Recipes for making delicious fish cutlets made of salmon, pike perch, pollen, cod and pikes. Dietary fish cutlets: recipe

Recipes for making delicious fish cutlets made of salmon, pike perch, pollen, cod and pikes. Dietary fish cutlets: recipe

How to cook delicious cutlets from different sea and river fish? You will learn about this in this article.

Fish cutlets are useful and tasty. They can be prepared both for every day and for the celebration.

How to cook delicious fish cutlets: tips

How to cook delicious fish cutlets - tips

To make cutlets delicious, experienced cooks have their own secrets:

  • For fish cutlets, sea fish and river are suitable, which has few bones (red fish, cod, hek, polish, plague, drawing and pike), it is only important that there are few bones in it.
  • So that small bones do not come across minced meat, the minced meat must be ground in a meat grinder twice.
  • To get juicy cutlets, you need to add a little ground fat pork, sour cream or a couple of finely cut celery stalks to fish.
  • Delicious cutlets will be made of several varieties of fish: oily and dry, for example, red fish and cod.
  • Also, there are several spoons of mayonnaise added to the minced meat and ties with fish cutlets and beats.
  • If the minced meat is liquid, you need to add bread.
  • In order for cutlets from low -fat fish (pike, cod) to be juicy, they need to be collapsed in crackers mixed with spices and dry herbs.
  • For juiciness, cutlets, they need to be fried on both sides over high heat, then reduce the fire and fry, covering with a lid.
  • To make the cutlets delicious, use only fresh fish, and cook the minced meat yourself, the store may not be quite fresh.
  • Delicious and juicy cutlets are made of large fish.
How to cook delicious fish cutlets

It is interesting. Fish proteins are absorbed by our body in 2-3 hours, and meat proteins-5-6 hours.

How to make cod fish cutlets?

How to cook delicious fish cutlets from cod

Cod fish - low -calorie, in 100 g of a product only 153 kcal. Proteins contained in fish make it an indispensable product, and easily absorbed.

Cod fish cutlets


  1. AT half a glass of milk We soak half of the white loafAfter half an hour, squeeze the bread from the liquid and knead into the gruel.
  2. We prepare the fish. 1-1.3 kg of cod We clean it from the intestines, rinse, throw the fins, remove the skin, take out the bones, and twist the fillet through the meat grinder.
  3. 1 onion Grind on a fine grater.
  4. In a deep vessel, mix fish stuffing, gruel from onions and bread, add 1 egg, salt, black pepper, finely chopped green part of parsley and basil, scurry well again and leave for 10 minutes. If the liquid is separated, we express it.
  5. We sculpt cutlets from minced meat, rolling them in ground crackers, corn or wheat flour (1-2 tbsp., fry in a frying pan on both sides, pouring vegetable oil (1-2 tbsp., serve with mashed potatoes or rice.
How to cook delicious fish cutlets from cod and cottage cheese

Cod and cottage cheese cutlets


  1. We take it 0.5 kg of cod fillet And spray it 1 lemon juice.
  2. 3 slices of stale white bread We soak in milk (half a glass).
  3. Finely cut 1 medium -sized onion and fry it, pouring it vegetable oil (1-2 tbsp..
  4. Grind the cod pulp on a meat grinder.
  5. In a deep bowl, connect fish minced meat, a fried onion, 1 egg, soaked bread, 250 g of cottage cheese, adding and pepper with black and fragrant ground pepperWe add other spices at the discretion, knead everything and sculpt the cutlets, rolling them in small crackers or flour (1-2 tbsp., fry on vegetable oil (1-2 tbsp. tablespoons).
  6. When the cutlets are fried, fold all together, pour water (1-3 part of a glass) And, closing the pan with a lid, simmer for 7 minutes.

How to cook pike fish cutlets?

How to make delicious fish cutlets from pikes

Pike is a delicious fish, but a little dry, so many housewives believe that it will not work from it tasty and juicy.

Pike cutlets will incredibly tasty if you know some secrets:

  • The minced meat from the pike should be fresh.
  • In minced meat, ground, from fresh pike, add a little fat pork or butter.
  • So that the minced meat is not dry, add raw carrots or potatoes grated.
  • You can’t add many different seasonings to the minced meat, otherwise they will overcome the taste of fish.

Incredibly tasty pike cutlets


  1. Large-wing-shirt for 2 kg We clean it from scales, intestines, cut off the head and fins, wash well, separate the pulp from the bones and skins, and grind through the meat grinder.
  2. 2 medium -sized bulbsfinely cut and fry on butter (40 g).
  3. Several breeding loafs cut into cubes and fill half a glass of milk for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Mix the minced meat with fried onions, swollen bread, and all together we grind again in a meat grinder so that the minced meat becomes homogeneous.
  5. Make the minced meat well for 5 minutes, add half a glass of fat cream, salt and pepper white ground pepper to taste.
  6. Beat separately protein from 1 egg To the lush and persistent foam, and add to the minced meat, gently interfering.
  7. We soak our hands with water to sculpt cutlets easier, and sculpt them.
  8. Fry cutlets in a pan on both sides, adding vegetable oil (1-2 tbsp., and then bring to readiness in the oven, over low heat, for 15-20 minutes.
  9. Serve cutlets with mashed potatoes or porridge.
How to cook delicious pike fish cutlets

Juicy pike cutlets


  1. We soak in half a glass of milk a few breeds of stale white bread Without crust.
  2. Grind it into a meat grinder 0.5 kg of pike fillet, together with 100 g of pork fat.
  3. 1 medium -sized onion Three on a fine grater.
  4. Add grated onions to the minced meat and grind on a meat grinder again.
  5. In the minced meat, add 1 egg, finely crushed cilantro, salt, pepper black ground pepperAnd knead.
  6. We sculp small cutlets, roll them into crackers (1-2 tbsp.and fry both sides on vegetable oil (1-2 tbsp..

How to cook salmon fish cutlets?

How to cook delicious fish cutlets from salmon

Want to know how to feed your family with 2 pieces of salmon? It is simple - you need to cook cutlets, and give a side dish to them.

Secrets of delicious and juicy salmon cutlets:

  • We do not grind the fish, but cut small pieces.
  • In order not to feel the specific taste of fish, add to it juice and zest from 1 lemon.
  • The original taste of fish cutlets gives a small amount of Wostershire sauce and a bundle of green onion.
  • Eggs added They envelop pieces of fish, and do not allow juice to flow out of cutlets.
  • To be easier to sculpt cutlets, add to the minced meat ground crackers.

Salmon cutlets


  1. 2 pieces of salmon, approximately 500 gWe wash, separate the pulp from the bones, and cut into small pieces.
  2. Add to fish 1 lemon lemon zesttaken away by a grater, and squeeze lemon juice, 2 eggs, 1 tbsp. spoon of Wostershire sauce, 3 tbsp. tablespoons of crushed crackers, salt, pepper ground black pepper.
  3. Then add to the minced meat 1 bundle of green onions, finely cut and 1 violet bulb, also finely cut, and mix everything.
  4. We sculpt cutlets and fry them on vegetable oil (1-2 tbsp. from 2 sides.

How to cook pike perch fish cutlets?

How to make delicious fish cutlets from pike perch

There are no small bones in Sudak, and therefore it is perfect for cutlets.

Sudak cutlets in sauce


  1. 4 ramps of white bread Fill 1 glass of fat cream.
  2. 600-700 g of pike perch pulp Grind it into a meat grinder.
  3. Add to the minced meat 2 medium sizes shaved on bulbs, soaked bread, 1 egg, chopped garlic (1 clove), honey (1 teaspoon), salt and black ground pepper to your tasteAnd mix everything.
  4. We sculpt cutlets and fry in a pan on both sides, pouring vegetable oil (1-2 tbsp..
  5. Когда все котлеты поджарятся, выкладываем их в глубокой сковороде, подливаем немного hot water (half a glass)And stew when all the water evaporates, cutlets are ready.
  6. Cook the sauce. Finely cut 1 salty or pickled cucumber, 2 boiled hard eggs, several dill branches, 1 clove of garlic, season with several tablespoons of mayonnaiseMix well, and the sauce is ready.
How to cook delicious fish cutlets from pike perch resembling chicken cutlets

A little secret from the cook,observing which Pike perch cutlets will completely lose a specific fish smell and taste:

  • In the minced meat, add the melted cheese and dill.

Pike perch -cuttings resembling chicken cutlets


  1. 700 g of pike perch pulp, 1 medium -sized onion and 1 bunch of dill Grind it into a meat grinder.
  2. 2-3 ramps of stale white bread Fill 4 tbsp. tablespoons of warm milk.
  3. Mix the minced meat with wet bread, add 1 egg, 1 tablespoon of sour cream, salt and pepper to taste, Add grated on a fine grater 1 melted cheeseWe knead again.
  4. We sculp the cutlets, roll them in flour (1-2 tbsp.and fry on vegetable oil (1-2 tbsp..
  5. Serve with mashed potatoes.

How to cook polishing fish cutlets, a recipe with a photo

How to cook delicious fish cutlets from pollock

You can prepare delicate, and inexpensive cutlets from the pollock, cutlets.

Here are a few secrets of delicious and juicy pollock cutlets:

  • So that the cutlets are more juicy, they add to fish minced meat mixed vegetables (onions, potatoes, zucchini, cabbage), little fat pork, butter, solid cheese, cottage cheese or rice.
  • In order not to interrupt the delicate taste of the fish, add to the minced meat from a polite minimum Salt, black pepper, garlic and greens.
  • After defrosting the fish from it is needed squeeze the water And dry with napkins, otherwise the cutlets will sculpt poorly.
  • So that the cutlets are more juicy, pollock pulp cut into small pieces Or grind in a meat grinder with a large lattice.
How to cook delicious fish cutlets with a little bit with semolina

Delicate punch cutlets with semolina


  1. 0.5 kg fillet fillet My, dry with a napkin and cut into small pieces.
  2. 2 small bulbs Finely cut, and add to the minced meat.
  3. 250 g of stale white bread Pour without a crust milk (approximately half a glass)To cover all the bread.
  4. Mix separately 2 eggs with 1 tbsp. spoon of semolinaand let the mank swell for 20 minutes.
  5. Mix fish minced meat, soaked bread, semolina. salt, black ground pepper, knead everything, sculpt cutlets, fry them on vegetable oil (1-2 tbsp. On both sides, and serve to boiled potatoes, pasta or porridge.
  6. Tomato gravy is suitable for pollock cutlets.

Recipe for chicken fish cutlets

How to cook delicious fish cutlets from chicken and fish

Meat and fish - it seems not combined products, but this is not so. Chicken and fish cutlets, or fat pork and fish, very tasty, and completely unlike fish cutlets.

Pike - the fish is delicious, but a little dry, but if you add the chicken - it will turn out very tasty.

Chicken and pike cutlets


  1. 4-5 slices of stale white bread, you can have a loaf, soak in milk (half a glass), if there is no milk, then it is possible in water.
  2. 1 bulb of medium -sized, finely cut and fry in vegetable oil (1-2 tbsp..
  3. 500 g of chicken and pike fillets Grind it into a meat grinder.
  4. 1 cleaned onion Three on a fine grater.
  5. We add bread squeezed from the liquid to the minced meat, grated raw onions, fried onions, and shaking everything in a meat grinder again, for the uniformity of the consistency.
  6. In the end, we add to minced meat 1 egg, salt and pepper ground black peppermix well, sculpt cutlets, roll them into ground crackers or in corn flour (1-2 tbsp. tablespoons)and fry from 2 sides.

Fish cutlet with potatoes

How to make delicious fish cutlets from fish and potatoes

Fish cutlets with potatoes are good in that they are cooked quickly, tasty, and you can use a new unfulfilled product (potato puree).

Fish cutlets with potatoes


  1. 1 small onion finely cut and fry on 1 tbsp. spoon of vegetable oil.
  2. 300 g fillet heck Grind it into a meat grinder.
  3. Mix the minced meat from the fish, 150 g of ready -made potato puree, fried onion, 1 raw egg, salt and black ground pepper.
  4. We sculpt cutlets from minced meat, rolling them in flour (1-2 tbsp., fry on vegetable oil (1-2 tbsp. from 2 sides.
  5. Serve cutlets with tomato sauce or sour cream (1-2 tbsp..

Fish diet cutlets, recipe

How to cook dietary delicious fish cutlets

Dietary cutlets include steam cutlets.

A few secrets of cooking steam cutlets:

  • The taste of steam cutlets can change a lot for the better if for a couple, take not simple water, but fish or vegetable broth with the addition of aromatic herbs and spices.
  • Steam cutlets best cook from sea fish: polish, hek, cod, flounder, pike perch.
  • On steam dietary cutlets of fish fillet can be passed through a meat grinder or chopped finely with a knife, but the meat grinder is betterSo finished cutlets will not have a sharp fish taste.
  • So that steam cutlets are juicier to minced meat from dry fish, add a little fat fish (trout or salmon).

Many people consider dietary cutlets fresh and tasteless, but our recipe will conquer everyone extraordinary taste, thanks to two ingredients - zucchini and solid cheese.

Extraordinary fish diet cutlets


  1. 500 g fillets of pollock, hek or cod Grind it into a meat grinder 2 times.
  2. Three on a fine grater 1 small zucchini, squeezing the juice, add to the minced meat.
  3. Several stems of green onions Finely chop and also add to the minced meat.
  4. So that the cutlets do not break up, add in minced meat 2-3 tbsp. tablespoons of semolina, if the minced meat is still liquid - add more semolina, salt to taste.
  5. 200 g of solid cheese Cut into cubes.
  6. We sculpt round cutlets, in the middle of each cutlet we wrap several dice of cheese.
  7. When all the cutlets are ready, we lay them in a double boiler, and cook for 7-10 minutes.
  8. You can also prepare diet cutlets in the microwave.

Fish cutlets are very tasty if you can cook them correctly.

Video: How to cook fish cutlets? Tasty and simple

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