Regidron - Instructions for use for children

Regidron - Instructions for use for children

In pharmacies, you can find many drugs to restore the body after poisoning, intestinal infections and symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea. One of the funds is also used to restore after dehydration is a regdron. Next, we consider how to use a regidron for children.

When the child has poisoning, and as a result, dehydration of all body systems is observed, then without treatment cannot be coped. It is necessary to use auxiliary preparations that make up for the hydrobalace and accelerate the recovery of a small patient. Regidron is suitable for the treatment of such conditions, but using the drug, some features of use should be taken into account. Regidron for children is shown from the age of three. Thanks to this pharmacy, you can establish a hydrobalace of the body and replenish it with the necessary salts, electrolytes.

Regidron for children - composition

In appearance, a regidron is a powder with white crystals. Apply it to prepare the solution. The powder contains a number of components, including Na, K salts, and dextrose, and the substance contributes to the absorption of citrate, salts. It is thanks to the latest action that the electrolytic equilibrium in the body is restored.

Reidron to children
Reidron to children

This powder is dissolved before use in purified water, only after that is drunk in small portions. The powder itself is in Sasha, in one bag of 18.9 grams of substance. The box can be from 4 to 20 packages of Registron.

In one bag there is:

  • NACL - 3.5 g
  • Na 3C. 6H 5O 7 (citrate na) - 2.9 g       
  • KCL - 2.5 g
  • C. 6H 12O 6 Armless glucose - 10 g

IMPORTANT: Reidron for children is used in cases where the child has intestinal disorders, vomiting, diarrhea or sunny blow. In the instructions, children can be used in the instructions from the age of three.

Reidron for children - how to take?

Reidron for children is recommended for poisoning, other intestinal infections, which are accompanied by such symptoms as vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, dehydration. There are only certain differences when taking the drug in children and adults. Children are shown less dosage. And one Sasha is diluted in 1.5 liters of water.

Instructions for the use of the drug
Instructions for the use of the drug

IMPORTANT: In the treatment of a regoron to the solution, it is not recommended to add any taste additives and sugar so that your child is more pleasant to take the drug. It is supposed to give medicine in its pure form. If the baby has poisoning, then a solution of the regoron should be given once per hour (10 ml. Per 1 kg of child mass). When the symptoms pass, the dosage is reduced and the drug is canceled over time.

How to take regoron powder?

The recommendations described below are approximate characteristics compiled according to the results of research. To eliminate the disease, you must consult a doctor, it is the specialist that will indicate how to treat the child correctly.

The regdron before use must be diluted in water.

What proportions are observed for breeding powder:

  • sasha is diluted in purified water in the proportion: 1 bag per 1 liter of water.
  • sasha is diluted in one and a half liters of water (recommended for children of the age of three), so the concentration of the product will be less.

The finished solution can be stored in a cold place for no more than a day. It is important, thoroughly stir the powder until it is completely dissolved in water.

How to breed a reidron?
How to breed a reidron?

Registon dosage with nausea, vomiting (children)

  • kids should give a solution of powder every 10-15 minutes on a spoon.
  • during the day you can drink such a solution of no more than 40 ml. 1 kilogram of weight
  • you can not give a child a regdron in large portions - this causes an attack of vomiting.

Dosage of Regirne with diarrhea (children)

If the baby has diarrhea, then the volume of fluid is reduced in the body. It is necessary to restore the hydrobalace quickly in order to prevent dehydration of the body.

Reidron to children
Reidron to children

Reidron for children can be dissolved in boiled water chilled. With diarrhea, it is recommended to dissolve Sasha in one liter of waterwithout adding any other components to improve taste. Otherwise, the effect of the drug will be impaired and the position of the sick child will only aggravate. It is advisable to weigh the child before using the child’s medicine, so you can study how much the baby has lost the mass and find out the dehydration coefficient.

Together with the use of this dosage form, it will be useful for the baby to observe a diet. You can not give the child fatty dishes, products with a high content of simple carbohydrates. Regidron is given to babies when diarrhea occurs immediately. You can use a solution for no more than three days. Or stop the use of the drug at once, as the diarrhea will pass.


  • at the age of three, children are given 600-750 ml. drug, if body weight is from 9 to 11 kilograms
  • at the age of four, it is consumed from 750 ml. up to 1075 ml. If there is a lot of 11 to 14 kilograms
  • from five to fourteen years, you can give from 1075 ml. up to 1950 ml. If the mass of the child is no more than 30 kilograms
  • girls and boys from 15 years of body weight more than 16 kg are supposed to drink no more than four liters of solution.

The drug is given every half hour in small portions. During the treatment period, the child should be observed. In case of any deterioration in the condition, consult a specialist doctor.

IMPORTANT: It is better for children to consume a bio reidron. In this drug, in addition to citrate Na, NACL, KCL, lactobacilli and probiotic are also contained, which contribute to rapid recovery after poisoning.

Take a bio reidron according to this scheme:

  • Two Sasha dissolve 200 ml in cold boiled water. Children weighing up to 12 kilograms should be given 550 ml. solution per day.
  • up to 14 kilograms weighing 625 ml. in a day. And the child is weighing the body up to 18 - 650 ml. per day. Up to 20 kilograms-700 ml., Up to 30-800 ml.

Reidron at home for children

Regidron can be prepared at home on your own. There is a recipe, the proportions of which must be observed strictly. You will need:

  • Salt - 25 g
  • Sugar - 55 g
  • Soda - 15 g
Reidron children's
Reidron children's

Stir all the components in one liter of water. This recipe is more suitable for adults. Regidron for children is made a solution with such proportions:

  • Salt - 15 g
  • Sugar - 25 g
  • Soda - 15 g

Again, stiring products should be in 1 liter of water. The child is given with poisoning on a tablespoon after 15-20 minutes.

Contraindications of regional for children

Like any drug, Reidron for children has contraindications. Among them are the following:

  1. The drug cannot be consumed by the child if it has an allergic reaction to at least one component as part of a pharmacy.
  2. If dehydration has developed a severe degree. The drug leads to heart failure. Such diseases can be treated only in a hospital.
  3. Reidron is contraindicated in use when the patient is not conscious.
  4. You can not drink a solution of regrony with intestinal obstruction.
  5. The drug is not recommended for people with glucose intolerance.
  6. You can not give children a solution of regrony with profuse vomiting and the diarrhea of \u200b\u200bcholera.
Indications and contraindications
Indications and contraindications

Side effects of regoron on children

The greater the dosage of the drug Regyron, the more there is a risk of side effects. Moreover, the reildron for children must be adjusted individually, given the weight of the child and symptoms for poisoning or intestinal infections. If the dose of the drug exceeds the permissible values, then they can be observed:

  1. Allergies - the body will react to an overdose from the medicine, if there is increased sensitivity to allergen.
  2. An increased sodium content in the blood may be observed. If you cancel the product, then the balance is quickly established.
  3. There is also sometimes an increased potassium in the blood with overdose of a solution of regron.
  4. Nausea, vomiting is due to the re-filling of the gastric walls, this provokes the vomiting reflex.

To avoid these conditions, the drug should be canceled and consult a specialist-doctor.

An overdose with the drug for children, as already mentioned, threatens with violations of the balance K and Na, tachycardia, angina pectoris, bradycardia, arrhythmia, muscle pain can appear. Such symptoms are more often in children with impaired kidney function.

Registron analogs - comparison of drugs for children

There are many drugs in the pharmacy market for poisoning, both for children and adults, we will consider the derivatives of the regional for children. We compose a comparative characteristic. After all, not everyone is suitable for a reidron for one reason or another.

  • Comparison: Reidron and Smecta

Smecta was developed on the basis of diomectitis (sorbent), the drug is also sold in Sasha in the form of powder. It must be dissolved in water and drink. Thanks to the diomectitis in the smecta, the sorbitrating effect is higher, but there are no so many mineral additives and salts as in the regorne. Smecta is better to use with an acute poisoning, but to restore hydrobalance, the powder is not as effective as a reidron. What else is important to consider is that Smecta has more a list of contraindications. Regidron for children is softer, it is it is better to use it for diarrhea, a violation of the hydrobalance and vomiting in babies.

Smecta to children
Smecta to children
  • Comparison: Reidron and Polysorb

These dosage forms have the same type. Regidron is used in the form of a solution, and Polysorb Also a powder, which before use should be dissolved in water. Due to its composition, it perfectly removes harmful microorganisms from the intestinal environment. It contains silicon dioxide. They effectively relieve intoxication. But the drug is ineffective for the restoration of water balance. It does not contain neither salts K, Na, nor other trace elements for this function. That is why the reidron is more often prescribed for children with poisoning with fluid loss from the body.

Polysorb for children
Polysorb for children
  • Comparison: Reidron and Enterosgel

Enterosgel - carefully restores the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, thereby prevents disorders of a different nature. It perfectly eliminates the symptoms of intoxication. However, it is ineffective to use it to improve hydrobalance in the body and replenish it with trace elements and minerals. He can also cause constipation and heaviness in the abdominal. Therefore, what drug to prescribe to the baby should choose a doctor in case of poisoning.

  • Comparison: Reidron and Enterofuril

Enterofil Used to eliminate intestinal infections, it is not an absorbent, does not absorb toxic elements. This tool destroys harmful substances due to the content of the antibacterial substance of the nifuroxazide. It should be prescribed by a specialist based on the condition of a sick child. Only after the diagnosis is made. Each small patient is installed an individual dosage so that there are no side effects.

  • Comparison: Reidron and Hydropolit

Hydropolitan for childrenit has a similar composition, which is also a reidron. Therefore, it is used for poisoning and to restore hydrobalance in the body. The action of these dosage forms is almost identical. Discovery only in the number of components. So in the regoron less than Na, k - more. If the child has problems with the kidneys, then adverse reactions after taking the hydraulic explosion appear much more often.


All drugs of this series, including the reidron, are sold in pharmacies without recipe. In order for them to remain as much as possible, they should be preserved in hermetic packages in a dry place at a temperature of not higher than 25 degrees, not lower than +4 degrees. The Regidron with proper storage will be suitable for use for about three years.

Also read articles on our portal on the topic of pharmacy drugs here:

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  3. Tablets from bloating - instructions for use;
  4. The best remedies from migraines.

Video: Reidron for children - how to treat for child poisoning?


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