The new generation Z: years of birth, key and psychological features, characteristic features, values, how to communicate in order to find a common language with them to generation X and Y?

The new generation Z: years of birth, key and psychological features, characteristic features, values, how to communicate in order to find a common language with them to generation X and Y?

In detail about the generation Z.

Generation Z - people born after 1995 who grew up on digital technologies and closely connecting their lives with the virtual world. In this article, we have collected detailed information about the Z generation, how to communicate with them, what are their values \u200b\u200band goals in life.

What is a new generation Z: years of birth

Children born after 1995 grew surrounded by TVs, computers, game consoles, and later - smartphones. Thanks to this, they available a different level of information flow, which previous generations could only dream of.

Grounded hand in hand with technology, they do not imagine their life without the Internet and communication. It was information technology that held a fat line between the Z generation and all previous ones.

Generation Z - people born in time from 1995 to 2010.

Why is the Z Generation So called?

At the end of the twentieth century, scientists William Strauss and Neil Hovov presented the world the theory of generations. According to this theory, each temporary segment has a generation that has common characteristics that distinguish them from others. According to their theory, generation has been distributed from the time of the centenary war. With the advent of this theory, it became clear why the centuries -old problem of parents and children is being conducted.

So, for a convenient formulation, William Strauss and Neil Hovist designated generations with the letters of the English alphabet. Generation of a centenary war - and etc. In this schedule, invented by scientists on the cut of the end of the twentieth and early twenty -first century, the letters X, Y and Z. are most often mentioned.

Generation X-born in the segment of 1965-1975. Generation Y (also referred to as millennials)-born in the segment of 1976-1994, respectively, it can be understood that generations X, Y and Z are heard primarily because these are people living and leading active activities.

It can also be understood in this decoding that the Z generation is so called only because this is the next letter after Y. Accordingly, there is no symbolism or encrypted messages in Z. Z - a period of time in which people who have characteristics for this generation were born.

Generation Z - Who is called the generation X and Y?

In order to understand who the ZEA generation is and how to communicate with them, it is recommended to understand which generation you belong to, and how you are different from your parents. And for this it is necessary to capture the two previous generations, namely X and Y.

Generations x and y, z
Generations x and y, z

So, Generation X - Born from 1965 to 1975. In the 60s, Jane Deverson was entrusted with the task-to explore adolescents and identify their features and characteristics. It was she who first proposed publicly to declare such a different vision of the life of a new generation. Namely, the generation, which will later be called the generation X.

This group born by the generation of the "Baby-Bomers" stepped far ahead, early matured and was distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • They do not massively believe in God, attribute themselves to atheists;
  • They are not shy about their desires, and sleep together before the wedding;
  • They do not reverent in front of the queen, and consider her one of the ordinary inhabitants of the country, only fulfilling its role;
  • They do not respect parents if they did not won the arrangement of children with authority and actions;
  • Marrying, they refuse to change the surname, thereby additionally emphasizing their independence before her husband and his relatives.

As you can see, the X generation was very rebellious, in the understanding of their parents, and caused a lot of talk. But over time, the next generation went further, and at the same time generation X became a kind of censor, causing dissatisfaction with "free -thinking youth."

Generation y- Born in the segment from 1976 to 1994. In the context of the post -Soviet space, this is a generation born in the last years of the existence of the USSR, and a caught moment of perestroika. Continuous deficiency, mass of Western goods, as well as music, series, films. But that's not all. This is a generation that has grown on the stories of banditry, crime and next to the "new Russians." This created special prerequisites for the development of generation Z in Russia, different from Western European culture.

Despite such an excellent environment from Western European and American culture, all generation Y can be characterized by such differences:

  • The complete absence of authorities and hierarchy. Even with the visible consent of the game in authorities, they only pretend, unlike previous generations;
  • They use technologies perfectly, but at the same time they remember life without them well. In the absence of a connection, they remember how to find north and south, and also well aware of how to find information in their memory, and not in Google, remember the presence of sundress radio and other features of life without technology;
  • They value equality. In everything. With no exceptions. This affects everything - career, study, family, raising children;
  • Freedom in actions is necessary as air. They will not endure a hated spouse or boring work. And also easily recognized in a change in orientation if they feel the attraction to their floor.

Generation X, Y and Z - differences

Generation Z is strikingly different from the two previous generations, but they are different among themselves. Those who select the staff know how no one is different than the differences, and how hard it is to generations to work in one direction, because each has their own priorities.

So, differences in generations X, Y and Z:

  • Generation X Easily adapts to any situations, they have a good base of knowledge and an inexhaustible craving for the study of the new. They find contacts well with each other and with other generations, if the situation requires that;
  • Generation X - The most self -sufficient and independent of the living. They do not need a praise of third -party people to understand their significance in the world;
  • Generation X - It does not strive for rapid success, they have enough smooth passage with a regular increase in salaries. Success is a house, a complete family, a car, a summer house, a vacation by the sea and a decent bank account;
  • Generation y - A socially oriented generation that is not aimed at devoting their life to a career and making an extra penny to its budget. They do not strive to quickly move out of their parents, and even more so to start their family and put on a heavy burden of responsibility;
  • Generation y - Frequent guests of social networks, love to share events from life, but are not dependent on approval. Generation Y cannot be picked up with a negative comment under the photo;
  • Generation y He believes that life should be balanced, thought out and work should not occupy more than 50% of a person. They are actively involved in hobbies, sports, love to study, go to trainings, read. Wherein The difference of generation y and xin the fact that they like to study for the sake of gaining knowledge, and not for the sake of the final goal - “crusts” for a career;
  • Generation y It is sure that the career should not begin with the bottom. A person working in a lower position is a hopeless person. But the careerist initially holds a significant position in the company. The technical component, light grip in business and congenital data make it possible for quick career take -off, although it is not aimed at the generation in general;
  • Generation y - They quickly spend money, do not seek to buy an apartment, car, cottages. On the contrary, they easily lower money for emotions, branded things.
Overview of generations
Overview of generations
  • Generation y shares the concept of work and income. They are ready to work for a small payment in the hope that later it will “shoot” and bring not only money, but also glory;
  • Generation Z -People who are currently just entering adulthood, while already making a lot of noise. They are easily trained, and with the same ease begin to teach the acquired knowledge of everyone else. Their golden rule of knowledge: study-practitioner-certification. In order to consolidate knowledge as much as possible, conduct master classes and trainings. Not embarrassed by a young age or a small amount of life experience. They are specialists in this matter - they teach others to this narrow profile. The rest is outside the competence of this analysis;
  • Generation Z - To be smart fashionable. In their free time, they seek to gain new knowledge. The hobby includes learning languages, game development, business planning and studying psychology. At the same time, they are not interested in old methods - they learn viewing the video, playing, communicating;
  • Generation Z –Material things do not matter, unless of course this concerns the gadget, which will give more opportunities for virtual life. By the way, this is the very generation that is ready to wear a dress for a year to prove how little a person is required even in society. And also they do not need large houses, since there is no need for this. The studio apartment is perfect, the room in the parental house is quite normal conditions for them.

As you can see, the differences between generations are obvious.

Generation Z - key features

In order to understand the generation Z, we highlighted their key features:

  • They do not see the difference between the real and the virtual world. For them, real friends and friends are equally important, with whom they got closer on the network. Rest on a picnic and a vacation with a virtual game is regarded as the same thing. Communication in correspondence is the same as hearing a voice on the phone. A personal meeting may well be replaced by communication in chats;
  • Which is better virtual or real? Generations X and Y can argue, and the generation Z simply will not understand - what is the dispute about at all? For them, this is a single, holistic world!
  • Personalization in everything. For example, we give the purchase of a music album. Generation X, having heard several songs, enjoyed buying the whole album, went to the concert of this performer. Generation Z does not see the point of spraying on the whole performer if only a couple of songs like. They also relate to brands. Why dress at one brand, if he has cool jeans?
  • Determination. They easily refuse boring, and even more so that it annoys, offends. Relations ceased to bring joy - they will easily leave, even if a month before they made a mortgage for two. The second morning at work brings irritation - it is time to change the work profile, or in general the company;
  • Practicality. Have you noticed a trend in the rejection of stilettos? That's right - the generation Z excludes uncomfortable shoes and changes it to practicality and comfort. They will not go to study where their parents send, if this does not correspond to their idea of \u200b\u200bthe future. They can easily leave the last course of the university if they understand that this profession does not correspond to their future;
  • Realism. In adolescence, maximalism and an optimistic view of life are our everything. Another generation Y easily dreamed how they would become new Schwarzeneggers, Trumps and Cleopatra. The current generation Z clearly understands its place in the world and knows that it can only be achieved with the help of knowledge and information;
  • Loss information syndrome. Yes, the Z generation not only lives in a huge stream of information, but also actively monitors it. The news feed is flipped with instant speed - they should be aware of the world news. Moreover, if the news is interested, they will not only open it, but also familiarize themselves with several resources, recognize the details on the issue, and will be very informed before they accept their independent opinion;
  • Self -taught. This is a generation of people who are sure that 90% of knowledge can be obtained independently. They are not shy about asking inconvenient questions to teachers, and if they do not show their competence, they lose authority. At the same time, they easily teach huge amounts of information and easily know where to find answers to their questions.
Infographics of generation Z
Infographics of generation Z

Generation Z - characteristic features

Generation Z has characteristic features that distinguish them from their predecessors:

  • Clip thinking - they are visualists from virginity, which is why, even reading, they need to present a picture in order to understand the essence;
  • Quickly delve into and work a lot with any information;
  • Easy to study new and know that being smart to be successful;
  • The multifunctionality of both sexes, although only women and not all could do this earlier.
  • At the same time, they can prepare food and learn language, listen to music and write a project, play sports and think about the solution of a complex task;
  • Infantilism as part of nature. They are not characterized by constraint and they easily show their childhood nature in adulthood;
  • They are credited with poor memorization, but in fact, due to a large stream of information, they simply throw everything that is not important enough from their heads. After all, this can always be found on the network.

Psychological features of the generation z z

It is also worth considering the psychological characteristics of the generation Z:

  • Having indicated the goal, they will come to her as quickly as possible and with minimal efforts;
  • Ascetics, easily refuse excesses and know how to cut off the excess;
  • Gifted and easily delve into the topic of interest;
  • Restlessness, impatience, unwillingness to wait for someone and anything;
  • More and more introverts who do not need society;
  • Fast excitability.

Generations x, y, z - search for dialogue

As you can see, generations x, y, z are very different, but something similar. And if the generations X and Y “got into” for a long time, then the Z generation is currently actively announcing itself. How to find common topics for communication, how to find contact and dialogue in controversial situations?

We made several recommendations on the generation X and Y Create a dialogue with a generation Z:

  • Clearly indicate the boundaries of common and personal interests. Remember, your rights and freedoms end where the rights and freedoms of the opponent begin. Generation Z is very sensitive and painful about violations of this rule;
  • It is clear to set the tasks, not declining and not trying to deceive with empty hopes. Due to the huge amount of information, deceiving the generation Z is very difficult;
  • Negotiate, bringing advantages in accordance with the values \u200b\u200bof the generation Z;
  • Indicate the exceptional strengths opponent, and ask for assistance in solving the problem;
  • If you entrust the performance of the task, do not ask for an indication of the process of work, since the generation Z will most likely complete the task with minimal costs, a way that you might not have guessed;
  • Generation Z performs intellectual and creative tasks better. Give boring and monotonous tasks to another generation or be prepared for the proposal of generation Z - automation of the process;
  • Visuals with holding attention on average 8 seconds. Form briefly, using visualization or presentation.
Dialogue of generations should be built on respect and mutual interest
Dialogue of generations should be built on respect and mutual interest

4 Features of the value orientations of the Russian generation z z

Studying the generation Z, it is also interesting to consider them in the context of Russian society. As you know, over the past century, generations of the post -Soviet space are developing a little differently than their Western peers. So, let's look at what value orientations the Russian generation Z:

  • Entertainment and rest is one of the orientations of the Russian generation Z. This generation is looking for rest, emotions and lightness;
  • Distortion of cultural heritage and the introduction of pro -Western technologies and entertainment. However, there is nothing in common with the degradation of the generation, but only a new view of life.
  • No one else believes ideologists for a word - everywhere an objective and truthful explanation is required;
  • Consumer requests and momentary solutions are more important than creative and global.
  • It is difficult to motivate the generation Z to rejection of everyday good life for the benefit of an unknown future;
  • Lack of ethnocultural self -identification.

The choice of the profession of generation z z

Generation Z clearly sets the boundaries between career and life. They choose a profession not as a way to earn money, or a place where you can go every day and complain about the lack of time for life. Generation Z chooses professions where they can combine self -realization, development and sufficient income for life.

The professions that the generation of Z choose is intellectual or creative.


  • Practicing scientists in various fields;
  • Programmers;
  • Ecologists;
  • Doctors;
  • Journalists;
  • Marketing and sales.


  • Dancers;
  • Actors;
  • Painters;
  • Musicians;
  • Web designers.

At the same time, the Z generation does not see prospects in working professions, and works where intelligence is not involved.

Generation z problem of concentration of attention

Due to the huge stream of information, from the first days, the Z generation has defocated attention, and it is difficult for them to concentrate for more than 8 seconds. It is difficult and sometimes impossible to fight with this problem, so it’s easier to get around.

Generation Z - visuals. Therefore, the correctly presented information, in the video or photo format, has more chances to attract attention, therefore, and get the return. By the way, the answers to generation Z are also easier to provide in visualization format.

Humor: Generation Z and Pyramid Maslow
Humor: Generation Z and Pyramid Maslow

Development of generation of generation z z

Many adults complain that generation Z has a different form of thinking, they do not lend themselves to study and generally remember poorly. No, it's all wrong. In fact, other methods of thinking of thinking are required to the generation Z.

  • Technology training. If we began to learn languages \u200b\u200bfrom the oral speech of parents or teachers, then the Z generation teaches languages \u200b\u200bwith the help of cartoons and films. At the same time, the phenomenon is that the pronunciation eventually gorgeous;
  • Indication of goals. If a dozen years ago it was possible to teach children phrases - “Do not wear knowledge behind your back” or “Learn, everything will come in handy in life”, then the Z generation teaches information only if this is a way or path to achieve their goals;
  • The choice of direction. If earlier the children were guided by the choice of professions, and these were the professions with whom they came across at home or at school (doctor, teacher, cook, driver), today the Z Generation chooses the direction. For example: I like learning languages \u200b\u200b- the choice of admission to foreign philology, I like mathematics and PC - programming, like to draw - art school. At the same time, they are determined with a specialty by trying to work in different areas in this direction;
  • Self -education. Generation Z - self -taught. They actively learn from lectures, video on YouTube, reading reports and working with the World Wide Web. Thanks to the plugin - generation Z, translated materials from around the world in any of the languages \u200b\u200bare available.

And one more feature of the development of the generation of Z. If you previously required to learn the material in order to understand. Now it’s enough to understand the essence of the material and know where to find it.

Video: How to learn generation Z?

Children of the 2000s generation Z: Do we need a translator?

Amazing changes affected all spheres of life after the appearance of the Internet and modern technologies. In addition to the fact that most of the Z generation is fluent in several languages, each has a smartphone in your pocket, on which you can install an online translator application. All that is required is to bring the device to a person speaking an unfamiliar language.

What generation will be after generation Z?

We examined the Z generation in detail, provided recommendations on training and establishing ties with the generation of technological geniuses. But the generation Z ends in 2010. So who has been born in our last 9 years? What generation?

Behind the generation Z is followed by generation A (alpha). These are children born after 2010. These are bright individualists who require a special approach. Thanks to their new thinking, it was decided to reset the score, and indicate the generation of leaders as a generation of alpha.

Video: Generation Theory. Generation Z - how to interact with them?

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