Muscle stretching: first aid, symptoms, treatment

Muscle stretching: first aid, symptoms, treatment

People who play sports, or sharply begin to increase their activity, often encounter muscle stretching. This causes severe discomfort, and causes pain.

This article will talk about what muscle stretching is, as well as methods for alleviating human condition.

What happens when muscle stretching?

  • If we consider muscle stretching from the point of view of physiology, this stretching of muscle fibers, which provokes severe pain. Most often this arises if a person will actively train.
  • Often such an injury appears if a person falls or receives a household injury. Next, it will be considered in detail why the ligaments are stretched, and how to treat it.

Injury - muscle stretching: degree of injury

There are several degrees of muscle stretching:

  • First. It consists in the fact that a small number of fibers are damaged. Painful sensations disappear themselves, without additional intervention from a person. It is only necessary to observe peace.
  • The second. With this degree of damage, the joint swells, which is why pain intensifies. In this case, the help of a doctor will be required.
  • Third. It consists in a complete rupture of the muscles, which is why unbearable pain appears. Often this causes joint violation. If you are severely injured, see a doctor immediately.
Injuries can have a different severity
Injuries can have a different severity

Symptoms of muscle stretching

It is not difficult to determine that your muscle stretching is not difficult. The injury is manifested by such symptoms:

  • joint swelling
  • strengthening the pain over time
  • the appearance of a bruise or hematoma
  • impaired limb or joint functioning

The causes of muscle stretching

There are several reasons why muscle stretching occurs. They are divided into several categories. The first group is technical reasons, and the second is physiological. Further, each category will be considered in detail.

Technical causes of muscle stretching

This category implies that muscle stretching occurs due to improper performing sports exercises:

  • Lack of warm -up or its poor quality
  • Jerks
  • Performing exercises with a lot of weight
  • A large number of repetitions

According to statistics, most often muscle stretching occurs due to poor-quality warm-up. If it is good not to warm up muscle tissue, then a large load leads to their damage.

  • If you perform exercises with roar, then you can break the ligaments. Try raise a lot of weight smoothly. It is best to ask a friend or coach to insure you so as not to harm your health.
  • Most often, muscle tension collides inexperienced athletes, who want to quickly achieve the desired result. If you immediately raise a weight of about 25 kg or more, then the chances of damaging the muscle increase significantly. It is better to gradually increase the load so that the muscles can get used to the load.
Complex exercises can cause
Complex exercises can cause

Physiological causes

  • Everyone knows that you need to eat right for health. But, do you know that malnutrition has a direct effect on the condition of the muscle. Try to eat so that the body receives a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Proteins should prevail in the diet, because they participate in the structure of muscle tissue.
  • If you have disrupted metabolism, then the strength of muscle tissue will decrease. As a result, you will receive injuries, even with a slight load.
  • A high risk of obtaining ligaments in people who often raise severity or are in an uncomfortable position for a long time. This applies to those who spend a lot of time in a sitting position. Can lead to stretching the ligaments can high or low body temperature.

What to do with muscle stretching?

  • If it happened that you pulled the muscle, you must immediately stop physical exercises. With a slight injury, discomfort will take place for several days. You should not play sports through pain, because this can aggravate your condition. The muscles need rest, at least a week.
  • If the hip muscles occurred, you can play sports, but do not perform exercises on your feet. Pay attention to the back and hands for a week.
  • If the pain is felt in the abdomen, use bandage From woolen fabric. You should also control your emotions, because even a small laughter can cause severe pain.
Muscle stretching - first aid provision
Muscle stretching - first aid

Modern methods of treatment

There are several methods that allow you to cope with pain:

  • Peace. Within 3-4 days you need to adhere to the bed rest. But, this method is effective only if the muscle stretching is slight.
  • Apply ice to the sore spot. Change the compresses every 15 minutes. In order not to damage the epidermis, wrap the ice or a frozen product in a towel.
  • Fixation. Fix the damaged muscle using a latch. It can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Medical treatment of muscle stretching

To cope with pain, and contribute to the rapid restoration of the damaged muscle, you can use such drugs:

  • Nesteroid group. It includes drugs such as Ibuprofen, Diclofenak or Dolgizin. They reduce pain, and stop the inflammatory process.
  • Musorelaxants. These include "Baclofen" and "Midokalm". They help remove muscle tone.
  • Warming ointments. These include Fastum and Voltaren-Gel. Their action is aimed at removing inflammation and eliminating pain.
  • Drugs against edema. These include "Lyoton" and "Troxevazin". They help accelerate the absorption of hematoma.
  • Special plasters. You can use it "Nanoplast" or "Olfen". They allow you to relieve inflammation, swelling and restore damaged tissues.

Folk remedies of treatment

If you do not want to adhere to medical treatment, use folk remedies. The most common and effective recipes:

  • Mix salt and flour In equal proportions. Add a little water and form a cake from the prepared mass. Attach it to the sore spot, and bandage it with a bandage. Wrap with a warm cloth (scarf or towel). Hold the compress until it becomes tough.
  • Mix grape ash and olive oil in a ratio of 1: 4. Attach to a sore spot, and hold for several hours.
  • Grind raw potatoes and cabbage leaves. Make a slurry from these ingredients, and attach to the sore spot. Rinse with a bandage, and put a plastic bag on top. Dige with a warm cloth. It is better to make such a compress at night.
  • Mix blue, white and red clay (in equal proportions), and combine with water. A thick slurry should turn out. Lubricate the sore spot with the cooked gruel, and bandage with a bandage. Fix the compress with plastic film and warm cloth. Clay mass works better in warmth. Hold the compress for several hours.


  • To restore the damaged muscle, it is necessary to engage in physiotherapy physical education. If this is not done, then the slightest force exercise can again provoke an injury.
  • You need to seek help from a specialist who will select an optimal set of exercises for you. It all depends on the degree of damage and place of muscle stretching.
Come in shape gradually
Come in shape gradually

Optimal exercises that can be performed:

  • The lift of the leg is sideways.
  • Clutching the ball hips.
  • Step.
  • Twims with resistance.
  • Isometric contractions of the quadriceps.
  • Small slopes of the case.

Treatment with physiotherapy

Often, with severe damage to muscle tissue, physiotherapy is prescribed to a person. The most effective procedures:

  • Electrophasis - from 5 to 10 sessions
  • UHF - up to 8 sessions
  • Magnetic therapy - 12 sessions
  • Amplitude pulse - up to 10 sessions

If your actions have led to muscle stretching, stop physical activity, and proceed to treatment. A little damage can be cured with a bandage and bed rest. If the stretching is quite strong, do not self -medicate, and immediately consult a doctor. He will prescribe treatment to you, depending on the degree of damage. Remember that you need to be careful about your health, so trust it with specialists.

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Comments K. article

  1. Gel Heater from Hors Fors always saves me, Madu and the pain is expeling. Modes to relieve Masheyan spasm and tension

  2. And I use the tonic Gel Lavrik from sprains. It improves blood circulation, cools the sore spot and treats stretching.

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