What questions can I ask the guy to find out if I like me: a list of questions

What questions can I ask the guy to find out if I like me: a list of questions

A list of questions to find out about the sympathy of the guy.

A significant number of people are used to hiding their own emotions. Therefore, it is quite difficult to understand what they think and feel if they can’t directly ask about it. However, there are a number of questions that will allow you to recognize sympathy and recognize it not only by looking a man in the eyes, but also to correspond with him on the Internet. 

Questions to understand, do you like the guy? 

A few questions that you can ask a guy to understand his attitude towards you: 

  • What do you think of our communication? Do you like to spend time together? 
  • What are your sensations when we are together? Do you feel comfort and joy? 
  • What do you see in our future? Do you have plans about our attitude? 
  • What are your expectations from our communication? Is there anything that you would like to change or improve? 
  • What do you like in me the most? Is there anything that you would like to see in me changed? 
  • What are your feelings towards me? Do you feel a serious attitude towards this or is it just friendship? 

What to do if I don’t understand, do I like a guy? 

You can find out the guy’s feelings not only according to him, but also based on his behavior. It is non -verbal signals that are very bright about this. That is, gestures, views and sighs, as well as touch. 

Non -verbal signals: 

  • Eye contact: the guy who is interested in you will often look at you, catch your gaze. 
  • Smile: The guy who sympathizes with you will smile a lot in your presence. 
  • Pose: A guy who wants to like, will try to be as close as possible to you, unfold the body to you, lean in your direction. 
  • Gestures: The guy who is interested in you can play with his hair, fuel clothes, turn the phone in his hands to seem more attractive. 
  • Touch: A guy who is eager to interest can inadvertently touch you, for example, to his hand, shoulders, hair. 

Other signs: 

  • He tries to help you: the guy who wants to like will try to help you, for example, bring the bag, give home, make a compliment. 
  • He is jealous of you: if a guy is jealous of you to other guys, this may be a sign that he is sympathetic for you. 
  • He tries to make you laugh: a guy who does not mind like, will try to laugh you, tell you funny stories, joke. 
  • He is interested in your opinion: a guy who is interested in you will be interested in your opinion on various issues. 
  • He is always in touch: a guy who wants to like, will try to always be in touch, answer your calls and messages. 

How to understand whether the guy likes by correspondence? 

  • He asks you a lot of questions: the guy who is interested in you will try to find out about you as much as possible. He will be interested in your hobbies, friends, family, plans for the future. 
  • He makes compliments: the guy who sympathizes with you will compliment you about your appearance, mental abilities, achievements. 
  • He jokes and flirts: the guy who wants to interest will try to laugh at you, make fun of you, flirt. 
  • He uses diminutive-missile names: if a guy calls you diminutive names, this may be a sign that he has sympathy for you. 
  • He says about you to his friends: if a guy tells about you to his friends, it means that you are not indifferent to him. 

What a question to ask a guy to understand, do he like you? 

Tagging questions to find out if you like the guy: 

  1. Direct questions:
  • Do you like me? (This question can be too straightforward, but it can give you the most accurate answer.) 
  • What do you think about me? 
  • How do you feel about me? 
  • Would you like to meet me? 
  1. Indirect questions:
  • Do you like to spend time with me? 
  • What do you like about me? 
  • Do you think we could be a couple? 
  • Do you have anyone? 
  • How do you usually meet girls? 
  • What girl do you imagine? 
  • What is important to you in a relationship? 
  1. Questions based on his behavior:
  • Are you often looking at me? 
  • Are you smiling at me? 
  • Are you trying to laugh me? 
  • Do you compliment me? 
  • Are you trying to help me? 
  • Are you jealous of me to other guys? 
  • Are you always in touch? 
  1. Flirt:
  • Can I ask you an immodest question? 
  • Do you think we could kiss? 
  • Do you want to go on a date with me? 
  1. Tests:
  • Imagine that we were on an uninhabited island. What would you do? 
  • If I asked you to do something crazy, what would you do? 
  • What movie would you like to watch with me? 

Questions to the guy who likes, about the relationship 

A list of questions in order to better understand the guy who likes, about the relationship: 

  1. About his views on the relationship:
  • How do you feel about a serious relationship? 
  • What is the most important thing for you in a relationship? 
  • What qualities do you value in a partner? 
  • What is a “red line” for you in a relationship? 
  • How do you cope with conflicts in a relationship? 
  • Do you believe in love at first sight? 
  • How long, in your opinion, do you need to find out a person? 
  • Do you think people should change for their partners? 
  1. About his experience in a relationship:
  • Have you had a serious relationship? 
  • How long did your longest relationship last? 
  • Why is your past relationship ended? 
  • What have you learned from your past relationship? 
  • What mistakes you would not want to repeat in the future? 
  • Do you have any fears or doubts related to relationships? 
  1. About his expectations:
  • What are you looking for in a relationship? 
  • What type of relationship do you like? 
  • Are you ready for a serious relationship? 
  • How do you imagine your perfect couple? 
  • What goals do you set in a relationship? 
  • Are you ready for compromises? 
  • What are you like to have common interests with your partner? 
  1. About his feelings for you:
  • What you feel about me? 
  • Do you like to spend time with me? 
  • What do you like about me? 
  • Do you think we could be a couple? 
  • Do you have any doubts or fears associated with me? 

Questions that allow you to understand if you like the guy 

Questions that will help you understand if you like the guy: 

  1. General issues:
  • How do you like today? / What are your plans for the weekend? - Simple questions will help to start the conversation and understand if he wants to communicate. 
  • What are you fond of? / What are your interests? - Learn about his hobby and compare with yours. General interests are the basis for rapprochement. 
  • What music/films/books do you like? - The search for coincidences in preferences will show how compatible you are. 
  1. Questions regarding his attitude to you:
  • How do you feel about me? - A direct question, but it may be too frank. 
  • Do you like to spend time with me? - A easier option that makes it clear whether he appreciates your communication. 
  • Who would you like to go on a date if you could choose any person? - It is not necessary to answer, but his answer will show his interest. 
  • Do you think we could be friends/couple? - Foothing the soil for the further development of relations. 
  1. Questions based on observing its non -verbal signals:
  • Are you often looking at me? /Do you smile when I'm nearby? - Visual contact and smile are signs of sympathy. 
  • How do you behave when I am nearby? - Is he embarrassed, is trying to be near, is it joking? 
  • How does he greet you and say goodbye to you? - Long arms, touching the hand can talk about sympathy. 
  1. Unusual questions:
  • If you were the character of the film, who would you be? - It will help to find out about his ideals and ideas about himself. 
  • What question would you like me to ask you? - Give him the opportunity to ask the question of interest to him. 
  • What do you think, what first impression I make about you? “He will show how attentive he is to you.” 

Do not ask all questions in a row, choose a few suitable for the situation. Listen carefully to his answers and follow his reaction. Do not be afraid to be yourself and show your sympathy. 

Personal questions for the guy in correspondence, who likes 

Personal issues that will help to understand the attitude of the guy to you: 

  1. About his ideals:
  • What is the image of an ideal girl for you? 
  • What qualities do you value in people? 
  • What qualities do you not accept in people? 
  1. About his past:
  • What was your relationship in the past? 
  • What have you learned in your past? 
  • What is the most important thing for you? 
  1. About his plans:
  • How do you see your life in 5 years? 
  • Would you like to create a family? 
  • What goals do you set for you? 
  1. About his feelings:
  • Did you have something that you fell in love? 
  • How do you understand that you are in love? 
  • What attracts you to girls? 

How to understand from the answers that the girl really likes? 

Signs of sympathy: 

  • Expanded answers showing interest in your personality, hobbies, views, indicate sympathy. The presence of compliments, humor, flirting, emoticons indicates sympathy. 
  • Removing the details from your conversations, demonstration of attentiveness to your words speaks of interest. 
  • Quick response to your messages, the desire to maintain a dialogue can be a sign of sympathy. 
  • Hearts, emoticons with a blush, attention signs can be an indicator of sympathy. The use of ellipsis, exclamation signs, quotes can reflect enthusiasm and interest. 
  • Long, detailed messages, not short answers, talk about the desire to communicate. 

Several signs by which you can determine the sympathy of the guy by correspondence 

A few signs by which you can determine if the correspondence girl likes: 

  • Interest in her: If the guy asks the girl questions about her life, is interested in her opinion, hobbies or interests, this may indicate his interest in her as a person. 
  • Caring and attention: if the guy takes care of the girl, for example, is interested in her well -being, supports her in difficult situations or simply expresses his care with words, this can be a sign of his feelings for her. 
  • Emotional response: if there is an emotional coloring in his messages, for example, the use of exclamation marks, emoji, or words and expressions expressing joy or delight, this may indicate that he enjoys communication with her. 
  • The initiative in communication: if the guy initiates conversations, offers meetings or other types of communication, this may indicate his interest and desire to spend time together. 
  • Compliments and praise: if the guy makes compliments to the girl, expresses his admiration for her qualities or appearance, this can be a sign of his sympathy for her. 

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