Psychopathies and character accentuations: what are this, signs in men, women, children, adolescents, their danger. Differences between character accentuations and psychopathies

Psychopathies and character accentuations: what are this, signs in men, women, children, adolescents, their danger. Differences between character accentuations and psychopathies

Psychopathies and accentuations of character are the individual properties of a person that allow us to talk about him as a normal person with some signs of psychosis.

A person with psychopathy can be said that he is a full -fledged person with character characteristics that do not progress and do not deteriorate throughout life. Unlike psychopath, a person with psychopathy is not mentally ill.

The concept of psychopathy and character accentuations

  • Under psychopathy They understand a complex of abnormal features of the character acquired from birth and accompanying personality throughout life. Psychopathy of character this is an emotional disorder, which is expressed in the form of extremes, and prevents social adaptation. At the same time, a person retains full -fledged intellectual activity.
Emotional disorder
Emotional disorder
  • Certificate of character It manifests itself in the extreme norms of human behavior and prevent harmonious interaction with people around them. A slight form of accentuation is inconspicuous to others and causes bewilderment only in loved ones. A pronounced accentuation can gradually go into psychopathy.
  • Leongard accentuations They are interpreted as “extreme character traits”, which completely reflects their essence. In other words, the person has weak links in his character, which make it vulnerable, but do not interfere with social adaptation.
  • Certificate of character by Gannushkin He emphasizes that such a disorder is a narrow deviation and cannot be associated with the personality as a whole.
  • Psychopathy Gannushkin They are morally outdated, therefore it is advisable to consider the classification of types of famous psychologists Lichko and Leongard.

How are character accentuations different from psychopathies?

  • The accentuations of character differ from psychopathies in the casewhich is not a pathology. They may occur at a certain age under the influence of various circumstances and will come to naught in the future. When accentuating, behavioral features have wull -out, but not distorted.
  • The patient with accentuation is susceptible only to a specific problem, while a person with psychopathy is very he vulnerably perceives any criticism, aggression, misunderstanding. The psychopath enjoys watching other people's failures and tends to help them in every possible way.
  • Foreign expenses Build an extraordinary reaction to a specific type of psychogenic effect. The personality with psychopathy reacts to all types of psychogenic influences, which in turn affect his life in general.
  • Psychopathyare stable in all periods of life. Accentuations, depending on the type, are aggravated at a certain age and in the future reduce their activity.

Types of psychopathy

When classifying psychopathic states, they focus on personality properties that impede the qualitative interaction with the outside world:

  • Psychopathy of a schizoid type.Individuals with schizoid psychopathy are uninhabited, lead a closed and secretive lifestyle. From early childhood, they prefer single games, passive in the company with peers. Insults and resentment in their addresses are difficult to worry. Schizoid do not make contact with parents and closest relatives, often show dryness and indifference. Communication in adulthood is nothing more than a formality, without which it is impossible to coexist in society.
  • Excitable type of psychopathy.This form is manifested in the form of pronounced indignation, irritation, aggression, stubbornness, cruelty. Such outbreaks occur in situations where circumstances do not correspond to human expectations. Spontaneous impulsiveness leads to frequent conflicts, quarrels, troubles. Psychopathic personality He does not notice his deviations and easily invents excuses for his actions.
  • Unstable type of psychopathy.A person with such a deviation has no opinion, inner rod, willpower. Such people are driven. They are ready to follow any adverse company, observe other people's interests and perform provocative actions. They are ready to break any life attitudes, step over moral principles.
  • Asthenic type of psychopathy.Such psychasthenic type Patients lead a passive and helpless lifestyle. They need constant support and pity from others. Painfully perceive loneliness. Conflicts and resentment are very acute. Often removed and close in themselves. Such forms of psychopathy Do not withstand increased physical and mental stress.
  • Sensitive psychopathy.Uncertain people living life with a constant sense of anxiety. It is important for them to meet other people's criteria, feel the goodwill and location of society. People with sensitive psychopathy always underestimate their significance, consider themselves inferior. It is difficult for them to open to strangers and make new acquaintances. Any criticism from the outside is very injured and can provoke depression.
  • Epileptoid type of psychopathy.Patients with sharp mood fluctuations. In stressful situations, they resort to pernicious habits, to suicidal and sadomasochistic inclinations. In behavior, accuracy, mannerism and diligence are pronounced. Any task is very scrupulous and in detail, most demanding on others. In relations with loved ones, they often act as tyrants.
  • Paranoid type of psychopathy.Patients with greatness mania. Belligerently tuned to others, are not ready to compromise. A sense of own importance prompts to always defend its rights. Paranoids are constantly experiencing a persecution mania, consider themselves a generator of ideas, attribute to themselves unreasonable merits.
  • Mosaic psychopathy.Mixed type of disorder in which new psychopathic signs. Such deviations may have a hidden shape and not be recognized by others.

Types of character accentuation

  • The nature of the manifestation of accentuations divides them into 2 types - Hidden and obvious. Accentuations can be the norm of human behavior or manifest only in stressful situations. Adverse circumstances contribute to the development of accentuation into psychopathy.
  • Advanced psychologists developed types of accentuations and psychopathy. The greatest recognition was received certain for the character by Leongard. The closest similarity to his work has certain for the character by Lichko.

Let us consider in more detail the frequently found types of character accentuations:

  • Demonstrative type.A person chooses a model of behavior that allows you to always be in the spotlight. He exaggerates his significance, embellishes events, thereby impresses others.
  • Pedantic type of accentuation.A personality for which the primary task is order in everything. Pedantic people are not ready for changes in their lives, it is difficult for them to make important decisions.
  • Strengthening type.People who often climb on current events and experience protracted stress. Constant winding itself leads to prolonged resentment and hostile attitude to others.
  • Hyperthy type.Personality accentuationoverflowing with optimism. A positive attitude encourages active activity. Society and ease in communication turn vital troubles into easily soluble tasks.
Type of
  • Distymic type of accentuation.Persons fixated on problems and turmoil. They consciously cling to negative events, aggravating their emotional experiences. They prefer to be in the position of the observer. In communication with others, gloomy and serious.
  • Introverted type.Such a disorder closes a person in his inner far -fetched world, which does not correspond to reality. The surrounding events cease to matter. Real actions are replaced by protracted thoughts.
With examples
With examples
  • Anxious type.Certificate of charactermanifested in the form of constant anxiety and anxiety for no weight. A person experiences tension and self -doubt.
  • Excitable type of accentuation.The behavior of this type is filled with spontaneous decisions and unpredictable actions. Emotions encourage rash impulsive steps. Lack of patience and endurance creates problems in communication.

Psychopathy in children

  • Psychopathy in a child It is quite rare, so we know little about such disorders. Such children are often classified as heartless and unemotional.
  • Psychopathy in children may be congenital or acquired under the influence of various factors. For example, cruelty can arise due to the forcibly upbringing of parents, or may be an innate desire, for no apparent reason. The child dreams of growing and becoming doctor, teacher, astronautbut this does not prevent him from enjoying malicious acts in relation to peers.
  • Notice a disorder in a child aged Up to 3 years, it is extremely difficult. The first sign of children with psychopathy is an indifferent attitude to others. They never empathize and do not respond to the emotions of loved ones.
  • The second bright feature can be attributed Children's cruelty. They offend children, peers, relatives. Any moralizing from the parents does not give results. The child enjoys his incorrect behavior, and is not going to stop.
The child has
The child has

Psychopathy in children has signs of the following nature:

  • Acupillated feeling of guilt - any A trifle knocks out of the rut for a long period.
  • A flat attitude to everything around - lack of vivid emotions, experiences, feelings.
  • Cruel treatment with others - The presence of aggression towards peers and adults.
  • Lack of guilt - Parental education and punishment do not give effective results.
  • The manifestation of certain pseudoscience in order to get the desired - a way to manipulate people around.

It is impossible to cure psychopathy in a child, but with prolonged treatment, you can teach him to control his actions. It is difficult for such children to cope with their desires, but in the process of treatment they learn to share bad and good.

  • What is the danger of a child with psychopathy? Children with psychopathy consciously commit inadequate acts. For example, a child can throw a stone into a living creature, hit a peer, steal someone else's thing, deceive parents, escape from home.
  • In adolescents, such manifestations can go into form sadism and extreme cruelty.
  • Genetic disorders need to be carried out correcting classes and constant medication.

Accentuations of adolescents

  • The most critical age for the manifestation of accentuation is adolescent. Depending on the type of accentuation, specific character traits begin to aggravate.
  • The first changes are often manifested in elementary school. The main reasons are change of environment, new requirements and a higher level of responsibility. An unstable type of accentuation is aggravated if necessary to change funny games for mental work. The excitable type is often manifested during puberty. After 30 years, accentuations are often crossed in paranoid psychopathy.
In teenagers
In teenagers
  • During puberty, various types of psychopathy and accentuation They can be changed from one to another or acquire a mixed shape. Such changes occur due to biological and social causes.
  • Certificate of character In adolescents, it interferes with high -quality socialization. Due to character characteristics, the learning process is often interrupted. It is difficult for a teenager to decide on their preferences, which is why hobbies are too often replaced and there are no certain plans for the future.
  • Due to failure in society, adolescents with psychopathy often adjoin the group of peers with asocial behavior. Comes immoral acts, acquire addictions and violate the boundaries of the permissible.
  • Accentured teenager It differs from a peer with psychopathy in that it has boundary norms of individual character traits, while in general the personality leads a normal lifestyle. For example, for resentment from peers, a teenager with accentuation shows a pronounced personal reaction, and with psychopathy, he chooses a complete detachment from the usual environment.

Psychopathy in men and women

  • In the behavior of an adult psychopath, aggressive and immoral acts. A person is filled with perverted thoughts, performs illegal acts, does not feel pity for others. In women and men with psychopathy The boundaries between the right and the wrong.
  • For coexistence in society, a person with psychopathy is forced to portray the emotions that others expect. Show love - at the same time hate, apologize - but be indifferent, sympathize - in fact to experience pleasure from someone else's grief.

Psychopathy signs in men and women:

  1. Unreasonable megalomania.
  2. Unreasonable systematic lies.
  3. Superficial Acquainted emotions.
  4. Irresponsible attitude To yourself and others.
  5. Insolvency And dependence on other people.
  6. Errating sexual life.
  7. Inability to dispose of funds.
  8. Short -term unions With the opposite sex.
  9. Impulsiveness, anger, aggression.
  10. Uncontrolled behavior and lifestyle.
Anger and aggression
Anger and aggression

In other words, a person with psychopathy is not at all what society sees him. It has a mask depicting a full -fledged person.

Psychopathy in men and women They have both a number of differences and general features. Representatives of both sexes with such a disorder skillfully manipulate people and play other people's feelings. In mercantile interests, the trust of unfamiliar people is quickly gained.

  • In men, it is more often manifested rudeness and aggression. Psychopathy in women is built on emotional manipulation. For example, the pernicious impact on their own children.
  • Very often, psychopaths manifest themselves only inside the family, in the walls of the house. But in society, they skillfully circle those around them.

The main signs of psychopathy in relationships

At the initial stage of building relationships, you can recognize a person with psychopathy by several signs:

  • Too much the rapid development of relations. Overpatement with love and attention.
  • Sharp consistent jumps in relationships for no significant reasons. From hot intimacy to cold detachment.
  • Constant accusations and claims. Systematic attempts to cause pity.
  • A person with psychopathy is not able to complete the relationship on a friendly note. You can’t do without humiliation and sabotage.
  • A cold -blooded attitude to close relatives, lack of compassion and understanding.
Severe relationships
Severe relationships

Relations with a person with psychopathy gradually turns a healthy partner into a sacrifice. A self -sufficient cheerful person turns into a exhausted and limp partner.

According to numerous studies, the formation of accentuation and psychopathy in a person most often occurs due to improper education in the family. As a result, problems arise with communication, employment and training, building relationships with the opposite sex.

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