Flowers in the cemetery: signs. What flowers can and cannot be planted in the cemetery?

Flowers in the cemetery: signs. What flowers can and cannot be planted in the cemetery?

Places of sorrow for the dead cause relatives many experiences and emotions. As a sign of memory, a monument is erected on the grave and flowers are planted.

To plant flowers in the cemetery, you need to know what varieties have mourning symbolism and take root well in adverse conditions. In our article you will find out what flowers can be planted in the cemetery and how to treat them correctly in the future according to signs.

What flowers can be planted in the cemetery?

What flowers can be planted in the cemetery? Flowers in the cemetery should have a number of properties characteristic of a given area:

  • unpretentiousness and fast adaptation to various environmental conditions;
  • growth and flowering both in dry soil and during a re -excess of moisture;
  • perennialsnot losing their properties in poor quality soil;
  • plants with immunity to most diseases and pests;
  • do not require transplantation and constant care;
  • presentable appearance Both during flowering and during growth.

Plants for growing in a cemetery are divided into several types:

  • Carpet. Cultures weaving on the surface of the earth with a thick carpet. Quickly growing cultures are not suitable for those who do not plan to visit the cemetery every year.

Suitable carpet flowers in the cemetery:

  • barvinok - a sign of eternal love and good memory;
  • rosulary - A mourning flower with miniature sockets for partial areas.
  • Puchik flowers.Plants in which shoots come out of one point and bloom with buds.

It is customary to plant in the cemetery:

  • narcissus - small aromatic flowers symbolize death in youth;
  • irises - a flower of sadness, symbolizing the suffering and hopes for the salvation of the Virgin Mary;
  • tulips - A symbol of purity, innocence and fragility.
  • Perennial flowers.Perennial plants help preserve a decorative look for several years.

Perennial flowers for the cemetery that do not require care:

  • hyacinth -low -growing bulbous culture with flowering cone -shaped panicles, tolerates adverse environmental conditions well, in the ancient world was considered a flower of grief;
  • muscari - unpretentious culture with dense linear leaves, blooms with small buds collected in the clusters;
  • primrose -perennial varieties of the flower are undemanding to the composition of the soil, neat spherical inflorescences give a well -groomed look to the site;
  • violet -according to ancient Greek signs, a flower of sadness and death to decorate the graves of young, mild girls;
  • floxes - The thyroid phlox creates magnificent prolonged flowering without careful person’s care, perennial crops displace weeds, delicate colors create peaceful compositions.
  • Annual flowers - Suitable for planting on the grave, allow you to change the design every year.

Among them:

  • pansies - Compact culture retains flowering throughout the summer. Elegant and restrained flowers, a symbol of memory and humility;
  • marigold - flowers with orange and yellow flowers decorate the graves from the end of spring to the beginning of autumn, according to signs, protect souls from evil spirits;
  • forget -me -nots - Powerful plants with small blue flowers are symbolic for the cemetery in their name, independently sown for the next year.
Forget -me -nots
Forget -me -nots

What flowers cannot be planted in the cemetery?

  • The site in the cemetery is made out by simple unpretentious varieties of colors. The overall picture should be calm and peaceful, in concise and restrained tones. Properly selected and planted flowers in the cemetery help to maintain a well -groomed look, displace weeds.
  • Lush flowering on the grave is inappropriate, the amount of greens should dominate. You can’t plant in the cemetery flowers with large buds. Roses, peonies, chrysanthemums are best planted in the country.
  • Flowers with stale and bright shades. Suitable colors of plants in the cemetery - blue, white, pink, red. Rare, expensive, exotic flowers attract the attention of outsiders, who may have a desire to tear them out or dig them out for transplanting to another place.
  • When planting flowers in the flowerpots, take care of the reliability of the design. In a fit of strong winds, a poorly fixed flowerpot can spread or fly along with a flower. Expensive and beautiful flowerpots with flowers is another reason for outsiders.
  • It is inappropriate to plant in the cemetery trees. As the rhizome grows, they can damage the monument. False foliage requires timely cleaning of the territory.
  • Planting a shrub requires a seasonal trim of shoots, otherwise the shadow will delay the growth of colors.

Is it possible to plant flowers from the cemetery at home?

Many probably heard that nothing can be taken home from the cemetery. The explanation of this rule is simple - to touch the “other” the mysterious world is dangerous and undesirable. In places of the burial, “negative” energy prevails, which is filled with all the objects of the cemeteries. Flowers from the cemetery are no exception.

  • In the process of growth, flowers create their own energy, which interacts with the outside world. According to signs and superstitions other people's suffering and illnesses are fertile soil for flowering plants. That is why the flowers take root so well and grow in these places.
  • Patch flowers from the cemetery of the house - So consciously bring negativity to your home. People with psychic abilities warn that such "games" with a cemetery are life -threatening.
  • The transfer of energy that the flower has absorbed is launched by a destructive process for others. Among the possible negative consequences - reducing prosperity, deterioration of well -being and relationship.

If you are not fully sure of what you are doing, then adhere to the general rule - do not take anything from the cemetery. We follow the saying: "What fell on the cemetery land remains there."

Is it possible to transplant flowers to the grave of a relative from someone else's grave?

  • Alternate graves in the cemetery need to be treated with caution and respect. Digging plants from someone else's site is equal to theft.
  • Transplanting flowers from someone else's grave to the grave of a relative means take someone else's joy is the fragrance of plants. A dead soul, forgotten by his relatives, restless after death, to respond to a person who steals flowers.
  • Another thing is to transplant flowers in the cemetery to the grave of a relative inside their family. For example, flowers from mother to child, from her husband’s grave to the grave of his wife, etc. If relatives had a good relationship during his lifetime, then after death the deceased has no reason to get angry with their loved ones.
Transplantation is possible only inside family bonds
Transplantation is possible only inside family bonds

Is it possible to tear flowers in the cemetery?

The cemetery is considered the possession of the dead. Taking something from the cemetery, you deprive them of their property. According to ancient signs, to tear flowers in the cemetery and take home means kidnapping. Putting flowers in a vase brought from the cemetery at home, means to consciously draw an imbalance into the usual energy of the house. The consequence of such an act can be poor health and a series of troubles.

  • Live flowers do not stand in a vase for long. Therefore, in the best case, after taking the bouquet on the garbage, the negative consequences will go after.
  • There is a statement: "Death never gives its. She will come for torn flowers and grab something from the one who has this attitude. Believe in it or not, everyone decides for himself.

Live flowers from the cemetery are thrown

One of the varieties of damage is tossed fresh flowers from the cemetery. Most often, such an action is performed intentionally. But sometimes they were obtained by negligence. Such flowers can be bought from a street seller or received as a gift from a person with good intentions.

The correct reaction in this case minimizes the negative consequences:

  • If you know for sure that in the hands of the donor a bouquet from the cemetery, do not take flowers. Ask a person to leave with the gift.
  • If you learned too late that there are flowers from the cemetery in your apartment, then you need to contact specialist in the cleansing of energy in the premises.
  • If fresh flowers from the cemetery are thrown under the door, do not touch the lining. To neutralize the negative consequences, a special rite must be carried out.
Damped flowers should be correctly disposed of
Damped flowers should be correctly disposed of

How to neutralize the negative effect of fresh flowers from the cemetery:

  • Prepare red wine, camphor oil, strong vodka, black pepper. Using any improvised means, transfer flowers to a place to burn. If possible, do not touch the bouquet with your hands.

The lining is doused with red wine, then with butter and vodka, set on fire. In the process of combustion, black pepper with the words: "Return to where you came". The remains of the ash are collected on a scoop and taken away from the house.

Is it possible to throw last year's flowers from the cemetery?

  • Throwing away from the cemetery last year's flowers It is advisable when they fade. Bouquets of artificial colors retain the appearance during the year, then they need to be wrapped in a bag and attributed to a landfill. It is impossible to take flowers outside the cemetery. On the outskirts of the cemeteries are allocated areas.
  • Last year's flowers in the cemetery You can update at any time.
  • Fresh flowers for the deceased are not removed from the grave up to 40 days. It is undesirable to clean flowers on Sundays and church holidays.
  • It is best to plant new plants on memorial days.

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Comments K. article

  1. Sow ... aaaaa !!! Where do you all get such a verb ??? Plant and only plant! Flowers are planted, not planting! And where did the author get all these “rules”, what can be planted and what is impossible? Can you fill up the graves with artificial flowers? A person wants to plant peonies on the grave - let him plant!

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