Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter "g" - table, treatment with affirmations

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter

The more pure and positive the stereotype of thinking will become - the long -term and progressive, the life of the human body will be. This is what Louise Hei teaches with his psychosomatic technique.

The secret of healing with the help psychosomatics of diseases from Louise Hei, consists in the fact that they change the established negative concepts, to new ones - healing and positive mental forms. This practice is easily mastered and does not require additional intervention of medical specialists. It can be used for prevention, as well as for the purpose of the main method of treating the disease at home.

Psychosomatics of Louise Hay diseases: a list of diseases on the letter "g" - from jaundice to heat

The psychosomatics table of Louise Hay diseases covers the psychosomatic factors of diseases on the letter "g". The list of affirmations, given in the table contributes to a positive change in the structure of thought and accelerate the process of recovery. To find out about other diseases that begin on the letters ABINGD., Follow the active link.

Disease and pathology of parts of the body and internal organs Psychosomatic causes of diseases. Influence on the organs Healing phrases. Positive thinking settings

Responsibility for the digestibility of information.


I easily absorb and learn any information.
Yellowing disease

A biased attitude to circumstances. The inability to think is reasonable.


I show tolerance and tolerance in relation to myself and society.


Gall bladder and its disease

The manifestation of stubbornness and pride. Negative thoughts and curses.


What has passed. Life is amazing like me.


Gastric diseases: gastritis, stomach ulcer, heartburn Fear of new events. Inability to change. A terrifying state. The universe treats me with care. Every day, I take a new one in my life. I can do it.
Glands Express a person’s desire to achieve recognition in society at all costs. I have a sufficient amount of internal creative potential.
Tight: tightness Lack of flexibility of thinking, excessive conservatism. I am a confident person. I have a stable position in society. I allow myself to think freely.
Female diseases Denial of one's own essence. Disagreement with the manifestation of femininity. Neglect of a female worldview. I like my body. I approve of my female nature. I am happy that I have the opportunity to be a woman.
Fat: Hand obesity Aggression due to an unrequited sense of love. I get love, in a sufficient quantity for me.
Heat: A fever of body temperature Anger, outbreaks of anger. Excessive excitability. I show peace and tranquility. The Universe gives me a sense of security and harmony.
All in our head
All in our head

Influencing the disease, new mental constructions a person programs his consciousness, Introducing calls to improve the quality of life. Thought is a software mechanism created to control all internal processes in the human body. The main factor of human existence is depending on the accuracy and direction of the mental form.

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