Vaccount reactions. What can be the reaction to the vaccination of BCG, DTP, Mantoux and others?

Vaccount reactions. What can be the reaction to the vaccination of BCG, DTP, Mantoux and others?


Most fees regarding vaccinations are associated with the consequences that they can cause. In order for vaccination not to scare possible side effects, it should be understood: in what cases the body reaction to the vaccine is absolutely normal and reflects the processes of the formation of immunity that occurred in it, and in what cases the symptoms of undesirable complications are observed that require medical intervention.

Possible reactions to vaccinations


The post -vaccination manifestations are divided into natural reactions and undesirable complications.
The body's response to a foreign substance is completely explained and should be perceived adequately if it does not go beyond the norm. The normal state after vaccination includes local and general reactions.

Local reactions occur, as a rule, immediately pass in 2-3 days (edema, itching, redness, pain, etc.).

Generally affect the whole body. The most common manifestations include fever, sleep disturbance, general malaise.

Important: an increase in temperature caused by vaccination is recommended to “knock down”. If the child’s body reacts with hyperthermia for each vaccine, you can give it an antipyretic before subsequent vaccination.

Unwanted complications always require medical examination and appropriate treatment. These include lethargia, apricot cramps (against the background of normal body temperature), temperature over 39 ° C, neurological disorders, anaphylaxia, etc.

Is an allergic reaction possible to vaccinations?

Almost all vaccines as a potential complication are more or less called an individual allergic reaction.

Among the allergen components that are part of the vaccines, attention should be paid to:

  • antibiotics
  • chicken protein
  • pekarsky yeast
  • gelatin et al.

If you or your child has a tendency to allergies to these components or any others, you should inform the doctor in advance to select a suitable vaccine and conduct preventive measures.

Interesting: the results of recent studies have shown that vaccinated children are less likely to undergo allergic diseases than unvaccinated children. For example, cases of atopic eczema are recorded in vaccinated children in 22.1% of cases, and in unevaccinated children - in 29.6%.

Among serious allergic reactions can be observed:

  • nettle - strong rashes on the skin
  • quincke's edema - extensive edema of the skin of the face and mucous membranes of the throat and nose, as a result of which breathing is difficult
  • anaphylactic shock - a sharp decrease in pressure, severe edema, itching, suffocation

Important: the signs of these complications are manifested after half an hour, so it is important to stay for a while after vaccination in the healthcare institution to receive assistance if necessary.

BCG vaccination: Possible reaction

Vaccination from tuberculosis is transferred mainly without complications and consequences. The normal manifestations of the vaccine include:

  • Redness. Should not cause concern if it does not extend beyond the injection site and the formation of the scar
  • Swelling. It is observed in the first days after the injection. Subsequently, swelling should not be
  • Suppuration. The formation of a small abscess belongs to the permissible response of the body. The abscess can be opened with the output of the contents. Over time, the formation is covered with a layer of crust, and the wound heals. The process can take about 4-4.5 months

IMPORTANT: Do not process the place of suppuration with green, iodine or other antiseptics.

  • The formation of the scar. A small (2-10 mm) pale scar on the shoulder is the final look, which acquires the place of introduction of the vaccine from tuberculosis
  • Inflammation. If the infiltrate looks inflamed, i.e. reddened, purulent, with liquid inside, but signs of inflammation are localized and do not touch the neighboring sections of the skin, this should not be alarmed
  • Temperature. Supervision can cause an increase in temperature to 37.5 ° C. This is fine. If the temperature rose with subsequent revaccination in 7 or 14 years, you should contact the healthcare institution
  • The desire to scratch. A natural sensation that occurs in the healing process. However, during this period, one should refrain from severe touch to the injection site in the form of combing, rubbing

  • If you find other symptoms in the child that cause anxiety, immediately seek help from a physician
  • The lack of a normal reaction and a trace of vaccination is not quite natural. This situation can be observed in 5-10 % of children with primary vaccination. If the place of BCG vaccination is not noticeable, this means that vaccination immunity has not formed from the disease, or that less often, the child, due to hereditary characteristics, is resistant to tuberculosis bacteria and at the genetic level cannot be infected
  • In the absence of a trace of injection, a mantle test is carried out. If the manti test is negative, the BCG vaccination is repeated immediately, or with subsequent revaccination at 7 years old

Important: the body begins to respond to the introduced vaccine only after 1-1.5 months. Therefore, the response to the vaccine may not appear immediately, and this is a variant of the norm.

Complications can manifest itself in the form:

  • Inflammation of the lymph nodes. It occurs with the spread of mycobacteria and infection of axillary lymph nodes. Increase in the axillary cavity - an occasion to make a visit to the doctor
  • Vast suppuration. If a subcutaneous abscess of more than 10 mm develops on the injection site, you should consult a doctor for surgical intervention
  • Rumber growth. It is observed with a hereditary predisposition and manifests itself with any skin damage. A scar or keloid acquires a bright color, blood vessels are visible. In this case, revaccination, as a rule, is not carried out
  • Bone diseases (ostitions). It is very rare in case of serious problems in a child with immunity

Cases of such consequences are rarely recorded (0.02%-0.004%). The reasons:

  • non -compliance with contraindications (congenital immunodeficiency and AIDS)
  • incorrect administration of the drug (subcutaneously)

Mantoux vaccination reaction

To be precise, the mantle does not belong to the number of vaccinations, but is a test, according to the results of which determine the presence, or the absence of tuberculosis infection.
Despite the fact that Mantoux is made everywhere by a large number of children annually starting from year -old age, it is not necessary to say that the injection has no side effects. Among the possible unpleasant consequences of the Mantoux test are called:

  • general malaise
  • headache
  • high temperature
  • rash
  • itching
  • allergic edema
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes and blood vessels

The interpretation of the manti test results is carried out three days after measuring the infiltrate with a transparent ruler. The following Mantoux reactions are distinguished:

  • Negative (norm). Papule (thickening) and redness are absent or not exceeding 1 mm
  • Doubtful (version of the norm). Infiltrate no more than 4 mm
  • Positive. Sealing in size of more than 5-6 mm

Important: a positive Mantoux test does not necessarily indicate the presence of infection, such a reaction can cause allergies.

In order to clarify the causes of a positive result, the following factors are considered:

  • The size of the scars formed after the vaccination.For example, the diameter of the scar 5-8 mm indicates, as a rule, about the presence of antibodies to tuberculosis over the next 5-7 years, if the scar is not visible, there is no immunity, which means that there is a risk of infection
  • The presence of any infection shortly before the Mantoux reaction
  • The time interval from the moment of immunization of the vaccine.The more time has passed, the higher the risk
  • The results of previous measurements. A sharp increase in the size of the infiltrate by 6 mm or more compared to the results of past years, indicates a possible infection
  • Allergy to Mantoux components
  • Pigmentation.If after a couple of weeks the place of injection of the Mantoux test has clear boundaries and acquires a brownish color, there is a likelihood of infection with tuberculosis mycobacteria
  • Contact with patients, stay in the risk zone
  • The presence of an amplification effect.If the Mantoux test was carried out too often (more than times a year) an increase in the size of the infiltrate can be observed, which is explained by the development of increased sensitivity of lymphocytes to the drug

In the case of a positive result of the tuberculosis test or the presence of serious side effects after the sample, contact a phthianist for further diagnosis.

Reaction to rubella from rubella

Signs of possible changes in the body after the introduction of a vaccine from rubella can detect after 5-15 days. So much time is required for the active interaction of the body with the drug and the production of antibodies. In addition to local reactions, such as redness, swelling and soreness at the injection site, 5-10% of people may observe the following symptoms that are a variant of the norm:

  • heat
  • rash
  • soreness of the lymph nodes
  • cough
  • joint pain
  • ITP (deviations from the norm in blood coagulation indicators), etc.

The indicated inconvenience caused by an individual manifestation of how the body forms the immunity, as a rule, do not need special treatment and pass on their own.
Serious complications requiring medical care are infrequent and develop against the background of other chronic diseases. Among them:

  • strong allergic reactions
  • seizures without temperature
  • meningitis
  • encephalitis

Caria vaccinations reaction, mumps

Vaccination from rubella, mumps (“pigs”) and measles is carried out simultaneously. In this case, both monovaccines and a complex drug, which includes all components at the same time, can be used. The immunization is mainly good.
A possible reaction to measles and “pig” vaccination is generally similar to the manifestation of the vaccine from rubella:

  • redness and seal at the injection site
  • increasing temperature and seizures against its background
  • cough, runny nose
  • red rashes
  • swelling of the lymph nodes, etc.

The appearance of these symptoms can be seen within two weeks after vaccination, but they pass in a couple of days.
Among the consequences that are not related to a normal reaction, the main place is allergic to any of the components of the vaccine (neomycin, protein, etc.). To prevent even an insignificant risk of anaphylactic shock, warn the doctor about any available allergic reactions.

DED vaccination reaction


A comprehensive vaccination against whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria makes young parents get worried seriously. There is a probability that immunization will pass unnoticed, and that it will deliver a lot of anxieties and experiences.

Is there an undesirable reaction in the child to vaccinate the DTP, it will be clear already during the first day. The reason for the possible cough, runny nose or temperature in the following days should be sought in another.
The list of side effects during the vaccination of ATS includes:

  • redness and thickening Places of injection, soreness In the leg
  • a fever of body temperature to 38.5 ° C. If the body temperature has reached 39 ° C and above, the so -called pronounced reaction occurs

Important: as a rule, the cough component of the vaccine is difficult to endure. If the child has a pronounced reaction to the first injection of the DTP, the pediatrician may recommend vaccinating further ADS, i.e. Exclude pertussis component.

  • change in the behavior of the child: prolonged crying, moodiness, or, conversely, apathy and drowsiness, loss of appetite or other reactions unusual for the child
    vomiting, diarrhea

Important: vaccination is carried out in several stages. According to the observations of doctors, the probability of a reaction to the vaccine increases with each subsequent vaccination of the DTP.

You should contact the doctor immediately if:

  • the cry of a child has not subsided for several hours
  • there is a temperature rise above 39 ° C
  • the injection site was very swollen (redness diameter more than 8 cm)

Among the complications are possible:

  • non-sequences (1 case for 30,000-40,000)
  • allergic reaction (urticaria, anaphylactic shock, Quincke's edema, etc.)

There are no scientific evidence that the consequences of vaccination may be no disturbances in the brain.

It should also be known that a cough vaccine can be cellular (ADS vaccine) and bloodless (imported vaccines). More pronounced side effects are observed on the cellular vaccine from whooping cough.
For example, soreness after a shameful vaccine is observed in 2.5% vaccinated, after the ADS vaccine - in 19%. An increase in rectal temperature to 38 ° C and higher - in 10% and 42%, respectively.

Tetanus vaccination reaction

If vaccination is carried out in accordance with the schedule of preventive vaccinations, the tetanus vaccination is done simultaneously with the vaccination from diphtheria and whooping cough, i.e. It has a DTP vaccine. Accordingly, if a reaction occurs after vaccination, then its signs are similar to the above possible side effects of the complex GDS vaccination.

In some situations, a monovaccine from tetanus can be introduced. Among the temporary phenomena, cases of cough, runny nose, nausea, diarrhea, etc. are recorded. Complications are very rare.

Poliumelite vaccination reaction

There are various options for vaccination from poliomyelitis:

  • the vaccine can be a component component of a combined drug or vaccinated separately
  • it may differ in composition and method of introduction: OPV (“live” in the form of drops) or IPV (inactivated vaccine in the form of injection)

After taking the oral vaccine, they may occur:

  • insignificant temperature increase
  • intestinal disorder
  • a mild allergic reaction
  • in rare cases - vaccine -absorbed polio (with serious problems with immunity)

When using an inactivated vaccine, it may be noted:

  • local redness and swelling
  • slight increase in body temperature
  • general malaise

Symptoms pass on their own. When more serious complications appear, you should consult a doctor.

Hepatitis vaccination reaction

There are practically no post -vaccination reactions, or they proceed in a mild form. Soreness, itching and redness in the injection area are considered a natural reaction of the body. In 1 % vaccinated, small hyperthermia, total weakness, headache, vomiting, muscle pain, etc. are observed. According to the Antaphylactic reactions, the reports are very rarely fixed.



Like any other vaccination, influenza injection can cause a local reaction, which indicates that the process of forming immunity against the disease has been launched. Normal are soreness and slight inflammation at the injection site.
The following symptoms include the general reaction of the body within the norm:

  • body temperature 37 - 37.5 ° C
  • headache
  • weakness
  • sleep disturbance, etc.

According to the study, in which 791 children took part, an increase in temperature after vaccination was recorded in 12% of children aged 1-5 years, in 5%-at the age of 6-10 years and in 5% at the age of 11-15 years.

In the case of allergies to the components of vaccines, appropriate reactions are possible. However, the percentage of such cases is very small.

Thus, in most cases, the side effects of vaccines occur asymptomatic or in a mild form. The probability of severe complications is small (about 1 case per million) and does not arise out of the blue. Among the reasons, the central place is occupied by violations of existing contraindications and an individual allergic reaction.

Obviously, this cannot become a reason for the rejection of vaccination. A responsible approach to its health can prevent the existing risk of undesirable manifestations after vaccinations and protect you from serious (often fatal) diseases against which vaccination is carried out.

Additional information about vaccinations can be found in articles:

Video: vaccinations: reactions and complications - Komarovsky

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Comments K. article

  1. We met without complications and temperature. Although for the first time at DED caused an ambulance.

  2. my son, after vaccination, forgot how to walk on a pot on their own, for many acquaintances, children forget how to serve themselves immediately after vaccinations, despite the fact that they have already learned how to independently use a pot with all accompanying procedures ..

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