Signs at the funeral: what can and cannot be done at the funeral?

Signs at the funeral: what can and cannot be done at the funeral?

There are many signs associated with the funeral. If you follow all the rules, you can protect yourself and your family from troubles.


Read more about signs at the funeral in this article.

Signs at the funeral: why can't you leave the deceased unattended?

  • Our ancestors also considered an important sign at the funeral, at which the deceased cannot be left alone in the house. Next to him during the day, one of the living should be. This is due to the fact that dark sorcerers can take possession of the things of the deceased, and use them for rituals.
  • Some people believe that the deceased needs the support of relatives and friends. Therefore, you need to be next to him, and read prayers. So the soul will find peace faster and go to heaven.

Signs at the funeral and closed surfaces in which you can affect

  • One of the most common signs at the funeral - close all mirrors and other reflective surfaces. It is believed that the soul of the dead man, returning home, will affect the mirror, and linger in the house.
  • It is also believed that the soul, reflected in the mirror, will fall into the surroundings, and will not be able to find peace. It is customary to hang mirrors not only on the day of the funeral, but also in subsequent 40 days After the death of man.
Mirrors must be closed
Mirrors must be closed

Cleaning after the funeral: signs

  • In most countries of the world, there is a sign at the funeral that after the deceased will be taken out of the house, you need to carefully clean the room.
  • The chair on which the coffin stood is needed turn up your legs upAnd leave in this position for 24 hours.
  • You also need to wipe it floor to the front doorAnd then go out with a rag outside the housing, and close it with a key. It is believed that the soul of the deceased will not be able to return to the house, and disturb his relatives.

Sleep and interference at the funeral: signs

  • You can’t sleep at the funeral, because it is dangerous for a person. The sign associated with the funeral says that the person who fell asleep in a dream will meet the soul of the deceased. This is especially dangerous for young children, because they have weakened energy.
  • You can not cross the road to the motorcade in which the deceased is taken. A person who violates this rule awaits a life -threatening disease.

Signs in the cemetery during the funeral: what should the grave be?

  • According to the rules, the grave should be standard. If you dig it more, then another death is expected in the deceased's family. After all, the place in the grave will still remain, which means that it is intended for another person.
  • According to the signs of the funeral, if the grave is small in size, then the coffin does not fit in and the deceased will wave, bothering loved ones in dreams.
Standard sizes of the burial place
Standard sizes of the burial place

Signs on the day of the funeral: throwing land

  • Folk signs about the funeral say that everyone who is present at the funeral must be thrown into the grave 3 handfuls of land.
  • With such actions you will protect yourself from the troubled soul of the deceased. She will not pursue you in the future.

Signs at the funeral: why do the deceased close their eyes

There are several explanations of such signs at the funeral:

  • In order not to allow the deceased to look out the one who will accompany him in another world;
  • So that the deceased is not distracted by the affairs of the people who are on Earth;
  • So that the deceased can know the truth within himself.

Why you can’t put other people's things at the funeral in the coffin: sign

  • As you know, things that are near the deceased should not fall into the hands of living people. They are dangerous, and can cause illness or premature death.
  • You can not put other people's things into the coffin. Any notebook, pen or clothing item stores the energy of its owner. If you put the thing in the coffin to the deceased, then, following the signs of the funeral, the deceased will take a person with him.

Why you can’t hammer the coffin lid in the house

  • According to signs at the funeral, you can not hammer the coffin lid in the house. Also, the coffin lid is not brought into the house, and they do not cover the deceased in the house. Otherwise, soon another death will be expected in the same house.
  • A rational explanation that relatives and relatives will not be able to say goodbye to the deceased through the stabbed cover.

Why do relatives should not carry the coffin at the funeral: signs

  • Signs on the day of the funeral say that relatives cannot be carried a coffin in the cemetery. Otherwise, the deceased will feel his native blood, and take a person with him to the next world.
  • There is also a rational explanation. A person who is weakened by sorrow can stumble and fall. This is dangerous for his health. Relatives should grieve, and not carry a heavy physically burden.
Relatives should not bear
Relatives should not bear

Why is it impossible for the coffin to cling to door jambs on the day of the funeral: signs

  • A few decades ago, along the signs at the funeral, in the house where the dead man was, they pierced the door, and made it even more. So it was possible to avoid the danger from the deceased and the retention of negative energy. After the coffin was carried out, the hole had to be closed so that the soul of the deceased would not return to the house.
  • Now people are trying to hire people who will have to gently take the coffin from the room. Such people will confidently and correctly take out the deceased without hooking the jambs of the doors.

Why they take out their feet forward on the day of the funeral: signs

  • It’s difficult to say exactly why the deceased is pulled forward. According to signs at the funeral, this is done so that the soul does not return to the house.
  • Previously, the deceased was covered They ate spruce branches, and the people who came to the churchyard returned another road. This was done so that the deceased would not find the way back.

Why you can’t turn around during the funeral: signs

  • Folk signs about the funeral are prohibited from turning around during the funeral procession.
  • It is believed that the death that came to the deceased is looking for another victim. The one who turns around will invite death to his house.

Why you can’t go to pregnant women, children for a funeral: signs

  • According to popular signs of funeral, you can not come to pregnant women and young children. They have too much weak energythat can be damaged by a negative aura that winds in the air.
  • However, if a pregnant woman feels good, then she can come to say goodbye to a loved one. After leaving the cemetery, she should be read prayer to protect your energy.

Why you need to put on dark clothes for the funeral: signs

  • It is customary to wear dark clothes on the funeral. Relatives of the deceased completely put on black clothes, and tie a black handkerchief on their heads.
  • Thus, you express your respect for the deceasedAnd show that grieve about him.
Black clothing, like a sign of sorrow
Black clothing, like a sign of sorrow

Why is it impossible to make noise during the funeral: signs

  • A cemetery is a place for the rest of the souls. In such places you can not make noise or sort things out. With such actions you show disrespect for the deceased, which can cause their anger. This is not even related to signs of the funeral, but more applies to ethics.
  • Also, loud conversations, quarrels or laughter can upset people who mourn the deceased even more. Show a little respect. If you want to talk to someone, it is better to do it outside the graveyard.

Why should you leave everything that was brought to the funeral: signs

  • When a person dies, next to him they put a table on which they put candles, flowers and towels. All these attributes must be put in a coffin or in a grave.
  • According to the signs of the funeral, in such things accumulates a lot of negative energythat a living person can absorb into himself. This will lead to health problems, and can cause premature death.

Why you can’t speak badly about the deceased at the funeral: signs

  • Even in the days of ancient Greece it was believed that one could not talk about the deceased poorly. The living can recall all the good ones that this person managed to do in the times of earthly life.
  • This is due to the fact that the dead man cannot stand up for himself. If you express negative words at the funeral and in the future, according to the signs, he can to be offended, and revenge on a person, Having enjoyed the hardships of him and health problems.

Why you can’t wear clothes belonging to the dead on the funeral: signs

  • This sign about the funeral appeared in ancient times, when a person had only a few robes. Particles of liquids that stood out during death could remain on them. So that they would not be transferred to the skin of a living person, it was impossible to wear the clothes of the deceased.
  • Now this sign is outdated. This is due to the fact that most people buy an outfit in advance in which they want to be buried. Therefore, on the clothes, natural liquids that came out during death are not preserved.

Why cannot be tied nodes on the shoes of the deceased on the day of the funeral: signs

  • When a person dies, special funeral slippers are put on his feet. Nodes cannot be tied so as not to tie the soul to earthly life. Otherwise, she will not be able to find calm.
  • This signs at the funeral have a logical explanation. When a person dies, his limbs become more, so it is very difficult to squeeze them into tight shoes.

Why shouldn't those who were baptized at the funeral?

The church prohibits how to catch on such categories of people:

  • who did not pass the ritual of baptism;
  • who renounced the faith;
  • who was hostile or mockery of faith;
  • suicide.

If you show the priest a certificate that the suicide was mentally ill, he may agree to conduct a funeral service. Also, people who have committed suicide are burdened, if there is a permission of the diocese.

Signs at the funeral: how to kiss the dead man?

  • When relatives say goodbye to the deceased, they think little about signs on the day of the funeral. However, you cannot kiss the deceased on the lips or to other parts of the body. So you take over necrotic energy. If you want to kiss the dead man, it is better to do it in corner.
  • This signs have a logical explanation. Touching your lips to the body of the deceased, you risk catching any infection.
Kiss the deceased
Kiss the deceased

What days you can’t bury people: signs

  • There is a sign about the funeral, according to which You can’t bury the dead in the New Year, Christmas, for Easter. This will lead to the fact that the funeral will occur at least once a month during the year.
  • You can not bury the deceased on Sunday. This will lead to the fact that during the week there will be 3 more funerals from the inner circle.

Funeral: the list of signs and superstitions associated with the funeral and dead

  • Quite often there are situations that a person acquired a coffin in advance to save money from loved ones. Store such a product in the attic. However, few who think about the fact that a pre -made coffin will pull a person to themselves. This will cause premature death.
  • In ancient times, in order not to provoke premature death, they put it in the coffin wheat or wood sawdust. When a person was dying, then the filling of the coffin was poured into the grave. If you treat the poultry with such grain, it will die out. Priests recommend gradually collecting money for a rainy day, and not order such a product in advance.
  • After the death of a person, he is measured to make a coffin in size. Merki cannot be put on a bed in the house. They need to be taken out of housing, and then put into the coffin to the deceased.
  • According to the signs of the funeral, after the death of a person, it is necessary to remove from him jewelry made of silver. This metal is used to combat dark forces. If silver jewelry is on the deceased, evil spirits can disturb his soul and body.
  • If a person died at home, lying on the bed, it is not necessary to throw out bedding and bed. You can take underwear and pillows to the chicken coop so that the rooster is seated three times. After 3 days, you can bring them into the house without worrying about your health.
  • You can’t touch it to the body of the deceased with his hands. It is believed that at the place that you touched, growths in the form of a tumor will appear.
  • If you met a friend at the funeral, say hello only to nods of your head. Show respect for the deceased, and do not say hello out loud.
  • It is forbidden sweep the floor in the house where the coffin with the dead man is located. This can lead to the fact that one of the households will get very ill.
  • It is forbidden apply to the lips of the deceased 2 needles, folded cross-sustained. This will not protect the body from decomposition, as some believe. And needles can use sorcerers to guide damage.
  • A bouquet of sage is put in the head of the deceased so that an unpleasant smell does not come from the deceased. The same plants are used to divert evil spirits.
  • It is impossible for people to go to the bed of the deceased. This can lead to the fact that they will face dangerous diseases.
  • In the coffin you can only put Dry or artificial flowers. If they are alive, the soul will not be able to leave the earthly world.
  • Near the coffin in which the deceased lies, they light up candle. This helps the soul to find calm in the best world, because it will go into the light.
The candle near the dead man should be lit
The candle near the dead man should be lit
  • Instead of a candlelight, a candle is used glasses filled with wheat. She helps to take damage. The grain cannot be fed poultry, because this will lead to her death.
  • You can’t put in the coffin photos of relatives or young children. This will lead to big health problems, which often ends in death.
  • You can not give your things for the burial of the deceased. Otherwise, you will be very sick.
  • When they take out the coffin, control so that no one forms nodes on auxiliary canvases. A person can say that he blocks negative energy so that no one else died in this house. However, his goal is completely different. With his actions, he directs the negativity to this house.
  • If you accidentally crossed the road of a funeral procession, and tumors jumped out on your body, do not panic. It is necessary to spend the hand of the dead man in this place, and read prayers. Drive the procedure three times, and spit each time through the left shoulder.
  • When a person is buried, a towel is placed next to the grave. When he says goodbye to him, do not step on the fabric so as not to bring trouble. The ropes that connect the hands and legs of the dead man need to be untied on the graveyard, and put in the coffin. Some people can pick them up, and damage them.
  • Do not let people take the land from the cemetery, and put it for a scruff. It will be used after it will be used to conduct rituals of black magic.
  • When you return home from the graveyard, clean the shoes before crossing the housing threshold. It can also be held over a lit church candle so as not to bring negative energy into the room.
  • After the deceased is buried, treats for him in the house. It is better to put a glass of water, and a small amount of food. Do not let the children drink this water, otherwise they will begin to hurt.
  • You can not plant potatoes during the funeral. Otherwise, you can not wait for the harvest this year.
  • You can not postpone the funeral. Otherwise, within 30 days there will be 2-3 more dead people. If you postpone a funeral procession for several days or more, then there will be more deaths, because the deceased will wish to take someone else with him.
  • After a funeral procession, do not visit the guests. You run the risk of calling the deceased to their house.
  • If someone died in the house, you need to put a thistle in the room. It will allow a little weakening sorrow.
  • If the neighbors have a dead man in the house, do not drink water in the morning, scored in a bucket or pots in the evening. It needs to be poured, and recruited.
  • You need to wash the deceased when it is light on the street. So you help him to appear before the Almighty, pure, both soul and body. The water remaining after the ritual must be buried away from the yard. It is better to do this in an abandoned place where people do not go. It can be used for rituals of black magic. It is impossible for the liquid to get to the floor, otherwise the residents of the house will often hurt. Women should not wash the dead woman in a position, otherwise the child will hurt.
  • In a room where there is deceased, you need to take out keys from wells for the castle. It is necessary to open all the windows and doors, the spirit was freed from the body, and rose to another world.
  • Before the coffin is dropped into the grave, put a person’s underwear in it.
  • Put a scarf in the hands of the deceased so that the soul can wipe the sweat when the Last Judgment will pass.
  • If a person died on Easter, a egg needs to be put in a coffin.
  • It is customary to bury people in snow -white clothing, which personifies the purity of the soul of a Christian. In addition to hovering the mirrors in the house, you need to stop the entire watch. They will personify the end of the cycle of human life.
  • If many come to say goodbye to the deceased, that's good. But, half an hour before the body is carried out, only relatives remain next to it to calmly say goodbye.
  • From the house where a person died should not taking out the trash. Otherwise, you will have to take out everyone.
  • During the funeral, everyone who came to say goodbye to a person gives out sweets, pies and handkerchiefs. People who have accepted this alms must pray for the deceased. During the prayer, they will take on part of the sins of the deceased, which will allow the soul to quickly find peace.
  • When you return home, wash your hands thoroughly, and heat them above the candle fire. So you will not bring grave cold into the house.
  • During the commemoration on the table, you need to leave a glass of vodka covered with a piece of bread. After it, you need to put it on the windowsill, where it should be 40 days until the soul completely leaves the earthly world.
  • On the day of the funeral on the windowsill is left a glass of water, and on the corner of the house a small towel. All this should be in the field for 6 weeks so that the spirit of the deceased can come home, swim, and wipe himself.
  • On the 40th day after death, the shower leaves the house only for 24 hours. She completely leaves the earthly world after wires. This is a mandatory ritual that allows the soul to find peace, and not to suffer. On the 40th day after the death of a relative, a "staircase" from the dough is baked so that it is easier to climb to heaven.

As you can see, there will be a lot of accepts at the funeral. It is important to monitor your actions and behavior so as not to revenge revenge from the side of the deceased. It is necessary to respect the deceased so that he calmly goes to another world.

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