Calendar of vaccination and vaccination of children. What do parents need to know about vaccinations and vaccination of children?

Calendar of vaccination and vaccination of children. What do parents need to know about vaccinations and vaccination of children?

The problem of children's preventive vaccinations is complex and ambiguous. Before putting a vaccine to the child, parents should familiarize themselves with information about the benefits of the vaccine and the possible consequences of its introduction, find out if the baby has contraindications for immunization.


Mandatory widespread preventive vaccination of children has allowed in recent decades to sharply reduce the number of incidence of serious infectious diseases.

After entering a weakened pathogen, the children's body produces antibodies and retains the memory of the transferred “disease”. However, parents often have questions: is the introduced vaccine safe? When is it necessary and can a child vaccinated? What reactions of the body are permissible in the post -vaccination period? Is it possible to do without vaccination?

Vaccination 5Indications for vaccinations and vaccination of children

Preventive vaccinations should be carried out for each child. Vaccination for tuberculosis, poliomyelitis, measles, pertussis, tetanus, rubella, diphtheria, mumps, hepatitis V. is required

A blood test is passed before each vaccination, the child must examine the pediatrician and determines the state of his health. If the doctor has no comments, then after signing the parental agreement to vaccinate, you can go to the vaccination room.

Important: an indication for additional vaccination of children is a fixed outbreak of an infectious disease and the threat of its spread in this regard.

Exceeding the epideling in influenza may be an indication for vaccine prevention of this disease.

Vaccination 7Vaccinations and vaccination of children: for and against. The benefits of children's vaccinations and vaccination

In recent years, the so -called “anti -infection” campaigns have been actively gaining momentum. According to their supporters, to maintain children's health and avoid the possible negative consequences of vaccination is possible only by abandoning all preventive vaccinations. They explain their position by the fact that:

• The danger of diseases from which vaccinations make is somewhat exaggerated
• Often there are serious post -vaccination complications in children
• There are too many mandatory vaccinations for a small child
• The mechanisms of the formation of the child’s immunity are not understood enough, so it is impossible to intervene in it in any case
• Immunization “undermines” the child’s health and becomes an impetus for the development of diseases

On the other hand, those who make all preventive vaccinations to their children are absolutely sure that they protect babies from dangerous infectious diseases and their consequences. Among the reasons why children need to be instilled, parents note the following:

• The child’s immunity is very vulnerable, especially with infectious diseases, therefore, the preventive vaccination of children is a duty of sensible parents
• The modern vaccine is effectively acting and is not able to harm the body of a healthy child, as it is spent on dangerous components
• possible consequences of vaccination, such as an increase in body temperature and redness at the injection site are a variant of the norm

Important: the probability of the consequences of an infectious disease dangerous for the health and life of a child is several tens of times higher than the likelihood of any serious reaction to vaccination.

Parents should decide for themselves whether they are ready to deprive their child’s right to health by depriving him of mandatory preventive vaccinations, or is it still better to protect the baby from dangerous infections through vaccination.

Vaccination1Do parents agree to vaccinations and vaccination of a child?

Before making a vaccination to the child, the pediatrician asks parents to fill out a standard medical document - consent to immunization. To do this, parents will have to decide in advance whether they will prevent infectious diseases for their child or not.

Important: parents have the right to receive any information about the vaccine to immunize the child. The pediatrician must answer in detail all their questions regarding the upcoming vaccination.

Parents confirm their consent to hold a vaccination with a signature on the form - questionnaire. This document is glued into an outpatient card and stored until the age of 18. Such a form must be filled before each new vaccination of the child.

Consent of parents !!!!!!

Important: parents who previously refused vaccinations, but changed their minds, can sign consent and begin the immunization of the child at any time.

A sample consent (refusal) was approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated 01.26.09.

Can parents refuse vaccinations and vaccination of a child?

  • The condition of the child’s vaccination under 15 is the presence of written consent from parents. If parents do not want to vaccinate to their child, they sign a refusal
  • This action is provided for by the legislation: "Citizens of the Russian Federation in the implementation of immunoprophylaxis have the right to refuse preventive vaccinations." Each parent can take advantage of this right
  • If parents refuse vaccination, the pediatrician is obliged to inform them about the possible consequences and make appropriate notes in the child's medical documents


Vaccination 18 RefusalIs there a law on vaccination of children in Russia?

The provisions of the preventive vaccination of children are indicated in Federal Law "On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases"adopted by the State Duma on July 17, 1998.

  • The law gives clear medical concepts used in the issues of immunization, the state policy, the rights and obligations of citizens during vaccination, responsibility for the refusal of vaccinations and the consequences of such actions are determined
  • The provisions of the national vaccination calendar, the requirements for immunobiological vaccines are also indicated, the social protection of citizens is determined upon the occurrence of post -vaccination complications
  • The issues of immunization of the population were also stipulated in the “Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on the Protection of Citizens' Health” and the Federal Law “On Sanitary and Epidemiological Blessed of the Population”


Vaccinations 18The vaccination schedule of children in Russia. Children's vaccination and vaccination calendar

To conduct preventive immunization of children, the national calendar (schedule) of vaccinations approved by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation is used. It indicates mandatory vaccinations, their multiplicity and age of the child, at which vaccination is recommended.

Vaccination calendar

What is the obligatory vaccination of children? What is planned vaccination of children?

Mandatory (planned) vaccination is an event on preventive vaccinations according to the vaccination schedule for children who have no contraindications. It can occur both in state and private medical institutions licensed to conduct immunization.

Important: for planned vaccination, written consent of the parents and a preliminary examination of the child by a doctor is necessary.

Vaccination3What is additional vaccination of children?

Additional vaccination of children is carried out outside the approved schedule. An indication for additional vaccination may be an outbreak of an infectious disease or the desire of parents to protect their child from diseases not provided for by the calendar.

In the first case, vaccinations are made without fail to all children of a dysfunctional area in order to stop the circulation of the virus. Vaccination is carried out at the expense of the state.

In the second case, the vaccine is not mandatory. The most popular children's vaccinations are “at will”:
• from chickenpox ( Okawax or Varilericks)
• pneumococcal vaccination ( Pneumo 23 or Prevevenar 13) - protects against otitis media, pneumonia, bronchitis and sinusitis
• from rotovirus ( Rotarix or Rotatek)
• from flu ( Grippol, inflyavak, vaxygripp)
• from hepatitis A ( Avaxim 80 and Havricks 720)
• from tick -borne encephalitis ( FSMEM-Immun Junior, Encepur)
These vaccines are usually acquired by parents independently, and the child’s immunization is carried out by agreement with the local pediatrician.

Vaccination 11What is the preventive vaccination of children?

Preventive vaccination - the introduction of immunobiological agents into the child that can create irreplaceability to an infectious disease.

However, vaccinations do not protect the child by 100%. After vaccination, the child may become infected with the disease that was previously vaccinated. But to flow the disease will be much easier, and unwanted complications can be avoided.

Important: subject to vaccination of 90% of children, the occurrence of epidemics of infectious diseases is unlikely.

Preparing a child for vaccinations and vaccination

In order for the child’s vaccination to pass normally and does not cause undesirable reactions, several simple rules for preparing for vaccination should be fulfilled:

• take urine and blood tests, wait for their results
• It is advisable to refuse to visit crowded places a few days before vaccination
• Do not give the child a new food that can cause allergies
• Measure the child's body temperature
• Report the signs of the child's unhealthy if they were manifested in the last 5-7 days
• If the child takes medication, be sure to tell the doctor what and how many
• Mark when and how the child was allergic
• report on the characteristics of the child's body, about how he endured previous vaccinations
If the doctor makes the conclusion that the child is healthy, you can do vaccination.

Important: they do not recommend vaccinations immediately after returning from trips, especially if there was a sharp change in climate.

What tests need to be handed over to the child before vaccination?

Before conducting vaccination, two analyzes are taken from the child:
• clinical blood test
• general urine analysis
To obtain reliable results of tests before blood donation, a child can not eat and drink anything. Even breastfeeding and juices are unacceptable. The minimum period of time from the last feeding to going to the laboratory is 4 hours.

Analyzes before vaccinationUrine analysis is passed in a clean and better in a sterile container. The day before the collection of tests, you can not feed the child beets and carrots, as they can paint urine. Analysis is collected in the morning, from the first urination. The child is pre -washed, paying special attention to the hygiene of the genitourinary organs.

Important: for infants, a special cellophane ureter is used, which can be bought at any pharmacy.

Vaccinations and vaccination of newborn children

During the period of newborn, two vaccinations are placed for the child: from hepatitis B and from tuberculosis.

Hepatitis B vaccination (first of three) is carried out after 12 hours of life of the child. For this, a vaccine of both domestic and foreign production can be used. These are inactivated vaccines containing a small part of the dead virus - hepatitis B protein, which are not able to cause the development of the disease.

Important: by contraindication to the vaccination of a newborn from hepatitis B, on the first day of life, there may be a small weight of a child (less than 1,500g), asphymonia, identified violations of organs and systems. Vaccination is carried out after stabilizing the condition of the child.

On 3 - 7 days of life, a child is vaccinated against tuberculosis - BCG. For vaccination, the vaccine is used BCG or BCG-M. BCG It is allowed to use for healthy babies weighing from 2500g. BCG-M It is a lightweight option BCG and is used for small children and newborns with the defeat of the central nervous system.

Important: contraindications for the vaccination of BCG and BCG-M is the presence of an HIV infection in a baby, complications after vaccination with close relatives of the child, infection with tuberculosis and a dubious mantle test.

Vaccinations 17Vaccinations and vaccination of a child at 3 months

  • According to the vaccination calendar, children with three months of age are first vaccinated with diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, poliomyelitis, as well as the second against hepatitis in
  • The vaccine from diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis is complex, known under the name DTP. It is carried out in three doses. Its components form in a child a persistent immunity to the listed diseases for up to 10 years. Then revaccination is necessary

Important: in most children, after vaccination of the DTP, redness and insignificant edema at the injection site are noted, which is a variant of the norm. It is also possible to increase body temperature to 38.3 - 38.5 ° C.

  • For vaccination from poliomyelitis for the first time, a vaccine containing a dead virus of the disease is used ( IPV). Introduced injectively, unlike OPV - Oral vaccine containing a living virus. It quickly forms persistent immunity. IPV It is part of such complex vaccinations as Infanrix and Pentaxim

Important: with Vaccination of OPV, it is possible to develop severe complications with a probability of 1: 2500000. When using IPV there are no complications.

  • Also, at 3 months, the child is put a second vaccine against hepatitis in

Vaccination of baby2Vaccinations and vaccination of a child after a year

  • In a year, the child is made a comprehensive vaccine against measles, rubella and mumps. Recently, complex vaccines have been used ( Prioriks, mm-r II)but it is possible to use monovaccines containing living viruses
  • A complex vaccine can be used for emergency measles prevention no later than 72 hours after contact with a sick child

Important: vaccination is contraindicated for children with allergies to chicken and quail eggs, immunodephicitis, with exacerbations of chronic diseases.

  • Reactions after vaccination can appear on 5 to 15 days in the form of an increase in temperature and the appearance of a rash, which is the norm
  • AT 1.6 years Revaccination is performed from whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus and vaccination from poliomyelitis
  • AT 20 months perform revaccination from poliomyelitis

Vaccinations and vaccination of children 6 years old

Upon reaching a child, the age of six is \u200b\u200bcarried out by the next vaccination from measles, rubella, mumps and polio.

Vaccinations 6 years 16Vaccinations and vaccination of children in kindergarten

When a child is visited by a children's preschool institution, liability for conducting preventive vaccinations lies with its medical workers.

If the time has come for another preventive vaccination or additional vaccination is carried out according to epidemiological indications, the child’s parents in writing confirm their consent to its conduct and transfer to kindergarten. The doctor examines the child and only after that the baby is placed in the vaccine.

Important: without the consent of the parents, the child will not be vaccinated in kindergarten.

Vaccination in the garden 15Vaccinations and vaccination of children in schools

The vaccination of students is carried out in accordance with the vaccination calendar and only in agreement with the parents or guardians of the child. A school nurse warns of the upcoming vaccination of the class teacher.

The class teacher makes in the diaries of children the corresponding entries with a request of parents in writing confirm consent or refusal to vaccinate. Admission to vaccination is given by a doctor who examines each child immediately before the introduction of the vaccine.

Vaccination of schoolchildren 14Vaccines and vaccination of adolescents

Vaccinoprophylaxis is necessary not only in childhood. In adolescents, upon reaching 16 years of age, vaccinations against diphtheria, tetanus and poliomyelitis are vaccinated.

All teenage girls are vaccinated against rubella. This helps to avoid the occurrence of intrauterine pathologies of the fetus during pregnancy. Recommended by additional vaccination for girls is vaccination against the papilloma virus, which will significantly lower the risk of cervical cancer in the future.

Vaccinations for adolescents 15Vaccinations and vaccination of a premature baby

The vaccination of premature babies, especially small ones, has a number of features:
• A neonatologist, pediatrician, neuropathologist and immunologist are given permission to vaccinate
• For children weighing less than 2000, vaccination is prohibited BCG in the first days of life
• For children weighing less than 1,500g, they cancel the vaccination against hepatitis B
• Before planned vaccination DTP It is necessary to get an immunologist's consultation
• In the first year of life, vaccination from influenza is recommended

Important: if a premature child has honey. Dismissal from all vaccinations, you should consult an immunologist so that it makes a personal vaccination calendar for the baby.

Inaccurate children rarely have negative post -extent reactions, so parents should not avoid vaccinations, but, on the contrary, try to protect their child as much as possible.

Non -misunderstood RebHepatitis vaccination and vaccination

Hepatitis B - A dangerous disease that provokes severe liver lesions. The disease develops slowly and asymptomatic, sometimes takes chronic forms.

Every year in the world, more than a million people die from the complications of hepatitis B. The disease is transmitted in childbirth from an infected mother to a child, through injections, sexually, with blood transfusion, as well as through wounds and cuts.

Important: hepatitis B vaccination is mandatory and is carried out in 3 stages: in the first days of life, in 3 months. And at 6 months.

Hepatitis B vaccines can be both domestic and foreign production. Vaccination is easily tolerated by the child and does not cause negative reactions.

Hepatitis A vaccination can be carried out additionally, in case of an epidemic or before the upcoming journey.

Vaccinations and vaccination against diphtheria

Diphtheria - A disease in which angena occurs in severe form, the work of the heart, kidneys and the nervous system is disturbed. The general condition worsens into intoxication of the body.

In the absence of urgent medical care, suffocation and death of the patient occurs. Infection occurs by airborne droplets. Complex vaccination against diphtheria ( DTP) is done three times, the first time at the age of 3 months.

Vaccinations and vaccination from tetanus

Tetanus - A disease caused by a stick Clostridium Tetam, penetrating the body from the ground, dust, water during injuries and injuries. The disease is dangerous to damage to the nervous system, the occurrence of strong seizures, severe muscle tension, including respiratory.

This condition in most cases leads to suffocation and cardiac arrest. Vaccination is carried out by a complex vaccine DTP.

Vaccination and vaccination from pertussis

Whooping cough It is dangerous to the appearance of tense strangling coughing attacks, accompanied by severe redness of the skin of the face and the release of a large amount of sputum and saliva.

Attacks are especially intense at night and in the morning. Infection occurs airy - drip. The disease is dangerous for unvaccinated children. Complex vaccination - DTP.

Cough 2Vaccination and vaccination of children DTP

  • DTP -Complex adsorbed whooping and dispensal-out-and-standing preventive vaccine. It is used as a domestic drug DTP, and foreign Infanrix
  • For the formation of sustainable immunity in a child, 4 doses of vaccine are administered. The first - at 3 months, the second - 30 - 45 days after the first, the third - at 6 months
  • The last vaccine DTP, consolidating the result, is placed at the age of 1.5 years. In the future, revaccination necessary to maintain the required amount of antibodies is carried out. The vaccine is administered intramuscularly, into the hip of the child

Important: the “disadvantages” of the domestic ADS vaccine include the occurrence of post -vaccination reactions in the form of an increase in temperature, the appearance of weakness, swelling, hardened and redness in the injection area in half of vaccinated children. Infanrix vaccine is much easier for children. The reaction to the second vaccination is always slightly stronger than the first.

  • "Lightweight" vaccines ADS, not containing a pertussis component, instill children over 4 years old, who were not vaccinated earlier and children who had a strong reaction to the first introduction DTP
  • If the second vaccination cannot be performed for any reason, you can postpone the vaccine for a while, but it will need to be done as soon as possible

General contraindications for vaccination DTP:

  • Acute period of any disease
  • Allergy to the components of the vaccine
  • The body immunodeficiency
  • After vaccination DTP The child needs to give a dose of any antipyretic and antihistamine if the child is prone to allergies

Important: after vaccination, the child can become moody and restless, sleep disturbances, loss of appetite can be observed.

Side effects of DTP vaccination include:
• A fever of body temperature
• soreness, swelling, seal or redness at the injection site
• Stool disorder

Important: occasionally in children there are severe reactions, which are manifested by an increase in body temperature above 39 ° C, prolonged crying and reddening the injection site of more than 10 mm.

Complications of vaccinations DTP can be:
• cramps without increasing temperature
• Quincke edema, anaphylactic shock
• Encephalopathy
The frequency of such cases is 1: 100000

Vaccinations and vaccination from chickenpox to children. Is there a vaccination and vaccination from chickenpox in children?

  • The widespread opinion that the child should get sick chickenpox, erroneous. The transferred chickenpox can strongly and for a long time weaken the immune system and cause complications
  • You can forever protect the child from this disease with the help of a Japanese vaccine Okavax or Belgian - Varilricks. Okavax entered once, Varilricks Twice, the second protection is greater. You can vaccinate children over 12 months old

Important: the reaction to the vaccination against chickenpox can be drowsiness, irritability, weakness, malaise, fever, redness at the injection site, rash, headache, nausea, and stomach disorder.

  • Preventive vaccination from chickenpox is not mandatory and is not included in the vaccination calendar. The vaccine is purchased by parents independently

Vaccinations and vaccination of children Kornuka's measles.

  • Measles - serious infectious disease. It begins with an increase in temperature, conjunctivitis, cough and rash. It is often complicated by pneumonia, sometimes an encephalitis, which can lead to disability. The measles virus are very contagious and the fly. About 97% of children who prontact with the patient get sick. Complex or single vaccination
  • Rubella - an infection characterized by the appearance of a small rash, a strong increase in the lymph nodes and a slight increase in temperature. Children are easily tolerated, but extremely dangerous for pregnant women, as it causes severe pathologies of the fetus
  • Pump (pig) It affects the salivary glands, pancreas and testicles in men. For men, a pig can cause infertility in childhood.
  • To protect against these diseases, a complex living vaccine is used Priororics Belgian production, which is easily tolerated by children. Severe post -vaccination reactions are usually not observed. Vaccination and revaccination are carried out by children aged 1 year and 6 years, respectively. Additionally immunized using this vaccine of girls - adolescents

Vaccinations and vaccination of children against tuberculosis

Tuberculosis -Bacterial disease, which children can become infected with airborne droplets. The children's body is very sensitive to this disease, so tuberculosis easily affects not only the lungs, but also other internal organs and systems.

Important: tuberculosis is the cause of the death of every tenth person in the world.

  • The first vaccination against tuberculosis is made to the newborn on 3-5 days of life vaccine BCG or BCG-M. The vaccine is inserted subcutaneously, into the shoulder of the left hand. There are no reactions to the vaccine. After some time, the so -called purulent ball is formed at the place of introduction of the vaccine, which in no case should be removed or processed
  • Revaccination BCG They are held at the age of 7, after evaluating the results of the Mantoux test. If revaccination was not performed at 7 years old, then it must be done at 14. If the child was not vaccinated from tuberculosis longer than 2 months from birth, the vaccine is done after evaluating the results of the Mantoux test

Important: vaccination helps to prevent severe forms of tuberculosis, such as tuberculosis meningitis.

Vaccinations and vaccination against pneumonia and pneumococcal infection for children

Additional vaccination of the child from bronchitis, otitis media, pneumonia and other bacterial complications of SARS is possible using vaccination Prevevenar 7, Prevevenar 13, Sinfliks or Pnemo 23.

This is a very important vaccine, especially for babies under 4 years old, as they are most serious about the dangers of the development of bacterial infection.

Vaccines Prevevenar 7 and Prevevenar 13 They differ in the number of pneumococci contained in them. The manufacturer of the vaccine is the UK. It is noteworthy that children's vaccination Prevevenar It is included in the vaccination calendar of all developed countries.

Vaccination scheme Prevevenarone of the following:
• If the first injection is introduced up to 6 months, 3 doses will be required, one each every month and revaccination aged 1 - 1.5 years
• If the first vaccine is introduced from 7 to 11 months, the next should be done in a month and revaccination in a year
• from a year to two, 2 vaccines are introduced after 2 months
• From two to five, a enough vaccine is administered enough

Sinfliks - Belgian analogue Prevenar. Vaccination graphs are completely identical.

Pnemo 23 - The oldest of the listed vaccines. In Russia, it has been used since the late 90s. Unlike Prevenar and Sinfliks It acts only on children over 2 years old, entered once, operates 3-5 years.

Important: the vaccine is recommended for children under the age of four who regularly visit children's groups, or those who have older brothers and sisters in the family.

Reactions to vaccination against pneumococcal infection are extremely rare, it is easily tolerated and combined with any other vaccine except BCG. The only obvious drawback of the vaccine is its high cost.

Whooping coughVaccination and vaccination of children against influenza

Flu -One of the most severe infectious diseases due to the high probability of the development of complications in the form of bronchitis and pneumonia. The source of infection is a sick person, the transmission path is airborne.

The disease proceeds acutely, with an increase in temperature up to 40 ° C, pain in bones and joints, chills, reins in the eyes, sweating, weakness, headache, a feeling of severe discomfort in the eyebrow and temples, nasal congestion, sore throat, cough.

The worst of everyone is tolerate infants and elderly people. In winter, the disease often develops into an epidemic.

The flu is a pictureThe vaccination of children against influenza is not mandatory. To protect the child from influenza, one of the following inactivated vaccines is used:
•   Influvak (Netherlands)
•     The flu (Russia)
•     The flu is plus (Russia)
•     Vaxigripp (Russia)
•     Flyariks (Belgium)
•     Agrippal (Italy)
•     Flywick (Germany)

Children who are not previously vaccinated against influenza and not painted with this disease are introduced by 2 injections with a difference of 1 month.

Contraindicated vaccination from influenza:
• babies up to 6 months
• Children with chicken protein intolerance
• children during an acute course of any disease

Important: the reaction to the introduction of a vaccine against influenza can be pain, swelling, redness at the site of the puncture, as well as an increase in body temperature, chills. Vaccination can be complicated by otitis media, meningitis and myositis.

Vaccination and vaccination of children against tick -borne encephalitis

Tick \u200b\u200b-borne encephalitis - Viral seasonal disease, which is transmitted with a bite of an infected tick. It is also possible to infect with the use of raw cow and goat milk and crushing the tick.

The disease is characterized primarily by a severe damage to the central nervous system with pronounced signs of general infectious intoxication of the body - a volume in the body, chills, fever and severe pain in the lower back.

MitePrevention of tick -borne encephalitis in children is possible by vaccination. These vaccinations can be recommended for children over 1 year old living or serving in areas dysfunctional in tick -borne encephalitis, but are not mandatory.

Important: the effect of vaccination occurs no earlier than two weeks after the introduction of the vaccine. For the formation of persistent immunity, 28 - 45 days from the day of vaccination is needed.

For immunization, it is possible to use any domestic or foreign vaccine:
•   Encepur children (Germany)
•     FSMMA - Immun Ingect/Junior (Austria)
•     Entsevir (Russia)
Their composition coincides by 85%, but in foreign vaccines there are fewer contraindications. All of them form persistent immunity against the tick -borne encephalitis virus.

Important: the vaccination scheme consists of 3 doses, but every three years it is necessary to perform revaccination.

Side reactions after vaccination are manifested in 5% of cases, are manifested by small rash, fever, sleep impairment, loss of appetite, anxiety, dizziness, and sometimes - loss of consciousness.

Vaccination and vaccination of children against poliomyelitis

Polio - Viral infection that affects in most cases children under 5 years of age, causing violations in the work of the central nervous system. The disease is manifested by the onset of paralysis of the entire muscles of the body, including respiratory, which can lead to disability and even death of the child.

Vaccination from poliomyelitis is mandatory, is carried out three times during the first year of the child’s life, followed by revaccination. Can be performed by one of the vaccines:
• inactivated ( IPV) - introduced by injection
• oral alive attenuated ( OPV) - introduced in the form of drops, orally

Vaccination Polio 12

Important: when using the Live OPV vaccine, there is a slight risk of a serious illness - the poliomyelitis of the vaccine -absorbed.

Contraindications to vaccination:
• an allergic reaction to a previous vaccine against poliomyelitis
• Allergic reactions to the action of some antibiotics

In rare cases, general weakness, loss of appetite, and a slight increase in body temperature are noted as a reaction to the vaccine in children.

Preparations for vaccinations and vaccination of children

  • AT article 12 of the Federal Law "On Immunoprophylaxis of Infectious Diseases" reports on the requirements for vaccinations and vaccination preparations
  • In accordance with the law, immunobiological drugs domestic or foreign, registered in a certain order
  • The vaccine can be purchased at a pharmacy by a doctor's prescription. The conditions for storage and transportation of vaccines must comply with the requirements of sanitary standards. Monitoring the state of immunoprophylactic drugs rests with employees of the sanitary and epidemiological service

Vaccine 20Does the child have after vaccination and vaccinations with immunity?

Despite the fact that vaccination does not protect the child 100% of the risk of infectious diseases, in most cases it is able to form a persistent immunity in the child.

The meaning of vaccination is that the child’s body in response to the introduction of dead or weakened pathogens of infection produces antibodies.

If the vaccination was successful, then after meeting with the infection from which a preventive vaccination was carried out, the child will not get sick at all, or transfer the disease in a very mild form.

Contraindications for vaccination and vaccinations in children

For each individual vaccine, contraindications are individual and listed in the instructions for the use of the drug.

General contraindications for the introduction of any vaccines for children are:
• pronounced immunodeficiency
• Severe central nervous system diseases
• Cardiovascular pathologies
• The presence of malignant neoplasms
• the presence of acute infectious or bacterial diseases
• period of exacerbation of chronic diseases
• Allergic manifestations

Important: before refusing to vaccinate due to the presence of contraindications in a child, parents need to consult a pediatrician.

Vaccination 10Is the vaccination of children with allergic diseases carried out?

  • Clallergic children, due to the frequent occurrence of severe complications after infectious diseases, need vaccination even more than babies not familiar with allergies. Vaccines contraindicated for use in children with allergic manifestations are very few
  • If the child is prone to allergic reactions, it will probably appear on one or more components of the injected vaccine. However, you should not worry about this. It is enough to warn the doctor that the child has allergic manifestations on food or drugs
  • The pediatrician will determine the feasibility of vaccination to such a child. Perhaps to prevent the appearance of allergies, it will recommend taking antihistamines for some time after the introduction of the vaccine

A child with an allergyHarm of vaccinations and vaccination for the child

Just as for most parents, the benefits of carrying out preventive vaccination to the child are obvious, for parents - “anti -inferiorities” is noticeable from vaccinations. According to their beliefs:
• Vaccination of newborns is the main cause of sudden children's death syndrome (SVDS)
• Most infectious diseases are easily tolerated by children, after the disease, lifelong immunity is formed independently
• vaccination immunity will not be able to transmit from mother to child, while the acquired after the illness is transmitted through the placenta
• vaccinated children suffer from acute resuperive diseases much more often than unvaccinated
• vaccination - no more than just business pharmacists and doctors who are damaged by children's health
• Vaccines contain pesticides, mercury, parts of genetically modified viruses, unverified antibiotics
• diseases are necessary for a child to train the immune system
• vaccination in infancy can lead to dementia and impaired speech development

IMPORTANT: Taking such conclusions of “anti -Distributions” close to heart, parents can refuse to carry out preventive vaccinations to their child, thereby they voluntarily deprive the baby to reliable protection against dangerous diseases.

What complications can be after vaccination in children? The consequences of vaccinations and vaccination in children

In addition to the emergence of post -vaccination reactions that are stipulated in the descriptions of the drugs and are a variant of the norm, in rare cases, serious after -making complications may occur.

The causes of complications after vaccination can be:
• Violation of the vaccination technique - the administered dose of the drug is more or less recommended, the vaccine is administered in the wrong way. This is dangerous to the occurrence of allergies, suppuration at the injection site, inflammation of the lymph nodes
• non -compliance with contraindications - a violation that is life -threatening for a child
• unsatisfactory quality of the vaccine - leads to massive complications in children vaccinated by vaccines of the same series
• Individual sensitivity to the components of the vaccine - is manifested by strong allergic and neurological reactions, to predict the outcome of which is very difficult. In rare cases, anaphylactic shock occurs

Important: in the case of the development of post -vaccination complications, you should consult a doctor who will examine and prescribe treatment.

The most severe post -vaccination complications noted earlier include:
• anaphylactic shock (any vaccine, except BCG and OPV)
• Quincke's edema (any, except BCG and OPV)
• serum disease (any, except BCG and OPV)
• encephalitis ( ADD, ADS)
• meningitis ( ADD, ADS, caria and mumps vaccine)
• convulsive conditions ( ADD, ADS, measles and mumps vaccine)
• polio ( OPV)
• Arthritis ( vaccine against rubella)
• lymphadenitis ( BCG)

Important: complications of vaccinations with otitis media, tonsillitis, sinusitis, bronchitis and pneumonia are observed during vaccination in the incubation period of SARS or influenza.

Can a child have a temperature after vaccination?

Often in children there is a slight increase in body temperature after the introduction of the vaccine. This condition is considered normal and usually does not require intervention on the part of the parents.

But if the values \u200b\u200bon the thermometer have reached high marks, you should give the child an antipyretic and notify the local pediatrician about the problems that have arisen.

Important: to bring down the temperature that has arisen in the child as a result of vaccination, it is better to use children's antipyretic candles. Dyes and flavors of antipyretic syrups can cause allergic reactions in a weakened vaccination of the body.

Vaccination temperature 16Vaccines and vaccination of children: tips and reviews

Those who doubt the correctness of the decision to make (or not to do) the vaccination to the child are interested in knowing the opinions of experienced in matters of children's vaccination of mothers and dads.

Below are different reviews of parents. Preventive vaccination saved some of them from serious illnesses, and others, on the contrary, convinced others of the inappropriateness of this event.


Hello, I want to tell my story. I was an opponent of children's preventive vaccinations and did not make them my son until he got a cough of 1.1 years. The hell that we survived is scared to remember. The disease was terribly. The son could not clench, he suffocated, the attacks did not allow him to breathe. The child, feeling the approach of the attack, began to hysteria, panic, tear. Several times he lost consciousness and stopped breathing. It is so scary to watch how your child is on the verge of life and death and understand that this is due to him due to the shortsightedness and naivety of parents.


The vaccine vaccine Prioriks was difficult to move. Against the background of a decrease in immunity, a child has risen a high temperature, which is very difficult to knock down. I worry before each vaccination of my son, but I can’t completely abandon vaccinations - I understand that they need to be put, because they protect them from terrible childhood diseases.


I'm sitting and crying. After vaccination of the DTP, the daughter of 39 rose. All sorts of terrible things climb into my head. I’m afraid to go to the hospital, there are all unrequ thated there are antibiotics.


I'm very afraid of vaccinations now. On the eighth day after vaccination by Priorix, the baby coughed, the temperature rose to 38.5. The pediatrician said that this is a post -vaccination reaction. A few days later, the child fell ill with an ear. It all ended with bronchitis that we treated in the infectious department. They only wrote out from the "infectious diseases" and grabbed the tonsillitis. All our diseases were accompanied by a very high temperature.


Daughter 3.7. We make all the necessary vaccinations. The reactions in the form of an increase in temperature were, but I consider them normal. My husband and I made a choice in favor of the vaccination of the child. Although I worry every time, I am sure that my daughter is under reliable protection.

Tips for parents before the vaccination of the child

  • Tell the pediatrician in detail about the child’s health status in the last week, warn about serious medical interventions if there were such
  • If the temperature after vaccination increased more than 39.5 ° C or severe seals, redness and swelling at the injection site have appeared, consult a doctor
  • Before vaccination, buy a children's antipyretic
  • measure the body temperature of the child during the first three days after vaccination

As well as the most important advice to all parents: not to trust dubious stories and rumors, but to listen to the voice of reason and go towards modern medicine.

Remember that preventive vaccination is mandatory, and the health and life of your child may depend on your solution.

Video: On vaccinations for doubters. School of Komarovsky

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