The best medicine, tablets from bloating and gas formation: list, name, brief instructions for use. What to buy from bloating in a pharmacy?

The best medicine, tablets from bloating and gas formation: list, name, brief instructions for use. What to buy from bloating in a pharmacy?

A list of effective and inexpensive tablets from bloating.

In an adult, a small amount of gases in the intestines is an absolute norm. An approximate amount that is in the intestines in a healthy person is 200 ml. All this volume comes out during the day. In this article we will tell you what a bloating is, and we will advise the most common, effective pills. 

Causes of bloating and gas formation

During the day, a person can be freed from gases naturally 14-21 times. This is considered an absolute norm, and is not a pathology. A person can be free from the gases in two ways: through the stomach, this is a belch, and through the intestines.

If the gas output is somehow difficult, bloating may begin, the so-called flatulence. Normally, a healthy person should hurt anything, and rumbling in the stomach is not a variant of the norm. If pain is observed along with the rumbling, it is a wandering character, then on the one hand, on the one hand, on the other, in the lower abdomen or upper, it makes sense to suspect flatulence. 

Reasons for swelling of the abdomen and gas formation: 

  • Dysbiosis. During digestive disorders, pathogenic microorganisms develop in the stomach, intestines, and goodbacteria, on the contrary, die. Because of this, pathogenic flora can multiply, which causes the formation of an increased amount of gases. 
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This usually occurs with enterocolitis, a variety of poisoning. 
  • Eating food that contributes to excessive gas formation. It includes peas, beans, as well as potatoes and cabbage. Among fruits and vegetables there are also some fruits that can contribute to flatulence. The fact is that along with bloating, pain may be present. In this case, the waist volume increases, an increase is also observed in the lower abdomen. At the same time, a person feels bursting pain, and discomfort. 

Why don't gases go outside?This usually happens with excessive hardening of feces. There is a kind of cork that prevents the normal exit of gases from the intestines. Usually this is preceded by constipation. 


Tablets from bloating and gas formation: Views

That is why it is necessary to determine the cause of gas formation, and bloating. This is necessary in order to choose the right treatment. After all, gas preparations differ in composition, as well as structure and action. There are drugs that simply reduce gas formation, removing bubbles and dissolving them. But there are therapeutic substances that affect the microflora, both pathogenic and positive. In total, there are 4 groups of drugs that are used for flatulence and excessive bloating. 

Tablets from bloating and gas formation, views:

  • These are lactobacilli -based drugs. Usually they are prescribed for infants who are very difficult to experience breastfeeding. The fact is that in the stomach in babies up to 1 year old, undeveloped intestinal flora, there are not enough bacteria to split lactose, which comes with mother's milk. It is drugs based on bacteria that contribute to the settlement of the intestines with good bacteria that contribute to the breakdown and absorption of various foods. 
  • Simeticon -based preparations. This is a synthetic drug that is a type of silicone. Its action is due to the fact that it reduces the force of surface tension of the bubbles, and contributes to their destruction. At the same time, the components of the parts that consisted of a gas bubble exit through the walls of the intestine. This drug is not absorbed in the stomach and intestines, excreted with feces in a constant state. 
  • Antibiotics. It makes sense to use these drugs only if you are sure that the cause of bloating was poisoning and pathogenic microorganisms that have penetrated the stomach and intestines. 

What are the cheap tablets from bloating?

If flatulence is triggered by digestive impairment and insufficient amount of enzymes for splitting food, then in this case, coenzymes are prescribed. It can beMezim, Pancreatin. They, in turn, improve digestion and help eliminate gases. However, they are effective if gas formation is provoked by enzyme deficiency.

Besides, often flatulence is provoked by the presence of tumors in the intestine. The fact is that in this case there is mechanical flatulence, during which the tumor overlaps the output of the gases through the intestines. That is why bursting, pain and gas formation are observed. In this case, only surgical intervention will be able to help. 

At the appointment with the doctor
At the appointment with the doctor

From swelling of the abdomen, the tablets are cheap, the list:

  • One of the most effective drugs based on symeticon are one of the most effective. In addition, their price is quite affordable, a large assortment in a pharmacy. There are a lot of analogues of drug -based drugs. Among them, Espumisan, Bobotik can be distinguished. These drugs can be drunk both adults and children. There are options, both in drops and in the form of tablets. Drops are usually recommended for children under 1 year old, which are given in the amount of 25 drops several times a day. An adult is recommended to drink 50 drops. Tablets must be taken 3 times a day. Bobotic medicine is also taken. It is a complete analogue of Espumisan. 
  • Conventional sorbents cope well with flatulence and gas formation. In addition to the fact that they remove excess gases from the body, absorb pathogenic microflora, which is often available in the intestines with poisoning and various ailments. Among them, you can distinguish smectu, Enterosgel, phosphalgel, as well as atoxil. All drugs are ordinary absorbers and work as activated carbon. 
  • Enterosgel is taken on a teaspoon for several times a day. In general, it is usually prescribed for poisoning, and not separately for flatulence. This substance will be as suitable as possible if you do not know what caused gas formation. This drug does not harm the body. It is sold in sticks, and in large banks. Often prescribed to children with poisoning, vomiting, nausea and liquid chair. 

What to buy from bloating in a pharmacy?

There are many drugs, so choose safe ones.

What to buy from bloating in a pharmacy:

  • Smecta. This is a powder, which is also a sorbent. Typically, the bag dissolves in a glass of water and is taken for several minutes. In dissolved form, this substance perfectly absorbs gas bubbles, as well as pathogenic microorganisms, if they entailed flatulence. 
  • Motilium. This is a well -known drug, which is often prescribed when the secretory function of the intestine is deteriorated.Motilium - This is a drug that improves the rate of food through the intestines, and prevents the formation of stagnant phenomena in the intestines. The drug contains Donperid, and is a dopamine antagonist. That is why it is impossible to take the drug if there are problems with hormones. Including the excessive secretion of prolactin. The drug is prescribed one tablet three times a day. If gas formation is observed before bedtime, then it is also allowed to drink a tablet before going to bed. 
  • Unienzim. This is a combined drug that contains both enzymes and surface-active substances that destroy the structure of the gas bubbles themselves. The composition contains papain, symetic, activated carbon. All these substances act differently. But the result is a comprehensive action that helps to get rid of flatulence, in the case of any disease. That is, it can be some intestinal infection, or disorders in the intestinal. 
A first -aid kit
A first -aid kit

Inexpensive tablets from bloating and gas formation

Inexpensive tablets from bloating and gas formation:

  • Lactovit. This is a drug that contains lactobacilli and helps to establish digestion. Its purpose will be appropriate only if flatulence is provoked by the improper work of the intestine, and dysbiosis. Assign 2 capsules three times a day. The drug is safe, it can be taken for children. It is implemented in capsules. If you decide to give the drug to the baby, then the contents of the capsule must be dissolved in a tablespoon of water, drink the child. He has practically no contraindications. 
  • biogaia. These are tablets that are often prescribed for adults and children. The composition contains lactobacilli, which are resistant to antibiotics and gastric juice. That is, unlike some lactobacilli, they are not destroyed in the stomach and fall into the intestines. Most often prescribed for flatulence, which is provoked by poisoning, and with prolonged treatment with antibiotics and antiviral drugs. The drug is recommended for dysbiosis, to restore normal intestinal microflora. Thanks to this medicine, the suppression of pathogenic microflora is achieved, and the deterrence of various diseases of the bacterial nature. A prescribe the drug one tablet once a day. Children under 3 years old are usually assigned droplets. 

There are a lot of bloating drugs in the pharmacy. They are highly effective.

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  1. I used many from the list itself, but each medicine has side effects and adversely affect the body, so I found an effective and gentle agent - Simeton with Fenchela, helps almost immediately, and of course, a diet is attached to such problems)

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