Is it possible to go to the cemetery in winter: signs

Is it possible to go to the cemetery in winter: signs

Features of visiting the cemetery in winter.

A cemetery is a place associated with a lot of signs and superstitions. Most often, some funeral or cemetery traditions can be heard from the lips of old grandmothers. For some reason, it is precisely this category of the population that is very believed in superstition. In this article we will tell you whether it is possible to come to the cemetery in winter. 

Is it possible to visit the graves of the dead in winter?

As at any other time of the year, in winter the cemetery can be visited. However, our ancestors believed that the campaign in the cemetery was closed, starting from the cover, ending with a red hill. However, this was not due to signs, superstitions, but a lot of snow.

Is it possible to visit the graves of the dead in winter:

  • Most of the cemeteries were far from the settlements to get to the specified place, it was necessary to clear a large amount of snow.
  • If no one cleaned it for several weeks or months, it was almost impossible to do this.
  • Now, despite the smaller amount of snow, all the same, many believe that it is not worth coming to the grave in winter. 

Is it possible in the winter in the cemetery: signs

If you believe the signs, then this cannot be done because of the special purpose of snow. He is a cover or hat that covers evil spirits located in the graves or above them. Therefore, anyone who visits the cemetery and scatter snow can cause trouble.

Is it possible in the winter in the cemetery, signs:

  • Several circles were carried out around the cemetery, neighboring graves, in order to mislead the dark forces. The more intersections of the traces, the more difficult it is to find the true way out. You can not return the same road, stepping on your traces. It was believed that in these traces demons and dark entities can come to visit a person. This became a way to track the visitor to the cemetery in the winter.
  • During the approach to the grave, it was impossible to step on the traces of previous visitors, birds and animals. Evil perfumes can be disguised as animals, people to take the vitality of the relatives of the deceased. Having stepped on these traces, the evil spirit gained access to the energy of the visitor. 

What do they wear in the winter in the cemetery?

According to the clergy, this is just superstition. Especially if a person died in winter, and in any case you will have to visit the cemetery. It is necessary to adhere to certain rules.

What they wear in the winter in the cemetery:

  • In no case in winter, do not take food, drinks with you, make them up on the grave and drink alcohol.
  • It is not recommended to clean snow from the grave, as it helps the earth to settle faster. This will help to install a tombstone and a monument as soon as possible.
  • If there is a need for a campaign in the cemetery, it is necessary to stock up on a shovel, a broom, a brush. This will help to get snow, and get to the grave. 

What to carry flowers in the cemetery in winter?

People die at different times of the year, so often funeral processions occur in winter.

What to carry flowers in the cemetery in winter:

  • People who decided to remember the deceased, come to the funeral, are interested in the name of the colors that need to be brought.
  • The florists are sure that the cold of cloves, roses are best tolerate best. You can also bring with you a basket of artificial colors. She will stand for a few months. 
  • It is not worth taking fresh flowers with you for 9 or 40 days, since when exposed to the cold, they fade very quickly. The best option is artificial compositions.
The kingdom of the deceased
The kingdom of the deceased

Is it possible to visit the cemetery in winter: the response of the priest

Priests do not recommend visiting the cemetery alone, as there is an opportunityslip, fell. In these places there are not many people in winter, so there is a chance that a person will be found very late and will not be able to provide the necessary assistance. 

Is it possible to visit the cemetery in winter, the response of the priest:

  • As for food, it should not be brought to the cemetery in the winter, and arrange a walk directly to the grave. In winter, there are few foods for predators, which often live in landings near the cemeteries.
  • Any smell of meat, sausage attracts animals, they can break the graves, or spoil everything around. Therefore, any meat, sausage products should be left at home. There is no sense in the winter to carry sweets to the grave, because in the cold season few people walk around the cemetery.
  • Priests recommend distributing food and alms to the poor. You can find in your home, or the entrance of old people who need help, and purchase products to them. Or give out packs with sweets. 

Why isn't it in the winter in the cemetery in winter?

The mass of the signs is associated with a visit to the monastery of the dead for a reason. This place was endowed with special meaning. The ancestors believed that visiting the grave in winter could cause trouble.

Why is it impossible in the winter in the cemetery:

  • Capturing the snow, a person opens access to evil spirits. For another reason, winter was considered a place of rest or habitat of spirits. If you believe superstition, then some souls from hell came to the cemetery in winter to relax.
  • It was believed that it was in winter that it was very easy to become a victim of evil spirits. Therefore, if you still had to come the grave in the winter season, it was necessary to approach in a roundabout way, in every possible way confusing dark forces.
Under the snow
Under the snow

There are many interesting articles on our site:

In winter, you must take a shovel to visit the cemetery. It is not worth carrying out excavation, and it is unlikely that it will work, especially if there is snow in the cemetery, severe frost. A visit is organized to talk with a deceased relative, say goodbye to him. Similar visits are carried out on the 9th and 40th day after death. The rest of the time, it is not necessary to come to the grave until spring. Usually they come to the graves on Saturdays, starting a week before Easter, and a week after it. That is, on parental Saturdays. It is these dates that are considered the opening of the season when you can visit the burial places. 

Video: Can I come to the cemetery in winter?


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