The use of fir essential oil. Treatment with fir oil of runny nose, hemorrhoids, kidneys, joints, osteochondrosis, prostatitis

The use of fir essential oil. Treatment with fir oil of runny nose, hemorrhoids, kidneys, joints, osteochondrosis, prostatitis

The correct use of fir essential oil for the prevention and treatment of skin diseases. Useful properties of fir oil.

Essential oil of fir: therapeutic and beneficial properties

Fir essential oil is extracted from young branches of wood. In medicine and cosmetology, fir oil is used due to its ability to strengthen immunity, improve the activity of the heart system and disinfect the cavities of the gastrointestinal tract.

The essential oil of the fir has a pleasant smell and color, helps to fight bacterial manifestations inside the body, has a calming and relieving inflammation of the effect. Fir -based preparations are used both antibacterial and antifungal substances.

Essential oil of fir
Essential oil of fir

List of basic therapeutic properties:

  • acts as a choleretic substance
  • positively affects blood circulation
  • improves the operation of the respiratory tract
  • is a strong diuretic drug
  • when used correctly, sputum
  • improves the structure of the skin

When taking orally, after 20 minutes it enters the blood, lymph and spreads throughout the body. Improves digestion and functioning of brain cells. It is excreted from the body naturally, through urine and exhalation of air.

The use of essential fir oil in cosmetology for facial skin

Due to their antiseptic and bactericidal effects, fir essential oil is recommended to be used for oily skin. Natural components have a calming effect, remove excess fat elements from the skin, give it a healthy shine and elasticity.

The use of essential fir oil in cosmetology
The use of essential fir oil in cosmetology
  • It is also recommended to use fir oil when acne on the face, age acne and even some pustular diseases of the skin. If it is necessary to clean the pores of the face, the essential oil of the fir is best cope with this task. In addition, it helps relieve irritation and redness of any kind
  • In clinical practice, as a restorative drug, fir essential oil in the treatment of psoriasis, eczema and dermatitis is used. Dermatologists recommend this natural component to those who often suffer from the appearance of herpes on the lips, frequent injuries of the skin of the face, including burns
  • As an acting agent, both pure oil and diluted extracts with the addition of natural components can be used. Similar facial masks are necessary for the skin, regardless of the presence of skin diseases

The benefits of pine and firing essential oil

A pleasant smell in a pure pine forest is noted by everyone who was at least once in such an area. Pine trees charge with vigor, breathing is freed, intuitively wants to inhale more often and more pleasant air, which is saturated with pine smells. In addition to the located smell, pine essential oils and fir oil have a positive effect on the human body.

Essential oils of fir and pine
Essential oils of fir and pine
  • Essential oils of conifers are used to treat asthma, respiratory tract diseases, skin damage and disorders in the work of the urinary system
  • Also, extracts based on pine and fir oil are used as a prevention and restoring therapy for all types of acute respiratory diseases
  • The etheric composition improves the processing process, which is especially relevant for people with a large smoking experience. Pine oil and fir oil helps to cleanse the lungs and get rid of negative sedimentary elements in the body, which accumulate when working in places with a high content of dust in the air

The use of tea tree oil with fir essential oil

Tea tree essential oil is mined by evaporation of the leaves of the plant. In itself, the oil has a large spectrum of useful effects, but in cosmetology and, especially in medicine, a mixture of tea tree and fir essential oils is used.

Essential oil of fir
Essential oil of fir
  • The connection complements the active action of both components. As a result, cosmetic skin care increases several times. Tea tree oil contains the most substances affecting the regeneration and restoration of skin
  • The supplement of the antiseptic and antibacterial properties of the essential oil of the fir helps to perform soft care for any type of skin, improving its structure and appearance
  • Modern drugs practically do not use fir oil or tea tree oil in its pure form. Additional mixtures and additives were derived through experiments that showed the best result in this compound

Essential fir oil for hair

For a good growth of healthy hair, sufficient nutrition of the roots is necessary. Essential fir oil after use improves blood circulation in all parts of the body. The enhanced blood circulation allows you to deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the hair bulbs.

As a result, only a few sessions of regularly taking essential fir oil helps to improve the appearance of the hair, make them brilliant, obedient and healthy.

Essential fir oil for hair
Essential fir oil for hair
  • Fir essential oil copes with peeling of the scalp, eliminates excessive oily hair and stabilizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands
  • As an antiseptic, essential oil removes well not only external manifestations of dandruff, but also has a therapeutic effect on the cause of this ailment
  • As the use of fir oil for hair treatment, it is recommended to add to any shampoo that you use. In this case, you can immediately mix shampoo with essential oil, or you can use a certain portion of fir oil directly while washing the head

Essential fir oil for baths, use

Essential fir oil used for baths can not only improve the appearance of the skin, but also relieve fatigue and relieve bad mood. With the primary use of fir essential oil as an additive to the bath, it is better to use no more than eight drops for the entire volume of water.

In the future, it will be possible to increase the amount of fir essential oil to 15-20 drops. Remember that oil vapors evaporate very quickly in hot water, so it is better to prepare warm water, pleasant for your skin, but not hot.

Relaxing and soothing bath
Relaxing and soothing bath

A good effect is achieved due to the disclosure of skin pores under the influence of warm air. As a result, the current components of the essential oil of the fir quickly penetrate the skin, enriching and nourishing it. The total time of taking a bath using essential oils should not exceed 15-20 minutes.

A special emulsion can be prepared as a stimulating drug. To do this, you need to heat the water along with a small amount of alcohol over low heat, add liquid soap and mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Cool the resulting mixture and add a fir essential oil for less than the volume of the existing mixture.

Contraindications for firing essential oil

Using essential oils is not recommended during pregnancy, as well as people who have increased skin sensitivity or allergic reactions to components of the substance used.

Pregnancy as a contraindication of the use of fir oil
Pregnancy as a contraindication of the use of fir oil
  • With the primary use of fir essential oil, attention should be paid to the reaction of the body. The appearance of redness on the skin, especially if it is accompanied by burning or tingling, indicates the need to immediately stop using the essential oil of the fir. The whole body should be washed with warm running water
  • Also, the use of alcoholic drugs one day before and after using the essential oil of the fir should not be combined. Otherwise, you may not see a positive result and even harm yourself
  • Fir oil is afraid of bright sunlight and high temperature. The drug should not be used after exposure to these negative factors. Always store the substance in a rather cool and dark place

Treatment of hemorrhoids with fir oil

The treatment of hemorrhoids depends on the neglect of the disease and its stage of development. Only a proctologist can make a full decision on the proper treatment of hemorrhoids. An independent purpose of any form of treatment may not bring a positive result.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with fir oil
Treatment of hemorrhoids with fir oil

Essential oil for the treatment of hemorrhoids is used to combat internal hemorrhoidal nodes. It is recommended to use cotton swabs that are treated with fir and sea buckthorn oil. Use three times a day before obtaining a positive result.

External nodes and cones are treated with a special massage using essential fir oil. Also popular special candles from hemorrhoids based on fir oil and bee wax. In some cases, the use of enemas with the addition of fir water is recommended. You can buy it in almost any pharmacy.

Complex forms of hemorrhoids are treated only with the help of surgery.

Treatment of colds with fir oil

Fir oil relieves the main symptoms of a runny nose faster. The effect of oil leads to narrowing of the vessels of the nasal mucosa, which affects the amount of painful discharge in the disease. The use of fir oil at an early stage of the disease quickly relieves swelling, inflammation and nasal congestion.

Symptoms of a cold
Symptoms of a cold
  • Treatment begins with the use of drops in the nose, you can also grind reflex zones. Already during the first day a sharp improvement is noticed, the desire to sneeze, breathing improves
  • As a prevention, it is recommended to use fir essential oil along with massage during the period of epidemiological spread of the disease and in the seasons of the greatest danger of the appearance of diseases
  • The maximum effect for the treatment of a runny nose is achieved when using fir oil in a Russian bath. In this case, active substances penetrate deeper into the organs affected by the disease and act more actively on the whole body

Treatment of osteochondrosis with fir oil

Osteochondrosis is considered one of the most complex diseases of our generation, which is not completely treated. Most symptoms and external manifestations can be removed or reduced to their pain effects. The essential oil of the fir helps perfectly.

Due to its irritating effect, the use of fir oil in the area of \u200b\u200bpain leads to irritation of the nervous system. Since all nerve endings receive some stress, this distracts from the main pain and in general relieves pain as such.


The main effects of fir oil in osteochondrosis are spinal nerves and spinal cord. It is the problems with these elements of the body that lead to the appearance of osteochondrosis. Fir oil can quickly penetrate the spinal cord and acting soothingly on it.

The drug is used in the first pain by rubbing. The effect of relaxation and improving the condition is noticeable almost instantly.

Treatment with fir oil prostatitis

Fir oil for the treatment of prostatitis is used for a long time, and not only in folk medicine. Traditional treatment is often accompanied by restoring procedures using fir essential oil.

Fir oil destroys pathogens, deeply penetrates the cellular structure. With this effect of natural medicine, all infectious pathogens gradually die. For the treatment of prostatitis, not only oil is used, but also fir water, bark and various extracts.

Treatment of urological diseases
Treatment of urological diseases

In the process of treatment, fir oil helps relieve inflammation of the prostate gland. To do this, use several types of treatment. The most popular and effective method is the production of microclesty. Less commonly, special candles are used, which have a short shelf life, so they must often be ordered for manufacture in a pharmacy.

As a prevention and restoration therapy, a light cream is used, which is mixed with fir oil. Rub the mixture best at night, avoiding sensitive zones to exclude irritation and inflammation. The treatment is carried out at least one month, then the treatment is adjusted, or the resulting positive effect is fixed.

Fir oil for joint treatment

In addition to the fact that fir oil relieves pain manifestations, it fights the main symptoms of joint disease. The regular use of fir oil properly nourishes cartilage tissue, improves blood and lymph circulation, which leads to the restoration of reliable joint operation.

Treatment with fir oil
Treatment with fir oil
  • It is recommended to use not only for treatment, but also for the prevention of joint disease. The fir oil copes well with arthritis and arthrosis if the diseases are triggered by the insufficient supply of joints with useful substances
  • When the first signs of coxarthrosis appear, treatment with fir oil can be ineffective, since the cause of the disease is a change in the load on the bone structure of the body. Fir oil can be an assistant during rehabilitation
  • The most popular method of treating simple joint diseases is the use of baths and therapeutic massage

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Comments K. article

  1. Something does not really help oil against prostatitis. He does not even remove the symptoms.
    As a tried, I say - this does not help from prostatitis. Better buy urotrin and drink it for a week or two.

  2. I also opened fir oil in the treatment of a runny nose for myself, make inhalations with it and I still drink Squis Rino, thanks to such a combination, I cope with a runny nose in a short time)

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