-90 minutes on one procedure.

Rules for visiting the steam room:

  • Upon arrival in hammams, go to the locker room, take off all the clothes. Leave only underwear or wrap yourself with a sheet. If you wish, you can take a towel on which you will sit. This thing is needed only for hygiene purposes. Next, go to the shower and take a warm relaxing shower.
  • After that, go to the room with warm air and spend at least 20 minutes there. During this time, the body adapts to higher humidity and temperature, and you can go directly into the steam room.
  • After the above time, you can go into the steam room. But here, first you need to sit for 15 minutes, and then you can start conducting the planned procedures. Usually, a classic soap massage with oils is done here, as well as procedures aimed at eliminating cellulite and excess weight.
  • After carrying out all the procedures, a person goes into a rest room where he drinks tea or herbal decoction, and is waiting for the temperature of his body to normalize.

As for how often you can visit the Turkish hammam, it all depends on your health. If you are completely healthy and feel good, you can visit the steam room 1-2 times a week. If you have chronic diseases, it will be better if you visit hammam 1-2 times a month.

Essential oils for the Turkish bathhouse hammam: a list with names and description of the properties

Essential oils
Essential oils

Each person heard about the benefits of natural essential oils. And if you connect them with warm steam, the effect will turn out to be very good. As a rule, in paired essential oils are used in two ways.

They are used directly to conduct anti -aging and healing procedures by applying to the skin, or they are filled with the therapeutic aroma of steam. Modern Turkish boor implies the presence of a special steam generator, which is dosed with a certain time interval saturates steam in the room with a pleasant aroma.

List of essential oils that can be used in paired:

  • Lavender. It has antibacterial and sedative properties and helps to remove vascular spasm. Usually it is recommended to use people who are in a stressful situation for a long time.
  • Menthol. It has a beneficial effect on the respiratory system, heart and blood vessels. It has pronounced analgesic properties. With it, you can get rid of migraines and completely remove nausea, which almost always accompanies this problem.
  • Cedar. A powerful stimulator of the immune system. In addition, this oil fights well with such skin problems as psoriasis and eczema. Thanks to healing and anti -inflammatory properties, you can minimize the manifestation of these diseases.
  • Fir. This essential oil is most often used to treat colds, sore throats and bronchitis. It has pronounced expectorant and antiseptic properties.
  • Mandarin and orange. They help to relax the muscles of the body, tone the skin and fight very well with insomnia. In addition, they can be used for anti -cellulite massage, as well as procedures for skin rejuvenation.
  • Bergamotovo. This oil will help you cheer up after a hard day's day, and will also be tone your skin. Bergamot is considered a natural aphrodisiac, so with its help you can solve the problems of the intimate sphere.

Turkish hammam: recommendations for massage in the steam room

Massage recommendations

Turkish boor is famous for its soap massage. Those who tried it claim that he relaxes very well and gives a feeling of lightness. Ideally, such a procedure is carried out using natural soap, which contains jasmine, rose, eucalyptus, rosemary, olive oil and healing Moroccan clay.

Such a composition simultaneously cleans the skin, tones and enhances all regeneration processes. If you do not have the opportunity to find such a soap, it can always be replaced with any natural, just in its foam it will be necessary to add essential oils.

Massage recommendations:

  • At the initial stage, a person should sit in a steam room for about 10-20 minutes. This will be quite enough for the pores to open, and the skin can correctly respond to the receipt of nutrients.
  • After that, a person lies on a warm marble table and immediately watered with warm water. This procedure is done gradually so that the body warms up even more. This will also contribute to the acceleration of blood circulation, which will entail a more intensive cleansing of the body of toxins and toxins.
  • At the next stage, the steamer puts a glove from natural wool in the hands and begins to rub the skin with it quite significantly. This procedure will help remove pieces of dead dermis from the body surface.
  • After that, you can start foaming the soap and applying a fragrant air cloud to the body. At the same time, the banner continues to massage the body using a woolen glove. This process further enhances blood circulation, and the skin begins to absorb beneficial substances from natural soap as intensively as possible.
  • As soon as the body warms up to the maximum, you can proceed to massage of the head and feet. As a rule, in this case, the technique of classic massage is used using stroking, biting, and simple circular movements. At this stage, essential oils are introduced into the foam.
  • At the final stage, a person is again doused with warm water, washing off a soap solution. This is also done gradually and with light stroking. After washing, you can go to a rest room to drink a cup of herbal tea.

Turkish hammam: procedures for rejuvenation and weight loss

Procedures for rejuvenation and weight loss

As mentioned above, Turkish Hamam is a unique place, with the help of which you can improve the state of your health as well as possible. Moreover, regular visit to this place will contribute to noticeable rejuvenation, as well as weight loss. True, in order to achieve such a result, it is necessary to alternate a visit to a steam room, intense massage and a vacation with tea drinking.

As practice shows, for two such approaches you can throw up to 2 kilograms of weight, get rid of swelling, moisturize the skin and make it more fresh and tightened. For such procedures, it is best to use tangerine, orange and lavender oil, natural olive soap and black Moroccan clay. All these funds can be included in classic massage and improve your body without much effort.

IMPORTANT: If you do not want to harm your body, make sure that the procedures do not last more than 2 hours

Is it possible to visit Turkish boors for pregnant women and children?

Pregnant women can visit Turkish hammam

If you carefully read our article, you probably realized that the Turkish Hamam, unlike the Russian bathhouse, has a completely different temperature regime. There are rooms with different temperature indicators, which allows a person to choose at what temperature he will warm his body. That is why, if desired, a pregnant woman can quite calmly visit the hammams and not be afraid that she will overheat and harm her baby.

As for children, they are up to 3 years old, in general, a visit to such places is contraindicated. True, most often this is not connected with high temperature and humidity, but using essential oils and natural soap, which can provoke allergic reactions on the baby’s delicate skin. For older children, provided that they are healthy and feel good, you can sometimes go to hammam, though it is undesirable for them to visit the room with the highest temperature as possible.

Video: Turkish Hamam

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Comments K. article

  1. I also love hammam, always when I am in Turkey, this is a mandatory ritual that brings me a lot of joy and pleasure. In Moscow, I also found a spa of the Hamam salon and sometimes go to Sunny Span Kuuzovsky to the girls, I like them very well, warmly, especially such procedures when rain and slush on the street. And you leave the salon, it feels like you were only born. Masseurs work for a conscience, do not stroke on the back, like some. Egyptian massage really likes who has never done, I highly recommend it.

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