Which side should a girl with a guy on etiquette go: why did women go to the right of a man?

Which side should a girl with a guy on etiquette go: why did women go to the right of a man?

Which side should a girl with a man on etiquette go? There are several rules.

The modern world brought freedom of views, people are easier to look at the observance of etiquette, considering the part a relic of the past, some have retained their relevance. Adhering to etiquette, a person creates a pleasant impression of himself and his upbringing during acquaintance and further communication.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "Rules of etiquette in a restaurant at a table for a girl, men and women". You will learn how to behave in a restaurant, how to eat, how to communicate with a waiter according to etiquette and rules of behavior.

From this article below you will find out which side the girl and the guy should go on etiquette. We will conduct an excursion into history. It will be interesting, read on.

Excursion into history: Why did women go to the right of a man?

Used to go to the right of a man
Used to go to the right of a man

Initially, it may seem that there is no particular difference, go to the right or left. But if you look into history when this rule has formed, you will understand its need in those days. So why did women go to the right of a man before?

  • A few centuries ago, during the battles, the soldiers stood in the ranks, holding a shield with his left hand, with his right hand weapons.
  • Further development of society has led to a blade as an indicator of the status of the owner.
  • The sword, saber, sword was worn on the left side, so that it was more convenient to grab weapons in case of attack.
  • The woman who was nearby did not interfere with this quickly, being to the right of the man. Taking a step forward, the man closed the companion. Otherwise, a woman walking on the left would constantly receive shocks on her legs.
  • On this side, she was deprived of the opportunity to take the satellite by the arm to rely on her.
  • After centuries, wearing weapons was preserved only as an element of the military uniform.

In the traditions of Indian culture, a man stands to the right of a woman. This can be seen clearly in the temples. The statues of the supreme deities, Krishna and Radhi, are established by personifying the female and masculine principle. It is this situation that contributes to the harmonious relationship of the couple.

After centuries, ladies still need protection. The man goes to the left of the woman, therefore, closer to the road with the moving transport. If not from the car itself, then from the splashes of the car that had run into the puddle, he will close the companion.

Which side should the girl with the guy go on the etiquette?

A girl with a guy on etiquette should go to the right
A girl with a guy on etiquette should go to the right

It should be remembered that European norms are usually considered. Which side should the girl with the guy go on the etiquette?

  • The rules of the Western world differ from the culture of the East.
  • Modern Western etiquette requires the girl to be to the right of the young man.
  • This should be followed at official events.
  • When registering marriage, a couple is asked to get up just like that.

In other cases, it is permissible to go with a party convenient for a particular person. A few points are taken into account here:

  • Right -handed or left -handed
  • Safe side of the path
  • On which shoulder or in which hand is the ladies' bag
  • Which side of the man will be more convenient to support the satellite under the elbow

Several rules are the addition that is allowed to follow in public places even with strangers. Read more:

  • The young man opens the door, let the woman go forward.
  • Climbing the stairs, he goes 2 steps behind, going down - in front to have time to support the suddenly stumbled girl.
  • Going into city transport, passes the companion forward, goes first, giving his hand.
  • In a passenger car, a man opens and closes the door, helping to sit down and go out.
  • He can offer help to convey a heavy bag.

It is worth noting: The excessive activity of a modern woman scares some men, depriving the opportunity to prove herself. Therefore, a woman needs to be a little slower, giving a man more a field for action.

An exception is allowed for military personnel:

  • The officer going in the form is obliged to welcome and respond to the greeting, bringing his right hand to the headdress.
  • The legend of the tradition went from the knights, raising it on a helmet in greeting each other.
  • Therefore, the companion of the soldier comes on the left side.

Someone can assume that etiquette is an optional thing, and the girl is able to climb the stairs, get into the car. From such trifles of attention, an opinion is made up about a man, his behavior and attitude towards a woman. Perhaps such actions will help to evaluate a worthy partner and, taking his arm, trusting him, go through his whole life.

Video: etiquette rules. Where should a man go when he accompanies the lady?

Video: 20 etiquette rules in the relationship of men and women

Video: Male etiquette

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