The best Arab names for girls: List. Beautiful, happy female Arab names

The best Arab names for girls: List. Beautiful, happy female Arab names

Women's Arab names: full list.

Arab names are full of oriental beauty and riddles. In this article we will talk about female Arab names, as well as about their meaning.

Women's Arab names for the letter A

In this section, we give a complete list of female Arab names to the letter A, as well as their value.

Abda is a slave Azhar - beautiful, like a flower Amina - faithful, ambitious, reliable, prosperous
Adalya is fair Akhgar - flowering, flower Amir - Princess, commanding, ruler
Adele is the one for justice Akilya - mistress, wife, lady Anika - exquisite, elegant, sophisticated
Adilia - Carrying Justice Akylya is a faithful wife, good mistress Anisa - appreciating friendship, one who will become the best friend
Adiba - smart, enlightened, culturally educated Alifa is a friendly, faithful friend Ariba - skillful, smart, smart
Adilia is equal to a man like Alefa is chaste Arifa - possessing knowledge, smart
Azba - sweet, pleasant, drinking water Aliya - outstanding, elevated, high Asilya - purebred, noble, aristocratic, genuine
Adba - tasty, saturating water Alima - aware, knowing Asia - the one who consoles will help in diseases and difficulties
Aziza is beloved, valuable, dear Almas - in honor of the diamond, diamond Asma - beauty, elevated, sophisticated
Azra - virgin clean Altaf - pleasant, delicate, soft, tender Atia - the gift of Allah
Aiza is the one who calls Muhamed, the purest, wisest Amal - given for hope Atyya - gift, gift from above
Alaha to help people Aman - faithful, loyalty Afifa - virtuous, modest, chaste
Aisha - beautiful, lively, energetic Amani is welcome Afiyat - radiating health, strong, prosperous
Aisha is one of the wives of the Prophet Amatullah - Slave of Allah himself Afia - vitality
Aila - illuminated by moonlight, moon beauty Amaturrahman-slave of the gracious ar-rayman Ashura - in honor of the tenth month of Muharram
Aina - with beautiful, big eyes Akhsana is a beauty, the best, incomparable Amilya - working, working, able to do absolutely everything

Beautiful Arab female names for the letter B

In this section, we will talk about beautiful Arab female names with the letter B.

Bagira - luxurious beauty, excellent woman Baria - skillful, needlewoman, mistress Bagija - happy, jubilant, joyful
Bahira - excellent, beautiful, luxurious Barica - beautiful, brilliant Bachia - bright, radiant, magnificent
Bagiera - noble lady, mistress Basima - smiling, kind Bagia - radiant, magnificent
Badira - eloquent, wonderful, tender Basma - a radiant smile Bashira - bearing joyful news
Badra - beautiful as a full moon Batul - pure virgin, beautiful virgin Budur - like a full moon
Badria - Full Moon's face Bachija - magnificent, shining Buseyna is prolific as spring earth, a garden in which plants fragrant

Women's Arab names for girls on the letter in

In this section, we will talk about Arab female names with the letter V.

Vadida - friendly, funny Vasima - pretty, beautiful, bright Vagiba - Giving Sun
Vazira is the one who helps Vaphai - happy, successful, successful Vakhida is the only, unusual, incredible
Valida - girl, happy, newborn Vafia - faithful, kind, real devotion Vuheba - granted, donated by fate
Valiya - mistress, holy, close and native Wahaj - radiance of light, heat, radiant Vugage - as a gift, as a gift
Wall - fidelity, dear, friendly, goodwill Vagadzh - heat, fire, light Wahiba - Giving Light
Varda - beautiful, red rose

Women's beautiful Arab names for the letter G

In this section, we collected female beautiful Arab names with the letter G.

Gaida - tender, young, sophisticated Galia is precious, the one who loves Gulnara - grenade plant flower, red
Heida - young, sophisticated Galya - love, value Gulfia - beautiful, like a flower
Galiba is a winner, a lady prevailing Gala - jewel, beloved Gulshat - a flower that brings joy
Galeba - a supporting victory, prevailing Hania - beauty, love, wealth Guly - a luxurious flower

Women's Arab names for the letter D

In this section, we collected all female Arab names with the letter D.

Women's Arab names complement the eastern sophisticated beauty
Women's Arab names complement the eastern sophisticated beauty
Dalia - the one who indicates, leads Jaly - road, path, clarity and evidence Al-Jauhara-family value, treasure
Jalia - colony, wanderer, traveler Jauhara - the greatest value in the family Dinara - valuable, gold, precious
Jalil - power, aristocracy, glory, respect Johara - treasure, jewel, valuable Dina - with a true faith, convinced of his innocence
Jalila - respected, glorious, great, aristocratic, bearing a banner of power Javgar - precious stones Dilyara - the one that everyone loves, the center of attention, pleases the soul and eyes
Jazilya is the one who respects Jade is the owner of a long neck Dilya - heart and mind, happiness
Jadira - deserving respect, worthy Jagira is a beauty who sings beautifully and loudly Dilshat - satisfied and happy
Jadi is the power of saffron Jahira - Beauty with a singer, loud voice Dilia - Soul, Heart
Jabra - strength, courage, honesty Jagida - hardworking, joy for the eyes Dilnaz - sophisticated coquette
Jabir - Kostopoli, caring, healer Dazhmil - wonderful, beautiful, charming Juivia - a beautiful slave, a maid, a concubine
Jazia is a reward, the one who pleases Jamila - sophisticated beauty, charm Julnar is fragrant
Delphus - the purity of the silver soul Jannah - fruits, fruits, freshness and fertility Jullyanar - flowering grenade, grenade flower
Dalia - vine, luxurious dahlia Janan - Soul and Heart of Parents Judy - in honor of the mountain on which the Ark of the Great Nukha stopped
Dalila - leader, lady Dzhanna - garden, paradise Juvery - a slave, subordinate, beautiful and dependent
Daria is a knowledgeable one who carries knowledge to the world Jahida - trying, working Gulnar - the beauty of the flowering tree grenade
Dana - pearl, rare beauty Jannat - Garden Gardens Juman - the pearl framed in silver
Denmark - close, tender, sophisticated Jaria - youth of Allah, sunny, sent by God

Women's Arab names for the letter Z

All female Arab names on the letter Z in one table.

Zagira - shine, beauty, violent color Zagra - rose, flower, luxurious flowering Zinat - illumination, radiance, bright decoration
Pokyira - bright, unsurpassed, magnificent, blooming Zahra - flowering, rose, luxury, beauty Zugur - Flower meadow
Zahira - radiant, magnificent, beautiful and tender Zachiya - Bright Light Zuhur - beautiful, like spring flowers
Zakira - a bearing memory that remembers Zachiya - bright, violent color Zuhara - bright, like a morning star
Zakia - purity and innocence Zagiy - flowering, flower, radiance Zuhra is a morning star in honor of the goddess Venus, in honor of the planet of Venus
Zamilya - friend, wanderer, fellow traveler Zane - the radiance of a beautiful flower Zumurruda - in honor of the precious stone of the emerald
Zamina is the basis of the family, the one who will provide happiness Zaina - beauty, inner beauty Zulyal - clean and fresh, like spring water
Zarima is a flame Zeynab - in honor of a tree with a delicious aroma, as well as in honor of the wives and daughters of the Prophet Muhammad Zulfiya - curly, beauty, clever
Zarema - Fire, flammable They make a word - a memory Zulf - blessing, mercy, favor
Zarifa - cheerful, aristocratic, smart, elegant, witty Zilya - purity and mercy Zubeida - in honor of a flower, in Russia named after nails

Women's Arab names for the letter and

In this section, we give a complete list of female Arab names to the letter and, as well as their meaning.

Ida - holiday, holiday Inas - heart friendliness, sociability and sincerity Irada - Holy Gift, strong -willed
Iman - Strong Vera The other is caring Truth - independence, independent

Beautiful female Arab names for the letter K

Beautiful female Arab names - the perfect choice for a beautiful girl
Beautiful female Arab names are the perfect choice for a beautiful girl

Choose a beautiful female Arab name for the letter K? All names on the letter K in one table.

Kadira - strong, smart, capable Camila - full, beautiful, perfect Kifaya - prosperity, the required amount, full house
Kadria - aristocratic, respected, valuable Cariban - dear, kinship, close Causaria - the one that lives in abundance, a paradise source
Kalima - sweet -haired, eloquent, pleasant interlocutor Kenza - value, wealth, treasure Kavsar - at a paradise source
Camille - whole, finished, perfect Kanza - treasure, treasure Causar - paradise, life -giving source
Karima - native, related, close

Beautiful female Arab names with the letter l

In this section, we collected all the beautiful Arab names with the letter L.

Labiba - insightful, smart, happy and wise Lin is tender and serene Lyubana - business, need, desire
Lasisa - sweet and tasty Lina is a beautiful little palm tree Lyabib - smart, witty, smart, cheerful
Latifa - kindness, compassion, mercy Laveyiza - almond walnut Laysan - generosity, delicate, warm spring rain
Leila is beautiful as a dark night Lutfia - kind, delicate and soft

Women's Arab names for the letter m

In this section, we collected all the beautiful Arab names for the letter M.

Mabruka - Blessed by Allah Maryam - beloved, beloved, blooming, native Mashkura - grateful, worthy of praise, those who are praised
Maria - bright beauty, snow -white skin Mahfuza is chaste, the one who does good Muemina is the one who believes
Marjana - beautiful corals, pearl Muhsina - a keeper guarding, protecting Muslim - a conquered Muslim, who accepted Vera
Mansura - desired, desired, best Mahrusa - the one who is guarded and protected Murshida - the one who explains, shows the path, indicates the direction
Malyaz - shelter, refuge Mahmuda - smart, smart, praise Murada - beautiful, desirable, radiant
Malyak - sacred, angel Magdia - Leading along the way Munira - radiant, bright, brilliant
Malika - Queen, Queen Machdia is the one that goes on a straight road Mona - achievement of dreams and goals, compliment
Maksuda - sparkling, desirable, destined, desired Maulida - born the first, newborn Muna - achieving the goal, wish, goal and dream
Maimuna - happiness, blessing, good. In honor of one of the wives of the Prophet Muhammad Masarrat - Source Joy Mumtase - kind, good, excellent
Madina - in honor of the city of the same name

Masa - diamond, diamond


Mujira - defender, patroness
Majid - noble, lady, glorious Masarra - happiness, joy, radiance of love Meisara - prosperity, treasures, wealth
Mavia - azure, water surface Masuna - the one that is protected and stored Minna - good deed, mercy of Allah
Mauii - water surface, azure coast Mastature - secret, chaste, only, unique

Modern female Arab names for the letter n

In this section, we collected modern female Arab names for the letter N.

Nabavia - the prophetess, hears the voice of the prophet Nadima - friendship, girlfriend Nardin - in honor of the plant
Nabil - grace, noble Nargiz - capable of absorbing a flame, peaceful, wise Nursida - Young Light
Nabiha - educated, intelligent, smart

Nyriat - refreshing, fresh, radiant


Nuria - lighting with light, good, honest
Nabiga - aristocratic, intelligent, educated Nile - gift, benefit, achievement of goals Nurany - light, illuminating, radiant
Vyvavara - radiant, bright Naima - rich, calm, knowing happiness Nura - a ray of light, light, radiance, shine
Najiya is a close friend, dear, who knows how to keep secrets Nazifa - straight, chaste, smart Nur - radiance of light, light
Najiba is noble, the one that is capable of achieving Nazira is equal, integral, worthy Narima - respected, thoughtful, elegant beauty, lovely
Najikha - successful, with luck, talented Nadira is the rarest, incomparable beauty Nasiba - relatives, closest, best
Najikha - luck and success Nazira - even, equal, equivalent Nasima - soft, charming, rush of summer wind
Najma is a bright star Nazira - funny, laughter, harbinger, blooming Nafisa - elegant, sincere, attractive, sophisticated
Nadida - similar, equal Nadia - refreshing moisture similar to morning dew Nigara - sophistication, grace, beauty, sincere smile

Women's Arab names for the letter p

In this section, we give a complete list of female Arab names to the letter P, as well as their value.

Rabia is a quadruple daughter in honor of the snowdrop Raisa - manager, mistress Rahma - compassion and support
Rajia - full of hope giving Rasia - stable, motionless Rayana - a full bowl, fresh juices
Raja - hope, request, expectation Rash - wise, calm, even thinking Rayana - juiciness and completeness
Rada - pretty girl, beauty Racin - balanced, sedate, confident Ryia is the beauty of a flowering garden, fertility and juiciness
Ragiba - passionate, wishing Rania - gaze, beauty Paradise - juicy, fertile, ripe
Ravia - beautifully speaking, storyteller Ramilya - magic, sorceress Rashida - prudent, consciousness, choice of your path
Ravila is a young girl like the sun in the spring Ramsia is a symbol, difference Risalya - Epistle of Allah
Rabia - flowering garden, faithful girlfriend Raikhan - in honor of the Basilica plant, blessed, with pleasure, with love Rusia is happiness
Ranya - desired, pleasant, giving love Raifa - mercy, compassion Ruya - elevation, outcome from above
Crazy - unperturbed, calm Rassia - legal, official, noble Risala - a message from Allah, a message from above
Raila - the basis, the foundation of the family Raushania - clear, bright, radiant Riyada - true science, knowledge, depth of knowledge
Raina - covering with care, wisdom covering Raufa - compassion, care Rouveida is easy, unhurried, calm
Radia - beloved, desirable, beautiful and sociable Ravza - flowering fields, gardens Rukyya - sorceress, magic
Razia - pleased with life, beloved Ravda - flowering meadow, spring glade Rumman - young grenade
Ventan is a worthy of the best, confident, serious Rauda - a colorful meadow Ruchia - bearing faith, true faith
Razina - wise, balanced, self -confident Rafa - giving compassion and mercy Rumiy - Virgin from Byzantium
Razia - chosen on the highest path, satisfied with fate, agree Rakhima is mercy Rafia - the sweetness of the date, dates
Raida is a researcher who knows the path to cognition

Women's Arab names for the letter C

In this section, we give a complete list of female Arab names to the letter C.

Saada - happy, prosperous Salma - peaceful, tenderness Sausana - the name of Lilia in Arabic, in honor of the flower
Saadat - prosperity and tranquility Samira is an attentive interlocutor Safia - cloudless, pure, clear and transparent
Sabra - able to endure and wait Samina - valuable and respected, dear and rich Safura - a flickering radiance of a star
Sabiha is beauty Samita is silence Suffan - Pearl
Sabita - confident, persistent, calm Samida - resistance, fortress and confidence Sahaba - low clouds
Sabia - patient, wise Samah - generous, generous, bold Sugar is dawn
Saadia - bearing happiness Samara - fruits, fruits Sakhlya - even, tender, light
Sabria - wise and calm Samarate - fruit trees, fruits

Sigham - flat


Salam - well -being and safety Samih - generous, generous Subhiya - Dawn, Morning Ray of the Sun
Savab - reward, reward for patience Sania - a daughter born of the second, second Cider - in honor of the lotus
Sauab - reward, Order San - shine, light, radiance, overflow Seville - going on a long way
Kindergarten - honest, true Samra is dark Suweiba - reward, the best reward
Sadia - thirsty for righteousness Themselves - Majesty, Verkhovna Sultana - mistress, mistress, leading
Sayida is a ruler Sarah - joyful princess Suleima - a derivative of the name Salma
Saida - bearing happiness Satya - bright, amazing Poking - tall, equal, elevated
Salyama - salvation, prosperity Sauda - second wife of the Prophet Muhammad Sumyira - a derivative of the name of Samra
Salva - Giving Consolation Sarima is wit Sufia is the one that leads away from the sinful
Salima - whole, healthy, prosperous Saria - precious healing spring Suma - elevated
Saliha - pious, wise, integral Sarra - good news, news Suria - in honor of the star Sirius
Salia - comforting, calm, soothing Satia - dazzling, bright, juicy

Popular female Arab names for the letter T

In this section, we give a complete list of popular female names to the letter T.

The mysterious name complements the image of amazing oriental beauty
The mysterious name complements the image of amazing oriental beauty
Tama - value Takia is a believer Tasfia - aligning, hiding flaws
Tabiba - healing, healer Taliba - cognitive, seeker of knowledge Tauhida is the founder
Tagira - immaculate, clean The waist is close, faithful, native Takhani is a gift
Tahira - chaste, clean Talya - Small Palma Tagani - congratulating
Tajia - crowned, queen Tamam is perfect Tachia is a greeting
Tazyra is the owner of an amazing memory Tamannie is a welcome, wish Takhmina - guess, insight
Taiba - beautiful and healthy Tamir is a woman bearing a good with dates Tina is fig
Tayba - pleasant, sociable, beautiful Tanwir - light around Tiflie is a girl
Tayyib - kind, pleasant Tanzilya - donated by Allah Tube - bearing good
Takva - believer, glorious Tarmi - beautiful singing Tuma is pearl
Takua - afraid of Kara Allah Tarfa - at that moment, at that moment Tuchfa is a dectic, granted

Women's Arab names for the letter at

In this section, we give a list of female Arab names to the letter U.

Ulf - faithful friendship, love MOTHER - MOM, MOTHER Umm Kulsum - a beautiful, fresh face
Ulya - glory, trust, recognition Umida is the desired one who is waiting Smart - desire, thirst
Umaya is a slave

Women's Arab names for the letter F

In this section, we give a list of female Arab names to the letter F.

Favza - victory, success, salvation Fakiha - pleasant, tasty, fragrant Fathia - carrying victory
Favzia - triumph, success Farcha - a cheerful wedding, joy, happiness Fullla - Arab name jasmine
Fadilya is a good act, kindness Farida - a rare pearl, unusual beauty Firuza - bright happiness
Fadi - a savior, kind Faria - slender, beautiful, elongated Firaira - sophisticated beauty
Fazilya - talented, beautiful, tender Fania - education, desire for knowledge Fidda - pure silver
Faida - useful, benefit Falyak - clear dawn, cosmic beauty Figii - devoted and selfless for the family
FAIZ - useful, benefiting Fakia - with humor, cheerful, understanding, sweet fruit Fakhima - insight and understanding
Faiza is rich, winning Farhana - happy and cheerful Feiha - fragrant aroma
Failya - hard work, hardworking Fatima - in honor of the youngest daughter of the Prophet Muhammad Fahria - pride, recognition, honor and glory
Fi - trophy, prey, reward Fatikha - blessed, bright, opening the doors of divine knowledge Fahmia is understanding

Women's Arab names for the letter x

In this section, we collected in one place all female Arab names with the letter K.

Khabiba is the only lover HAMDA - glorification, praise to Allah Hafiza - guardian, keeper
Hadra - dark, green, fresh greens, heavenly beauty Hamdia is noble and majestic, carrying praise and greatness Hikma is wise
Hairia is kind, good, blessing Hanifa - straight, true, honest, true Khimma - zeal and diligence, passion, energy, splash
Khaya is a beauty Hanan - tenderness, compassion, sympathy and pity Hayat - life itself
Hakima - bearing wisdom Khan - prosperity, well -being Heiba \u200b\u200b- respect, reverence, prestige
Khazami - fast and easy walking Hamima - friendship, sincere understanding Haifa - elegant, slender, tender, beautiful
Haira - bearing good Hamida - grace and praise Hesse - Sea Pearls, Fateful Meeting, Fate
Hayrat - Good news Hania - happy well -being Hiba - donated, gift
Hajar is kind and beautiful, the name of the wife of the Prophet Ibrahim Hanias - modesty derived on behalf of Hania Hidai - leader manager
Hadija is the one who was born before the deadline, this name was bore by the first wife of the Prophet Muhammad Hanun - tender and compassionate Hishma - modest, tender, pious
Hadia is a leading leader, leader Hassana - alms, blessing, happiness Huveida - high and slender beauty
Hadia - a gift from above, the prophet Hasiba is an aristocrat, the famous genus Husnia - good, soft, tender
Havva is the wife of Adam giving life Hasifa - smart and reasonable Husna - beautiful and kind
Khalilya is a lover, beloved Hasna - beautiful and smart Hurias - free
Halima - meek, patient disposition Hassana - pure beauty, virtue Hurra - free from slavery
Halisa - devoted, sincere, clean and untouched Khatun - Princess, Madam, Mistress Khuria is freedom
Halia - wealth and luxury Hafuza is the keeper of the Qur'an, protecting faith Hulid - eternal infinity, immortality in the soul
Hells - sweet and beautiful Hatima - generosity and kindness Huzama is beautiful as chrysanthemum and orchid

Women's Arabic names for the letter w.

In this section, we give a complete list of female Arab names to the letter W, as well as their value.

Shada - incense Sharif - beautiful, generous, majestic Shahl - Virgin with blue eyes
Shadia is a beautiful voice singing Shafy - compassion Shukuk - like sunrise
Shazia is a fragrant aroma Shafiya is healing Shakhriyat is the one who looks at the crescent
Shakira - noble blood Shah - aristocracy, nobility Sheikha - wise, educated
Shakura - Higher Aristocracy Shahama - noble, insightful Shirin is sweet
Shamil is universal Shahida is a witness to the highest deeds, Shahida Shukriya is nobility
Shamsa - in honor of the sun Shahira - the one who achieve fame Noisy - the sun
Shamsia - sunlight Shahiya - passionate, desired, capable of strong love Check - persistent, insightful, carrying energy

Women's Arab names for letters Yu and I

In this section, we combined the list of female Arab names into the letters Yu and Y.

Yumna - Father's right hand Yusriy is prosperous Yamin - Happy and Blessed
Yuseyra - light and air Yasira - light and pleasant in communication Yasmin - Jasmine Branch
Yusra - success, luck, left hand Yasmin is jasmine

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