Folk recipes with onions from boils, abscesses, corns and cracks in the heels, with injuries, stretching ligaments

Folk recipes with onions from boils, abscesses, corns and cracks in the heels, with injuries, stretching ligaments

Baked onions from boils, abscesses: recipe

In the framework of the folk treatment of various dermatological ailments, drugs with onions are externally used.

From boils
The boils are treated with baked onions.

Remedy for abscesses.

RECIPE: Need: onions - 1 pc .. calendula flowers - 1 tbsp. spoon, dried -crushed willow bark - 1 tbsp. spoon, water - 200 ml, honey - 2 tbsp. tablespoons

  • Water is brought to a boil, pour it with onion from onions and a mixture of plant drugs
  • During the night, the product is infused. In the morning, honey is bred in it
  • Moisten a sterile bandage in the product and applied it to the abscesses

Onion from the oven with furunculia.

RECIPE:The onion in the peel or batter of flour and water is baked in the oven, cut in half and hot is applied to boils.

  • The compress is held for 3 hours under the gauze bandage

VIDEO: Onions from boils and chiries. Folk method

Onions from corns and cracks in heels: recipe

Onions softens the skin, improves regeneration processes in it, kills bacteria and fungi. Also, it contributes to the healing of wounds.

The healing tool on the heels on the heels.

RECIPE: Need: onions - 1 pc., Vinegar - 100 ml.

  • Onions are cut with rings or disassembled on leaflets
  • After soak it at night in vinegar
  • In the morning they are applied to cracks on the heels, covered with cling film and left for 15 minutes.


RECIPE: Need: onion husks, vinegar

  • Onion husks are kept in vinegar for two weeks (in a tightly closed dish)
  • After the corn is lubricated with petroleum jelly or olive oil, a slightly dried husk is laid on it, wrapped in cling film
  • The compress is kept all night. In the morning, softened corn is steamed and removed.

Onions for injuries, ligament stretching

A onion compress is an anesthetic and distracting procedure for stretching ligaments. Also, there is an anti -inflammatory effect from it.

RECIPE: Compress with baked onions and sugar

Need: onions - 2 pcs., Sugar - 1 tbsp. a spoon.

  • The onion is baked so that it becomes very soft
  • It will be interpreted to the puree mass, add sugar
  • They put the mass to the place where the ligament is damaged, wrapped with polyethylene and left for 4 hours.

Video: onions in folk medicine. Onions, properties folk recipes

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  1. As they say, onions from seven ailments! As a prevention from a flu is aisable, but for treatment I would not rely only on a bow. I am still taking a reaperon lipin, for an early recovery.

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