Great Patriotic War 1941-1945: reasons, stages, participants, results-brief information about the course of hostilities

Great Patriotic War 1941-1945: reasons, stages, participants, results-brief information about the course of hostilities

In this article, we will talk about an event that requires the attention of each person - about the Great Patriotic War

There are such historical events that will forever remain on the pages of books and in the memory of the people. Such events with confidence include the Great Patriotic War.

The reasons for the Great Patriotic War

Before talking about the stages of the Great Patriotic War (WWII), we must recall the reasons why it began.

  • It should be noted that after the First World War, relations between Soviet Russia and the Weimar Republic developed quite well. Moreover, in 1922, an agreement was concluded between these countries, the subject of which was the resumption of diplomatic relations between them.
  • Relations were significantly deteriorated after Hitler came to power, since the countries were unhappy with each other's policy. Despite this in 1939 was signed by Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, Which obliged the countries not to attack each other, and the application to it distributed the spheres of influence of these countries.
  • Unfortunately, already in 1940 a new conflict arose between countries. It occurred due to the fact that their leadership did not agree on the issue of joining the USSR to the Nazi bloc.

So, one can distinguish several main reasons because of which the Second World War began:

  1. Hitler’s coming to power and the political views that he adhered to (violation of a peace treaty, the development of military power, an attack on the countries of neighbors).
  2. The Second World War. During the hostilities, Hitler quickly and easily conquered many countries, this influenced his ambition and prompted the idea to conquer Russian lands.
  3. Hitler's confidence. Again, Hitler was too easy to get a huge number of lands, and he was sure that the Russian lands would get him as quickly as quickly.

The main stages of the Great Patriotic War

Military operations in this war were waged by the USSR and Nazi Germany with its allies. The aggressor was Germany.

In general, 3 periods of the Second World War are distinguished:

  • First: June 22, 1941 - November 1942 The war began on June 22, 1941 on the same day, the war of the USSR declared another 2 countries - Italy and Romania. Slovakia did this 1 day later. In the period from the beginning of hostilities to July 6-9, 1941, 3 defensive operations were carried out-the Baltic, Belarusian and Lviv-Chernivtsi. The purpose of these operations is to stop the enemy and transfer military operations to its territory, however, they ended with defeat for the USSR. After that, a huge number of other defensive operations were carried out, however, they did not bring the desired result. As a result, by the end of 1941, the enemy was able to capture Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, most of Ukraine and the RSFSR and several more countries. For the USSR, this period was a period of losses - both human and strategic. The enemy troops wanted to capture Moscow, however, they failed. It was the failure in the battle for Moscow that led Hitler's plans to collapse, his plan to conquer the whole world failed.
  • The second period or period of the radical fracture is 1942-1943. During the counterattack of the USSR troops, several enemy armies were destroyed. Also, during this period, the North Caucasus operation was successfully carried out and a breakthrough of the blockade of Leningrad was carried out, which allowed our troops to freely pass in the right direction by more than 500 km. A little later in 1943, heroic battles were held - the Battle of Kursk and the Battle of the Dnieper. It is the Battle of Kursk that is considered the last defensive operation of the USSR in this war.
  • The third period lasted from 1943 to victory. Despite significant losses, the enemy was much stronger, if we talk about technology and weapons. Despite this, Soviet troops confidently liberated their territories: right -bank Ukraine, Leningrad and 2 other regions (partially), Leningrad. In the summer-autumn of 1944, our troops finally liberated Belarus, Ukraine, many countries were forced to start a war against the aggressor, etc. Gradually, the USSR army liberated all its territories. In April 1945, our army began surgery to capture Berlin and ended it on May 8, 1945 by the surrender of Germany. In fact, the war ended on this day, but they celebrate the victory over Germany on May 9.

The results of the Great Patriotic War

Despite the victory in the Second World War, the USSR suffered huge losses. A huge part of the population was killed, factories, factories, etc. worked for wear, most often for military industry, hunger began, and surviving people were exhausted by war and illness. Nevertheless, the USSR quickly “got to his feet” and began to develop.

Bottom line - the victory of the USSR
Bottom line - the victory of the USSR

As for the significance of the Second World War, it was perhaps to stop Hitler’s attempts to win the whole world and obtain world domination. It was this war that made it clear to Hitler that his plan was not accustomed and, in principle, proved that he was especially unrealistic.

Video: Actual questions about the Great Patriotic War

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