Vaccinations: myths and reality

Vaccinations: myths and reality

The correct understanding of the importance of vaccinations. When you can do vaccination, in which cases it is dangerous to health.

The urgent question about the need for vaccination gives rise to disputes among the population that are designed to find out whether it is necessary to vaccinate or is it a large conspiracy of companies related to the sale of drugs for the vaccine.

Despite the fact that there have been no large epidemics recently, people appear who claim that the vaccine does not warn the disease, but, on the contrary, provokes its appearance. It is worthwhile to figure out where the truth is and what is a fictional myth.

Vaccinations: True and myths

  • The essence of any vaccination is to present the distinctive data of the disease without pathogenic cells
  • Vaccination allows the immune system to start developing antibodies that will fight the detected elements of the disease with its primary entry into the body. The vaccine itself, although it is done on the basis of cells of a full -fledged disease, does not harm a person
  • The most common myth appears here that after vaccination there is a slight form of disease
  • In fact, this is not so, because the vaccine is not able to cause a disease due to the lack of those microorganisms that are pathogens
  • In some vaccines, these microorganisms are present if data on the disease cannot be transmitted differently, but they are so weakened that they are simply not able to negatively affect the body
  • Such vaccines are used to protect against tuberculosis, measles, chickenpox, yellow fever, rubella and some other diseases

In some cases, such vaccinations can cause complications immediately after vaccination, which are very similar to the symptoms of a real disease. That is why new opponents of absolutely all vaccinations appear.

This is due to an erroneous understanding of how the vaccine works. When vaccinating, you really need to be careful about drugs and clinics where vaccination is made. Compliance with all precautions excludes the appearance of negative consequences.

Often discussed myths about vaccinations

  • One of the myths concerns the vaccination of children with an increased allergic reaction. Such children should be vaccinated with the rest. The only thing to vaccinate must be done in the period when there is no allergy activity. An exception can only be the occurrence of an allergy to a previously introduced vaccine or a special reaction to the components of the vaccine
  • Vaccination of a sick child. Parents evade vaccination, motivating their solution to the child’s current disease. It is not right. Any disease even more attracts infectious diseases if the child is not vaccinated. In addition, the current disease will not deteriorate after vaccination
  • An exception is only diseases that occur with an increase in body temperature. The same rule applies to premature children. For them there is only the only warning that excludes the vaccination of BCG and then not in all cases

  • A separate category of people is afraid to vaccinate when neurological diseases appear. With this behavior, they only worsen the condition, because without vaccination, with a neurological disease, the chance to catch a viral infection increases. Here you just need to correctly draw up a vaccine schedule. The decision is offered by a doctor in an individual case, but the refusal of protection is really destructive
  • Vaccines for dysbiosis are discussed not only among the population, but also in a medical society. At the moment, the correct opinion is this: vaccination should not be done only if dysbiosis has a severe form. You should wait for a complete cure and only then make a vaccine. In other cases, there is no reason to avoid vaccination
  • Great disputes were caused by the approval of the English doctor, who claimed that vaccination causes the development of autism. After the publication of this opinion, a lot of research was conducted in this area. At the moment, the version of the development of autism after vaccination is completely refuted. The work of the English doctor is recognized as unscientific publication, due to gross violations and incorrect research methods that led to erroneous conclusions

Influenzes from influenza

The flu vaccinations have a slightly different goal, they allow you to reduce the consequences of the influenza and weaken the course of the disease. Therefore, both an vaccinated person or not vaccinated can get a flu. The only difference is who will transfer the treatment process.

Also, do not think that the only flu vaccination produces antibodies for the rest of his life. This is not true. The fact is that the influenza virus is constantly changing, acquires new forms. It should also be understood that enhanced immunity with vaccination actively works only three or four months, after which the vaccination action stops.

Another myth of flu vaccination concerns the financial side of the issue. Unlike compulsory vaccinations, vaccination against influenza can not be done, here everyone should decide on their own. Therefore, this group of vaccinations is not free for everyone. At the expense of the state, it is made only to special groups of the population.

Vaccinations and reality

  • Reality shows that vaccinations are not always safe. This is true. The introduction of infectious bacteria, even in a weakened form, can give a negative result. It all depends on the personal tolerance of the body, its reaction to the vaccine
  • In most cases, vaccination allows you to protect the body from the attack of dangerous viruses. There were also cases when the consequences of vaccination were very unpleasant. Absolutely accurately argue that vaccinations are safe. Some scientists compare vaccination with car driving
  • Personal transport gives certain advantages, but is not a full -fledged protection against an accident on the road. The same is the situation with vaccinations. The state program insists on vaccination, because in percentage it carries more benefit than harm

  • In any case, before the use of vaccination, you should thoroughly study the body, check its reaction and determine allergic susceptibility. The decision on vaccination should be taken purely individually. In some cases, after examining the patient, even doctors do not recommend vaccinations
  • Do not forget that most people have successfully made the necessary vaccinations without any consequences and do not remember either about them or the diseases at all. If the child does not have any deviations from the usual development, it is worth doing vaccination
  • In addition, in our country there is a special control body that carefully studies all vaccines and allows their use only after security confirmation

Advantages of vaccination

Vaccination allows you to protect against the aggressive effects of diseases. Mass vaccinations exclude the appearance of epidemics. In the history of medicine, there is a wonderful example when the vaccine practically excluded the incidence of whooping cough.

After some time, it was decided to cancel the mandatory vaccination from this disease and a few years later, whooping cough began to increase, showing global activity.

This example shows that while most citizens are vaccinated, the epidemics are not afraid of us. People, not seeing dangers, begin to doubt whether this is really the merit of the vaccine.

It is extremely rare when vaccinations give negative consequences. But they exist and are carefully recorded. However, it should be understood that any consequences after vaccination cause less harm than a possible disease with a complex infectious disease. In some cases, complications are put on the scales after vaccination and human life.

Video: Galina Chervonskaya vaccinations Myths and reality

In the scientific field, there are a brightly negative opinion about vaccination. These disputes will never subside. It is not yet clear whether these statements are true, or is it another desire to go against the system. Galina Chervonskaya’s video is quite interesting and enables everyone to draw independent conclusions.

Video: Chervonskaya. Myths and reality about vaccinations

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