Fish with potatoes. How to cook fish with potatoes in the oven? Recipes

Fish with potatoes. How to cook fish with potatoes in the oven? Recipes

Proven and very interesting recipes with fish and potatoes prepared in the oven.

Since fish is much easier to absorb by the body, dishes from it become more and more popular and diverse. In addition to protein, fish contains a very larger number of trace elements and beneficial vitamins. It is shown to people with dietary nutrition and allows you to keep weight to those who really want to lose weight. Consider the most delicious recipes for fish and potatoes.

How to cook a tooth in the oven with potatoes?

tooth dishes are not yet quite common, but at the same time they are very easy to cook and have a special taste and aroma.

tooth with potatoes

For cooking, we take: - 500g. Zubatka, -6 potatoes, -1 onion, -100 gr. cheese, - 5 tbsp .L vegetable oil, - 2 centuries. mayonnaise, - 1 lemon, - water, salt, greens.


  • We carefully wash the tooth and clean. Then we divide into steaks, salt, pepper and pour lemon juice. Let stand for twenty minutes
  • We clean the potatoes and cut into thin circles, laying greased with oil in a baking dish. Lay the chopped onion on top
  • We put the teeth steaks on top and pour with mayonnaise. Not three, but cut the cheese on squares and also lay on top
  • We bake at 180 degrees 30 minutes before browning cheese crust. When serving, decorate with chopped greens

Gorbusha baked in foil in the oven with potatoes

Gorbusha with potatoes in the oven will retain all its beneficial properties and will be incredibly gentle and juicy.

gorbusha with potatoes

We will need:- 4 portioned pieces of pink salmon,- lemon,- 4 potatoes,- 1 tomato,- 1 onion- 100g of sour cream or mayonnaise- salt, spices and foil.


  • Cut the peeled potatoes into thin circles. We salt pink salmon, pepper and spray lemon juice
  • We lay the foil on the baking sheet and lubricated with butter, lay out the potato circles. Sprinkle with spices for potatoes and salt on top
  • We put the steaks from pink salmon on top and water with mayonnaise. Then we lay the tomato cut into circles, wrap the foil and send it to the oven for 30 minutes at 200 degrees. Serve hot. Decorating with chopped herbs

Flounder with potatoes in the oven

Cambala is a very useful fish, which contains 30% protein and only 5% fat. Like any sea fish, it is useful for a complex of amino acids, vitamins and trace elements. Therefore, according to many nutritionists, the diet with this fish should be regular.

flounder with potatoes

Cambala is very capricious in preparation, because it is very easy to dry. Therefore, we selected the best recipe for the correct preparation of this fish to make it delicate and tasty.

The following products must be prepared: - 800g. flounder, - 200g. Tomato, -200g. Sour cream, -100g. Green peas, - 2 centuries of lemon juice, - 3 tbsp of vegetable oil, - salt, pepper.


  • My purified flounder and pickle in lemon juice, pepper and salt
flounder with potatoes
  • Baking sheet lubricated with oil, sprinkle with peas
flounder with potatoes


  • Put the tomatoes in circles on top and pour the floor with a glass of boiling water
    Clean potatoes cut into circles
flounder with potatoes
  • We put the flounder on the tomatoes, and potatoes on top. All pepper and salt, sprinkle with spices to taste
flounder with potatoes
  • Separately mix sour cream, vegetable oil, salt and grated cheese
flounder with potatoes
  • We fill our dish with this mixture and send it to the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees. The finished dish can be decorated with herbs

Baked carp with potatoes in the oven

If you decide to bake carp with potatoes in the oven, then not only. You will save time, so you will also get a very aromatic dish with an amazing taste.

Carp with potatoes

We need to cook: - 1 kg. Carpa, - ½ lemon, - 1 carrot, - 10 potatoes, - 4 onions, - 100g. mayonnaise,- 50 gr. vegetable oil. –Palias for fish, salt and pepper.


  • We clean the fish and remove the insides. So that the fish is gentle and the small bones are not embarrassed, you need to make cuts from the ridge to the abdomen
Carp with potatoes
  • All seasonings, salt and pepper are rubbed into the fish and water the lemon juice. Lemon mode for slices and insert them into incisions. Lubricate the entire fish with mayonnaise
Carp with potatoes
  • Carrots also clean the regime with slices. Potatoes peeled from the peel also cut and insert carrots there
  • All pepper, salt and lubricate with oil
Carp with potatoes
  • The peeled onion regime and lay on a baking sheet lubricated with vegetable oil
  • We lay the fish on top, and then potatoes around it. The remaining onion on top of the carp and cover with foil
  • We send to the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees
  • 10 minutes before cooking, we open the foil and give the fish brown
  • Serve hot, decorating with herbs

Keta in the oven with potatoes

Keta very rich in microelements is prepared very quickly. In our recipe, we will prepare it with tomatoes, cheese and potatoes.

keta with potatoes

We will need the following ingredients: - 1 kg. Fillet Keta - 3 bulbs. - 2 tomatoes. - 4 potatoes, - 200 gr. cheese, - 1 tsp dried basil, - 3 tbspins of mayonnaise, - salt, pepper.


  • Peel the fish and cut into portioned pieces. Salt and pepper
    Cut the tomatoes with rings, onions and potatoes in circles
  • In a mold lubricated with vegetable oil, lay out the fish
  • Above grated cheese and onion. Then it goes potato and more a little cheese
  • We spread tomatoes, sprinkle remaining cheese and lubricate mayonnaise.
  • We put it in wind cupboard on the 40 minutes at temperature 200 degrees before rosy crusts

Nautical perch in oven with potatoes

For togo, to especially not break head which prepare garnish to fish, better straightaway bake her with potatoes.

sea \u200b\u200bperch with potatoes

For preparations perch us you will need it:800 gr. sea perch, — 1 kg. potatoes, — 3 tomato, — 2 bulbs, — 3 art.l. vegetable oils, — salt and pepper.

Recipe preparations:

Purified potato, cut cubes and we season spices and salt.
Fish twist, leaving head, dry towel.

  • We rub perch cO all sides spices and salt. Mode tomatoes and onion rings
  • Close baking sheet paper and we spread potato
  • Following go perch and tomatoes and completes all onion
  • Above all necessary pour mixture vegetable oils and spices. hold in oven cabinet 40 minutes at 200 degrees.

Dish ready!

Halibut with potatoes in oven

Halibut very tasty and light fish, which great combined with vegetables and suitable for family dunch and dinner.

paltus with potatoes

For his preparations you will need it:1 kg. fillet paltusa, — 800 gr. potatoes, — 4 zucchini, — 400 gr. mushrooms, — 300g. cheese, — 50 gr. olive oils, — pepper, salt, spices.
Recipe preparations:

  • Purified potatoes boil and water slightly previously salt. When she is cool cut circles, sprinkle spices
  • Fish clean and we march with eye lemon and pepper with salt
  • Onion and zucchini cut on the pieces, mushrooms too and fry in oil
  • AT form for baking, lubricated oil, we place it fish, vegetables and potato. Send in oven on the 30 minutes at temperature 180 degrees
  • Per 5 minutes before readiness to sprinkle cheese. Then take out and decorate greenery. By desire can serve to dish sauce behamel

Salmon, salmon, trout with potatoes in oven

salmon trout salmon with potatoes

There are many types of dishes with very interesting recipes and ingredients. We picked up the most refined and tasty, where the fish turns out to be incredibly delicate and retains all the beneficial properties.

Salmon with potato in oven onitalian

Consider recipe from salmon with potatoes. Salmon this one from most useful for organism fish. He contains fat acids, vitamins and antioxidants. Exactly recipes in oven allow save all benefit vitamins.

salmon with potatoes

For this dishes us you will need it:400g. steak salmon, — 5 potatoes, — 1 bulb, — 3 cloves garlic, — 2 tomato,  — 3 art.l olive oils, — 3 art.l juice lemon, — 4 art.l sour cream, — salt, pepper, provences herbs

Recipe preparations:

  • Fillet salmon rinse and dry paper napkin. To marinate in juice lemon with pepper and salt. Small olive oil
  • Onion and tomatoes thin cut circles. Purified potato thin cut on the circles, salt and pepper
  • AT sour cream add salt and pepper, provences herbs mix with crushed garlic
  • Form for baking lubricate oil and put there potato, pour all this is sour cream and above put fish
  • Around salmon put tomatoes and onion, a above place skolka lemon
  • Wrap all in foil and send in oven on the 40 minutes at 200 degrees. per 10 minutes before readiness open foil and to give browned

Salmon baked in oven onroyal

Salmon that fish, which it is forbidden nothing spoil and exactly she is is favorite among fish dishes for anyone holiday or simply family dinner. This recipe special, because what helps save juicy and tender pulp salmon in perfection.

semga with potatoes

For this us you will need it:400 gr. salmon,  — 1/2 lemon, — 6 potatoes, — 300 gr. cream, — 200 gr, cheese, a twig rosemary, salt, spices.

Recipe preparations:

  • Semga cut on the steaks enough large size, because what fish at baking loses before 40% masses
  • Cooking mixture for marinadewarm up vegetable oil and hot oil fill crushed garlic, rosemary, pepper and salt. We give drive and cool
  • Rinse in water fish, dry and we pickle in mixtures oils and rosemary near 10 minutes
  • Purified potato mode on the 4 slavics and we lay in form for baking. Above we spread  fish and fill cream
  • All this is not covering we send in oven on the 30 minutes at temperature 200 degrees before appetizing crusts. Decorate a twig rosemary and lemon

Baked trout with young potatoes. Recipe baked trout  with potatoes  in oven

If a you use for preparations fresh trout, then simply on the 10 minutes soak her in cool water. If a the same she is frozen, then very carefully give her hard natural by the way. Not run to defrosting in microwave or hot water. Fillet maybe spoil.

trout with potatoes

Necessary ingredients:500g. trout, — 500 gr. young potatoes, — 200 ml. sour cream, — 3st.l olive oils, — 2 art. l soy sauce,  —  ½ lemon, — 2 tooth garlic, — salt and spices.

Recipe preparations:

  • Potato thoroughly mine brush and mode on the 4 slavics. Mix with olive oil and salt, sprinkle spices and we spread in form for baking, lubricated oil
  • We put it in oven on the 15 minutes at 200 degrees
  • Fish clean from scales, we rub salt and spicesand we do oblique cuts  on sides from ridge to abdomen. Cut lemon on the thin slices we place it his in these cuts
  • We get it potato from oven and fill mixture sour cream and water. Above we lay fish and closing foil, we place it again bake on the 40 minutes before complete readiness
  • We spread on the dish, decorate greenery and lemon and serve guests

Mintay With potatoes in oven recipe

mintay with potatoes

For preparations simple and delicious dishes us you will need it:4 pCS. fillet polishing, — 1 lemon, — 2 art.l soybean sauce, — spices to fish, — 6 potatoes, — 2 carrots, — 1 bulb, — 200 gr. cheese.

Recipe preparations:

  • Fillet polishing defrost and clean from plavnikov. Cut on the portioned pieces and pour marinade from lemon, salt and spices
  • Purified potato and carrot mode circles, onionrings
  • On the baking sheet coated foil, we spread mintay, beside potato and vegetables. Close foil and we put it in oven on the 40 minutes at 180 degrees
  • Then we get it and open foil, sprinkle all grated cheese and decorate slices lemon. Again we send in oven on the 10 minutes before golden crusts

Serve hot and appetizing!

Fish casserole with potatoes in oven

it dish help you not once, when guests on the threshold. Literally per hour you get it hearty and fragrant dish, which will please literally all.

fish casserole

Us you will need it:500 gr. fish, — 8 potatoes, — 2 eggs, — 1 bulb,  — 100 ml. sour cream, — 100 gr. solid cheese, — salt and pepper.

Recipe preparations:

  • Purified potato mine and cut very thin circles. Sprinkle salt and pepper and we spread on the baking sheet, greased oil
  • Fillet fish mode on the small pieces, onion on the small cubes and we spread above potatoesAll pepper and salt
  • Separately mix sour cream with eggs, salt and pepper and fill the resulting semobido. Above sprinkle grated cheese and we send in oven on the 40 minutes at 200 degrees

Mackerel baked in oven with potatoes

Mackerel very useful and uses popularity thanks to light digestibility and big content squirrel. But this fish maybe it will turn out dry, if recipe not thought out and selected inappropriate modes temperatures.

mackerel with potatoes

For tasty and gently mackerel us you will need it:2 mackerel, — 5 potatoes . —1 bulb, — ½ lemon2 tomato, — salt and pepper.

Recipe preparations:

  • Fish thoroughly we cut it from insides, mine and we pickle in juice lemon with salt and pepper on the 10 minutes
  • Washed and purified potato we cut on the 4 slavics and lubricate vegetable oil, salt and pepper
  • Then mode tomatoes and onion circles. We spread in form for baking lubricated oil potato, above fish and we lay tomatoes and onion. Part tomato place inside abdomen mackerelthis is will give juicies
  • Cover all foil and we send in oven on the 40 minutes at temperature 200 degrees. Ready dish decorate lemon and greenery

Zander baked in oven with potatoes

Zander this is dietary fish, in which practically no fat, but rich vitamin compound. Use this fish favorable it affects on the work head brain and nervous systems. Fish better to choose average size, fresh with unsrooted gills. Big individuals have unpleasant smell silt.

pike perch with potatoes

To prepare tasty and useful dish, take it:1 kg. zander, — 1 kg. potatoes, — 2 art.l. mayonnaise, — 4 art.l. vegetable oils, — greens, — ½ lemon, — black pepper, salt and thyme.

Recipe preparations:

  • Fish clear from scales, delete gills, but head leave, we clean it all abdomen
    Mix mayonnaise, thyme, juice lemon, salt and pepper and all this mixture we rub fish and leave on the 10 minutes
  • Purified potato cut circles, salt and pepper and we spread on the baking sheet with foil. Inside abdomen zander we lay pieces lemon and thyme
  • Foil we pinch and we send all in oven on the 40 minutes at 180 degreesper 15 minutes before readiness open foil and we give crime

Cod with potatoes in oven

cod with potatoes

For preparations such light and delicious dishes us you will need it:1 kg, cod. – 2 bulbs, —1 bulgarian pepper, — 100 gr. mayonnaise, — 6 potatoes, — provences herbs, —salt and pepper.

Recipe preparations:

  • Clean fish, mine and cut off head and fins. By sides we do cuts. We rub salt and pepper
  • Mix mayonnaise with provences herbs and juice lemon. Bulgarian pepper and onion cut rings
  • Lubricate fish mayonnaise, in cuts we place it onion. The remaining onion in abdomen
    AT form for baking lubricated oil we lay potato, above fish and bulgarian pepper
  • We send in oven on the 40 minutes at 180 degrees. Serve gright with slices lemon

Pike in oven with potatoes recipes

Pike complex in preparation fish for those, who not he knows, what clean her necessary in frozen form. Then all much easier. BUT on taste qualities this fish very even superior many other kinds. She is gives dish special aroma and taste, a suitable vegetables only improve this is combination.

Pike with potatoes

Prepare the following ingredients:
1.5 kg. pike, — 6 potatoes, — 2 carrots, — 2 bulbs,  — 1/2 glasses soybean sauce, — 4 art.l lemon juice, — 3 art.l vegetable oils, — salt and pepper.

Recipe preparations:

  • For removal smell tina, fish we will lure in juice lemon, soy sauce, pepper and salt on the 20minutes
  • Purified potato we will cut it slices or rings and sDRUMEM salt and pepper. Onion we will cut it half rings, mokrov try on the grater and fry on the oil
  • Pike we lay in form for baking, above fried vegetables  and potato. Bake at temperature 200 degrees near 30 minutes before receipt beautiful crusts

Potatoes with fish in pots

We accustomed to recipes from meat in pots. That's why today let's try prepare fish and on taste this is will be not only original, but  and unusual.

fish with potatoes in pots

Necessary ingredients:1 pCS. polishing or heck,  — 1 potato, — 1 carrot, — 1 bulb. – 20 gr. creamy oils, — 50 gr, sour cream, — 4 art. l boiling water.  — 100 gr. cheese, — salt and pepper.

Recipe preparations:

  • Fish wash and cut portioned slices, spice up and salt
fish with potatoes in pots
  • Cut onion and carrot. Put vegetables on the bottom pot. There the same rub potato
fish with potatoes in pots
  • Above put on a piece fish and pour mayonnaise, above to sprinkle grated cheese
fish with potatoes in pots
  • Send in oven on the 40 minutes at temperature 200 degrees. Serve hot with greenery
fish with potatoes in pots

Video: Baked fish with potatoes

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