The use of birch tar in folk medicine, gynecology, dentistry, and parasites. Treatment of birch tar, epistorchosis, papilloma, lamblia

The use of birch tar in folk medicine, gynecology, dentistry, and parasites. Treatment of birch tar, epistorchosis, papilloma, lamblia

Birch tar in the treatment of various diseases. Recipes with birch tar.

Important: Remember! Before using any folk remedy, be sure to get advice from your doctor.


Therapeutic properties and contraindications of birch tar

Birch tar is clean, an environmental product of nature. Get it by dry distillation of the bark of young birch. The appearance looks like an oily substance that has a specific smell.

The first is the first
Birch tar

There are many components, but the main ones are:

  • acids of organic origin
  • various phenols
  • benzols
  • important phytoncides

The healing properties of the drug are clearly manifested in the form:

  • Antiseptic and antimicrobial component in drugs
  • Antiparasite, drying, anesthetizing agent
  • Inflammation remedies, irritation
  • Cleansing component for skin diseases
  • Means to normalize the main processes in the body

Contraindications birch tar:

  1. Individual intolerance to the components of the drug
  2. Pregnancy, lactation
  3. Chronic kidney diseases

Video: Birch tar - benefit?

Drug - birch tar: Instructions for use externally

The use of tar inside significantly improves heart activity and strengthens the muscles of the heart. Tarry water prepared on the basis of birch tar, normalizes pressure and metabolic processes in the human body. A very effective means of tar serves with fever, cough and dropsy.

If you drink water in the morning on an empty stomach, you cope with diseases of the liver and pancreas, cleanse the blood of toxins and toxins that accumulate during life in adverse conditions.

Birch tar

The external drug “Birch tar” is used in the complex treatment of eczema, psoriasis, scabies, neurodermatitis, dermatomycosis, for disinfecting poorly healing purulent wounds, pressure sores, skin ulceration.
The external use of tar in the form of baths helps relieve skin irritation and clean it of acne.

There are 3 ways of external use of birch tar.

Method number 1. We apply tar with a thick layer to a area of \u200b\u200bdamaged skin and withstand 10 minutes 1 time per day, gradually increasing the exposure time to 30 minutes every day.
Then we wash off the drug with warm clean water with baby soap and lubricate the skin area recommended by the doctor with ointment or a nutrient cream suitable for your skin.

Method number 2.We apply a thin layer of liquid of the drug "Birch tar" to the affected area, and apply a bandage. We change the bandage 2 - 3 times a day.

Method number 3. 100 grams of the drug, mix 1: 1 with vodka, with 70 grams of water and 70 grams of baby soap. Add the resulting mixture for the adoption of tar baths. How to take baths read here.

Baths with tar children with diathesis help well.

Actively used birch tar in therapeutic cosmetology. Thanks to the antimicrobial, antiparasitic and antiseptic effect, it fights with a number of ailments.

Tar improves blood circulation, stimulates the restoration of the skin. He can replace the most chic arsenal of expensive cosmetics, but the truth will have to come to terms with an unpleasant odor.

Tarry soap for facial skin

For problem skin, tar is indispensable. The soap is tar makes the skin clean, without peeling, disinfect And dries up rashes. Normalizes the release of fat and fights with acne.

Birch tar contributes to cell regeneration hair cover and fights with seborrhea. How an antiseptic fights with oily hair.

Degtyer water is also used to treat atherosclerosis, cystitis, the consequences of chemotherapy, tumors.

Video: how to drink birch tar right?

Treatment of birch tar inside with bread, with milk: scheme

Folk remedies with tar -birch and milk will help you fight a severe form of tuberculosis, emphysema and equally complicated infections in the body. The medicine be sure to use on an empty stomach.

The treatment regimen is as follows:

  • First day 50 ml of milk and 1 drop of tar
  • The second day is 50 ml of milk and 2 drops of tar
  • The third day is 50 ml of milk and 3 Degty drops

The procedure is performed for ten days, adding a drop every day, up to 10 drops on the tenth day.

Cataral cystitis is also treated with milk and tar -birch. To do this, they dilute 10 drops of tar in 1 glass of milk and consumed 3 times a day.

Birch tar

Many serious female diseases are treated in the same way.
A solution of tar will help to fight constipation.

  • At the night before going to bed, take a small piece of bread and drop five drops of tar on it.
  • Increase the next technique by one drop.
  • The type of bread does not matter, the main thing is not to drink the medicine later.
The bar of the birch tar

Treatment of birch tar from parasites: recipes

Children and adults are haunted by helminthic invasions: enterobiosis, giardias, ascariasis. With them, a birch tar enters an effective struggle.

Thanks to the main component of Batulin, you can easily cope with helminthic diseases and parasites in the body. Toluol and xylol Watch the war with helminths.

  • For treatment, tar with milk in a glass is mixed, consumed daily, starting with 1 drops of tar and adding 1 drop every day. When the number of drops reaches 10, treatment is stopped.
  • Another method of treatment: for four days, drip 5 drops of tar on a piece of black bread and eat.

Children can mix tar into a teaspoon of juice, or half a teaspoon of honey, or with a piece of bread. The procedure is carried out at night, because the activity of parasites rises at night.

Children also give 1 drop every day bringing up to 8 drops and drink 8 drops for another 2 days.

Such cleaning must be carried out once a year, either in the spring or autumn.

In the same way, pets can be treated: cats, dogs.

Birch tar in dentistry with periodontal disease: Method of use

The treatment of periodontal disease has an integrated approach and is aimed at eradicating the pathological process. If you use traditional medicine, a pure birch tar is an ideal tool. It is the most effective means in the fight against gum problems.

Birch tar

For treatment:

  • We take a solution of tar and rub before bedtime in the gums and places of inflammation.
  • Wash off and continue treatment for 5 days.
  • A significant decrease in the manifestations of periodontal disease and subsequently its complete cure will be noted.
  • For prevention, use tar periodically for a month.
  • The birch tar will kill the microbes accumulated between the teeth and after a few days you will feel relief, redness and soreness of the gums will come.

Treatment of kidney cysts with birch tar: recipe

Treatment cysts kidneys by the way surgical interventions can to avoid using alternativetreatment folk means.
Birch tar provides only positive impact at so treatment.

  • For this necessary use in the course 3 days on 3  drops pharmacy tar, adding them in floor hot glasses milkReception we spend three times in the course day, before food.
  • The next 3 days must be taken 15 drops with milk and during the day.
  • The next 4 days drink 7 drops of tar with milk.
  • In the next ten days, take in the reverse order, 4 days for 7 drops, 3 days for 15 drops and 3 days 3 drops.
  • The next 10 days is a break and repeat the 20 -day course first.

Birch tar for candidiasis, thrush: recipes and douching

The most common Infectious diseases are caused by the fungus of the genus Candida.

Mostly from -per improper lifestyle, excessive alcohol consumption and non -observance of hygiene rules, or for other reasons, women have such diseases as candidiasis or thrush.

In folk medicine offer Treat the disease with a birch tar.

He fights perfectly with the fungus and restores the mucous membrane of the genitals. Remove burning and irritation from the first trick.

Soap from birch targeted handmade
  • With thrush, douching with tar soap is used. It is able to regenerate the skin and actively fight the fungal nature.
  • For treatment, the douching procedure is carried out 2 times a day.
  • The use of tampons with birch tar from candidiasis is also used. To do this, we take an ordinary female swab for the night we saturate it with honey and tar -birch in equal proportions and insert it into the vagina.
  • Treatment is carried out within three nights.

Also, thrush is treated using a pharmacy tar inside.
The scheme is such: Dissolve 3 drops of tar in 5 ml of milk and use for 5 days 3 times a day. After that, a break for 10 days. If necessary, repeat the procedure.

Treatment of urine incontinence with birch tar: recipe

Folk healers offer for  cure from incontinence urine together with comprehensive treatment use  birch  tar.

  • Mix 1 drop of tar -up oars with milk and drink on an empty stomach for the night.
  • Every day we repeat the procedure without a break, adding 1 drop and
  • having reached 10 every day, we reduce the number of degreas one at a time
  • Total 20 days of treatment with this method
  • 8 drops are enough for children

Birch tar from coughing with bronchitis: recipes and inhalations

At bronchitis amazed walls bronchi fromper unfavorable impact sets toxins and harmful substances of infectious nature.

Revenue products
Birch tar products

Birch tar is great assistant at excretion toxins from organism and beautiful antiseptic.
For treatment cough at bronchitis use recipes funds with birch tar and inhalation.
Recipe tar water at bronchitis:

  • We take it 1  spoon  birch tar  pharmacy
  • Water purified - 8 spoons
  • All thoroughly stir, we cover and insist  6 hours
  • Accepts solution before sleep At night on 1 dining room spoon to adults, if treatment held children, then on 1 tea spoon
  • Special condition: water medicine not wash down, can zatu candy.

For inhalers recipe with tar:

  • On the one liter water we drip twenty drops birch tar. We breathe inhaler in the course ten minutes each day before the cure.

Treatment of pulmonary emphysema and tuberculosis by birch target

Emphysema lungs and tuberculosis it is treated in people's medicine with use birch tar, t ak how he promotes fast tightening wounds,  conclusion toxic substances and destruction of parasites and infections.
At elimination emphysemes use in recipes tar, add in collection for inhalers and how medicine for reception in inside.

Observed u patients complete cure from ailment at help birch tar.

The folk recipe for the treatment of enphizems of lungs IT tuberculosis with birch tar.

  • 50 ml of warm milk and one drop of pharmacy tar  take on an empty stomachdaily for a week.
  • During the second week, take the same solution, but with 2 drops of tar.
  • In the third week, drink a solution with 3 drops of tar.
  • And so continue for 10 weeks, increasing 1 drop every week.
  • After 10 weeks, a break of 2 weeks and repeat the course again.

it it has bright expressed therapeutic effect With duration treatment about six months.

Birch tar for fibrous-acid mastopathy: Recipe

Birch tar in treatment fibrouscystic mastopathy directed on the harmonization general states and removal inflammation in body. For this drink infusion from tar 3 times on an empty stomach day.

For solution :

  • We take it 50 ml  warm milk and add 3  drops pharmacy birch tar and drink 3 days
  • The next 3 days add 5 degreas
  • In the next 3 days - 7 drops of tar
  • In the next 10 days a break

After the break, we drink 9 days in the reverse order, first 7 drops of 3 days, then 5 drops of 3 days and 3 drops 3 days.
Repeat the course if necessary after 2 months.

Birch tar

Birch tar from Vitiligo: reviews

Birch tar helps skin to develop melanin, which the answers per pigmentation. Them council lubricate spots and treat vitiligo.
See at the beginning of the article instructions for the external use of tarAfter long -term procedures illness should disappear.

Anna, 35 years
Mine son now 13 years. We noticed appearance white spots u him on the dark -skinned skin. AT the course two months they strongly increased. Not they knew which medicine use. Then acquired tar birch. Abundant mazali manifestations diseases month. Spots become straightaway less and then fully gone.
Marina, 26 years
Me with childhood personal diseases vitiligo. Beginning well treatment with help milk and tar. I drink already month. Body nearly fully already cleaned.
Oleg, 30 years
I get sick vitiligo. On the that week began drink tar with milk. First impression disgusting. Better less drip tar for beginning, so not turned out. Then you will get used to it. Means really effective and to me very helps already on the initial stage treatment.

Can a birch tar during pregnancy?

AT birch degte contained basopin with high concentration. That's why pregnant women and women in period lactation application such funds contraindicated.

Birch tar from allergies: recipe

AT dermatology with long -standing times apply birch tar. He possesses properties restoration of the skin, dried effect, reduces redness and itching. Actively used at eczema, psoriasis.
Tar provides Anti -inflammatory impact on the skin. But should observe correct proportions drug, to to avoid reverse reactions.

Recipe for allergies.

  • In half a glass of warm milk, add 1 drop of pharmacy tar and drink on an empty stomach no later than half an hour before meals.
  • The next day, add 2 drops more to milk, and so we add 2 drops every day, bringing the number of drops to 12.
  • After that, we drink in the reverse order, reducing the number of degreas from 12 to 2 drops every day.
  • Take a break for 1 week and repeat the course.
A bar of tar soap

Birch tar from papillomas and warts

Folk healers recommended treat papillary growths and warts with help tar soap. For this soapy application apply before sleep. Term treatment 4 weeks.

Birch tar contains near 10% antiviral components, which interacting, prevent bacterial infections.

For increased therapeutic characteristics in such soapy solution add chamomile and bark oak.
Warts after impact tar solution fall off already on the second day.

RECIPE: 2 drops of a pharmacy birch tar drip on a very small piece of cotton wool, attach to a wart or papilloma and glue a patch to this place. It turns out a kind of compress.
You need to do it at night, if conditions allow, you can hold longer.
Several of these compors will allow you to get rid of these viruses.

Birch tar from corns: benefit, recipe

Tar Birch protrudes beautiful antiseptic and provides local restoring and insecticidal action. Thanks to  rich natural composition tar improves blood supply in fabrics, and stimulant acts on the process recovery skin. The main ones components for this are fitoncides, korozols, phenol.

Birch tar

For removal corns birch tar mix with selitro and sugar. Such ointment lubricate, previously steamed cormation at night and if conditions allow, then during the day.

Treatment of the liver from opisthorchiasis by birch tar: Recipe

Proven remedy for treatment opisthorchia It is a birch tar. To do this, use milk drink with Degty drops.


  • Add pharmacy birch tar to 100 ml of warm milk and consume the resulting mixture 1 hour before meals.
  • They start reception from 2 drops per day, adding 2 drops every day. On the fifth day, the number of drops should be 10.
  • Then we drink in the reverse order, reducing 2 drops every day.
  • The course of treatment lasts 10 days and after 3 weeks is repeated again.

For kids The product is prepared from grated mashed potatoes or carrot juice or apple, with the addition of 1 drop of birch tar on a teaspoon of mashed potatoes or juice.

Carry out treatment within 12 - 14 days 1 hour before meals.

Birch tar will remove toxins and harmful remnants of parasites from the body.

Treatment of birch tar from parasites - worms: recipes

Birch tar fights with the main helminthic invasions:

  • enterobiosis
  • acaridosis
  • lambliosis

It actively has an annoying effect of a local nature on worms. This is a priceless product in the fight against helminths.

The easiest way to treat is to add one drop of tar to a spoon of honey.

The following remedy is used: three drops of birch tar drip on a small piece of bread and eat. Such manipulation is carried out four times a day until the parasites are completely eliminated.

Birch water is also prepared at home.


For treatment, tar with 50 ml of milk in a glass is mixed, on an empty stomach daily at night, starting with 1 drop of tar and adding 1 drop every day. When the number of drops reaches 10, treatment is stopped.

Using such a solution, you will get rid of worms and establish the digestive tract.

Birch tar products

Video: Prevention and expulsion of parasites from the body with birch target

Treatment of birch tar from parasites - lamblia: recipes

Lamblia in people treat with help birch tar. Use several proven recipes:

Tar with apple.

  • Tea spoon mashed potatoes apple mix with drop tar, eat.
  • AT zone location liver apply compress  with tar.
  • Treatment conduct before sleep.

Tar and bread.

  • AT morning time on the empty stomach eat a piece of bread, drowned in 1 drop birch  tar.
  • On each subsequent day, add 1 drop of tar, bringing to 10.
  • Allowed sprinking sugar above.
  • Through Take a birch tar in the reverse order for 10 days, reducing 1 drop per day.
  • L yumpblia they will leave from your his organism.

Tar and milk.

  • We take it 50 ml milk, we warm up.
  • Add 5 drops birch tar.
  • Use two times in day, in the course weeks.
  • Each day add on drop tar. Bringing to the end of the week to 12 drops.

Treatment of hemorrhoids by birch tar at home: benefits, recipes

AT home terms with hemorrhoids fight with help birch tar. Therapeutic effect tar simply miraculous at so disease.

Tar  on the the first stages treatment eliminates symptoms:

  • inflammatory processes in nodes hemorrhoids
  • straightaway reduces edema
  • heals  arising cracks
  • open wounds in anal holes
  • effective suspenses arising bleeding
  • warns infection
Soap from tar

In time treatment hemorrhoids a drug accept externally and in inside. For external use do lotions in tar water. For introduction in straight gut on the night, tar lubricate tampon with a solution of pharmacy birch tar.
Treatment conduct before complete elimination symptoms.
If a no bleeding use also steam baths with medicine.

The recipe for steam bath: Heat a brick, place it in a metal bucket and drop 3 drops of tar on it. Sit on a bucket and steam.
Bath recipe: 100 grams of the drug mix 1: 1 with vodka, with 70 grams of water and 70 grams of baby soap. Add the resulting mixture for the adoption of tar baths.

Treatment of nail fungus and feet with birch tar

On the initial stage occurrence fungus nail and foot recommend conduct treatment with help folk funds.

Birch tar is ideal remedy treatment fungal infections.

Thanks to his own highly effective properties and healing effect tar use in treatment candidiasis nails.
Degtyar soap will help stop destruction nail plates, much improve condition foot.

  • For conducting treatment good steam legs, wipe tar  soap feet and remove affected fungus nails.
  • Then  affected places, cracks, feet abundant they spread birch tar At night.

Joint Treatment Birch Degem: Recipe

If a regularly use water from birch tar can get rid from pain in joints. Organism  cleaned and blood supply in joints are getting better.

For treatment, you can choose any cleansing scheme: from parasites, lamblia, opistorchs. Read the article above.

External joint treatment of the recipe:

Lubricate the sick joint with a birch tar. You can make a compress. In an hour (you can keep it longer, if unpleasant sensations do not appear), remove the tar, washing this place with tar soap.
The next day, we make a clay compress on the joint so that it pulls out salt, broken by tar. We hold before the appearance of unpleasant sensations.

Treatment is carried out according to the scheme:

  • 1 day - compress from tar
  • 2 day - clay compress
  • 3, 4 days - rest
  • 5 day - compress from tar
  • 6 day - clay compress
  • 7, 8, 9 day - rest
  • 10 day - compress from tar
  • 11 day - clay compress

If necessary, repeat the treatment after 1 - 2 weeks.

Video : Treatment of the joints of the legs by the turpentine gum and tar birch

Treatment of diabetes with birch tar: recipe

At such diseases how sugar diabetes on the skin arise opesters. BUT this is very dangerous, threats serious consequences. That's why folk healers recommend use tar birch.

At sugar diabetes big predisposition to purulent diseases skin.

Degtyar soap possesses healing properties. That's why use drowned in degte dressings and lotions on the such wounds. Wash affected fate should too only at help soap from birch tar.

For oral administration to cleanse the body and improve metabolic processes Take tar with a piece of bread, or 50 ml of milk starting with 1 drop and increasing every day by 1 drop, bringing to 10 drops per day. After that, continue taking tar, reducing 1 drop per day according to the reverse scheme.
For complex treatment, it is useful to drink the drug of chromium with vanadium.

Treatment of birch tar oncology, cancer: recipe

The purified tar is used in oncology, it neutralizes the negative consequences of chemotherapy and drug treatment.

It is able to suppress the growth of tumor cells with ovarian cysts, mastopathy, fibromyoma, adenoma, is a preventive tool that prevents the transition of benign neoplasms to malignant forms.
However, such a serious disease is not treated independently. Consult your doctor.

Folk recipe for oncology:

  • Start reception Birch tar inside from 3 drops per day on an empty stomach, dividing the reception by 3 times during the day, i.e. 1 drop per reception. You can add a pharmacy tar in 50 ml of milk, or in a piece of bread.
  • On day 2, add 1 drop of tar at each reception.
  • On 3 days, 3 drops per 1 reception and drink 2 more days in the reverse order reducing the dosage by 1 drop.
  • Then take a week break.
  • Again, a second time Start taking tar from 1 drop and add 1 drop in the following days, up to 4 drops.
  • In the following days, drink tar in the reverse order, reducing by 1 drop.
  • Take a break for 10 days.
  • The third time Start the course of treatment with 1 drop and, adding 1 per day, bring to 5 drops to the reception.
  • Then drink in the following days in the reverse order.
  • Take a break of 13 days.
  • Repeat these 3 courses 3 times for 167 days.

If during the reception there is discomfort in the liver, it is necessary to take on an empty stomach 2 to 4 tablets with activated coal, or other sorbent. For example, polysorb.

Treatment of prostatitis with birch tar: recipe

Birch tar it has pantry therapeutic properties and contains more thousands useful components. That's why we use his how antiseptic, anti -inflammatory means. Actively a drug it is used fortreatment diseases internal organs and chronic exacerbations.
For cure prostatitis apply water from tar. Her very easily prepare at home.

Defty water recipe:

  • We take it floor 100  birch tar and dilute  in 800 ml clean water. Solution 1: 8.
  • Store solution in cold place
  • We accept inside in time exacerbations diseases and for general treatment
  • Take on an empty stomach 1 stip on an empty stomach half an hour before meals 2 times a day 2 weeks
  • Children - 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach in 20 minutes or half an hour before meals

Evas tar
Birch tar for prostatitis

Treatment of fibroids by birch golsh: benefit

Miom treat with help folk funds on the basis birch tar. This ingredientprovidespositivetherapeutic D. eninity: analgesic, anti -inflammatory, antiseptic, absorbing.Baths and tampons with tar have miraculous effect in this disease.

In complex treatment, along with taking inside, tampons are used at night.

Tampons recipe with tar: take 1 tbsp. l. butter, 1 tbsp. l. honey, 1 tbsp. l. Stiring tar and soak the ordinary swab.

It is recommended to alternate tampons with tar and camphor oil. Apply tampons for 30 days.

Inside, use tar according to any of the cleansing schemes: against parasites, lamblia, opistorchs.

Treatment of sinusitis with birch tar: recipe, reviews

Sinusitis tar birch it is treated inside inward according to the increase in an increase of 1 drop to 10 drops per 100 g. milk.

Can be used more sparing wayapplications on the region gaymorov sinus.

For this we do mixture creamy oils with birch tar in proportions 1:1. Time excerpts15 minutes.

New tar
Birch tar

Natalia,40 years
Want share experience treatment sinusitis tar. All not use his fromper unpleasant smell. BUT what do when all used me funds not effective. The first once it was not nice, a after i got used to it.
Kirill, 32 of the year
I drink tar with milk on mornings and i do applications from sinusitis with birch tarThought first another empty spending time. But it turned out not right. Already through three day i felt significant relief from diseases.

Treatment of the thyroid gland with birch tar

Clean organism from toxins and normalize work thyroid glands will help birch tar.

Before sleep necessary spread a piece of bread tar  and eat,starting from 1 drop and bringing to 10 and then in the reverse order. Important not miss in time course treatment neither one day. Treatment 20 days.

BUT in the morning accept degtyar water 1 tablespoon.

Defty water recipe:

  • We take it floor 100  birch tar and dilute  in 800 ml clean water. Solution 1: 8.
  • Store solution in cold place
  • We accept inside in time exacerbations diseases and for general treatment
  • Take on an empty stomach 1 stip on an empty stomach half an hour before meals in the morning

Treatment of throat from tonsillitis with birch tar

Birch tar good treat suffocating cough at angina. His application much reduces inflammation and infection in throat.
Actively i use compresses with tar birch and inhalation. Can accept water with tar on the night inside and rinse the throat.

Treatment of pressure sores by birch target

Oily liquid birch tar possesses high antimicrobial action and is beautiful antiseptic. Her active component use in composition ointments Vishnevsky and tar soap.

The contained phenols and korozols in degte at long application fully remove praise with skin pokov. Ointments on the basis tar actively assign for healing ulcerative rAS and resorption praise.

Video: Birch tar. Tar treatment (psoriasis, mastopathy, fungus, oncology, bronchitis, asthma)

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Comments K. article

  1. Yes, now birch tar is often used. Although it is better to take Berestine in a pharmacy - this is a purified tar, it smells less sharp. And it helps from different skin diseases very effective.

  2. Rita, how to use it correctly? I heard a lot of useful things about tar. Berritin is very expensive?

  3. Berraestin is quite affordable. Well, you need to use it depending on the disease. For example, with psoriasis, you need to carefully remove crusts and scales from plaques, and then apply Berestine. To begin with, it is enough to hold it for about 15 minutes, then you can increase the time.

  4. Hello, we also drank a birch tar according to the scheme and helped from hemorrhoids, although write from another and noticed that hemorrhoids disappeared, I advise you, the smell is terrible but tolerant

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