Ordinary finch: a brief description of a bird for children, interesting facts

Ordinary finch: a brief description of a bird for children, interesting facts

Man is far from the only living creature that lives on planet Earth. We are surrounded by hundreds of thousands of other creatures: insects, mammals, vertebrates, they are all unique and beautiful.

Today we suggest talking about such an interesting and beautiful bird as a finch.

What does the poultry look like a finch, where does it live?

  • The finch is called the singing bird of the Wyckov family. These cute birds always look like elegant and beautiful.
  • A small bird usually weighs a small bird no more than 45 g, And the length of the body from the head to the tail is approximately 15 cm.
  • The finches have very much Bright, colorful color. Despite the fact that in human life we \u200b\u200bare used to seeing more elegant and beautiful women, in bird life often the opposite.

Bright and attractive feathers are a distinctive sign of a male, while females are painted in less catchy colors. Males most often look like this: a grayish back, the upper part of the tail is green, the wings are black and white, the chest part is pale or burgundy, and the head is grayish, brownish or even bluish. The female finish in color is more like a sparrow, all her feathers are painted in a greenish, grayish and black color.

  • In summer, these birds are fed and, of course, lose their attractive appearance - the body is painted in brownish shades and colors.

Different species of finches in different regions of the country live in different countries of the world live:

  • This type of bird is found In Europe, West Asia and North Africa.
  • Most often, finches settle in the forests, there they are comfortable and calm there, but they can also be seen in parks, squares, artificially created forest belts, and even in gardens and gardens at houses
  • If the birds are not in danger, they are happy to settle near our houses.

The origin of the name of the poultry

These birds have a very interesting and difficult name and, of course, we are all interested in why they call it that.

There is no unequivocal opinion regarding the origin of the name of the poultry, but there are such versions:

  • There is an opinion that the finch was called a finch due to the fact that He does not tolerate cold and chilly weather. The need for such birds to winter in warm lands is also connected with the same.
  • Others, on the contrary, are inclined to the fact that the finches got their name due to the fact that fly to the warm edges during the chill of the weather, But not because they do not tolerate cold.
  • The Latin name of the bird is translated as "chill", Therefore, we can assume that the birds got their name after all due to the weather conditions in which they live and to which they adapt.

Konable: wintering or migratory bird?

The answer to this question is already partially voiced, but let's talk about this a little more.

  • Many believe that porcelain migratory birds, Since they do not like severe frosts, however, this is not entirely true.
  • These birds can be migratory, nomadic and settled - This will directly depend on those climatic conditions in which the finch lives.
  • If birds live in too cold regions, for the winter they will really fly to where they will be warmer and more comfortable. The finches fly away with the onset of the first tangible colds - during the first frosts, they return in early spring, most often the output still snow on the ground. The flight of the finch is carried out Not by once, but getting down into flocks of about 100 individuals. Every 5-10 hours they land to find food and relax.
  • These birds are not always flying to other countries, often they are simply move to the southern regions of their habitat.
  • If the finches live in the southern regions of the country or they manage to find themselves suitable place for wintering, They can stay for the winter in their permanent place of residence.

Where do the finch winter hibernate?

  • Winterly winters in those countries and regions of countries in which there are suitable conditions for them: a certain temperature, food.
  • Most often, these birds choose these birds for wintering Central Europe, Asia Minor, Crimea and Kazakhstan, sometimes they go to North Africa.

When, in what month do the finch arrives in the spring?

  • Despite the fact that the finches fly away as soon as they feel the first serious frosts, they fly home in early spring.
  • Pubcisions They arrive at us in mid -February.
  • Some of them fly a little later - in March. And it even happens that the finch arrives in April, But, as a rule, they always return home even when the earth is covered with snow.
Arrive when the snow still lies
Arrive when the snow still lies

Males are always the first to return and only females fly in 1-2 weeks after them.

What sounds make fins: do they squeak, creak or sing?

Konables are amazing birds, their singing is vaguely reminiscent of the singing of the nightingale. It is worth saying that the finches are able to make a variety of sounds, they can be squealing, creaking and, of course, sing. Moreover, their songs are very melodic, original and sonorous.

  • The birds begin to sing in the spring, at the time when they begin marriage period. It is worth saying that the males are file and loudly, so they attract their females. Females, like small chicks, sing less attractive, not so loudly, loudly and solemn.
  • The song of the finch begins with a very quiet, calm whistles - This is the first stage of the song, a kind of chant.
  • Next, we hear the most beautiful trill, it does not last long, literally a few seconds.
  • The bird ends his song with a very short, but sharp sound, which is called a stroke.
  • Also finally knows how to “ruffle” - make sounds similar to lingering "Rrrrru."
  • Almost every male can sing 5-10 different songs.
  • If a whole flock of finches sings, you can hear right away Several song options.

Is it true that the finch with danger shouts like a cat?

Each bird, feeling danger, begins to make certain preventive sounds. They warn not only an object of danger about the mood of the finch, but also all its comrades who are nearby, that it is worthwhile to be wary.

  • Demonstratively The finch expresses severe alarm with a sharp, loud and repeating sound with a wide frequency range. In these birds, such signals most often resemble “kicking”. All such sounds of the finch are surely publishes loudlyObviously, that the enemy could see him and stop the persecution.
The finches are squealing loudly
The finches are squealing loudly
  • However, sometimes the finch does not want to stand out too much against the background of the rest of the birds and demonstrate your excitement. In this case, he makes the sounds of hidden anxiety. Most often they look like a long, very, very thin whistle, which It begins and ends almost soundlessly. The finch gives such a signal, as a rule, once to help his comrades and warn them about a possible danger, but at the same time not to give themselves their whereabouts

During the danger, the finch does not make sounds like a cat, he does not scream like a cat and, in principle, does not know how to imitate this animal.

Where are the nests of the fins and why do they put on their nests with leaves of trees?

  • With the advent of warm spring weather, finches begin to equip their nests, since very soon they have to bring new chicks into this world.
  • Konables are unimaginent birds in terms of arranging nests, the only condition that they always seek to fulfill is find a place for nesting not in dense thickets.
  • Most often, these birds build nests on branches coniferous and deciduous trees. If the tree is leafy, then the nests are curled closer to the barrel, preferably on the side branches. If the tree is coniferous - the nest is equipped on the edge of the branch, away from the barrel.
  • Most often, the fins build their nests at an altitude of 2-4 m, it is already safer there, but not too high, and this is convenient, because with the advent of the chicks the female constantly descends to the ground to find food to herself and the kids.
  • Collectors are great builders, they always build strong and durable nests. To build them, only the most durable and suitable materials are chosen, dry branches, moss, leaves, feathers, fluff, soft materialsthat birds manage to find, and even a web.
  • These birds are characterized by the fact that females are engaged in the construction of nests, while males can only extract the necessary building materials.
  • Since the finch are often in danger, they always mask their nests. And what could be better for disguise in the forest than the leaves of trees? Nothing. That is why diligent and caring birds stick around their nests leaves of trees, moss, bark.
Zyblikov's nest, pool eggs
Zyblikov's nest, pool eggs

What eggs have a finch, what do they look like?

In the first laying, the female lays about 5-7 eggs, in the second a little less-3-4 pcs.

  • Eggs of the fins very small.
  • Most often they are blue with a greenish tint or yellowish with a red tint, and pinkish stains.

How do the posterity of the finch are withdrawn?

The finches do not belong to those birds who live in a couple all their lives, so one male can fertilize several females at once per season.

  • First, marriage games begin at the fins, the males vigorously sing their songs, attracting the attention of females. Sometimes real battles take place between the males, because each of them can fall in love with the same female.
  • After the female with the male is formed temporary pair, They start mating. This happens either on the ground or on the branches.
  • Then the female lays eggs And it is taken to hatch them. At this time, providing the pair takes over the male, he brings different food to the female, since she does not leave the nest under any pretext.
  • This process lasts 14 days, after which the eggs appear small, naked and red chicks, with a barely noticeable fluff on the body.
  • The first masonry of eggs is made in mid -May. At the end of summer, this whole process will be repeated, females will deduce another offspring of chicks - already in a new place, in a new nest and, possibly, with a new partner.

How do the finch care about their offspring?

The finch are very caring parents, they do not leave their chicks, feed them and protect them from predators.

  • After the appearance of small cubs The female begins to leave his house in search of food for both himself and children. But now taking care of them is a matter of not only mom, but also dad. The male also brings food to the chicks.
  • It is worth noting that the chicks are constantly asked to eat, so adult finches are always in search of plant and animal food for children (mainly animal).

Males of finches feed not only their children, but also other people's chicks. They all the time are guarded by order, look out for enemies and seeing danger, immediately give alarming signals to warn other parents about a possible danger.

  • After another 2 weeks, small chicks make their first flight, as a rule, parents at this time are in the nest or next to it.

What do birds eat finish?

The diet of finches is very diverse, in this regard they real gourmets.

  • These birds eat not only plant foods, but also of various insects. As a rule, insects form the basis of the diet of finches in the summer, when a bird can easily get a delicious “living” food for itself. The rest of the time, the fins are mainly eaten by plant foods, which is mined by collecting and disinfected from cones, acorns.
  • From plant foods, finches prefer to eat nettle seeds, spruce, pines, various flowers, kidneys, fruits and berriesthat manage to get.
  • From insects, birds eat various bugs, flies, larvae, They love to enjoy various caterpillars and ants.
Plant food and insects
Plant food and insects

KLACK: Interesting facts for children

The finch is a very beautiful, interesting bird about which you can tell a lot of interesting facts:

  • In nature, there are approximately 450 species  zyablikov.
  • Very often they cohabit in flocks with sparrows. At the same time, it is very easy to confuse the female with a sparrow.
  • To build Strong and comfortable nest, A hardworking female makes approximately 1.5 thousand descents to the ground and the rise to the branch.
  • In nature, these birds live only a few years, but at home they can live up to 10 years.
  • Pubcisions - daytime birds - They act only during the day, at night they rest.
  • At home, the fins do not sing beautiful songs and, in principle, rarely sing.
  • Males of these birds are recognized one of the brightest in color in Europe.
  • Konables do not walk on the ground, they move small jumps, Often side.
  • Even making flights from their nest, two -week chicks continue to eat what their parents get them.
  • Puffs can fly at speed 40-55 km/h. Despite this, most often they jump on the ground.
The brightest birds
The brightest birds

Pubcisions are small, amazing birds, whose life is filled with bright events and emotions. It is very interesting to observe and study fins - now you know, the most interesting facts about these birds and their most interesting periods

From the following articles you will learn about such birds as:

Video: Interesting facts about finches

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