Delta - joints for joints: the principle of action, advantages of treatment with the device, indications for use, contraindications, reviews

Delta - joints for joints: the principle of action, advantages of treatment with the device, indications for use, contraindications, reviews

Different methods are used to treat joints in medicine, physiotherapeutic treatment gives good results. Consider the influence of the Delta device on the joints.

Pathologies of articular tissues are quite frequent relapse. Many medical centers offer patients various drugs that can provide rapid getting rid of inflammatory processes inside the articular surfaces. However, it is impossible to treat different diseases of the joints with the same method, each person needs an individual approach and his own medication, physiotherapeutic and other methods of treatment.

Indeed, in addition to the diseases of the joint tissues, the patient has other related pathologies, and these ailments have contraindications for a particular version of therapy, which must be taken into account. One of the alternative methods for treating these ailments is the Delta apparatus. The Delta ultrasonic device is designed for physiotherapeutic procedures. It is used for complex joint therapy. Further more about him.

Delta - joints for joints: the principle of action, advantages of treatment with the device

The ultrasonic device is perfect for home physiotherapy in combination with other drugs, its effect on sore joints is based on low -frequency pulses and ultrafonoma. Delta is used for both preventive and medical purposes for different ailments, especially for pathologies of the musculoskeletal pillar. Another modern invention is effective in the treatment of bone tissues, ligaments, joints after injuries. Women are recommended for solving cosmetic problems.

Joints of the joints of the lower extremities
Joints of the joints of the lower extremities

If you, along with drugs, will still use this device, then inflammation, swelling, stiffness in the movement will be much faster than during therapy with only drugs. The electric device has a monopolar, low -frequency, pulse effect on different patients of the patient's body. Thanks to this action, entorphins (hormones of joy) are formed in the body, moreover, painful sensations pass and restoration reactions in bone, articular, and cartilaginous tissues develop against the background of all this.

All these processes cause the patient the rapid relief of the general condition, and then a complete recovery. The period of remission will last much more if a person does not forget to carry out preventive measures for joint diseases.

To understand how the ultrasound acts, you need to know it the principle of effect on the body. Ultrasound has a comprehensive effect. Not only does it have a tonic, anti -inflammatory effect, it also enhances the diffusion effect of components in many systems of the human body. Cellular bodies are due to this well saturated with substances necessary for therapy. It is this action that allows you to deliver drugs using the ultrasound effect without damaging the skin, to cell membranes. The procedure is called a phonoresis. Ultrasonic waves in this way can allow drugs to penetrate six centimeters in depth.

How does hormones of happiness work out using electroneurostimulation?

Low frequencies pulses through the epidermis and stimulate nerve endings. And those, in turn, send a message to the brain, and the pain in the back, joints pass. Even at the same time, hormones of joy are developed, they have a sedative effect on the body as a whole.

The pluses of the Delta device:

  • The apparatus has three modes: ultrasonic waves, electroneurostimulation (percutaneous), ultrafonophoresis.
  • The device can immediately relieve pain and ensure the treatment of inflammation, because it has a function of therapy for sore joints of pulsed treatment and phonophoresis.
  • This device does not require much space, convenient in use, it can be taken with you on trips to the country, etc. Therefore, the patient will not miss the course of therapy.
  • It is often used to treat sports injuries. As well as for the treatment of other patients after bruises and damage to the articular, bone surfaces.
  • In addition to diseases of the joints, you can eliminate small scars, cellulite, wrinkles and fight with excess weight.
  • Patients have different sensitivity, the apparatus has five levels of ultrasound.
  • Even the schoolboy can use how to use it. Everything is clear and clearly scheduled in the instructions, and on the panel of the device itself there are only three buttons.
  • The kit has an ultrasonic waves, gel.
Combi Delta for ultrasound therapy
Combi Delta for ultrasound therapy

Delta - joint treatment: indications for use

Since the device has the above effects on the patient’s body, it has a wide range of application. Delta is used to treat migraines, pain syndromes, both in muscle tissue and in bone, articular surfaces. The device is effective for diseases of the throat, nose, ears (ENT organs), colds, pathologies of the internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract, dental diseases, ailments of the genitourinary system, diseases of the skin and with cosmetic defects. It is also useful in the complex therapy of heart disease and vascular diseases.

Combi delta is used for treatment in combination with medicines for such diseases of muscle tissue, spinal column and articular surfaces:

  • Arthritis of rheumatoid, arthrosis, spondylarthrosis, protrusion, osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia, contracture, buckthrough, spur on the heel.
  • Muscle inflammation, myositis, neuritis, various forms of neuralgia

IMPORTANT: In order for rehabilitation after injuries to be successful, it is necessary to carry out physiotherapeutic treatment. At home, the Delta device is effective.

Delta - contraindications

When treating, the doctor always takes into account the general condition of the patient. After all, hardware therapy has its own contraindications. You cannot prescribe treatment with a Delta device of the following category of people:

  1. In various oncological diseases.
  2. If there is an electronic implant in the body (pacemaker, etc.).
  3. In case of disorders of the circulatory arteries, if the patient has different diseases of the blood coagulation.
  4. In acute infectious processes.
  5. Pregnant women also cannot be done hardware therapy so as not to harm the embryo.

Delta - joint treatment: how to apply?

Managing the delta, as mentioned earlier, is easy. The device has three buttons and monitor. Using these buttons, you can set the necessary mode for the treatment of joints and spinal column. They can also select a certain force of exposure to your skin surface, given the sensitivity.

The modes are allowed to combine. So to eliminate pain and relieve swelling, reduce inflammation, you can choose a low -frequency mode and ultrasound. Before using the delta, apply the gel that goes along with the device before using the delta.

Treatment of the knee joint
Treatment of the knee joint

Delta - joints for joints: reviews

Unfortunately, there are not so many reviews on the Internet about the Internet, but basically, opinions come down to the fact that the device really works well.

Mikhail, 62:

I have such a device for three months. My relatives gave it to me for my birthday. I did not believe that Delta would really help with my illness. The back, joints began to hurt for a long time. I am treated with creams, ointments with pills that the doctor recommends me. After this device appeared, I noticed that I began to drink less painkillers. Pain after several combustion sessions, ultrasound with electrotherapeutic effects, decrease. Now I do not launch my sore knees and my back, but I try to begin to carry out prevention even before the exacerbation of diseases to avoid these ailments. I know when they most often exacerbate - in the fall, when it cold and in the spring with a sharp change in weather. It is better to warn the disease than to endure pain and treat.

Naina, 52 years:

Recently I bought a device for the treatment of knees, the doctor advised. I studied the instructions, by the way, everything is very clear there how to work with the device. And really the delta works. I feel that I began to feel much better. The knees began to bother less. And recently I grabbed my back and also treated the device, the pain passed in a few days, and earlier with the same inflammation I would suffer ten days no less. So, I advise you to buy Delta to those who want to forget what sick leave.

Video: Review and how does the combi Delta apparatus work?

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Comments K. article

  1. I don’t really like all kinds of medicines at all .... Therefore, when the joints fell ill, the first thing was to pay more attention to her lifestyle: she excluded cardio training like running, only left the collagen and the triple omega-3 from Evalar, colds, jelly Now more often in the diet. As a result, the pain disappeared, and she certainly did not harm himself with such therapy.

  2. An excellent apparatus, I bought it for my mother but I myself use it after training (stretching) or when the joint begins to whine.

  3. I bought an apparatus in the physiosphere for my mother, she has sore joints, but I also use it myself! Very satisfied. The delta helps well for stretching and with joint pain. I use it in combination with karipain cream for phonophoresis. The result is super.

  4. I performed an operation of the hip joint, saving my knee, ended with a gel for the UAZT Delta apparatus, where to buy or order?

  5. The article is very useful for those who have joint problems.

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