How to drink different types of martini and with what to bite on etiquette: recipes, rules, tips. What is diluted and how they drink dry, red, pink, green martini, Bianko, Rosso, Rosato, Extra Dry, Asti: Juice names, proportions

How to drink different types of martini and with what to bite on etiquette: recipes, rules, tips. What is diluted and how they drink dry, red, pink, green martini, Bianko, Rosso, Rosato, Extra Dry, Asti: Juice names, proportions

What they drink and how to bite Martini. Martini stamps

Alcoholic drinks have become a traditional part of feasts and festive events around the world. They are served to desserts, snacks, hot dishes, as well as as an aperitif before the main meal.

There are many alcoholic beverages, which, according to the rules of etiquette, are intended for female and male guests. There are many options for their presentation. It is customary to serve kanapes, chocolate, fruits or cheese plate with those varieties that neutralize the effects of alcohol, and also emphasize the taste of the drink. Today we will talk about a very popular alcoholic drink - Martini.

What is Martini, what they drink with and what they eat: brands, etiquette rules

Martini has become indispensable in the list of classical treats. For the first time, its production was patented in northern Italy in 1847. Today the company has several hundred factories around the world and is a leader in the number of sales.

Vermouth is called alcohol tinctures, sustained on aromatic herbs with the addition of sweet syrups.

  • The ancient Greeks were the first to prepare them, whose recipes have survived to this day
  • Martini is a variety of vermouth. 4 Italian entrepreneurs began to produce it in 1847 in Turin, who founded a small company
  • And in 1857 they expanded production and created the company Martini, Sola & Cia. However, the range of products was very modest, so the management increased the staff of employees, hired by Luigi Rossi. It was he who invented the classic Martini Rosso recipe, which is used by modern technology in the manufacture of a drink.

It included:

  • Cinnamon
  • Cassius
  • Aloe
  • Thyme
  • Cardamom
  • Coriander
  • Anise

The sweet taste and herbal aroma quickly won fans throughout Europe. Therefore, all subsequent variations of a drink with similar ingredients are called vermouth, since they were developed and released not at factories under the brand Martini, Sola & Cia. Since 1900, the assortment of the company began to expand. Martini became the most popular of the new species:

  • Extra Dry (produced since 1900, the lack of sweet taste made it possible to use the drink as the main ingredient for many known cocktails)
  • Bianco (produced since 1910, vanilla, as well as other sweet herbs and spices have been included in the recipe)
  • Rosato (became revolutionary in the production of vermouth, since both red and white wine have been released since 1980)
  • Rose (produced since 2009 from grape varieties typical of Piedmont and Veneto regions)
  • Spirito (developed for men in 2013, a feature is a reduced amount of sugar, as well as a high fortress - 33 degrees)

Traditionally, it is customary to serve the following products to Martini:

  • Olives
  • Strawberry
  • Lemon
  • Peach
  • Green apples
  • Orange
  • Kiwi
  • A pineapple

However, the appetizer is an optional attribute, since the drink has a low percentage of alcohol content. In the classic version, it is customary to serve martini with olive, which is lowered on a skewer into a glass. But this tradition does not apply to the rules of the presentation.

An important part of the feed is the glass into which Martini is poured. It is generally accepted that the cone -like glass on a long leg was intended only for this drink. However, it was previously used for all cocktails, including vermouths. If you do not have this dish, then Martini can be served in a glass glass. It should be remembered that the drink is offered to warm up the appetite in front of the main feast, when serving, the temperature of the drink should be 10 degrees. Martini is not served with such dishes:

  • Fish
  • Meat
  • Salads
  • Potato
  • Paste

What is diluted and how do Martini Bianko drink: the names of juices, recipes, proportions?

Martini Bianko is often used to prepare a variety of cocktails. After all, its sweet taste, as well as the aroma of vanilla and spices, goes well with most classic ingredients. Martini is also combined in equal proportions with such types of juice:

  • Pineapple
  • Grapefruit
  • Citric
  • Orange

It is customary to serve before the main meal or as a separate drink for events where the Swedish table and the supply of dishes are not provided.

Diluted Martini
Diluted Martini

There are also many variations of drinks with a combination of martini and juice. We will consider the most popular cocktail for which you will need:

  • 100 ml of sparkling wine
  • 50 ml of martini Bianko
  • 1 tbsp. lemon syrup
  • 20 g of ice

A step -by -step recipe looks like this:

  • Put ice in a glass of cocktails
  • Mix wine, syrup and martini in a shaker
  • As a decoration, we recommend using lemon

What is diluted and how they drink red martini vermouth Rosso: the names of juices, recipes, proportions

Martini Rosso has a 16%fortress. It is traditionally served in combination with chilled frees in equal doses, as well as with fruits, berries or ice. The most successful drink is combined with such juices:

  • Cherry
  • Cranberry
  • From forest berries
  • From the Sicilian orange
  • Grapefrutov

Since this vermouth has a pronounced taste, they serve as a snack:

  • Strawberry
  • Olives
  • Maslins
  • Canapes from salmon
  • Hard cheeses
  • Nuts
  • Crackers
  • Orange
  • Lemon
  • A pineapple
Red Martini
Red Martini

One of the most popular cocktails with Rosso martini is the classic Manhattan. It will take:

  • 60 ml of whiskey
  • 30 ml of Martini Rosso
  • 2 ml of balm
  • 100 g of ice

All ingredients are mixed in a shaker, after which they are filtered and decorated with cherry for cocktails.

What is diluted and how they drink pink martini Rosato: the names of juices, recipes, proportions  

Martini Rosato was first released in 1980. It was significantly different from the already known vermouths with its fiery red color, as well as a special recipe, which turned on both red and white wine. The most successful drink is combined with such juices:

  • Pomegranate
  • Grapefruit
  • Cherry
  • Orange

Before serving, vermouth must be cooled to a temperature of 10 degrees. The drink is mixed with juice in a ratio of 1: 2. Traditionally served in glasses for Martini.

Diluted Rosato
Diluted Rosato

When preparing a cocktail, glasses with a low leg are necessary. The most popular of cocktails is “cranberries”. The following ingredients will be required to prepare it:

  • 50 ml of martini Rosato
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 1 tbsp. l. Frozen berries cranberries
  • 200 g of ice

All components must be mixed in a blender and poured into a glass where to pre -put ice.

What is diluted and how they drink green dry martini Extra Dry: juices, recipes, proportions

Martini Extra Dry is distinguished by a pronounced aroma of lemon and raspberries, as well as moderate sugar content (only 3%). This vermouth is suitable both for use in cocktails and as an independent drink.

The most successful combination of Extra Dry with lemon juice. There are also a huge number of cocktails where this type of martini is used as a basis. One of the most popular and simple is Very Dry Martini. To cook it will be needed:

  • 80 ml of vodka
  • 1 tsp Martini Extra Dry

All components are mixed in a shaker and served with olive.


The Campari-Jin-Martini cocktail is also in particular demand. We take the ingredients:

  • 50 ml of gin
  • 50 ml of martini Extra Dry
  • 100 ml of pineapple freesh without sugar
  • 50 ml of Campari

All ingredients are mixed and served in a glass with a lot of ice.

Do they dilute and how do they drink champagne Asti?

ASTI is a sparkling wine that is produced under the Martini brand. It is served as an independent drink, and is also used to prepare various cocktails. The wine has a pronounced sweet taste, as well as fruit aftertaste. Therefore, they use as a snack:

  • Strawberry
  • Persian
  • Grape
  • Mango
  • Cherries
  • Apples
  • A pineapple

Like all sparkling wines, ASTI is served with flute cooled in the glass. Among the most popular cocktails, Tintoretto is distinguished. To prepare it, you need the following components:

  • 120 ml of sparkling wine Asti
  • 1 tsp sugar powder
  • 30 ml of pomegranate juice

Michagenic powder is poured into the glass, juice and champagne are poured, after which everything is thoroughly mixed.

The gold velvet cocktail also deserves special attention. It consists of:

  • 100 ml of light beer (Kronenbourg Blanc 1664 is ideal)
  • 100 ml of sparkling wine Asti
  • 25 ml of pineapple juice

All ingredients are cooled and mixed in a beer glass and served with a straw.

The drink is ready for tasting
The drink is ready for tasting

ASTI is also used to prepare desserts. One of the traditional is Champagne Ice. You will need:

  • 4 large strawberries
  • 100 g of seamy
  • 50 ml of sparkling wine Asti
  • 3 sheets of mint

A step -by -step recipe is as follows:

  • Cut strawberries into slides
  • We chop finely mint
  • Put strawberries and seals in a glass for cocktails, sprinkles with mint
  • Pour the dessert with champagne
  • Serve with a straw

The remaining seal can be eaten with a dessert spoon. It is customary to serve goodness after the main meal.

Is it possible to drink Martini in its purest form?

There are several rules for filing Martini, as well as the culture of its drinking, depending on the type of vermouth and general factors.

  • First of all, it is worth noting that in its pure form a drink is served either in a classic cone -like glass on a long leg or in a glass for liquors
  • Also, martini is pre -cooled to a temperature of 10 ° C. Otherwise, the vermouth will be bitter or burn the throat with an alcohol taste
  • When serving a drink in a pure form, a straw is not used as a presentation
  • To enhance the taste in the glass with Martini Extra Dry, you can dip the onion ring, but after 2-3 minutes. It is taken out
  • It is customary to add pieces of chilled berries to the Bianco drink: strawberries, blueberries, raspberries
  • Martini is also served with ice cubes, but recently it is considered to be a monoton. In addition, in the process of melting, excess water spoils the taste of the drink, so it is enough just cool it
  • Vermouth can be drunk without any additives. But in this case, fruits, olives, olives, cheese plate and other dishes are served to them, which enhance the taste of martini

Why do Martini drink with olive and how to drink martini with olives?

Martini's presentation with olive has become traditional. For the first time, this method of presentation began to be used in 1849 in the state of California.

The bartenders served vermouth with olive to gold miners, who wanted to boast of their luck in front of other visitors. This method later became classic and quickly spread in the United States and Europe.

Today, only olives are considered correct. Maslins in Vermouth are completely inappropriate. Since the product is stored in the brine for a long time, when in contact with alcohol, it reveals other facets of the taste and aroma of the drink. The variety of olives does not matter, as well as their filling. You can use those that are stuffed with the following ingredients:

  • Anchovies
  • Garlic
  • Cheese
  • Almond
  • Herbs

However, it is worth remembering that olives are served only to the dry species of Martini.

Olive for bright taste
Olive for bright taste

The right way to serve looks like this:

  • The olive without a bone is strung on a skewer and placed in a cone -like glass
  • Pour chilled vermouth
  • Drink the drink before or after eating the olive is decided by the tasting

There is another way to present Martini:

  • A chilled drink is poured into a martini glass
  • 3 olives are strung on a skewer and put them on the side of the dishes
  • As the guest himself decides, if he is not a fan of olives is considered to be correct to leave them in a glass after devastation

How to cook martini cocktail with vodka: Recipe

Martini and vodka cocktails became especially popular after the release of the film about James Bond. Dry vermouths are perfectly complemented by a burning taste, while a degree of alcohol is not distinguished by high rates. One of the most popular cocktails is Martini Vodka. It is prepared from such ingredients:

  • Vodka - 75 ml
  • Martini Extra Dry - 15 ml
  • Olive without a bone - 1 pc.
  • Ice - 200 g

The phased steps look as follows:

  • The ice is crushed and filtered
  • They put ice in a glass, pour vermouth and vodka
  • All ingredients are mixed with a spoon
  • The resulting cocktail is poured into the martini glass and decorated with an olive strung on a skewer
Martini with the addition of vodka
Martini with the addition of vodka

The Wesper drink is also popular that consists of:

  • 5 g of lemon
  • 200 g of ice
  • 1 tsp Martini Extra Dry
  • 3 ml Martini Bianco
  • 2 tsp vodka
  • 45 ml of gin

They cook like this:

  • In a shaker, jin, vodka, 2 vermuths and ice are mixed in a shaker
  • All ingredients filter
  • Pour into a chilled glass for a cocktail
  • Decorate a slice of lemon

How to cook martini cocktail with champagne: recipe

Martini and champagne cocktails are traditionally served as desserts, as well as aperitif at celebrations. We offer to adopt several simplest and most affordable recipes. For example, to prepare a classic cocktail from vermouth, you must take:

  • 100 ml of martini rosso
  • 50 ml of dry sparkling wine
  • 1 tsp. cherry syrup
  • 1 cube of ice

The phased preparation looks as follows:

  • They put ice in a glass
  • Pour the cube with syrup
  • Martini is poured along the wall
  • Further in the same way sparkling wine is poured
  • The cocktail is served chilled with a straw
Martini with bubbles
Martini with bubbles

A drink called Martini Royal deserves special attention. It consists of:

  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice
  • 150 g of ice
  • 75 ml of sparkling wine
  • 75 ml of Martini Bianko
  • 2 mint leaves
  • 10 g of lemon

To prepare, follow these points:

  • Ice is poured into the glass and pour it to Martini and wine
  • Add lemon juice to the mixture and everything is mixed
  • Mint and a slice of lemon are used as a jewelry

How to cook martini cocktail with cognac: Recipe

Some types of vermouth complement the taste and aroma of cognac, so this combination is often used in the preparation of a variety of cocktails. One of the most popular is the "cognac martini." It is necessary for him:

  • 20 ml of cognac
  • 25 ml of martini Bianko
  • 20 ml of peach juice
  • 5 ice cubes
  • 1 olive

All ingredients are mixed in a shaker, filtered and served in a glass. Decorate with olive on a skewer.

Martini cocktails
Martini cocktails

No less popular is a similar cocktail that has a more pronounced taste and fortress. For preparation, the ingredients are needed:

  • 20 ml of cognac
  • 5 ice cubes
  • 20 ml of grapefruit juice
  • 25 ml of martini Rosato

The stages of cooking are similar. All components are mixed and served in chilled form.

How to cook martini cocktail with whiskey: Recipe

Fans of strong drinks note a good combination of whiskey with Martini, so there are many variations of their presentation, as well as cocktails based on them. One of them is “malt gold”. It consists of:

  • 25 ml of martini Bianko
  • 50 ml of whiskey
  • 1 tsp. Malina syrup
  • 5 g of Carob
  • 300 g of ice
  • 1 PC. cookies
  • 1 ml of balm
  • 10 g of lemon
Martini with whiskey
Martini with whiskey

A step -by -step recipe looks like this:

  • The cookies are crushed to the crumbs and mixed with a cape in a shaker
  • They add balm, whiskey, martini Bianko and ice to them
  • All ingredients mix
  • Serve in a glass for a cocktail and put ice
  • Decorate with lemon

Cookies significantly affect the taste of the drink. We recommend using any not dry, without excessive amount of vanilla and cinnamon.

How to cook martini cocktail with rum: recipe

Rum and vermouth help to reveal the taste of each other, and are also well suited to mix them with juices and various fruits. One of the famous cocktails based on them is the Tea. For cooking you need:

  • Absent - 1 tsp
  • Strawberry syrup - 1 tsp
  • Malina syrup - 1 tsp
  • Pineapple juice - 2 tbsp.
  • Ice - 200 g
  • White rum - 15 ml
  • Martini Rosato - 35 ml
Martini with the addition of rum
Martini with the addition of rum

Following the further stages, you can make a cocktail yourself:

  • Pineapple juice, rum, absinthe, martini and syrups mix with a shaker
  • Grind ice in combination with other ingredients
  • Strain all components and pour into a glass of cocktails

How to cook martini cocktail with sprite: Recipe

There are hundreds of recipes for making sprout -based drinks with the addition of vermouth. They refresh in hot season, and also do not have a pronounced taste of alcohol. We will consider one of the most popular. For cooking, you will need:

  • 15 g of cucumber
  • 10 g of lemon
  • 50 ml of sprite
  • 100 ml Martini Rosato
  • 30 g of ice
Martini with the addition of sprite
Martini with the addition of sprite

The phased process looks like this:

  • Martini and sprite are mixed in the shaker
  • The ice is crushed
  • A slice of lemon and cucumber is placed on the bottom of the glass
  • Place ice
  • Pour a drink
  • Decorate a piece of cucumber and serve chilled

How to cook martini cocktail with ice and lemon: recipe

All over the world, the combination of Martini and Lemon with ice has already become classic. Based on the ingredients, they create many cocktails. One of the most popular and simple is Bianco Tonic. The following components are necessary for its preparation:

  • Ice - 180 g
  • Tonic - 100 ml
  • Lemon - 30 g
  • Martini Bianko - 100 ml

Next, you need to follow the following points:

  • They put ice in a glass
  • Squeeze lemon juice
  • Pour martini
  • Next, the entire mixture is mixed and toned is added
  • For decoration, it is recommended to use a slice of lemon or mint
Icy drink with lemon
Icy drink with lemon

Bianco Lemon Ice is also popular. It consists of:

  • 120 g of ice
  • 30 g of lemon
  • 60 ml of lemon juice
  • 100 ml of martini Bianko

Further, the cooking process looks like this:

  • Lemon slices are placed in a glass
  • Lay out ice from above
  • Pour lemon juice and martini
  • Everyone is thoroughly mixed
  • Serve chilled
  • Lemon and lime pieces are used as decoration

With any martini presentation, it is necessary to remember that its temperature can significantly ruin the taste. A laconic presentation, an extended temperature regime, as well as the current feed time will help to enjoy the aroma of vermouth, as well as experience its taste palette.

It is also worth remembering that Martini is traditionally considered female light alcohol. It is served as an aperitif with fruits, cheeses and olives. Therefore, for family feasts with dense dishes, as well as a plentiful amount of fatty products, it is worth making a choice in favor of stronger drinks.

Video: How to drink Martini correctly?

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