Wolverine-wild animal: description for children of grade 1-4 for the lesson surrounding the world

Wolverine-wild animal: description for children of grade 1-4 for the lesson surrounding the world

Description and interesting facts about Wolverine for children.

Wolverine is the most ferocious predator of its size, capable of fighting animals alone, several times larger than yourself. She is not afraid of wolves or bears, and can even select the prey from stronger predators. This is a real “superhero” of wildlife that teaches children to be courageous and not give up to difficulties. 

What Wolverine Wild Beast looks like: description of appearance, color, size, weight 

Wolverine is a predatory mammal from the Kuni family, known for its ferocious temper and endurance. 


  • Plant: strong, muscular, with an elongated body and short legs. 
  • Size: body length 60-100 cm, tail length 20-30 cm. 
  • Weight: 10-20 kg, males larger than females. 

Color: brownish-black, with a lighter strip on the back. 

  • Head: large, with a wide forehead and powerful jaws. 
  • Ears: small, rounded. 
  • Tail: fluffy, used for balance when climbing. 


  • Fur: \u200b\u200bthick, long, protects well from the cold. 
  • Claws: long, sharp, do not get involved. 
  • Legs: wide, with bare calluses, help when walking in the snow. 

Wolverine is one of the largest and most powerful predators on its territory.

Similarities with other animals: 

  • Outwardly: Wolverine is like a bear, but has a more elongated body and short legs. 
  • Hares: in the lifestyle of Wolverine, it is similar to the wolf, it is also a predator and hunts large animals. 

What teeth are more developed in Wolverine? 

In Wolverine, all teeth are well developed, but especially stand out: 

  1. Fangs:
  • Long, sharp, curved. 
  • Used to apply mortal wounds, prey. 
  • They can bite even a thick skin of an elk. 
  1. Predatory teeth (carnivorous):
  • Large, with sharp edges. 
  • Used to break meat. 
  • They can crush the bones. 
  1. Permanent teeth:
  • Small but strong. 
  • Used to chew food. 
  • It is worth noting that Wolverine has a very strong jaw apparatus. She is able to squeeze the jaws with a force of 975 psi, which is comparable to the force of the bite of the lion. 

What is the length of the claws of Wolverine, how many claws? 

Wolverine has 5 claws on each paw. 

The length of the claws: 

  • Front paws: 2-3 cm. 
  • Hind paws: 4-5 cm. 

Rosomachi claws: 

  • Do not get involved. 
  • Very sharp. 
  • Curved. 
  • Strong. 

Wolverine uses claws for: 

  • Hunting: Claws help her catch and kill prey. 
  • Climbing trees. 
  • Protection against enemies. 
  • Breaking prey. 
  • Rosomakh claws are its main weapon. 

Interesting Facts: 

  • Wolverine can sharpen its claws on stones and trees. 
  • Rosomakh claws are constantly growing. 
  • If Wolverine loses the claw, it over time grows again. 
  • Thanks to his claws, Wolverine is a formidable predator that can cope with prey, several times higher than it in size. 

Symmetry Wolverine 

Wolverine, like most mammals, has bilateral symmetry. This means that her body can be divided into two mirror halves: 

  • Left: contains the left front paw, left ear, left half of the head, etc. 
  • Right: contains the right front paw, right ear, right half of the head, etc. 

Bilateral symmetry is a common form of symmetry in the animal world. She provides: 

  • Effective movement: an animal with bilateral symmetry can move in two main directions - forward and backward. 
  • The ability to navigate: an animal with bilateral symmetry can easily distinguish between the left and right sides, which is important for hunting, searching for food and avoiding predators. 
  • Sensory perception: sensory organs such as eyes, ears and nostrils, are usually located in pairs on the left and right sides of the body, which ensures a more accurate perception of the environment. 

In addition to bilateral symmetry, Wolverine also has: 

  • Radial symmetry: the tail of Wolverine is symmetrical relative to its axis. 
  • Spin-sorcerer symmetry: the body of Wolverine can be divided into a symmetrical back and abdominal sides. 
  • Symmetry plays an important role in the life of Wolverine. She helps her move, hunt, navigate the environment and avoid predators. 

Wolverine to which family does it belong? 

Wolverine belongs to the Kunah family. The Kunih family is one of the largest families of predatory mammals, which includes: 

  • Kunits: forest marten, stone marten, sable, Harza, etc. 
  • Chorey: ferry ferret, steppe ferret, black ferret, etc. 
  • Web: affection, ermine, mink, columns, etc. 
  • Otdr: river, otter Canadian, otter Sumatranskaya, etc. 
  • Barsukov: ordinary badger, badger-heal, medist, etc. 

Wolverine has a number of common features with other kuni: 

  • A long, elongated body. 
  • Short legs. 
  • Sharp scent. 
  • Strong jaws. 
  • Sharp talons. 
  • A predatory lifestyle. 
  • wolverine Predatory beast or herbivore 
  • Wolverine is a predatory beast. 

Here are a few facts confirming this: 

  • Wolverine belongs to the Kunih family, whose representatives are predators. 
  • Her teeth and jaws are adapted to break the flesh. 
  • Its digestive system is designed to digest meat. 
  • Wolverine hunts for various animals, including large ungulates, such as moose and deer. 
  • She also eats carrion, which is the typical behavior of predators. 

Where is the wolverine, on which mainland, in what natural zone? 

Wolverine lives on two continents: 

  • Eurasia: mainly in the taiga, forest -tundra, as well as in the tundra and mountains. It is found in Scandinavia, Finland, Russia (including the Kola Peninsula, Karelia, Kamchatka), Siberia, Mongolia, 
  • North America: in Canada, in Alaska, in the Rocky Mountains. 

Wolverine animal, what is eaten in nature in winter and summer ?

Wolverine is an omnivorous animal, but meat prevails in its diet. 

In winter: 

  • The basis of the wolverine is a carrion. She can find the remains of the extraction of wolves, bears, and lynxes. 

Wolverine also hunts ungulates (moose, deer, wild boars), hares, protein, partridges, hazel grouse. In extreme cases, she can eat carrion, berries, mushrooms. In summer, the diet of wolverine becomes more diverse. She hunts rodents (gophers, marmots, lemmings), birds (partridges, hazel grouse, grouse), small predators (foxes, foxes). 

At what distance can the Wolverine feel blood? 

The exact distance at which Wolverine can feel the smell of blood is unknown. 

However, there are several factors that affect its sense of smell: 

  • The direction of the wind: Wolverine feels the smell of blood best when the wind blows in its direction. 
  • Temperature: at lower temperatures, the smell of blood spreads on. 
  • Humidity: In a more humid environment, the smell of blood lasts longer. 
  • Relief: mountainous terrain can interfere with the spread of the smell. 
  • In general, it is believed that Wolverine can smell blood at a distance of up to 10-15 kilometers. 

How does the wolverine move? 

Wolverine is a very hardy and mobile animal. 

She can move in various ways: 

  • Walking: Wolverine usually walks in steps, while it will be slightly clubfoot. 
  • Running: Wolverine can run in trot, but not very fast. 
  • Climbing: Wolverine climbs trees perfectly, 
  • Swimming: Wolverine swims well. 

Her wide paws with sharp claws help her: 

  • Easy to move in the snow. 
  • Click on the bark of trees. 
  • Break the prey. 
  • Wolverine can overcome long distances in search of food. 
  • In one day, it can pass to 30-40 kilometers. 

Housing wolverine: how many cubs are born, what are they called? 

Rosomakhi's offspring: 

  • Number of cubs: 1-4, usually 2-3. 
  • The name of the cubs: the cubs of wolverine, the puppies of Wolverine. 

Other interesting facts about the offspring of Wolverine: 

  • The female Wolverine brings offspring once every two years. 
  • The cubs are born blind and helpless, weigh about 100 grams. 
  • Mother feeds them with milk for 4-5 months. 
  • Rosomakhi cubs become independent at 6-8 months. 
  • Rosomakhs live in the wild 10-12 years. 

Wolverine is a rare animal, an endangered look or not, is it listed in the Red Book? 

Although Wolverine is not an endangered species, its number in some regions is steadily reduced. Hunting, poaching, habitat loss and climate change - all this is a serious threat. To preserve this unique predator is our common task. Tighten the control of hunting, the fight against poaching, protecting forests and enlightenment of people are just some steps that we can take. 

What is the meaning of Wolverine in nature? 

Wolverine is not just a predator, but an important element of the ecosystem. It plays an indispensable role in regulating the number of other animals, cleaning the forest from falling and even helps in the fight against pests. 

Wolverine is a real strong man. Despite the relatively small size, it is able to defeat the prey several times larger than itself. Strong jaws and powerful claws allow her to deal with moose, wild boars and even bears. This is the orderly of the forest. It does not disdain carrion, thereby cleansing the forest from the corpses of animals and preventing the spread of diseases. 

Wolverine hunts small animals, such as rodents and hares. This helps to regulate their numbers. Wolverine hunts foxes, which are carriers of rabies. Wolverine is not dangerous for a person. In some cultures, it is a symbol of strength and endurance. 

Do the Wolverine have enemies? 

She is able to defeat the prey several times larger than itself, is not afraid of the bears or wolves. But do this formidable predator really have no enemies? 

In the animal world: 

  • Sabbel -toothed Tiger: This prehistoric predator was one of the main enemies of Wolverine. 
  • Wolves: Although Wolverine can give them a rebuff, a flock of wolves is a serious danger to her. 
  • Bears: Large bears, such as gries. 

The life expectancy of Wolverine in nature 

Wolverine is one of the most mysterious and hardy wildlife predators. Familiar to its ferocious disposition and tireless power, it fascinates and alarms researchers. But how much does this fearless beast live in a natural environment? 

In the wild, Wolverine usually lives from 8 to 10 years. However, life expectancy can vary significantly depending on various factors, such as: 

  • Availability of food: Wolverine eats everything they can find. In regions with rich booty, where they can easily catch fish, hunt small animals or fall down, wolverines can live longer. 
  • Hills: animals living in harsh conditions, for example, in the tundra or mountains, where the food is less and the climate is more rigid, have less life expectancy. 
  • Predators: Although Wolverine rarely become victims of other predators, wolves, bears or lynxes can hunt for them. 
  • Diseases and parasites: infections and parasites can weaken the animal and shorten its life. 
  • Human factor: hunting, poaching and destruction of the environment negatively affect the wolverine population and reduce their numbers. 

In captivity, Wolverine can live up to 17 years. This is due to the fact that they receive regular food, veterinary assistance and are protected from predators. 

Interesting facts about Wolverine 

Interesting facts about Wolverine: 

  • The indefatigable predator: Wolverine is known for his strength, endurance and ferocious disposition. She is able to kill prey, several times higher than it in size, and even drive the bear from his meal. 
  • Lone wanderer: Wolverine - single animals leading a vagabond lifestyle. They can overcome huge distances in search of food, up to 30-40 kilometers per day. 
  • Powerful jaws: Wolverine has one of the most powerful jaws among all predators of its size. She is able to smash the bones and even break the horns of moles. 
  • Invulnerable fur: thick and long wolverine fur perfectly protects it from cold and moisture. Thanks to her thermal insulation, she can calmly sleep in the snow, not afraid to freeze. 
  • “Gluttory”: Wolverine received her nickname “Objor” because of her insatitude. It can eat up to 15% of its weight at a time, and hides the remains of food in caches. 
  • An amateur fell: wolverines do not disdain carrion and often follow wolves, bears and lynxes, choosing the remnants of their prey. 
  • Small growth: despite their ferocity, wolverines are not large in size. The length of their body is about 1 meter, and weight is from 10 to 20 kilograms. 
  • “Snow Man”: in some cultures, Wolverine is considered a mythical creature like a snowy man. 
  • Rare species: Wolverine - a rare species listed in the Red Book. Hunting them is prohibited in many countries. 
  • Symbol of resistance: Wolverine - a symbol of resistance, endurance and determination. She is an inspiration for many people, 

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Video: Facts about Wolverine

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