Vomiting at the cat: causes, treatment. Vomiting at the cat with food, with blood

Vomiting at the cat: causes, treatment. Vomiting at the cat with food, with blood

Causes and methods of treatment of vomiting in cats.

Pets are completely dependent on their owners. In order for pets to remain healthy longer and delight their housewives, they need proper nutrition and care. In this article we will tell you why the cats have vomiting. 

Vomiting at a home cat: Reasons

These animals have a rough tongue that acts as a brush. Thus, they get rid of garbage, dust and remnants of the wool that fell. Accordingly, they swallow part of the wool. To get rid of the extra lump of hair, the cats have a belch. However, in this case, before tearing it, the animal moves his tongue, it stands out for a huge amount of saliva and mucus so that a woolen lump is easier to pass along the esophagus. There are no pain and blood in the process of vomiting with hair of the animal. 

Vomiting at a home cat, reasons:

  • If there is no blood in the vomiting, the cause can be determined by its color and character. Often in kittens, for one or two months, vomiting with white foam can be observed. This happens if they are introduced in the form of solid products. This is a addiction that does not threaten the kids. In an adult cat, white foamy vomiting speaks of overeating, or that the products that are fed are not suitable. Therefore, it makes sense to change the diet of the animal. 
  • It is worth noting that an adult cat in the intestines does not have microflora that helps to break down milk. Therefore, it is undesirable for adult cats to give dairy products. They can cause vomiting with white foam.

What is the color of the vomiting of the cat?

If the pet tears transparent liquid or mucus without visible particles of food, this may indicate pancreatitis, cholecystitis of gastritis and helminthic invasion. Be sure every 3 months, give pets to be anthrax. Despite the fact that domestic cats do not go anywhere, they need anthelmintic drugs. This is necessary if the animal is given food from the table, and not fed with dry food. 

What is the color of the vomiting of the cat:

  • By the color of the petetz, you can determine which of the parts of the body suffers. If vomiting is bright yellow, with a characteristic bitter smell, this says that in the vomit of the bile a large amount of bile. In most cases, this indicates problems with bile ducts, liver and strong load on the digestive organs, pancreas. Perhaps the pet is fed incorrectly, give him too fat products or food that cannot be eaten. This often happens after a change of feed. Carefully look at the composition of the new product.
  • If vomiting is green, in most cases this does not say anything bad. Animals that walk on the street consume grass to clean the body. It is she who can color the vomiting in green. With its help, they cleanse the intestinal walls, improve the condition of the body.
  • White vomiting, which is found once a day, indicates the addiction of the animal to the new diet. This often happens in kittens.
A malaise at the cat
A malaise at the cat

Vomiting with blood at the cat: Reasons

However, there are pathological processes that have characteristic symptoms. Often in pets, vomiting with blood can be observed. By its color and character, you can determine in which of the body systems a failure.

Vomiting with blood at the cat, reasons:

  • If in the gag there are small blood veins of scarlet or orange, the problem is in the esophagus, larynx, oral cavity. When such a symptom appears, the mouth of the animal is examined.
  • Cats can absorb or sniff aggressive chemicals that are in the means for cleaning toilets and shells. As a result of the use of a product with alkalis and acids, the surface of the larynx and the oral cavity can be crushed, it becomes bright red.
  • The appearance of a small amount of blood in vomiting can be due to diseases of the teeth that are found in mature animals. If in the vomiting of a large amount of bright red, scarlet blood, the problem is definitely in the esophagus and throat.
  • Perhaps the animal took food with sharp inclusions. This happens if animals are given by fish or chicken bones. When bone teeth are crushed, sharp fragments can damage the surface of the mucous membrane of the esophagus, up to perforation. That is why Kotov is not fed with fish and chicken bones. 

Why does the cat have black vomiting?

It is necessary to relate to the situation in a different way if in the gag there is blood not bright red, but dark brown, brown or black colors.

Why the cat has black vomiting:

  • This means that blood enters into a chemical reaction with gastric juice in which acid is located.
  • It is thanks to the effects of acid on hemoglobin that blood changed its color. This means that the problem is in the gastrointestinal tract.
  • The animal may have malignant neoplasms, ulcers or gastritis from improper feeding or chemical poisoning. 
  • Such disorders are observed for diseases of the small intestine.

If the problem is in the large intestine, then the animal does not tear with blood, because it goes through the anus, along with the feces. With pathologies of the large intestine, blood can be observed in excrement of the animal.

The cat is sick
The cat is sick

Vomiting at a cat into -digested food

To deal with the cause of vomiting, you must contact the veterinarian. Most often, an ultrasound of the digestive organs, as well as various tests, may be found to clarify the cause. The doctor will carefully examine the animal, asking the owner symptoms. In the vomit of the cats, pieces of feed or food can be found. If this did not happen, and the day before there was an introduction of a new food, perhaps it does not fit the pet. 

The reasons for the vomiting of the cat are undigested:

  • A large amount of food. Very often, the owners of the pets do not control the amount of food, pouring the food to the top of the bowl. Thus, the animal eats everything that is in the container, and then comes again. Despite the fact that cats, unlike dogs, are not inclined to overeat, some pets, especially who used to live on the street, remember hungry times. It is such animals that eat much more than necessary. After absorption of feed, it increases in size in the stomach, has an irritating effect on the walls. As a result of this, vomiting occurs. Thus, animals get rid of excess food. 
  • Overeating occurs in conditions of competition, If there are several animals at once, they are afraid not to be in time for the rest. Therefore, try to feed the animals separately, starting each pet into the room, closing the door behind him. Thus, the rest will not tear out food from the animal, it will not try to eat more food. Automatic feeders that betray a certain portion of food have proven themselves very well. The probability of overeating is minimized. 

Pay attention to the composition of the new feed. Many owners acquire dry food due to the low price, because it does not require the introduction of additional food products. However, all the feeds that are sold in stores are economy class products containing a large amount of carbohydrates and a minimum amount of proteins. If the owner decided to change the food to a better, with a high content of protein and meat, the animal will have an adaptation period. Within a week, the pet will get used to the new feed, vomiting with pieces of food is possible. 

Bad feeling
Bad feeling

How to treat vomiting at a home cat?

Vomiting can be a sign of a serious infectious disease. That is why animals, regardless of age, must be vaccinated in order to prevent the development of cat ailments. If, despite the actions taken, a decrease in the amount of food, vomiting in the cat continues, it must be shown to the veterinarian.

How to treat vomiting at a home cat:

  • For research, animal owners are offered to make an X -ray. Indeed, the cause of vomiting is often the ingress of foreign objects into the digestive organs. It can be a children's designer or details from small toys that the animal can swallow with food. Extraneous objects irritate the walls of the stomach, causing severe cramps and vomiting. This is a way to get rid of a foreign object that is inside the abdominal cavity.
  • Please note that with helminthic invasion, in no case should a large amount of antiparasitic agents be given. This applies to animals that lived on the street for a long time and suffer from a lack of body weight, but at the same time they have a bloated stomach.
  • Under the action of an anthelmintic drug, a large number of toxic components are formed in the body as a result of the collapse of worms. It is these toxic substances that can kill the animal, especially if it is a kitten. Therefore, let such funds are dosed, in small portions. It is better to consult a veterinarian to comply with the necessary dosage and in no case exceed the permissible norm. 

What to give a cat from vomiting?

Veterinarians do not recommend giving pets anti -revolutionary drugs, because vomiting is a protective reaction of the body. The body is trying to get rid of an outsider, excess food. In addition, the risk of a dosage is very high. In no case can you self -medicate, because very often the cause of vomiting can be not only infections, but also extraneous objects, wool that enters the intestines. 

What to give a cat from vomiting:

  • In this case, it is useless to give an animal antibiotics. To remove wool from the stomach, the cat gives special pastes. They help to quickly remove foreign objects from the gastrointestinal tract. Please note that the cat licks itself less, and a smaller amount of wool falls into the abdominal cavity. The cat must be combed out, especially if it is long -haired.
  • To establish a condition of a pet, drugs are needed. But, as indicated above, antibiotics and antiemetic substances should not be given. This can be useless, especially if the animal tears constantly. In this case, it is recommended for the prevention of dehydration to give the animal every 5 minutes on a teaspoon of water.
  • Do not give an animal too much liquid, this can provoke repeated vomiting. It is better to give not simple water, but regronous solution, To normalize the water-salt balance. Also recommended absorbers, for example, Smecta, Enterosgel, Atoxil. These are safe drugs with high absorption ability. They absorb toxins and safely remove them from the body.
  • Do not give an animal Cerucal, Other antiemetic drugs. Perhaps vomiting is provoked by the presence of toxins and poisonous components in the body. In this case, the stop of vomiting will delay pathogenic microorganisms that will lead to poisoning and death of the animal.

Prevention of vomiting in cats

Take care of the animal, riding it from the crawled wool. Please note that it is necessary not only treatment, but also preventive measures related to degelmintization, vaccination of the animal. No need to give an animal antibiotics if they are not prescribed by a doctor. They can be absolutely useless, especially if an extraneous object fell into the abdominal cavity.

Prevention of vomiting in cats:

  • Close all drugs, as well as household chemicals, in the cabinets on the upper shelves where the pet cannot get. If the animal tears after eating, make fractional nutrition.
  • Let's go not twice a day, but in small portions several times a day. Be sure to exclude competition between animals, feed them at different times so that the pets do not compete with each other, selecting food.
  • Regarding the drugs, then before consulting with the veterinarian, no drugs need to be given. The exception is only special powders that prevent the elimination of fluid from the body. For example, a reidron or saline. They normalize the salt balance in the body, preventing dehydration. 

Read on the topic:

I got sick
I got sick

It is worth paying attention to the smell. If the vomiting of green has a mucous structure, and the smell similar to the rotten fish, this indicates infectious processes. Most likely, the animal has enterocolitis or poisoning. In combination with diarrhea and high temperature, this means that the animal eats spoiled products and was poisoned. Perhaps it is necessary to treat antibiotics.

Video: Vomiting in cats

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