Homemade mayonnaise recipe. How to make a lean mayonnaise, low -calorie dietary, according to the recipe of Julia Vysotskaya?

Homemade mayonnaise recipe. How to make a lean mayonnaise, low -calorie dietary, according to the recipe of Julia Vysotskaya?

Home mayonnaise has many advantages over the finished one, which can be purchased at any grocery store. When preparing the most popular sauce at home, you can get a very tasty and healthy product. You can add any spices to it, and due to the absence of preservatives in this product, it will not be as harmful as a store analogue.

Speaking of analogues. The mayonnaise prepared at home will be cheaper than a store.

If you do not know how to make home mayonnaise, then this article is for you. To prepare such a sauce, you need only a few ingredients and 5 minutes of free time.

Preparation of mayonnaise at home by blender and mixer

Sauce in sauce
There are a lot of recipes for making such home dressing for salads

This sauce includes various thickeners, flavors, stabilizers and other additives, some of which can harm the body.
There are no such additives in the home sauce. But at the same time, the finished product is able to give salads and other dishes the same original taste.

Home mayonnaise ingredients can be mixed with both a mixer and a submersible blender.

  • This popular sauce is made by mixing egg yolks and refined oil
  • Its taste can be changed if you add to the basis of spices and spices
  • You can also add vinegar (apple or wine) to such a sauce. Giving it a spicy source
  • Instead of vinegar for this purpose, you can use apple or lemon juice

Important: the density of such a sauce depends on the amount of vegetable oil. The more this ingredient is added, the more it will turn out.

Preparation with a mixer.

  • We put the egg yolks (2 pcs.), Mustard (0.5 tsp), sugar (1 teaspoon) and salt (pinch) in the mixer bowl.
  • We begin to whip the ingredients at low speeds and gradually increase them to medium
  • Refined vegetable oil (150 ml) begin to pour a small stream, continuing to whisk the future mayonnaise from the bottom with a mixer
  • As soon as you feel that the mass begins to thicken, you need to add lemon juice
  • Its number depends on what purposes you will use mayonnaise
  • For acidic vegetables you need a small amount of this ingredient

For refueling neutral salads, mayonnaise with a large amount of lemon juice is suitable. The average amount of this ingredient in mayonnaise (2 teaspoons).

Preparation with a submersible blender.

  • Add an egg (1 pc.), Sugar (0.5 tsp), salt (0.5 tsp) and mustard (0.5 tsp) to the blender bowl.
  • Mix these ingredients to a homogeneous mass. We turn on the smallest revolutions and pour drunken oil (150 ml)
  • When the sauce becomes thick pour in lemon juice (1 tbsp. Spoon)
  • Also at this stage you can add seasonings, spices, garlic and other taste ingredients
  • Close the lid and increase the speed to medium

Important: before using mayonnaise, it must be cooled in the refrigerator.

Recipe for low -calorie dietary mayonnaise

Salad gas station
Mayonnaise has long been “recorded” in products that negatively affect the figure

But, there are several recipes for this sauce, the calorie content of which allows you to consider this product dietary.

Without oil. The main source of calories in such sauces is oil. And if it is excluded, you can prepare a low -calorie gas station for dietary dishes.

To prepare such a sauce, you need:

  • boil the egg and separate the yolk and protein
  • The yolk needs to be kneaded and mixed with mustard (1 teaspoon)
  • After that, it is necessary to gradually introduce liquid cottage cheese into this mass (100 g)
  • You can add salt, spices, pepper and other ingredients
  • Mix until smooth and put in the refrigerator

From yogurt. Low -calorie yogurt as the basis of sauces and salad dressings has long been used in dietary nutrition.
To prepare such a sauce, you need:

  • beat thick yogurt without filler (150 ml) with mustard (1-2 teaspoon)
  • You can add chopped greens, salt and spices to it

From sour cream. Very tasty low -calorie mayonnaise is obtained if:

  • For its basis, take low -fat sour cream (250 g)
  • It needs to be mixed with olive oil (80 ml), honey (1 teaspoon), mustard (0.5 tsp) and lemon juice (1 tbsp.
  • You can also add turmeric, ground pepper, and apple cider vinegar to the composition of such a sauce

According to the recipe for Ducan. The diet developed by the French doctor Pierre Dukan is very popular. Its basis is protein food. But, in the diet of this diet there is a place and mayonnaise. Ducan himself put his hand to his recipe.

  • Boil eggs (2 tsp)
  • Separate the yolks and mix them with lemon juice (5 drops), mustard (1 teaspoon), cottage cheese (3 tbsp. Spoons) and kefir (3 tbsp.
  • You can add a pinch of salt (not more), ground pepper and sugar substitute (to taste)

Home mayonnaise with eggs

The most popular prescription of mayonnaise is Provencal

Such a sauce can be prepared independently.

This is necessary:

  • separate the yolks (2 pcs.) From proteins
  • add salt to them (0.5 teaspoon), pepper (2 pinch), sugar (1 teaspoon) and mustard (3/4 teaspoon)
  • Beat with a mixer until a homogeneous consistency
  • Pour into the resulting mass with a thin stream of oil (200 ml) and beat it until the sauce is thickened
  • Add vinegar (1 teaspoon) and lemon juice. Beat until the sauce becomes light
  • Add the protein one egg and mix everything again
  • At this stage, you can add spices to the mayonnaise to taste

Interesting: this sauce recipe is considered classic. “Provencal sauce from Maon” later began to be called just mayonnaise.

Mayonnaise without eggs

  • In a deep bowl, mix milk (150 ml) and vegetable oil (300 ml) to a state of homogeneous emulsion
  • Add salt (3/4 teaspoon), lemon juice (2-3 tablespoons), mustard (1 tbsp.
  • beat a mixer or blender at high speed. The mass should begin to thicken before our eyes
  • Add sugar (0.5 tsp) and spices
  • we make the mass of homogeneous and send to the refrigerator
  • In a few minutes, mayonnaise will be ready

Secret: if the first time mayonnaise does not thicken, it needs to be left for several hours in the refrigerator, and then beat again.

Mayonnaise with mustard

Mustard and olive oil
The legendary cook Olivier first prepared his famous sauce of three ingredients: turkey eggs, olive oil and dijonal mustard

According to many gourmets, it is this kind of mustard that makes mayonnaise such a popular sauce.

  • In the bowl for kneading with a submersible blender, place the yolks (2 pcs.),
  • vegetable oil (1 cup)
  • salt, sugar, lemon juice and dijon mustard
  • Mix the ingredients at the highest speed. It should turn out a thick sauce
  • We send it to the refrigerator and use it after it cools

Mayonnaise with vinegar

Below is a recipe for dressing for salads with vinegar.

Eggs, lemon, salt, pepper
To your liking, it resembles 65%mionesis, which can be bought in any grocery store

Its viscous consistency and pleasant sweet and sour taste will allow you to use it to refuel almost any salads

  • Let the products warm up to room temperature
  • Then, we clean the raw chicken eggs (2 pcs.) From the shell and place it in the bowl of the submersible blender
  • Pour salt and sugar there (1 teaspoon)
  • Beat at low speed for about two minutes
  • Then add black ground pepper (0.5 tsp) and balsamic vinegar (1 teaspoon) to the resulting magnificent mass. It can be replaced with wine or apple cider vinegar
  • And beat another 1-1.5 minutes
  • Without turning off the blender (it should work at minimum speeds) pour in vegetable oil
  • In order for the mixture it is better to mix the oil, you need to add portions. After each portion of 30-40 ml, it is necessary to increase the turnover of the blender
  • Beat it until the mass becomes viscous and viscous
  • Когда консистенция приобретет вид магазинного майонеза массу нужно переложить в банку с плотно закрывающейся крышкой и поместить на 30 минут в холодильник

Cooping egg mayonnaise

Quail eggs
According to many nutritionists, quail eggs are very useful

Yes, they have such compounds that are not in chicken eggs.
But, this does not mean that there is more benefit in them.
In addition, it is believed that salmonella cannot be in quail eggs. It is also a delusion.
However, the taste of quail eggs and their nutritional qualities made them one of the most popular ingredients of various sauces.
And mayonnaise in this case is no exception.

Secret: In order for mayonnaise to be really tasty, about 1 hour before its preparation, you need to put all the products on the table.

  • Then, break the shell of quail eggs (4 pcs.) And pour the yolks and proteins into the bowl of the submersible blender
  • Add salt to them (1 teaspoon) and sugar (1 teaspoon).
  • Beat to thick foam
  • Without turning off the blender, we introduce portioned vegetable oil (150 ml) and beat mayonnaise to a dense creamy mass
  • Then pour apple cider vinegar (1 tbsp. Spoon) and mix everything again.
  • Before using such a sauce, it must be cooled in the refrigerator.
  • Pepper, mustard and other ingredients can be added to it to change taste

Home mayonnaise from Julia Vysotskaya

As you can see from previous recipes, mayonnaise can be made quite easily.

Julia Vysotskaya
Famous TV presenter Julia Vysotskaya prepares this sauce according to this recipe
  • Separate the yolks from proteins. Squirrels can be used to prepare other dishes
  • We place the yolks (2 pcs.)
  • Clean the garlic (2 tooth.) And push it in a mortar
  • Add the resulting gruel to the yolks
  • Add salt (1/4 teaspoon), Dijon mustard (0.5 teaspoon), sugar (1 teaspoon) and apple vinegar (0.5 teaspoon)
  • Beat 10 seconds
  • Pour the oil with a thin stream (175 ml). The work of the mixer is not stopped. Pour more vinegar (0.5 tsp) and bring the mass to a homogeneous state
  • Pour more oil (175 ml). We also do it carefully
  • Mayonnaise should begin to thicken and acquire the usual look
  • Cool it in the refrigerator and use it as intended

Home lean mayonnaise

People who adhere to religious traditions or those who want to look slim and fit in practically do not use such high -calorie dishes as mayonnaise in their diet.
But, there are lean recipes for this sauce that are allowed in the diet during fasting.
Yes, and people who adhere to diets, they will not "spoil" the figure.

  • Dilute starch (2 tbsp. About 80 ml of broth should be heated and added to it diluted starch
  • When the base cools down and thickens add mustard (1 teaspoon), vinegar (1-2 teaspoons) and lemon juice (1 teaspoon).
  • Mix and add a pinch of salt, sugar (1 teaspoon) and sunflower oil.
  • Mix all the ingredients with a blender at large speeds

Home mayonnaise is liquid

Home sauce
For some meat dishes, vegetable and pasta, liquid mayonnaise is perfect

Such a sauce is prepared, reducing oil or the amount of yolks from the classic recipe. If mayonnaise turned out to be thick, and you need liquid, then you can simply add warm water to it.

  • Pour milk (100 ml) and vegetable oil (200 ml) into the blender bowl (200 ml)
  • Beat about 1 minute
  • Add salt, sugar and mustard
  • And again we mix everything

In order for this sauce, it is important that the milk is previously brought to room temperature.

Caesar salad mayonnaise

There are several options for dressings for Caesar salad. The classic version of the sauce is prepared as follows.

  • We bring the water in the pan to a boil. And when it boils, we remove the fire at least
  • And lower the egg into the water for 1 minute. Before such a procedure, it must be pierced with a needle in the place of the stupid end
  • After that, the egg must be extracted from boiling water and leave to cool
  • After 10 minutes, the egg must be broken and its contents are placed in a cup if the protein remains on the shell, it must be scrapeed and moved to the bowl
  • Pour the juice of the half of the lemon there and beat with a whisk
  • Beat and at the same time pour olive oil (1 tbsp. Spoon)
  • The finished mass should have a consistency of liquid sour cream

Such a sauce can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day.

Voster sauce
Add half a teaspoon of Woodster sauce

When preparing a gas station for salad, Caesar can be experimented. For example, replace Woodster sauce with mustard. And if you want, you can add parmesan.

Tips and reviews

Irina. I cook mayonnaise from soy oil and rice sauce. It turns out an excellent dressing of salads from Asian cuisine. I really like.

Katia. I like cheese mayonnaise. I take ordinary cheese, grate it and add it to the ingredients of classical homemade mayonnaise. It turns out very tasty. You can even just spread on bread and eat. True, the main thing is not to get carried away.

Video: Home Provencal in 3 minutes

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