Dosh: What is it and how to determine it? Characterization of Vata-Dosha, Pitta-Dosha, Kapha-Dosha

Dosh: What is it and how to determine it? Characterization of Vata-Dosha, Pitta-Dosha, Kapha-Dosha

In Vedic India, one of the medical directions - Auverda. This system is based on the qualitative interaction of the spiritual and physical component.

Following the principles of Auverda, a person has the opportunity to improve his body and achieve inner harmony. Understanding the needs of your body opens the door to a healthy lifestyle. The main means of exposure to Auverda are meditation, diet, yoga, mantras, water procedures.

Doshi in Ayurveda

  • According to Ayurveda, all natural processes in the universe occur with the participation of air, fire, ether, water and earth. As a result of various combinations of these elements, three sources of dosha's energy arose - Vata, fir and kapha.
  • Each person contains various combinations of natural energies. The quantitative component of each dosha forms psychology and physiology of man. The state of health, performance, psycho-emotional state, quality of food assimilation and other vital indicators depend on the balance of each dosha.
  • Doshi in Auverda control the biological and physiological processes of a person. Strong health and good health is possible only with the balanced interaction of all three dosh. At birth, under the influence of surrounding factors, each person receives his own individual combination of Dosh.
  • A qualitative standard of living allows save the genetic code of Dosha unchanged. The predominance of one of the energies and lack of another causes an imbalance of Dosh - malaise and incorrect functioning of the body. A person is able to influence his qualitative condition, adjusting the lifestyle, quality of nutrition, inner harmony.
In Ayurveda
In Ayurveda

How to determine your dosha: a test for the definition of a dosha

To determine your dosha by Ayurveda, you can use several methods:

  • Pass the test for the definition of dosha on the Internet. Various methods can give different result, so ideally you need to go through several different tests. Then summarize several final options in one type of dosha.
  • To entrust the study of your physical and emotional state to a specialist in Ayurveda. Owning various techniques, an experienced person will be able to reliably determine your dosha by minimal set of primary signs.
  • To independently delve into the study of special literature and on the basis of the knowledge gained to determine your dosha.

To conduct a test at home, it is necessary to learn to distinguish between 3 main parameters of a dosha:

  1. Features of physique in Ayurveda.
  2. Key physiological and psychological differences in people.
  3. Be able to make a comparative characteristic of a person with Vata-Dosha, Fir-Dosha and Kapha-Dosha.

In practice, mixed personality characteristics corresponding to several dosha are most often found.


Short test for determining dosha

We offer to determine the type of dosha using answers for a short test.

  • Your body corresponds to the following set of characteristics:
  1. Fine body, high growth, normal weight.
  2. The middle body, medium height, quickly losing weight and recover.
  3. Full body, low growth, slowly losing weight.
  • Your facial features correspond to the following description:
  1. Thin eyebrows, uneven teeth, brittle nails.
  2. Medium eyebrows, even teeth and bleeding gums, strong nails of the correct shape.
  3. Thick eyebrows, white and strong teeth, thick and symmetrical nails.
  • Your physiological features:
  1. I rarely sweat, irregular appetite, I can’t stand the cold.
  2. Abundant sweating with a pungent odor, I do not know how to starve, I can’t stand the heat.
  3. Moderate sweating, I often forget to eat, I love comfort and warmth, I get sick with increased dampness.
  • Features of night holidays:
  1. I sleep sensitively, in a dream lead an active lifestyle.
  2. Strongly, but I sleep little, I see deep dreams and I remember them well.
  3. I love to sleep a lot and sleep a lot, dreams are filled with colorful episodes.
  • Features of behavior:
  1. Running gaze, fast gait, quickly waste energy.
  2. A piercing look, an elegant gait, I can control my capabilities.
  3. A calm look, an unhurried gait, an indefatigable source of energy.

By answering short 5 questions, we calculate which answers are the most. Number 1 corresponds to a dosha-watu, digital 2-dosha-pitta, number 3-dosha-kapha.

Vata-Dosha: nutrition and lifestyle, signs, quality

Vata-Dosha combines two primary elements-air and ether. The key disadvantage of this type of energy is a violation of the air flow in the body.

The personality with the constitution of the body of Vata-Dosha has a number of characteristic features:

  • thin body complexion;
  • disproportionate parameters of the figure;
  • narrow hips, small shoulders;
  • fragile nail plate;
  • elongated thin fingers;
  • dry skin covering;
  • dry, thin, curly hair;
  • small unevene teeth;
  • constant problems with digestion of food;
  • an elongated face with thin facial features;
  • small Deeply planted eyes;
  • silent Voice, manner quickly speak;
  • tendency to freeze due to poor heat exchange;
  • availability fat deposits on the stomach and waist.

The lifestyle of Vata-Doshi accompanies the following qualities:

  • increased physical activity;
  • undisguised curiosity for the world around;
  • emotional manner of communication;
  • developed creative component;
  • forgisurable life style;
  • groundless constraint, fear and experiences;
  • frequent mood change;
  • poorly developed mental activity.

Food for cotton wool-dosha:

  • raw foods with a sweet, salty and sour taste;
  • consume only heated dishes, taboo cold products and cooled food;
  • complement energy seasoned sharp dishes.

Vata-Doshi is characterized by poor appetite and weak digestion. A recommended individual set of products will help to hold a healthy lifestyle of Vata-Doshi.

Video: Vata-Dosha-Body Constitution

Pitta-Dosha: food and lifestyle

Pitta-Dosha is based on two natural sources-fire and water.

For Pitt Doshi there is a set of characteristics:

  • standard weight and body parameterssometimes prone to fullness;
  • the skin is dotted with freckles, pigmented and maternity spots, has a yellowish tint;
  • average size of teeth and nails;
  • voluminous juicy lips;
  • dark -skinned or pinkish skin;
  • pointed bottom of the face, the overall contour of the face is close to the shape of the heart;
  • direct hair of light shades;
  • expressive blue, gray, brown eyes.
  • hair prone to fat content, often bright shades.


  • healthy appetite And increased thirst;
  • excess of normal weight;
  • fast talk and sharp tonality of the voice;
  • high physical endurance;
  • write full sleep;
  • predisposition to allergies;
  • frequent manifestation of aggression and irritability;
  • determination and energy;
  • a practical approach to business.


  • taboo on fried, spicy, heavy food, especially at night;
  • raw food and freshly squeezed juices, coffee and alcohol are useful;
  • for Pitt Doshi the perfect diet- vegetarian food.

Video: Description Pitta-Dosha

Kapha-Dosha: food and lifestyle

Kapha-Dosha connects two energies-water and earth. Under the influence of such a combination, a person forms a dense and seriously core structure.


  • large figure and heavy skeleton;
  • predisposition to completeness;
  • low timbre and slow reaction;
  • imposing movements and landing of thinking;
  • increased sweating and oily skin;
  • good appetite and predisposition to sweets;
  • slow digestion and fat deposits throughout the figure;


  • kind and compassionate attitude in all living things;
  • the need for mutual love and care;
  • stable and reliable partners In the family and in business.
  • they are not ready to strain, prefer to relax more;
  • located to diabetes And frequent colds.

Kapha-Dosha power:

  • not recommended cold and sweet food;
  • to strengthen the kapha dosha, you need to include dry and warm foods in the diet;
  • cinnamon, caraway seeds, pepper, mustard;
  • a lot of vegetable and oil dishes;
  • corn, ginger, grenade, honey, lemon, honey, barley, peanuts, chickpeas.

Video: Constitution of the body of Kapha-Dosha

Dosha recommendations

Vata-Dosha: Recommendations

  • Maintain inner calm, excluding the flow of negative information.
  • Narrow the circle of communication, leave calm friendly people with positive energy.
  • Avoid hypothermia. To warm up by the fireplace, take warm baths, wear warm clothes.
  • Eating on schedule, avoid quick snacks and dry cold food.
  • Do not overdo it with physical and mental stress.
  • In order not to violate the air circulation of cotton wool-daos, it is necessary to avoid stress and nervous overexcitation.

Pitta-Dosha: Recommendations

  • Regular and good nutrition.
  • Observe Moderation in work, adhere to the regime of the day.
  • Minimize alcohol consumption, and exclude smoking.
  • Do sport For the soul, but not for the result.
  • Frequent overeating compensate for the drinking regime.
  • Learn to messing a feeling of anger, hatred, jealousy.
  • Minimize contact with sunlight and hot air.
Oh dosha
Oh dosha

Kapha-Dosha: Recommendations

  • Adjust the quantity sweet, sour and salty dishes.
  • In cold and wet weather, lead a passive lifestyle.
  • Support muscles tone by regular physical activity.
  • Do not be afraid of large physical exertion in sports and at work.
  • Do not experiment with diets and starvation.
  • Relax With the help of meditation and yoga.
  • Visit more often saunas and baths.

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