Swallow Bird: Description for children. Bird Swallow: how it looks, what sizes, color, features, nutrition, habits, sortices, interesting features. Where do the birds hibernate hibernate?

Swallow Bird: Description for children. Bird Swallow: how it looks, what sizes, color, features, nutrition, habits, sortices, interesting features. Where do the birds hibernate hibernate?

In this article, we will talk about who the swallows are, and we will also learn the main features of these birds.

Swallows are birds that I know about everything. They have several species that differ in appearance and living conditions. In our article, we will talk about what are the features of the behavior and life of swallows, what they eat, how and where the nests are where, as well as what these birds have interesting features.

Bird Swallow: what does it look, what sizes, color, features?


To begin with, let's find out what kind of appearance the Bird Swallow has. The length of her body is 23 centimeters, and it weighs only 17-25 grams. This small bird is able to wave wings up to 25-30 centimeters.

The birds themselves are small. They have an elongated body, a small solid beak. The latter helps the bird seize prey in flight. At the same time, the tail of the bird's tail is quite long, and the wings, although long, but narrow. Thanks to its physique, a swallow can remain in flight for a long time and deftly maneuver.

Among the features can also be distinguished:

Features of swallows
Features of swallows

Many do not understand how to distinguish males of swallows from females. In fact, yes, they are very similar. But only the females have a more pale color and not such a long tail.

What kind of bird is a swallow?

The bird Swallow belongs to the Sparrow detachment, the family of swallows. Long tails and wings are distinguished from sparrows.

Swallow: Predatory bird or insectivorous?

Another question that should be disclosed is a bird of a predatory or insectivorous bird?

In fact, swallows belong to birds that feed on insects. They are not predators.

Swallow: wintering bird or migratory?

It is believed that the bird Swallow is the most famous migratory bird. Its description is found even in the works of ancient philosophers, such as Aristotle, as well as poets as Becker. They all wondered where exactly these birds fly away for the winter. Let's find out.

Where do the birds hibernate hibernate?

The bird swallow, depending on its habitat, can winter in different regions. In general, these birds are able to grow offspring in any conditions. As a rule, they are found in Europe, Asia, North America and Africa. Of course, these birds love warmth. They are also in the southern hemisphere in north of Australia, southern Argentina and Africa. It is in these regions that swallows are sent to the winter.

At the same time, swallows are engaged in the breeding of offspring in the Northern Hemisphere. The only place in the southern part is the pampas of Argentina.

What birds fly earlier: cuts or swallows?

Many are interested in the question - does the bird Swallow come in earlier or vice versa? In this case, it is important to understand that these are two different birds.

Swallows belong to the Sparrow detachment and nest in settlements. Accordingly, they are closer to a person. They help in extermination of flies and other harmful insects. In this case, the cuts belong to the detachment of long -winged ones. They fly very quickly and practically do not sit on the ground. They also eat insects that they manage to catch during the flight.

Previously, the swallows arrive in the spring, since the cuts have favorable nutritional conditions and feeding the chicks occur a little later.

Why do swallows fly later than other birds?

Where do swallows winter?
Where do swallows winter?

At the same time, the bird's swallow is not the earliest. As a rule, rooks are the very first arrived. They arrive about a month earlier - in early April. However, this is in the middle lane. Rooks find food for themselves thanks to a powerful beak. It allows them to get worms out of the ground.

Swallows are used to feeding flying insects. And they appear only after the onset of tangible warming. It comes around late April, early May. That is why swallows appear only at this time. So, the “schedule” of the arrival of birds can be linked with the features of their life.

Swallow: a village bird or urban?

Another important question is a village bird Swallow or urban? In fact, both are found. They are even highlighted in certain types.

The village swallow has black feathers on the back. In the light, they shimmer in blue. Her wings are the same. The breasts and abdomen have feathers of a whitish-pink shade. The people are commonly called “killer whales”. These birds usually live next to people. They settle mainly under the roofs. They arrive with the first spring warmth.

City swallows have a lighter abdomen. They also have a folk name - “funnels”. More often they can be found in the northern regions.

There are also earthen and wood swallows. The former as nests, as a rule, use minks in the ground. It is noteworthy that they dig them themselves. This species spends most of his life in flight, and is lowered to the ground to lay eggs and feed offspring. The second have a bright black plumage with a purple tint.

What does a swallow bird eat?

The bird swallow feeds mainly with insects. Even when on the street the weather and an absurd period, the birds do not try to look for some other nutrition. So it’s quite difficult for them to endure rainy weeks.

Usually, the territory where birds find food are located near the nest. Further, the birds do not fly away by 0.5 kilometers. Swallows easily manage to catch insects in open areas, but in the mountains they easily find food for themselves.

The basis of the diet of swallows are mosquitoes, midges, flies, various bugs, butterflies and dragonflies. When the air pressure becomes higher, especially in the period before the rains, the birds begin to look for food closer to the ground. By the way, it came from here that if the swallow flies close to the ground, then it will rain soon.

However, it also happens that even in good weather, swallows fall to the ground. This is due to the fact that many insects are concentrated there.

Heldings of bird Swallows: Features

The bird Swallow is constantly moving and rarely rests. She has well -developed wings, but it is difficult for her to control the extremities. Having weak paws, it is difficult to move swallows on foot. That is why they are infrequent guests on Earth. They mainly descend to find materials for the construction of nests. The rest of the time they feel good in the air.

Swallows are able to accelerate in flight to 160 km/h. Despite the high speed, you can’t occupy these birds with dexterity. Something in this regard, she is similar to a shelter, but he is a little faster. The latter accelerates to 200 km/h. By the way, many of these birds confuse. Their main difference is that swallows do not fold their wings, and cuts behave very loudly.

Swallows themselves are quite friendly and quite get along with other birds. For example, if another bird is hooked into the nest, then the swallow will simply find new housing.

What is the nest of a bird's nest from?

Swallow nest
Swallow nest
  • A bird swallow of a nest can be twisted in different ways. It all depends on the type of bird itself. For example, village Make nests resembling a half bowl. In this case, they attach the wall of the nest to the walls or roofs. Such a dwelling holds is very tight. The size of the nest is small. The bird is enough for it to enter there and her offspring.
  • Red -jealous appearance Usually creates large nests. The entrance to the dwelling is located in the lateral part and the tunnel is more reminiscent. It expands a little at the output or looks like a pipe.
  • Funnels They prefer to nest between brickwork, if there is a place there, or in the eaves. They choose places to create their dwellings that they are well protected from the wind and close from all sides. In this case, they have the entrance in the lateral part from below.
  • To build housing, swallows use lumps of the earth. This is mainly clay. And they moisten it with their own saliva. It is a kind of glue, and therefore the nest can serve for several years and not fall apart. Sometimes birds wove blade grass into the structure.
  • Typically, the construction of birds falls in mid -May. And this procedure lasts within 8-10 days. By this time, the female is ready to lay eggs. At the bottom, she puts hairs, feathers, moss and something else soft and warm. All materials help to heat the newborn chicks.
  • Strange as it may seem, females are engaged in modeling nests. The male’s task is to bring pieces of dirt and lay them in a heap. Bulberries are usually collected by birds at a distance of 250 meters from the alleged place of residence.

What kind of birds of birds are afraid of swallows?

The bird Swallow is afraid of the Falcon of Cheglok. This is a very dangerous enemy for a bird, because it is also clever and nimble. Sokols hunt near the reservoirs. As a rule, they catch swallows when they lose vigilance during food searches.

Which bird is more - siberus or swallow?

Sypusha refers to the genus of sibers. This is owls. They live in Russia mainly in the Kaliningrad region. Moreover, siberus refers to predators. Its sizes are considered average. So, body length reaches 25-40 centimeters. The wingspan is 85-96 centimeters. Compared to siphu, the bird is slightly smaller. Its dimensions do not exceed 23 centimeters, and the wingspan reaches only 25-30 centimeters.

Swallow Bird: interesting facts

The bird Swallow is speed and dexterity. However, there are many interesting facts about these birds. We’ll talk about them now.

  • As we have already said, there are a huge number of species of swallows. To be more precise, then there are about 120
  • Food of birds consists exclusively of insects, and mainly flying. These are mosquitoes, butterflies, beetles and others
  • If the swallows settle in the city, then they are normally treated to people and are not afraid of them. Often they create nests on balconies or under the eaves of houses
  • The vision of birds is perfectly developed. They are able to see a small insect even at a very large distance and pursue
  • Swallows are always looking for food. And this is not surprising, because chicks are able to eat up to 300 times a day
  • Swallows can not only eat on the fly. They can even sleep and drink, staying in motion
  • Swallows on average live from four to eight years old
  • Birds pass their nests to the next generation
  • In the Estonian Republic, village swallows are recognized as a national symbol
  • The same species of birds is applied to the Slovenian coin with a face value of 2 TOLAR
  • Swallows can lead themselves like cuckoos. They can lay eggs in a foreign nest or throw them

Signs related to a bird with a swallow: List

As you know, the Bird of a Swallow is associated with us not only with what it is feathered, but also with various signs. Let's find out what signs are related precisely to these birds.

Signs about swallows
Signs about swallows

Video: Interesting facts about swallows


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  1. Good article. I was helped with a description of the bird of the swallow.

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