Rules of etiquette in a restaurant at a table for a girl, men and women. How to behave in a restaurant, how to eat, how to communicate with a waiter: etiquette, rules of conduct

Rules of etiquette in a restaurant at a table for a girl, men and women. How to behave in a restaurant, how to eat, how to communicate with a waiter: etiquette, rules of conduct

Everyone must comply with the rules of etiquette in a restaurant in order to make a good impression of themselves.

Compliance with the rules of etiquette will help to spend the evening perfectly, and leave good impressions of others about themselves. Don't know how to behave in a restaurant? Relax and have fun. But do not forget about etiquette.

  • We all love to have lunch and dinner at home. But sometimes such constancy is bored, and I want to go to an expensive restaurant, to taste real masterpieces of cooking.
  • Often, they will invite their fans, grooms or husbands to the restaurant. How to make a good impression of yourself? What does the waiter need to say, and what can you ask him?
  • It often seems to us that nothing can spoil the rest, destroy the atmosphere of the holiday. But much depends on behavior. If everything is followed correctly, good memories of the holiday will remain.

How to behave in a restaurant, how to communicate with a waiter: etiquette, rules of behavior

How to behave in a restaurant, how to communicate with a waiter: etiquette, rules of behavior
How to behave in a restaurant, how to communicate with a waiter: etiquette, rules of behavior

It is better to book a table in advance, but if the decision to go to the restaurant was spontaneous, all issues with the administrator should be resolved. Do not immediately go into the hall and occupy the first free place. After all, perhaps the table has already been booked by other guests.

The administrator is usually located behind his stand near the entrance. If it is not in place, then you need to wait, he can deal with visitors who came before you.

So, the administrator invited you to the table. Now the question arises: how to behave in a restaurant, how to communicate with a waiter? Etiquette and rules of conduct:

  • Relax and hold on to ease. Remove the excess tension, enjoy the evening. A pleasant atmosphere, a beautiful design of the hall, gallant waiters, a wonderful outfit - all this has a hero of the evening. Spend time with pleasure.
  • Start to eat with everyone. If you were brought food, and other people from your company are not yet, you don’t need to immediately grab a fork with a knife and use them for their intended purpose. You can warn the waiter in advance so that he brings dishes at the same time.
  • Consider the specifics of the restaurant, forget about your tastes. If you go to a fish restaurant, do not order meat. In the famous restaurant, which serves delicious steaks, you do not need to be limited only to salad.
  • Do not be afraid to ask the waiter questions. If the menu has incomprehensible names of dishes, ask the waiter what this dish is made of. Especially, this is important if you are allergic to certain foods.
  • Always ask for the price if you are interested in it. There is nothing shameful in this. The waiter can offer a branded dish of a restaurant, and you may ask for its price.
  • Leave tips. According to the rule of etiquette, you need to leave 10% (from the cost of the check) and a more waiter “for tea”. It is a shame not to leave tips if you were well served.
Etiquette, rules of conduct
Etiquette, rules of conduct

Visitors basically do not talk with the waiters. The restaurant employee must accept the order, serve the guest at the highest level and ask to pay for dinner. Visitors should rest well and not bother that they can do something wrong or not to say.

Etiquette in a restaurant - cutlery: how to use, how to put after eating?

Etiquette in a restaurant - cutlery: how to use, how to put after eating?
Etiquette in a restaurant - cutlery: how to use, how to put after eating?

In the restaurant, you usually have to use more than one fork and knife. But you do not need to be scared of a large number of devices near your plate. Here are some tips on how to use, how to put cutlery after eating. The rules of etiquette in the restaurant on this subject say the following:

  • Remember in what sequence the dishes are served. First, the salad is cold or hot, then the first dish, if you ordered it, and the second dish.
  • Start lunch with forks and knives that lie down on the plateAnd move towards those that are located closer.
  • If a fork or knife fell from the table, do not focus on this. Call the employee of the institution and ask you to replace the device.

Remember: the length of the salad knife is equal to the diameter of the plate for snacks, the fork for snacks is a little shorter. The length of the knife for the second dishes is equal to the diameter of the plate in which you were brought a dish. The table fork is long, and a long spoon and a knife are used to apply portions from a common plate.

  • Other devices are served to dessert dishes: a knife with a sharp tip, a fork with three cloves and a spoon of small size.
  • Special cutlery is served to fruits: a fork and a knife for the use of fruits is smaller than dessert appliances.
  • For drinks, separate spoons are used: for coffee - coffee, for tea - tea. A teaspoon can be used to use soft eggs, as well as for cocoa-sawing and cocktails.
  • Additional devices: forceps, special forks, spoons and knives. With a fork with two cloves, you can take a piece of herring, as well as eat crab or shrimp. A small spoon that is in the salt shaker helps to add up the dishes. With the help of forceps, confectionery, sugar, marshmallows, sweets and marmalade put to their plate.
Etiquette in a restaurant - cutlery
Etiquette in a restaurant - cutlery

Important: if there is red or black caviar on the table, then there is a special shoulder blade to put this dish in a plate. A large rectangular shoulder blade is designed to shift meat or vegetables. A figured scapula of a small size is used for a paste.

General rules for using cutlery:

  • The knife should always be in the right hand.
  • When you eat food with a fork or spoon, keep the devices parallel to the table. Do not blow on a hot dish.
  • If a little soup is left in the plate, you can get it, tilting the plate from yourself. Draw the rest of the soup carefully, do not knock on the plate.
  • During a pause or conversation at the table, cutlery must be placed on a plate, next to food.
  • If the knife and fork lie on the plate parallel to each other, and the knife is turned to the forkThis indicates the end of meals. For the waiter, this suggests that the plate can be removed.

In the video following, the etiquette specialist will tell you how and what a well -mannered person should do at the table, and how to use forks and knives correctly.

Video: how to use cutlery correctly

As there is barbecue, burger, expensive dish: rules

As there is barbecue, burger, expensive dish: rules
As there is barbecue, burger, expensive dish: rules

Do not take at the table with your hands what can be eaten using cutlery. A dish that can be eaten with a fork should not eat a spoon. There are many nuances of behavior at the table, as there is a barbecue, a burger or an expensive dish. Here are a few rules:

  • Pieces of barbecue are removed from skewers and consumed using a knife and forks.
  • Burger should be held with your hands. Cutlery is not used. Bite in small portions and chew the dish for a long time.
  • An expensive dish, for example, lobsters are served with special cutlery. With a sharp knife with a hole, break the claws. Two -tooth with a fork Eat the meat of the lobster. To the left of the plate there will be a bowl of water. In it you can rinse your hands after a meal.

In the restaurant, the main thing is silent. But, if you can’t, for example, cope with lobster, ask the waiter to help.

How to use napkins in a restaurant: Rules

How to use napkins in a restaurant: Rules
How to use napkins in a restaurant: Rules

The napkin always accompanies us at the table. This is not only a decor item, but also a unique subject of serving, which helps to facilitate the meal. Often in a restaurant you can see that a person ignores a napkin or pretends that it does not exist. No need to be afraid of this subject of serving.

How to use napkins in a restaurant - Rules:

  • This hygiene tool should be on the knees, and not on the neck or on the table.
  • If the napkin is dirty, you can ask the employee to replace it with fresh.
  • At the end of dinner, the napkin is left to the left of the plate. Do not put this item in a plate, no matter the fabric cloth you used or paper.

If you need to go away during dinner, the napkin is also placed next to the plate on the left. It is unacceptable to hang her in the back of a chair or put it on his seat.

Beer etiquette in a restaurant

Beer etiquette in a restaurant
Beer etiquette in a restaurant

As soon as the waiter or your satellite poured beer by glasses, it is necessary to proceed with its use. This drink is usually poured according to a special mark. If there is no such mark, then no more than 3/4 glasses should be poured.

According to PIEL ETACTION in the restaurant, you can not eat a lot of beer or stretch for a long time. First, half a glass is drunk, and the rest is divided into two doses. Do not interfere with beer with other types of alcohol. Dark beer varieties should be drunk in the cold season with salads and hot dishes. Bright beer varieties are good to use in summer with shrimp or pistachios.

Rules of etiquette in a restaurant at a table for a girl

Rules of etiquette in a restaurant at a table for a girl
Rules of etiquette in a restaurant at a table for a girl

If you came to the restaurant before the rest of the friends from your company, you should wait for everyone outside. The waiter pushes the chair to the girl when she sits down at the table. But, if there are several girls, then their companions help them.

The remaining important rules of etiquette in a restaurant at a table for a girl:

  • Hide your excitement. If you do not know how to use certain devices correctly, see how the rest do.
  • At the table you need to not only eat, but also maintain a conversation. There are forbidden topics: about illness, death, sex, religion and politics.
  • You can't smoke at the tableeven if it does not bother anyone. There are special places for smoking in the restaurant.
  • When the wine is poured into glasses, do not rush to drink it. The owner must say a toast or take the first sip. Before you drink the drink, you need to wipe your lips with a napkin, otherwise fat traces on the glass will remain.
  • When the waiter started serving the dishes, take a napkin from the plate and put it on the knees.
  • If you have an allergy to a specific dish, do not talk about it in all the heard or scandalize. Just leave a plate with this dish of untouched.

Wrap long pasta with a fork and knife. After that, quickly put them in your mouth. Bones from meat or fish that are in the mouth are placed on the fork, and then in the plate. If they are too small, they can be reached with an index finger and put on a plate.

Rules of etiquette in a restaurant at a table for a woman with a man

Rules of etiquette in a restaurant at a table for a woman with a man
Rules of etiquette in a restaurant at a table for a woman with a man

At the entrance to the restaurant, the man opens the door to the woman. The door to the hall also opens the man and lets the lady forward. Near the table, the woman chooses the place he likes, and the man must push the chair to sit down.

The remaining rules of etiquette in a restaurant at a table for a woman with a man:

  • It is indecent to push the chair if you sat uncomfortable. You can just move to the edge.
  • If there are two menu, then they are served both a woman and a man. If the menu is one, then the lady chooses the first.
  • Do not limit yourself to the cheapest dishes - This will indicate doubts about the patronage of the man.
  • Do not order the most expensive dishes, after all, you do not consider yourself a woman who will use the case. Choose something average in price.
  • The girl should not say "order to her taste". You can only ask "What do you advise?"
  • The order makes the order, and the lady expresses her wishes to the satellitewhich shows care and resourcefulness in this way.
  • It was impossible to keep the elbows on the table before - This rule of etiquette is a thing of the past. In the company with a young man or friends, no one will pay attention to. If you are a meal with representatives of the older generation, it is better not to risk your reputation.
  • Eat slowly and calmly. Do not talk while eating. Get a meal before a man, and finish the meal later.
  • Do not rush a man when he eatsAnd do not ask the waiter to receive an account. He will do it himself.
  • A man finishes a romantic dinner. But, if the lady wanted to leave earlier, she can do this by apologizing to her gentleman.
  • A man usually pays an invoice, and a woman should not experience awkwardness. If a man and a woman are friends, then you can pay the bill in half.
  • Leave beautifully - This is also the main thing in the restaurant. You can thank the waiter for dinner and meterdotor. The man leads the lady to the exit, opening the door in front of her. He picks up outerwear in the wardrobe and dresses himself. Only then does he help the lady dress. She must patiently wait for help from her companion.

If you do something out of etiquette, do not worry. A man will still see a well -mannered modest in you, who behaves beautifully in a restaurant and at the table.

Business etiquette in a restaurant

Business etiquette in a restaurant
Business etiquette in a restaurant

Many transactions are not concluded in the negotiation hall of the company, but in the restaurant. The result is affected by everything - behavior, the ability to eat mussels or spaghetti, and much more.

Business etiquette in a restaurant - Rules for lunch to go on top:

  • Guests should not come hungry. After all, the purpose of a business lunch is a solution to specific issues.
  • If you invite to business lunchThen you need to order a table in advance and study the restaurant menu.
  • Both sides should be well versed in cutlery.
  • It is indecent to complain about maintenance or food. You should not discuss your diagnosis in the refusal of the dish if you are allergic, ulcer or other disease.
  • Before drinking wine or water from a glass, get your lipsso as not to leave traces of food on the glass.
  • Do not eat if the invited guests have already completed a meal.
  • The tables of religion, medicine and politicians are not discussed at the table. Talk only about work. You can talk about children, affect the theme of weather, history or attractions.
  • Business papers They are laid out after the waiter releases the table from plates and food.

A business lunch helps to establish friendly contacts with partners and contributes to successful joint work.

Telephone etiquette in a restaurant

Telephone etiquette in a restaurant
Telephone etiquette in a restaurant

Do not use a mobile phone in a restaurant. Disconnect the sound and leave the cell in your coat pocket. The telephone etiquette in the restaurant prohibits talking at the table. If you are waiting for an important call, then put the phone in your pocket or handbag. When the mobile calls, apologize to the companion, and leave the hall to talk.

Who pays in a restaurant?

Who pays in a restaurant?
Who pays in a restaurant?

Often when going to a restaurant, many people ask the question: "Who pays in a restaurant?" If you go with a man on a romantic evening, he pays. If you have friendly relations, pay in half. The initiator of the feast pays at the banquet.

Remember: about who will pay for dinner, you need to agree in advance. It is indecent to find out when the waiter has already brought an account.

Communicate with the waiter politely, and he will help you choose the most delicious dish in this restaurant. Next time, the waiter will definitely say which dish turned out to be very tasty at the cook, and which is better to try another time.

Video: etiquette. How to behave in a restaurant

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