The most beautiful birds of the world-TOP-25, photo

The most beautiful birds of the world-TOP-25, photo

The beauty of nature is unusual and bewitching. This article will talk about the most beautiful birds.

Flating and floating, bright and invisible, singing and chirping creatures adorn our lives, being a symbol of freedom, lightness, weightlessness, and flight. The variety of birds is so great that it is very difficult to choose the most beautiful ones from them. And yet let's try.

The most beautiful birds: TOP-25

  1. Starling

This beautiful bird is common on almost all continents - from Eurasia to Africa with New Zealand. Our regions leave the starlings for the winter, but in the southern and eastern parts of the mainland they are not removed from the place. At first glance, they are somewhat similar to black thrush, with the same dimensions, dark coloring, but at the same time confidently move with steps, not jumps.


Nice imitators: larks, irregularities, jams, and even frogs - sounds made by all these and many other representatives of the animal world, starlings are able to recreate. Moreover, the range of their “creativity” is individual and depends on the place of stay: the Squorses can pass themselves to the birds of the subtropics, and they can “voice” the bleating sheep and the dog who is barking at it.

  1. African ostrich

Giant among all the most beautiful birds, overtaking even a person with dimensions-ostriches weigh up to 150 kg, and their height-up to 2.5 m. They can develop the speed of the car (60-70 km/h), and already at the age of month, and the width of their step reaches 4 m. Usually they eat plant foods, but they do not refuse insects, and young individuals generally eat lizards, rodents, etc. The life expectancy of ostriches of the gathering with human-about 70-80 years.

African marriage dance
African marriage dance
  1. Australian Pelican

Very peculiar birds-fish with a huge throat bag, accommodating up to 5 liters of water. The catch is folded in a bag under the beak, eating about a kilogram per day. By the way, to attack their feathered relatives. It lives in tropical and moderate latitudes. Unfortunately, it has low survival among the chicks, from which most of them die.

  1. Oriole

A rather rare and beautiful bird is a bright Ivolga ordinary. It lives in the belt of a temperate climate. The Oriole is quite an active and noisy bird, but at the same time prefers loneliness or pair, not gathering in flocks. Modestly hides among the foliage, eats representatives of various types of insects, as well as berries. Makes long flights to tropical Asian and African belts.

  1. Pink flamingo

The bird sung in the songs is “a child of sunset”, with a pale pink body, red and black wings. During its migrations, our latitudes also visit - the Krasnodar and Stavropol Territories, Dagestan and Kalmykia, and even lives near the Kazakh lakes.

He prefers warm latitudes, nesting near the lakes of African countries, India and other hot areas.

  1. Black -headed dandy

Refers to the 3rdocks, endowed with dense dense feathers painted in a variety of colors. Certain types of tropical zones have crests. The wingspan is average. The beak is long, has a conical shape and is surrounded by a fairly wide red mask. They nest on trees, building nests in their middle, and existence also lead among shrubs.

  1. Penguin

Sea birds only look outwardly with various ones - they are excellent swimmers and divers. The largest and most representative of all 18 species of this bird is a penguin called imperial. Fish and crustaceans are mainly consumed for food. They live in coastal waters, spreading in Antarctic, South America, Australia.

Does not fly
Does not fly
  1. Wintering is ordinary

One of the most beautiful birds, With a bright plumage. Usually, it is difficult to distinguish the male from the female by color, they differ only in a small difference in size: the male is a little larger. It is quite difficult to see the hint, it is not particularly suffering companies and the neighborhood of birds. Wintering for a long time - up to 15 years live. They live in warm countries, at the end of spring it also flies to Russian average latitudes. Lives in reservoirs with clean water and the shores overgrown with vegetation.

  1. Waxer

The representative of the sparrow family is a singing bird of a waxwoman. Sets in taiga forests - both coniferous and mixed. A flock of bird, eats all kinds of insects, and can catch them even on the fly. Eats vegetation: young shoots, lingonberry berries, mountain ash, viburnum. Life expectancy exceeds 10 years.

Loves berries
Loves berries
  1. Olusha is bluish

The inhabitant of the coasts of the tropical seas, Mexican, Peruvian, Galapagos Islands (where about half of the entire population nest) with blue swimming membranes on the legs. Olushi females surpass males in size and weight. Olusha feeds with fish, which he mines into the sea, sometimes dive to a depth of up to 25 meters.

  1. Crowned crane

Constant residents of African countries with a golden crest on their heads. They prefer open areas, mostly swampy. Regarding without fear, it refers to a person, so it can settle near the houses. Plants are eaten in the form of shoots, seeds, often, by the way, raids on the fields, where they are happy to collect grain, and also feed on small insects.

  1. Hoopoe

A beautiful bird of small sizes, with a bright plumage, having a narrow long beak and a crest, which it can open with a fan. It lives in an open territory, occasionally populating fruit gardens or vineyards, cultivated by man. He prefers a warm climate, lives in the southern latitudes of Eurasia, in Africa. It feeds on insects.

With a crest
With a crest
  1. Eagle

Proud handsome men, sung in legends, myths, poems. Refers to the Hawstry family. Distributed everywhere, including tundra and tropical deserts. They can nest on a tree, and on a rock, and on the ground. Small animals are eaten for food, they can also eat carrion. Their relatives of Orlan also live everywhere, including Russia (here they are listed on the pages of the Red Book). Often settled by the water, complementing the "diet" with fish.

  1. Blue jay

This beautiful bird belongs to the singer, is the inhabitant of the North American continent, settling from Canada to Mexico. These birds, belonging to the family of the Vonnovs, settled in pairs or few family groups, but the flights are made by large packs. Like the starlings, Soyki are able to reproduce the sounds of other birds, which can both scare away a stranger and warn their fellow tribesmen about a possible threat.

  1. Sapsan

A predator owned by a falcon family settled almost throughout the earth, not having mastered only to Antarctica. There are almost two dozen varieties of Sapsan, which is the fastest creation in the world. Sapsan can dive at a speed of more than 300 km/h. Hunts for small birds and mammals. In Russia, it is listed in the Red Book, and throughout the world it is forbidden to trade in the Sapsans.

  1. Bullfinch

A forest resident familiar to everyone since childhood, especially beautiful against the backdrop of snow -white covers, shade his reddish breast (by the way, this is a feature of males, females have a gray breast). In summer, bullfinches are not so noticeable, since the thick crowns of the trees in which they like to settle are hidden. Birds eat mainly plant foods (berries, kidneys, seeds). Coniferous forests are preferred for nests, from which they prefer a spruce.

  1. The fan -like crowned dove

Belongs to the family of pigeons, and one of the most beautiful birds. Lives mainly in the northern part of New Guinea and nearby Islands. They live saddle, settled mainly in the forests, hold in small groups or make up pairs. They move on the ground, where they get food in the form of berries, seeds, fallen fruits, and having sensed danger, they are flicked on trees.

  1. Paradise birds

A beautiful bird, which is a relative of such a habitual sparrow. Red, yellow, blue feathers, often with a metallic tint, and sides, head, tail are often decorated with feathers with curls. These beauties live mainly on the territory of New Guinea, where almost 40 out of 45 species of representatives of paradise birds settled. Their relatives can also be considered birds of huts.

  1. Hummingbirds

A unique family, which has more than 300 species, which has the ability of a reverse flight. Their homeland is America. The smallest representatives of the birds, they are brave and brave and, protecting the chicks, are ready to attack those who surpass them in size. Their place of food is flowers, but not nectar, but small insects, flowing in flowers and leaves. They eat more than weigh themselves (and their weight does not exceed 2-3 grams). Another feature is that hummingbirds are in flight all the time, practically without sitting on the ground.

The smallest
The smallest
  1. Pheasant

The most beautiful representatives of these birds can be considered gold and diamond pheasants coming from Asia. In European countries, golden pheasants can only be seen in captivity. Their foods are leaves and shoots of bushes, also bamboo. Diamond pheasants have adapted more to the European climate, and today their populations live in England, where nuts, grain, and fern are produced for food.

  1. Peacock

Refers to the Fazanov family. Its main beauty lies in the tail, elongated and flat, which it periodically dissolves in the form of a fan. The colors of the peacock are very diverse, and the tail is decorated with "eyes" with many overflows and shades. In length, these birds reach more than a meter, weigh from 3 to 6 kg, depending on the floor. Life expectancy is up to 25 years.

  1. Ducks of tangerines and karolinki

The first is found in the countries of East Asia, it is also found in Russian territories close to them - Amur, Sakhalin, Khabarovsk, Primorsky Territory, flying away for the winter to Japan and China. Like any duck, a bird is waterfowl, eating worms, caviar, mollusks. Acids and a variety of aquatic plants are also consumed. Carolinka comes from North America, inhabiting small lakes in the forests. Eats both plant and animal food. For housing, he chooses hollows of trees surrounding a pond.

  1. Owl

Owls are predatory birds leading a night lifestyle. Distributed around the world. They fly almost silently, which is a huge advantage in hunting. They feed on insects, rodents, there are also species whose food is fish. They hear very well, which also facilitates the extraction of food. Their couples are constant, offspring are usually given once a year.

Beauty Owl
Beauty Owl
  1. Parrot

Varieties of parrots - over 300, and many of them flaunt a variety of color and crests, cut or rounded tails. They live about 50 years old. Mostly widespread in the countries of America and Africa, individual species live in warm Australian and New Zealand latitudes. Trees are chosen for life. Very good imitators of sounds.

  1. Swan

Refers to the most beautiful birds. Males and females in appearance are almost the same, like their color - white, black or gray. The main beauty of the swan, of course, lies in his long neck, capable of bending, which allows you to get food from the bottom. This is the largest water bird reaching 15 kg. A two -meter wingspan helps them to make autumn thousands of kilometer flights to warm countries and the same spring return to their homeland. Songs and poems are composed of fidelity of swans, these birds really form durable couples, which together grow their chicks.

A couple of swans
A couple of swans

Video: beautiful birds of the world

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