How to call a beauty salon? The most beautiful names for beauty salons: ideas, list of names

How to call a beauty salon? The most beautiful names for beauty salons: ideas, list of names

Do you plan to open a beauty salon, but you can’t come up with a beautiful and attractive name for him? Then this article is for you.

Today we will talk not only about how to be original, beautifully and correctly called your beauty salon, but also what mistakes are most often allowed and how to avoid this.

What to call a beauty salon: recommendations

It is important to understand that the name of the salon is not just a word or phrase that will be written on the sign at the entrance to the room. This is the name of the salon, your reputation, associations of people and much more. It is the name of the salon that should initially literally crash into the memory of your customers, because thanks to this it will always be in hearing.

  • In fact, it is not so simple to come up with a “working” name.
  • To do this, you need to spend a lot of time and effort, as well as use all creative and originality.
Examples of names
Examples of names

To originally name the beauty salon, several stages of the selection should be carried out:

  • First, decide which category of people will mainly be your audience. Surely you yourself understand that older people are unlikely to interest the name of the salon "Sorry for My Beauty", and young people are unlikely to greatly appreciate the salon with the name "Russian barber."
  • Conduct linguistic research. All the names that you came up with check for harmonia, evaluate how they are perceived by ear.
  • Collect the team of knowledgeable peoplewho will look at your ideas from the side, will tell you what is better, more profitable.

Do legal work. This stage, in principle, has nothing to do with the creative process of choosing the name of the salon, however, you can register far from every name and this fact must also be taken into account in the process of neurising.

Keep in mind that the name should benefit from your salon among dozens, or even hundreds of other Salons. Also take into account these points:

  • What is the status and what is the level of prestige. Agree, call economy Class salon, which is located on the outskirts of the city "Fashion Avenue Vegas" Not quite appropriate.
  • When choosing the name, take into account the gender group that will mainly visit the salon.
  • Also consider the age of the main audience. It is clear that, by calling the beauty salon “Pastelle Kids”, you are unlikely to often see customers of the age group 20+.
An example of the name
An example of the name

What is the best to call a beauty salon: Rules

But the basic rules should be followed by choosing the name of the beauty salon:

  • Of course, adequacy. Even if you really want to stand out among competitors, you should not come up with something extremely absolute and inappropriate. This will not give you an advantage over other salons, but, most likely, pretty amused those who will walk past the salon.
  • The name of the salon should be associated with the services you provide. Names such as "Pomegranate", "almonds" There are often quite often, but you must admit, the first thing that comes to mind when hearing or seeing such a name is food, but not fashionable and professional haircuts, massage, and nail extensions.
  • The name should be easily remembered and not complicated in pronunciation. It is quite difficult to remember the elaborate name of the salon, respectively, to remember it, for example, to look for information and the Internet about it is even more difficult, which means they will watch your competitors and will most likely also go to them.
  • No need to use words which are associated with the past of the country, too banal and simple names. Of course, what to call a beauty salon is your business, but, for example, to call it someone's name is far from the best option.
Use these rules and examples for the name
Use these rules and examples for the name

Given all the recommendations, make a simple brief - this will help you systematize information about the future salon, determine its main goals, an audience.

Decide on the concept of the salon, by and large, answer your question: “What will be the salon?”:

  • Med - Such salons provide a huge range of facial and body care services, SPA - They specialize more in pleasure, relaxation services, massage, etc., Style - The main emphasis on hair care, haircuts, coloring, eyelash extensions, nails, etc.
  • Next, decide on the price policy of the cabin: Economy, business, premium, luxury.
  • Think about what your salon should be associated with, with what services, based on the name.
  • Do you want the salon to be a “classic” or significantly stand out against the background of all previously appeared?
  • Analyze your competitors, their names, prices, services provided, their quality. To do this, secretly become their client.
  • In what language do you want to come up with the name of the salon? Should it be short or long? Are there any words that you categorically do not want to see in the name of the beauty salon, perhaps not words, but letters? What are your preferences in principle?
  • Analyze how the name of the salon will look visually, because you will print business cards, booklets, etc.

The name you invented can be considered successful and “workers” if it:

  • Easily it is remembered, pronounced and sounds beautifully.
  • Stands out among competitors.
  • Immediately calls correct associations, and not as in the case of "grenade", "cinnamon", etc.
  • The name proves the client to the correct thoughts of pricing policy, quality of services, etc.

As you can’t call a beauty salon: the main errors

Very often, for various reasons, people inventing the names for their beauty salon make serious mistakes, which in the future significantly complicate their work with customers and advertising.

Therefore, we recommend that you analyze such other people's mistakes and not allow your own:

  • Earlier we already talked about the importance of associations, and this applies not only to vegetables, fruits, stones, the names of which are often called beauty salons. For example, if you want to open a beauty salon only for men, and call it "Bel", "Cinderella", "Beauty", then all your target audience will immediately lose interest in you. That is, the error is that beauty salons are called thoughtlessly, without drawing parallels with the goals, the audience of the institution.
  • Meaningless names. This applies to many aspects. For example, you declare yourself as an economy class beauty salon, but you are called "A la lounge" or Grand Palace Beauty, La Bellezza. A person who wants to get some kind of economy price is unlikely to risk entering the salon with that name, because it suggests the special prestige of the place and the corresponding price.
  • Complex pronunciation, poor sound, complexity of perception. Of course, you can name the beauty salon in an original and elaborate, for example, the MPR beauty salon - yes, this is found, but these letters will not only sound beautiful, but will not cause any associations in people.
  • Copying competitors. The very last thing you can do is to call the same as your competitors, albeit with minimal changes. Surely you know that beauty salons with names like "Nefertiti", "Ariadne", "Beauty", "Amber" Not just a lot, but too much, so even if you add some other to such words and something like something like "Beauty Style", "Golden Amber", this will not play on your hands.
  • Too simple name. To call the salons of beauty with their name, the name of Greek and other gods, the name of plants, flowers, precious stones - all this is already outdated. In some cases, such a decision has a place to be, but honestly, it “works” this is extremely rare.
  • To call a beauty salon with beautiful foreign words, not knowing their meaning. For example, the word “l’Ccasion” looks pretty good, and it sounds the same, but in translation into our language it is just “opportunity”.
Use the names, avoiding errors
Use the names, avoiding errors
  • 100 people will think that the name is original and beautiful, and 101 will know the language and laughing at a stupid venture, will tell you about your original name to all acquaintances. Thus, the reputation of beauty salons, which are already successfully working and are quite well, are spoiled with the tasks set. This includes such words and phrases La Possibilité, La Chance, Cas de Figure.

What to call a beauty salon to attract success: Ideas

To attract success, the name of the beauty salon must meet the following criteria:

  • It should be beautiful, harmonious and not too long, but also easily memorable.
  • The name should immediately orientate potential client about services, pricing policy.
  • The name of the salon must comply with the declared list of services provided.

Here are some examples of calling a beauty salon to attract success:

  • “Rokossovsky Street 6”, “On The Flower Street”, “Beauty Salon on the Street of Astronauts”. Yes, yes, now the names of beauty salons at the place of their location are very popular. It is not necessary to prescribe these names in a foreign language, but such options are still in greatest demand.
  • I must say that such names have a number of advantages: the client knows exactly where you are, they are not pretentious, but in their simplicity all originality. If the street is called Flower, astronauts, driver, you can use such illustrations for your business cards, or you can even make repairs in your salon in a similar style. Flaw -Moving to another place, you will have to come up with something with the name of the salon.

Experts do not recommend using names for the name of beauty salons, since this trick has already bored, but no one forbids you to fantasize and show creativity. For example, to name your salon according to the first letters of the name, name and patronymic or in the first parts of your name and the name of the one with whom you will conduct business, or your name, but backwards.

  • This, of course, is appropriate if after such manipulations you had a harmonious and beautiful word.
  • You can call beauty salons with words that call customers to positive changes, for example, “Be brighter,” “become more beautiful”, “Be better today”, “Act”. Consider the age and needs of your audience.
  • Given the floor of your customers: "Only for Real Men", "For Real Ladies", "For Real Beauties".

How to call a beauty salon on Feng Shui?

Feng Shui has long gained popularity among our population, so it is not surprising that with its help many choose the name for their beauty salon.

If you think how to call a beauty salon on Feng Shui, take a note of such rules and tips:

  • First you must compose list of names of a beauty salon, Which you liked and which are suitable for general requirements (easily remembered, harmonious).
  • Further, this list will be adjusted to Feng Shui.

You need to choose the name of the beauty salon according to Feng Shui, starting from the effects of the elements:

  • The element of fire It eliminates all the negative, which can come from competitors, ill -wishers and fills the institution with positive energy. This element corresponds numbers 6 and 7. Therefore, you can use them in the name of your beauty salon. The preference of this element should be given if the room is in the house under the number Or any other with these numbers.
  • The element of waterit will open before you new doors, new opportunities. They correspond to her numbers 2, 3. When choosing such an element, you should use these numbers in the name of the beauty salon, as well as in the interior of the room. You can replace numbers with water theme, both in the name and in the interior
  • The element of the Earth It is best to choose if you open a previously closed beauty salon, open the old beauty salon, but under the new name. Numbers corresponding to the elements, 8 and 9.
  • The element of metal It is perfect for those beauty salons that have far -reaching plans, as well as competitors. This element helps to show firmness, determination. The numbers of the elements 0, 1.
  • Element is a tree, its numbers 4 and 5. The name, taking into account such an element, will help the beauty salon to become popular, profitable and in demand faster.
Names for the salon
Names for the salon
How beautifully to call a beauty salon
How beautifully to call a beauty salon
Names for beauty salons
Names for beauty salons
Beauty and name salon
Beauty and name salon
List of names
List of names
Salon and names for him
Salon and names for him
Select the name from the list
Select the name from the list

The name of the beauty salon on Feng Shui should be:

  • Simple, it is better to consist of one word.
  • No need to name beauty salon Use female names, including the names of the goddesses.
  • In order for everything to work, be sure to select, taking into account Feng Shui, not only the name of the beauty salon, but also its interior. If you choose the name taking into account the elements of fire, and the interior will be in the marine style, problems may arise.

How to call a beauty salon in an original way?

Originality does not consist of pretentiousness. The original name can be very simple and discreet, however, one that customers will like and attract them.

Here, for example, are simple phrases that are good for the name of the beauty salon:

  • Beauty and Pleasure
  • Beauty and Luxury
  • Best Beauty
  • Victory of pleasure
  • Victory of Beauty
  • Enjoy it
  • Power in Beauty
  • The world of pleasure and beauty
  • House of beauty and style
  • House of beauty and pleasure
  • Laboratory of beauty and health
  • Laboratory of pleasure
  • The territory of beauty
Original salon - original name
Original salon - original name

Also, original names can be obtained "playing" with words. For example, your name is jasmine, but after reading it back in advance, we get a very unusual and original word “Nimsage”. If it is harmonious for you, you can easily use it to name your beauty salon

What is the name of beauty salons in America?

If you think what to call a beauty salon in English, it will be useful for you to analyze, as the beauty salons in America are called.

  • "Mizu." As you can see, a simple and very easily memorable word. At the same time, the beauty salon is included in almost the 10th US beauty salons.
  • "Kim VO." Another simple, but harmonious name of the salon, and at the same time, the salon itself looks very rich and luxurious.
  • "Pipino Nalita." Also a simple name for a very popular beauty salon in New York.
  • "Sally Hershberger". And here is the case when the salon is called the name of its founder. In this case, the name is the brand, so the salon with this name, of course, will be very popular.
  • "Whittemore House". Beautiful name, right? However, translated into our language, it is just "House of Wittemor." Beautiful and original does not have to be pretentious.
  • "Swink Style Bar." In the name we see the phrase “Style Bar” already wearing to everyone, however, this did not affect the popularity of the institution.
  • Marie Robinson Salon, James Joseph Salon. Again we see the simplest names that did not prevent the beauty salons from becoming almost world -famous.
Beauty saloon
Beauty saloon

As you can see, it is not so simple to call a beauty salon in accordance with all tips and rules, however, this is still possible if you make every effort, turn on your originality, creativity and, of course, study the beauty industry and your own. competitors.

We suggest you read interesting articles from which you will learn how to name:

Video: What to call the salon?

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