The best drugs for migraine are a list. Migraine medicine is triptans. Migraine tablets - a list of effective means

The best drugs for migraine are a list. Migraine medicine is triptans. Migraine tablets - a list of effective means

It is believed that migraine is more often observed in aristocrats, personalities who have a lot of free time. However, at present, the ailment can impress everyone, regardless of the situation in society.

Headaches, some nausea - these are migraines. The disease is neurological. The pains are unbearable, intense. Moreover, they appear both in the left and in the right hemisphere. Migraine is accompanied by bouts of nausea, vomiting, weakness. To get rid of such an unpleasant state, it is necessary to correctly choose drugs for migraine.

Migraine preparations - list

Most often, when migraine is treated mainly on symptomatic therapy. The main thing is to save the patient from the manifestations of migraine. If possible, other related diseases should also be taken into account. Below, see the table with a list of recommended drugs for migraine.

Migraine preparation list
Migraine preparation list

Next, we will study the main groups of drugs used in drug therapy of migraines.

What drugs are used from migraines?
What drugs are used from migraines?

To eliminate symptoms, the following drugs are used, which are divided into such groups:

  1. Anti -inflammatory drugs for migraines and analgesics. Many of these dosage forms are sold in pharmacies over -the -counter, they have an anti -Bolar effect. Nesteroid agents are ranked to these: Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Dolaren. 
  2. Medicines of Spores.The controversy contains such means that can positively affect the vessels of the head. They suppress the increased content of serotonin. Namely, this substance is the main factor in pain. Such drugs are used in case of pain and for preventive measures. With head pain due to other reasons, the drugs are powerless. Therefore, only doctors, after making a diagnosis, can recommend these funds.
  3. Triptana preparations. Able to stop spasms of brain vessels. Derivatives of 5-hydroxitriptamine remove pain that occurs against the background of a common cold. Triptans are reduced by other accompanying symptoms of migraines, such as photophobia, vomiting, nausea.

IMPORTANT: Doctors claim that tolete a headache is not worth it, if the patient manifests itself in the patient, you should take drugs for migraine. You can also use traditional medicine methods.


There are different preparations for migraines, dosage forms on the basis of knotweed, as already mentioned, have a certain effect. They are able to stop pain in patients with migraine of the first phase of the attack. In this case, groups with ergotamine are prescribed for analgesic effect. There are different forms of such drugs: tablets, ampoules. You should know that the tablets are placed under the tongue, and it is allowed to use them no more than 9 pieces in one day.

Relpax from headache
Relpax from headache

Medicines of Spores:

  1. Bellatamal.Soft remedy with a soothing effect. It contains ergotamine tartarate, an alcoholoid beauty, phenobarbital. The dosage of the sight in the drug is very small. According to the recipe, it should be used no more than three times a day. It is advisable to absorb tablets after eating. The price of the drug can fluctuate in different pharmacies from 137 rubles to 165 rubles. It is important to know that Bellatamalit is not recommended to give pregnant women, with vascular spasms and glaucoma.
  2. Ergotamine - in other words ergotamine hydrortortrateit has a vasoconstrictor effect. Preparations from this series: Cornetamine, Sinergan, Ergotratrate, Ginergen, Femergin, Ginofore, Sekomin. Ergotamine, therefore, cannot be taken during pregnancy, it can cause the tone of the uterus. It is impossible to drink it to patients with neurology (impaired visual functions, speech). If a migraine attack has already begun, then you should drink it in drops, the tablets are taken even before the migraine occur, for this you need to know when there will be strong magnetic storms.
  3. Nomigren. Combined tool, it contains five components. It gives analgesic and antispasmodic effects. The price of tablets is about 535 rubles. The drug is taken under the control of a specialist. It is impossible for the course of therapy to be more than seven days.

Triptans from migraines - new generation drugs, price

The migraine preparations are listed above, which are sold in a pharmacy on a prescription from and without a doctor. Many of them act only on headache, and the triptans have a wide range of exposure. Thanks to them, not only migraines, but also nausea, weakness, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms of migraines passes.

IMPORTANT: Triptans are not used for preventive measures. They are used to eliminate all the symptoms of migraines.

Next, consider such of them as Immigran, convocation and others.

Tryptan from headaches
Tryptan from headaches
  • Imigran - Affects directly on the exchange of serotonin. If the patient has an attack of pain, then after the use of pills it will pass in forty minutes. If you use a nose spray, then the pain is stopped in fifteen minutes. Sometimes the effect is not felt after the first use of the spray, then you can instill the drug again in a day, then the pain stops. Imigran tablets cost about 400 rubles, in the package there are two of them. And the spray can be bought for 500 rubles. Prices may differ in different pharmacies. It is impossible to prescribe the drug to patients with cardiac pathologies, epilepsy, severe pathologies of the kidneys, liver.
  • Migrapam. Second generation. Removes all the symptoms of migraine attacks. An effective drug, it is enough to take one or two tablets per day and after an hour the pain will subside. The price is such a drug about 218 rubles, analogues of imported production are much more expensive. The drug is a new generation, its effectiveness is high. Long-term acceptance of tablets is allowed (for five to seven days). The course of therapy should be controlled by a doctor.
  • Etletriptan, a modern drug from triptans. There are 20 and 40 milligrams in pharmacies in the form of tablets. For pain in the head, tablets of 40 milligrams per day are used. It is allowed to take another dose of pills if the headaches have not passed, but only after two hours. The drug is imported, because the price of it is about 550 rubles, and the prices in different pharmacies can be different. If the patient has an overdose, then blood pressure may increase. You can not drink pills for pregnant women, women on GV, patients with pathologies of the liver and kidneys.

Migraine preparation - collapse

Migraine tablets

Migraine tablets

  • Active components: substance is a sumasy succinate.
  • Auxiliary components: MCC; Monohydrates lactose, Kroskarmellose Na, Mg Stiarat, Talc, Si dioxide colloidal.
  • Shell, components: gipromellose, macrogol + talc; Titan dioxide, triathylcitrate, dye.

How to use, dosage of the drug for migraine:

  • Inside, the product is used during food, or on an empty stomach.
  • The tablets should be swallowed and washed down with water.
  • One pill is enough to remove the attack.
  • The drug for migraine cannot be taken again if the pain does not go away.
  • Just some people should at once drink two pills on an empty stomach so that the pains leave.
  • The dose is set by the specialist.
When the patient subsided after the patient after the first dosage, but then after a while appeared again, you can take a second dosage, but the next day. The intervals between the use of tablets can be at least 24 hours.

Strong drugs for migraines, price

Doctors do not recommend starting therapeutic treatment of migraine immediately with strong drugs. Therefore, the list will include effective means for headache, both inaccessible, which are issued by a doctor’s prescription and ordinary migraine preparations.

To eliminate pain, non -steroidal dosage forms are often used, which in their composition caffeine. It helps to narrow the vessels, after which pain passes. Codein funds will save patients from any severe pain. But you can buy them according to a prescription from a doctor. In the pharmacy, such drugs are released strictly according to special prescriptions.

Treatment of headache attacks
Treatment of headache attacks

Next will be presented drugs to eliminate pain during migraine:

  1. Citramon tablets. Now in pharmacies you can find advanced forms of such tablets, such as Citramon Ultra, etc. Their action is based on caffeine, thanks to which blood vessels narrow and migraine passes. A fairly effective drug for migraine. In one day it is allowed to take no more than six pills. The price of the drug is low, tablets are available twenty pieces costs about 65 rubles in a pharmacy. Unfortunately, the drug is not capable of stopping strong migraine attacks. Still citimon cannot be taken by pregnant women, children under the age of fifteen.
  2. Sedalgin Neo.The composition of this drug for headaches already has codeine and phenobarbital, metamizole Na, caffeine, analgin, paracetamol. Thanks to such an effective composition, in addition to severe headache, patients undergoes increased blood pressure, and in general the patient feels calm, relaxed. The medicinal form is used about four times a day for one pill. The price of ten tablets in a pharmacy is 200 rubles. With an overdose of the drug, weakness, dryness in the oral cavity, dizziness can occur.
  3. Kaffetin V.Similar to Sedalgin in that it contains codeine. Even the composition of the dosage form includes propyphenazone, paracetamol, caffeine. This tool copes with any severe pain. It is prescribed for 1 pill 4 times a day. With severe pain, it is recommended to drink two pills at once. The course of therapy should last about five days. Only six tablets are allowed per day. The price for this drug varies in different pharmacies from 175 rubles to 189 rubles. You can not drink pills, if the patient has an alarming syndrome, panic attacks.
  4. Solpadein.Inaccessible dosage form, since it contains codeine. They release it in capsules, tablets. It is recommended to drink 2 tablets at a time. And no more than eight per day. The course of therapy from migraine to five days. The price of the drug is about 195 rubles. You can not drink the drug to pregnant women, a specialist can be selected by a feeding dosage.

Migraine preparations - reviews

Rinse of the mouth

Reviews about migraine drugs:

Ignat, 38 years old:

A feeling of pain in my head often accompanies me. There are especially days when magnetic storms are raging or a strong wind blows, then the head hurts very much. I was advised to drink in a pharmacy Nomigren. The first impression of the drug is twofold. The pills are covered with a membrane, swallow comfortably, despite nausea. I drank one pill. The pain took off in an hour somewhere. This is not to say that the drug acts rapidly. But I think this happened due to the fact that I reached the height of the attack. If I drank a pill at the beginning, then this would not have happened. This is also stated in the instructions for use. I did not find adverse reactions, despite the fact that I used the drug for maximum dosage. Therefore, I advise you to remove the pain of pain with this medicine during migraine.

Konstantin, 42 years old:

Polpharma Sumamigren- The main drawback price and many contraindications. And so the drug is quite suitable for stopping all symptoms of migraine. Moreover, I have a long experience in the disease. I tried many different drugs. And the pain did not go away. There is nothing to say about citimon. For me, he is useless. And also vomiting, nausea, which are accompanied by headaches. Therefore, it does not like to wait for the migraine attack to all organs. Immediately, at the slightest signs, I try to drink pills. It is the triptans that help me. By the way, if you are treating migraines, beer and other alcohol drinks, it is better not to drink. Then headaches do not pass, I checked it experimentally.

You can also read articles on the topic of drugs for the treatment of headaches here: on our portal:

  1. Analgesics, painkillers;
  2. What to give a child from a headache?
  3. Why does the head hurt?
  4. Why does the child hurt?
  5. Headache.

Video: drugs for migraine without prescriptions and a doctor's prescription

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