Vaccination of children: risk groups. When can not be vaccinated?

Vaccination of children: risk groups. When can not be vaccinated?

This article will talk about what cases and which one cannot be vaccinated. How to prepare a child for vaccination and what to do after it.

In order for vaccinations to go without complications, you need to correctly understand and follow a number of recommendations. It is better not to carry out vaccination if, in this particular case, it is contraindicated or it is advisable to postpone it for some time.

What children can not be vaccinated?

  • If the child was born prematurely, this is a contraindication for vaccination. Such children are vaccinated according to the individual schedule, which is the immunologist
  • The child cannot be vaccinated if he is sick. The disease can take place with both the temperature and without, but the vaccine in any case must be postponed
  • Also, a contraindication to vaccination is an recently transferred infectious disease, which for a long time weakens the body. After these diseases, it is recommended not to be vaccinated within 6 months

These are diseases such as:

  1. viral hepatitis
  2. meningitis
  3. mononucleosis
  • A neuropathologist can give a honey carrier from vaccination, after examining a child, with some serious diagnoses and if a neurological disease progresses
  • In the presence of anemia in a child (hemoglobin indicator is less than 80 g/l), the vaccine should also be transferred
  • If a child has chronic diseases, for example, kidney diseases or diabetes, vaccinations are done only after the resolution of specialists
  • If there was a blood transfusion, the vaccine is transferred to 3 months
  • If you are going to enter the kindergarten, you should not begin to vaccinate before that, because At first in the kindergarten, children undergo adaptation and quite often get sick with various diseases
  • It is better that this period does not coincide with the period after vaccination and the child does not have undesirable reactions to vaccination. Get vaccinated a couple of months before the first trip to kindergarten

In what cases can not be vaccinated?

Undoubtedly, there are undeniable contraindications for vaccination. The vaccination cannot be done by the following cases:

  • the previous vaccine or the substance contained in its composition caused a strong allergic reaction in a child - anaphylactic shock
  • if the child has weakened immunity, he can not make living vaccines, and inactivated may not form immunity against the disease
  • if an encephalopathy developed in a child after the previous ATS vaccination, then he should not be vaccinated against whooping cough
  • live vaccines do not make pregnant women, because This can be badly affecting the formation of the fetus

When can not be vaccinated with BCG?

Vaccination from tuberculosis cannot be done if the baby is born with a weight of less than 2 kg. This is explained by the fact that this vaccine is introduced into the body in a special way - intake, and such small children are simply very difficult to do. When the child grows up and will be more than 2.5 kg, he will definitely make this vaccine.

When can not be vaccinated against poliomyelitis?

Vaccination for poliomyelitis is not carried out by HIV-infected children, children with cancer diseases and children who already had complications on this vaccine with its previous administration.

When is it impossible to vaccinate the DTP?

Vaccination from diphtheria, whooping cough, tetanus is not recommended if the child had the following symptoms for two days after the vaccination of the DTP:

  • piretic body temperature, i.e. exceeded 39 ° C
  • constant crying for more than 3 hours
  • loss of consciousness
  • the presence of seizures after vaccination

Doctors believe that a weakened child is the best to do the vaccination of DTP without an anti -fabric component, because Often it is this component that gives complications on this vaccine.

The presence of neurological diseases and epilepsy is also contraindications to the introduction of this vaccine.

With recovery after SARS, doctors recommend waiting for 2-3 weeks with DTP vaccination.

When is it impossible to vaccinate the CCP?

The imported PDA vaccine contains chicken embryos, so if the child suffers from eggs to egg protein, he should not be vaccinated with the PDA. However, our PDA vaccines contain quail embryos, and if the child does not have allergies to quail eggs, then this vaccine can be instilled in the child.

When can not be vaccinated against hepatitis B?

In the composition of the vaccine from hepatitis, yeast is present. If the child has an allergy to them, vaccination cannot be carried out.

What can not be done before vaccination?

There are a number of restrictions that are undesirable before vaccination so that there are no complications after vaccination.

Before vaccination, it is preferably not:

  • get sick
  • visit crowns, especially clinics, so as not to become infected and not get sick immediately after vaccination
  • give the child new products so that there is no allergic reaction and do not have to transfer the vaccine

Why is it impossible to vaccinate during illness?

Any disease weakens the immune system, and it should work 100% after the introduction of the vaccine so that the body can in sufficient quantities to develop antibodies to the disease. Moreover, he should not be distracted by the fight against an infection, which was possibly the cause of the disease.

More about vaccinations can be found in the article Calendar of vaccination and vaccination of children. What do parents need to know about vaccinations and vaccination of children?

Councils of Dr. Komarovsky about vaccination

Dr. Komarovsky has his own opinion about vaccination and when you can get vaccinated, how to prepare for them and what to do after. Let's find out his advice.

Contraindications to vaccination according to Dr. Komarovsky

In order for the vaccination to work and form the correct immunity to the disease, the child must be absolutely healthy, because Any disease is an immunity load.

  • “Healthy” means the absence of infectious diseases, if the child has a fracture of limb, you can do vaccinations
  • You can also vaccinate if the disease proceeds without fever and the child does not feel sick. But with infectious mononucleosis and chickenpox, it is impossible to vaccinate the child
  • Vaccination is allowed if the child has a small runny nose, which does not affect his condition and feels good

How to prepare for vaccination. Tips of Dr. Komarovsky

Here are a few tips that will help your child with a vaccine easier:

  1. Do not experiment with new food
  2. The digestive system should not be loaded. Do not overfeed the child, but rather undress the day before vaccination. Do not feed by force if there is no appetite
  3. Do not let me go an hour before the vaccination and at least half an hour after, and preferably even longer
  4. Do not overheat the child on the way to the clinic or sitting under the vaccination cabinet. If this happens, change clothes, cool, drink the child to make up for the lost fluid in the body
  5. Do not visit crowded places, do not go to visit and do not call your friends, especially with children. The immune system does not need to be distracted now to fight viruses and infections
  6. In the clinic, it is better not to sit in line and not contact other people and children, take the line and walk this time on the street

What to do after vaccination. Tips of Dr. Komarovsky

After your child has been vaccinated: you need to vaccinate:

  • go out of the fresh air
  • do not overfeed the child, but better to undergo
  • drink a lot of water, compote, juice, tea, in general any liquid
  • ensure a cool clean wet air at home
  • avoid crowded places and people in general, so as not to become infected after vaccination
  • if the temperature rises and the condition of the child worsens strongly - call a doctor, give the child an antipyretic in any form

Parents are always responsible for their children, so a choice to make or not make vaccinations in general or specifically today - your choice and you are responsible for it.

If your maternal intuition does not give you rest, you noticed that the child sneezed, or did not sleep well at night, it is better to set the vaccine for several days, when he, in your opinion and the opinion of the pediatrician, will be absolutely healthy and his body will be ready for this important procedure.

VIDEO: When you can not get vaccinated - the school of Dr. Komarovsky

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Comments K. article

  1. Good morning, the child is 4 months old, and the mother’s nasal congestion and green discharge from the nose. Stot to postpone the DTP

  2. At first I was generally thinking of abandoning vaccinations, then I began to study precisely scientific literature, and not just disturbing reviews of mothers. And she came to the conclusion that it was better to get used to than to risk the health of the child. Well, in order to minimize the possibility of adverse reactions and allergies, I give it Enterosgel. And all is well.

  3. So I believe that it is better to acquire immunity due to vaccinations, and not after illness. After all, the sore itself is not as terrible as the consequences that she can bring.

  4. When I was preparing to become a mother, I was looking for information, weighed everything and came to the conclusion - vaccinations are needed. You just need to put a healthy child and it is better to be one at a time, and not immediately in a bunch. A week before vaccination, I begin to give an enterosgel to my son, it removes toxins and does not touch the necessary substances, dysbiosis therefore does not threaten from it. All vaccinations were put on schedule - the baby was perfectly transferred.

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