Desert birds: names, photos, brief description

Desert birds: names, photos, brief description

Birds of desert: photo and descriptions

The birds of the desert are as amazing as she is. Tourists who were in this kingdom of sand can tell that the desert seems empty and lifeless only during the day. She comes to life at night. From all sides, unfamiliar and frightening sounds come to you. Many predatory birds of deserts go hunting at night. African eagle owl under the cover of darkness is looking for prey at dawn and at dusk. And his prey, oglous mice and lizards, in the coolness of the night are in a hurry to do their jobs.

However, African nudes can be found more often in a stone desert. And about which birds of deserts are able to survive in the sands, in the most arid places, and in the most severe conditions, we will tell in this article.

Desert grouse - desert bird

Roices are the birds of the deserts that have chosen arid areas for life. They live in the north of Sahara, live in the arid regions of Southern Europe and East Asia. And they live, both in the desert and in an ordinary steppe. These birds can be found in many deserts of Eurasia and Africa, they did not reach the desert of Sonor and Mohava on the American continent.

A white -brown grouse flies to the north of Sahara for wintering. These birds are special, their nest can be at a distance of 50 km from the watering. And every day the male flies several times to the water. There he wet his feathers on his stomach into the water, and brings this life -giving moisture to the chicks. These birds of deserts eat exclusively dry food. The basis of their diet is dry grains. The chicks independently find food from the first days. And still, in the sugar of these birds you can only find when their nesting season has already ended, and all the chicks got stronger. The desert is harsh.

Desert grouse
Desert grouse

Desert brown -headed raven

These crows are only slightly different from ordinary ravens in color. The desert raven has a brown head. Otherwise, these birds of the Sahara deserts are similar to ordinary ravens familiar to us. They also piercing piercingly, and have the same complex disposition.

The brown -headed raven is very careful about people, and it rarely manages to approach. These birds could also be superstitious for bad messengers because they can eat carrion. For example, eat a dead camel or look for prey near the caravan routes. But desert crows are dexterous hunters. They are able to fall down with a stone, make fascinating pirouettes and catch game in size to the rabbit.

Brown -headed raven
Brown -headed raven

Golden Eagle - Bird of Sahara Desert

Sahara has very cruel natural conditions, few animals and feeds for them. But among the birds of the Sahara desert - there is a good bitch familiar to us. In American sources, they are called eagles, and yes, in terms of biological classification, these are eagles. But in Russia these birds know how Berkutov.

Berrokuts are huge birds with a wave of wings up to 2.5 meters. They have hawk vision and tenacious claws. Golden Eagle can even catch an eared viper, cobra or desert snake that lives in sugar. But more often their prey are mice and lizards.

Golden Eagle - Desert Bird
Golden Eagle - Desert Bird

The spacing range in sugar is quite large. They nest not in the sands, but mainly on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea and in oases. But the range of their flights is huge, and these strong birds of the desert can be seen above the sands, where a person’s leg did not step.

Berkut distribution range in sugar
Berkut distribution range in sugar

Sahara is located on the territory of 15 modern countries. And in width it extends to a huge 5,000 kilometers. When writing this article about the birds of the desert, we faced certain difficulties. The fact is that in almost all of the 15 countries of the Sahara desert there is a war, civil or international. The poor land of the desert and the hot climate make the life of not only birds, but also people. Some atlas, in which all the birds of the Sahara would be collected, simply not. Because there is no one to compose it.

Desert Kamenka

This is a small bird with a sonorous voice. Kamenka belongs to the birds of the sugar desert, but they can also be found in the desert of Kazakhstan with the name Kyzylkum or other desert areas of Asia.

Desert Kamenka
Desert Kamenka

What can a stump in sugar eat? The answer to this question is amazing. It turns out that the winds are carried away from sugar sand. They take him so far that he is found even in South America in the Amazon Valley. And they bring seeds to sugar. Small birds of deserts, and among them stoves, are able to collect these tiny seeds. It is very rare to rain over sugar, and then a miracle occurs: grass begins to grow in golden sands.

Sparrows - desert birds

Vorobyov in the Sahara There are several types. These are ordinary house sparrows, and black -breasted sparrows, in which the tummy is not monophonic, but with colorful black feathers, and desert sparrows, Which are slightly smaller and lighter than ordinary sparrows. This is not to say that sparrows are bird birds. They can be found in sugar, but not as often as in areas with a softer climate.

Sparrows in the desert
Sparrows in the desert

Sparrows nest mainly on the saxauls. They make a round nest in which they trim from three to five eggs. Saxaul - This is a unique desert tree. It can get water from a depth of up to 30 meters. And its roots absorb moisture like a sponge. If the tree usually absorbs water with a pressure of up to 3 atmospheres, then the saxaul is as many as 100 atmospheres.

Saksaul in Sahara
Saksaul in Sahara

In the southern strip of sugars, you can find birds of the desert not similar to ordinary sparrows. These are yellow sparrows that, with their appearance, are a little like parrots. Yellow sparrows are sometimes mistakenly called singers, but this is not so. They tweet like ordinary house sparrows, and their voice is even more sharp.

Yellow sparrow
Yellow sparrow

In sugar oases, you can also find ordinary caresses, which are used to call tips in Russia. Oases in sugar are places where groundwater comes to the surface. And under the tons of sand there are really a lot of groundwater.

Blue tit
Blue tit

Under the Sahara there are entire underground seas with fresh water. It is believed that 10,000 years ago there was an ocean above the desert. On the territory of Egypt in the desert, the remains of whales who lived in those distant times were found.

Faranov Filin - Desert Bird

Among the birds of the desert, the desert eagle owl occupies a special place. He competes in the struggle for food with other amazing Barrow predators. With a fluffy deserted cat and fox fenec. All these predators go hunting only when a terrible semi -born heat falls. At dusk, the desert comes to life, and the voices of its inhabitants are heard from all sides.

Faralov Filin is a bird of a desert that has amazing vision. Filin is able to notice the mouse from a distance of 650-800 meters in almost complete darkness. To see, they need a light source, but they have enough light of one candle located at a distance of 800 meters. Almost all places in orbits are Eye apples. There is practically no room for the motor muscles. Therefore, the gaze of the owls seems frozen and motionless.

They say that this bird of the desert can be caught if you slyly sneak up to it from behind. The eyes of the owls are located so that they see only ahead of themselves. And they can turn their heads only on a rustle. The neck of these birds is very mobile, and their head can turn 360 degrees!

Desert nudes feed on mice, lizards, snakes, and even scorpions. For life, they choose a stone desert. North Africa and the Middle East are the whole habitat of Faraone Filin. You will not meet them in other deserts of Asia. A stone desert in sugar is a transitional zone between sand and steppe.

The nest of the desert eagle owl
The nest of the desert eagle owl

Birds of the desert in Mexico

The birds of the desert in Mexico are quite like such as the birds of the desert in sugar. The Mexican desert is a softer and favorable environment for the life of birds. Although the birds that feed on cacti are amazing. In Mexican deserts, many cacti grow, the most famous of them is called Pachitserus Princli. Mexicans use these cacti, like a hedge. The Indians made the crests of their needles. And the birds of the desert chose them as their home.

Huge cactus Pachitserus Princls from the desert of Sonor
Huge cactus Pachitserus Princls from the desert of Sonor

The next photo is woodpecker Gila. For this bird, a cactus can be a dining room and home. The hollow inside the cactus and a bird's nest in it is a common thing for birds of the desert in Mexico. The woodpecker Gila eats mainly insects, but he can enjoy the berries. For example, the fruits of the mistletoe.

Woodpecker Gila
Woodpecker Gila

In the Mexican desert, as in the Sahara, there are natives. They are slightly smaller in size, but the same dangerous hunters. They can eat poisonous spiders and snakes. An ordinary or small elven elf can arrange a nest in a cactus.

In addition to pachycerus, in order to organize a nest, a cactus with the name of Carnegia is suitable. It is also high and has a wide trunk.

Owl nest in the desert
Owl nest in the desert

This is not to say that the birds of the desert in Sonor are safe to live on cacti. Predators are not behind. For example, in the next photo, a red lynx, which was pushed into a Pachitserus.

Enemies of the birds of the Sonora desert
Enemies of the birds of the Sonora desert

Hummingbirds, elven owls and other birds of deserts are able to get moisture from sweet syrup of young cacti.

Elven owl
Elven owl

In the American desert, a secretary bird may meet you. They say that the bird got its name due to the fact that before the secretaries in the courts loved to decorate their curls with feathers from their crest. But this bird itself is similar to a quick office worker. A secretary bird quickly runs and thus hunts. It can be seen in flight, but only in the wedding period. Secretary birds are very large, body length can reach 1.5 meters. They can be found both in American deserts and on the southern border of Sahara.

Secretary bird
Secretary bird

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Video: Dancing Ginov - a film about animals and birds of Sahara


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