A recipe for delicious homemade kvass made of bread, rhubarb, beets, sourdough, wort. How to cook homemade oat kvass and kvass with honey?

A recipe for delicious homemade kvass made of bread, rhubarb, beets, sourdough, wort. How to cook homemade oat kvass and kvass with honey?

In the heat I want to satisfy the thirst with a useful and natural drink. Prepare kvass according to one of the recipes in the article.

Kvass is a drink known to our great-great-great-doors. With its help, not only thirsty, but also saturated the body with various useful substances.

Such a drink in the summer heat is especially good, and Kvass for winter is a completely suitable drink due to its undeniable useful qualities.

How is homemade kvass useful?

Of course, Kvass cooked at home will be the most useful, since industrial preparation technologies are likely to eliminate most of its useful properties.

To understand what home kvass is useful, we remind of what it consists of, and how its ingredients positively affect the human body.

Home kvass will be even more useful if you add raisins to it.
Home kvass will be even more useful if you add raisins to it.

As you know, Kvass includes:

  • rye crackers (rye or barley malt)
  • pekarsky yeast
  • sugar
  • water

Many housewives add raisins to kvass, which makes the drink even more useful.

  1. Rye bread is a rich source of B vitamins and trace elements (calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, etc.)
  2. Being a product of fermentation, kvass helps the regulation of the work of the gastrointestinal tract, improve metabolism and strengthen the immune system
  3. The combination of elements in kvass (and this is lactic acid, sugar, free amino acids, plus vitamins and minerals) contributes to the inhibition of the reproduction of pathogens, which makes the drink indispensable in the summer, besides the fact that kvass is a perfectly quenching thirst for a drink, as well as a drink that gives Forces and performance
  4. Kvass improves the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, increases the acidity of the stomach, improves tissue regeneration, including tooth enamel

Important: drink kvass is very useful for the body, but some people, for example, with diseases of the biliary tract, intestines and increased acidity of the stomach, should be drunk in limited quantities. Also, do not give kvass to very young children and pregnant women

How to cook delicious home kvass from bread?

  • To cook delicious, fragrant, beautiful and healthy kvass, first of all, we will prepare crackers
  • Rye bread is cut into small slices, they are placed in the oven for drying. You can fry crackers in a pan
  • Cryups should be browned, then kvass will turn out to be a beautiful rich color.
Sukhariki for sourdough.
Sukhariki for sourdough.

Important: don't let the crackers get overcrow, otherwise kvass will be bitter

  1. Boil water and let it cool to room temperature
  2. Cooking the leaven. Dissolve the yeast (a stick, a floor of a stick of yeast, depending on the amount of kvass that you want to get) in warm water and add sugar there
  3. Pour in dissolved yeast
  4. We lay the prepared crackers in a three -liter jar or in a pan, add the starter and a little sugar there. Pour cooled boiled water. The capacity should not be filled to the edges, because the fermentation process will occur and carbon dioxide will be released
  5. For taste and for greater benefit, add a handful of raisins to the preparing kvass
  6. Close the container with gauze and leave in a warm place for a couple of days while fermentation occurs. The container must be put on the pallet so that the liquid does not spill during fermentation
  7. After 2 days (or 2, 5 depending on the temperature) we drain the resulting kvass through gauze into the prepared clean container
  8. Try the resulting kvass. In too sour kvass, you can add a little sugar or raisins. From well -fried and incorrect crackers kvass is a rich color

Kvass is delicious to drink chilled, so put it in the refrigerator.

Home bread kvass is better to drink cold.
Home bread kvass is better to drink cold.

Put the part of the remaining pots or cans of crackers in a separate jar - they will serve as a sourdough for the next portion of kvass.

Important: so that there is no taste of yeast in the drink, it is recommended to prepare the sourdough in advance

Video: Home kvass from A to me! Quick and tasty

Kvass from wort at home, recipe

The stores sell a special kvass wort concentrate. This is the product of the fermentation of the malt (rye, barley, and sometimes corn) and bakery rye flour.

Wonder for kvass.
Wonder for kvass.

Outwardly, in color and consistency, such a concentrate resembles honey from buckwheat. It is packed in glass jars with an appropriate inscription.
For the preparation of kvass using the wort, you will need:

  • purified water and clean container (3-liter can, for example)
  • kvass wort (2 tablespoons of concentrate)
  • sugar (up to 2/3 cups, depending on taste)
  • raisin
  • yeast (floor of a stick)


  1. Sugar is placed in the jar and the wort
  2. About half a liter of boiling water spills on top of them. The ingredients are stirred until sugar is completely dissolved
  3. Cool boiled water is added not to the full volume of the jar, but so that it has a fermentation space
  4. Crushed yeast are added
  5. The container is placed in a warm place for fermentation for 2 days
  6. Next, kvass from the wort is drained into separate containers, raisins are added to it
  7. The sediment remaining at the bottom can be used to re -prepare kvass from the wort

How to make white kvass at home?

The taste of white kvass is somewhat different from the usual one, it is most often used to cook light summer dishes. You can cook such a house for a variety.
In the composition of white kvass, in addition to the usual ingredients, there is a wheat or barley malt. The malt is obtained from sprouted grain, which adds to the drink more useful properties.

For white kvass, barley and wheat malt are used.

You will need:

  • water
  • rye and wheat flour
  • barley, rye, wheat malt (approximately 80 g at the rate of a 3-liter jar of kvass)
  • sugar
  • yeast
  • raisin


  1. We dilute the malt in a small amount of water, as if the wort concentrate was bred. The mixture should look like a liquid dough
  2. Add the flour and stir until a homogeneous state
  3. Source of yeast, water and sugar, prepared 10 minutes before the start of the process of cooking white kvass, mix in a container with kvass worship
  4. Leave the mixture to roam at 2 hours
  5. Next, pour it into the cooked jar and add to the purified water at room temperature
  6. Add a handful of raisins to the jar and cover it with gauze
  7. We leave in a dark place for 1, 5 days and from time to time we try to readiness
  8. When kvass is ready, it needs to be filtered and put to cool in the refrigerator

You can use white kvass prepared in this way after a couple of hours, when the fermentation process ends.

VIDEO: The recipe is white kvass

Homemade kvass recipe with honey

Kvass with honey has a soft and pleasant taste.
Kvass with honey has a soft and pleasant taste.

You will need:

  • water
  • rye crackers
  • honey
  • sugar
  • dry yeast
  • raisin


  1. We put the crackers in a jar or a pan and sprinkle them with sugar
  2. Add raisins
  3. We dissolve honey in water and pour dry yeast there. Stir thoroughly
  4. Pour honey with yeast on crackers, dilute it all with clean water
  5. Cover the jar of gauze and leave it for a duration of fermentation for 1, 5 days
  6. After filtering kvass, we send to the refrigerator

Homemade oat kvass recipe

The unpeeled oats is also suitable for the preparation of kvass at home. You will get a wonderful drink that will delight with taste and bring a lot to the body.

Kvass from unpeeled oats delicious and healthy.
Kvass from unpeeled oats delicious and healthy.

You will need:

  • 1 cup of unpeeled oats, which must be pre -washed
  • water
  • sugar or honey
  • raisin


  1. Pour oats into a jar, add sugar or honey to it
  2. Add raisins
  3. We close the jar of gauze and leave it on at least 3 days (perhaps 4).
  4. Oats should be transferred, then kvass can be drained

If the first portion of oat kvass seems tasteless, then you can immediately prepare a new one. We use the same ingredients and the same oats left in the bank.

The next portion of oat kvass to taste will be more suitable.

Oats in the bank, which for the preparation of kvass, can be used up to 3 months.

Kvass from rhubarb at home

Kvass of rhubarb is good to quench thirst in the heat.
Kvass of rhubarb is good to quench thirst in the heat.

For lovers to diversify the taste of kvass, you can advise the Kvass recipe for rhubarb.

You will need:

  • rhound (somewhere 300g)
  • water
  • sugar 2/3 cup
  • yeast


  1. First, boil rhubarb, min. 5 - 7
  2. We filter the cooled broth
  3. Add yeast to it, sugar
  4. Leave in a warm place to infuse and wander
  5. After 1, 5 days we filter and send it to the refrigerator to brew for another 3 days

Kvass from beetroot at home

Beetroot kvass helps to lose weight.
Beetroot kvass helps to lose weight.

For kvass from beets, sugar may not be needed, since the beets itself contains sucker in sufficient quantities.

  1. Choose red beets for 250
  2. Cut it with pieces or grate it
  3. Put in a jar so that the essence is less than half the volume
  4. Pour clean water at room temperature there
  5. Tie the jar with gauze and place in a warm place for fermentation
  6. Wait for 3 - 5 days until the fermentation ends
  7. Drain kvass and put it in the refrigerator to purchase the desired taste

The remaining ingredients can be used 2 to 3 times.

VIDEO: Kvass from beetroot

Homemade kvass on rye sourdough, recipe

From the remaining sourdough (see the recipe for the preparation of homemade kvass from bread) you can cook kvass all summer.
Each time you drain the ready -made kvass, there are softened crackers that have passed the fermentation process remain at the bottom.

They will serve as a sourdough for the next batch of kvass. They need to be added to rye crackers newly laid in a jar, sprinkle with sugar and raisins and insist.
Thanks to such a sourdough, yeast will be less noticeable in the taste of kvass.

Video: On the benefits of kvass

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