Thrush in women: causes, symptoms, photos. Treatment of thrush in women with drugs and folk remedies at home: tips, reviews. Preparations for thrush: List with instructions

Thrush in women: causes, symptoms, photos. Treatment of thrush in women with drugs and folk remedies at home: tips, reviews. Preparations for thrush: List with instructions

Many women faced thrush. This fungal disease brings a lot of trouble and discomfort to its victim. How does this insidious ailment manifest and how to deal with it?

Symptoms of thrush in women: photo

Symptoms of thrush, or vaginal candidiasis, are specific and often pronounced, which allows doctors to quickly and accurately make the correct diagnosis. However, there are cases when symptoms are not expressed enough and additional laboratory studies are required to make a diagnosis. So, what are the main symptoms of thrush in women?


  • Abundant curdled discharge from the vagina in the form of mucus with white lumps.
  • Unpleasant sensations in the form of burning and severe itching in the genital area, pronounced hyperemia and swelling of the large and small labia. The symptom is enhanced in a warm environment (after taking a hot bath) and at night.
  • Soreness and discomfort in the act of urination (inflamed epithelium reacts painfully to aggressive urine).
  • Painful and unpleasant sensations during intercourse.

Many women note a specific smell of secretions along with the listed symptoms. This smell is weakly expressed and has a sour, “kefir” shade.


Important: the thrush can occur atypically (erased current) and only one of the listed symptoms can be disturbed.

In such cases, it is especially important to consult a specialist so that the diagnosis is made correctly and adequate treatment is prescribed. In addition, thrush can accompany other more severe infections and be only one of the components of the general picture of the disease. Only a doctor based on an examination can differentiate the diagnosis.

Causes of thrush in women

The causative agent of candidiasis is the fungus of Candida albicans, which is normal in 80 % of healthy people and does not cause any problems. This fungus, upholstered in the female vagina, maintains normal acid-base balance in it.

Important: the healthy flora of the female genital organs is supported by immunity and suppresses the excessive growth of the bacterial background. If for some reason there is a failure in the body, then the growth and reproduction of bacteria and fungi is activated and thrush can develop.

The main causes of candidiasis in women

  • Taking antibiotics, especially long, oppresses the healthy microflora of the female body. At the same time, antibiotics do not affect the fungal flora, which begins to actively multiply and thrush occurs.
  • General decrease in body resistance. Chronic foci of infection, which are not treated in time, reduce immunity and the body becomes defenseless before Candida albicans.
  • Metabolic disorders, which often occur due to diabetes. In case of violation of carbohydrate metabolism, with a general increase in blood sugar, its excess is also observed in the mucus of the vagina, and for fungi that cause thrush, this is the best nutrient medium. The second factor contributing to the development of thrush in diabetes is a violation of protein metabolism and, as a result, a decrease in the body's immune forces.
  • Irrational and unbalanced nutrition With increased use of sweets and pastries. As a result - malfunctions of the pancreas, insufficient production of insulin and is almost the same as with diabetes.
  • Hormonal violations. For example, pregnancy, incorrectly selected contraceptives or diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Improper use of hygienic gaskets (Their insufficiently frequent change), as well as close synthetic underwear, can lead to the development of vaginal candidiasis.

Thrush during pregnancy: what to do?

Pregnant thrush is a fairly common phenomenon.

Important: vaginal candidiasis complicates the course of pregnancy and can contribute to infection of the fetus and a newborn child. Therefore, you cannot consider thrush a normal phenomenon for a pregnant woman.


The main reason for the occurrence of thrush in pregnant women is a decrease in immunity and a change in hormonal balance. In order for a woman to have the opportunity to bear the child and the fetus does not occur, the immune response becomes less aggressive.
Interfere with medication in this process is fraught with serious consequences, therefore

Important: doctors recommend that pregnant women optimize nutrition and daily routine, avoid stress as provocateurs of immunity.

During pregnancy, the aggravation of thrush can even cause sexual relations with a partner, so it is better to abandon them for some time.

How to treat thrush in women?

By diagnosing thrush and confirming his diagnosis with laboratory tests, the gynecologist prescribes treatment.

Important: when choosing drugs, the gynecologist is based on the results of a bacteric vaginal smear that determines the sensitivity of fungi to specific active substances.

The ordinary causative agent of thrush is Candida albicans, but in a chronic disease, Candida Glabrata can be sowed, more resistant to antifungal agents.


All drugs for the treatment of thrush are divided into 2 large groups: for local treatment and system (general) action.

  • Local drugs - Vaginal tablets, candles, ointments and creams are a predominant choice in favor of gentle therapy, especially during pregnancy and with an uncomplicated, initial form of the disease.
    System preparations (in the form of tablets and in combination with local funds) are more often used for chronic, complicated by concomitant infections, thrush.
    In addition to taking drugs aimed at eliminating the immediate cause of the disease, that is, fungi,

Important: be sure to observe several rules so that the treatment is successful:

  • perform hygienic procedures,
  • eat correctly - include fresh vegetables and fruits, sour -milk products, protein foods in the menu, avoid excessive consumption of sweets, spicy, spicy, smoked food,
  • use daily (non -armed!) Gaskets correctly - change as it is contaminated, as often as possible,
  • exclude long -term stay in the sun or in the cold and strong physical activity,
  • during the treatment, exclude sexual intercourse,
  • avoid stressful situations.


Drugs and drugs for the treatment of thrush in women: Instructions

Suppositories are the most convenient way of local treatment of vaginal candidiasis. The active substance penetrates the vaginal mucosa, destroying the pathogen and eliminating the inflammatory process.
The following drugs in the form of suppositories (candles) are most often prescribed:

Zalain (acting substance of the Serdakonazole)

Method of application: once, 1 candle at night, repeated use is possible after 7 days.
Advantages: single use, disadvantages - high price.


Livarol (active substance ketoconazole)

Contraindicated during pregnancy.
Method of application: 1 candle at night 3-5 days, with a chronic course-up to 10 days.
Advantages: Effective, does not cause allergic reactions, minus - resistance can occur with prolonged use.

Clotrimazole (analogues - candidide, kanesten, candidizol, antifungol)

Contraindicated during pregnancy.
Method of application: 1 candle at night for 6 days.
Plus: a democratic price, cons - side effects and rapid development of the stability of the pathogen.

Pimafucin (active substance Namitzin, analogue - Primafungin)

Allowed during pregnancy
Method of application: 3-6 days for 1 candle.

In addition to these drugs, gynecologists prescribe irunin (1 candle 7-14 days), mcMuror complex (1 candle 8 days), mikonazole (6-7 days), environmental, iodoxide (betadin)-1-2 times a day, 1 candle 14 days, lomexin (1 candle 1-3 days), fluomin (1 capsule is intravaginal 6 days).


From systemic preparations used as orally, most often prescribed Levorin, Pimafucin, Ketokonazole, Itraconazole, Fluconazole And their analogues. These drugs have high antifungal activity and cope with the chronic form of vaginal candidiasis. The dosage and duration of use are prescribed by a doctor.


Folk remedies for thrush in women: recipes

Folk treatment is based on the use of herbs and consists mainly in douching with herbal decoctions and the use of herbal infusions and decoctions inside.


  • Calendula and chamomile decoction
    Pour 2 tablespoons of each grass with boiling water, boil in a water bath for 10 minutes, let it brew for 2 hours. 4 tbsp. Dilute the tablespoons of the solution with a liter of warm boiled water, douch at night.
  • Honey solution
    Dissolve natural honey in boiled water 1: 10. Apply at night within 10 days in the form of douching.
  • Infusion from St. John's wort
    2 tbsp. Pour the tablespoons of the grass with two water water, boil in a water bath for 30 minutes. Strain, get out at night.
  • Body soda solution, diluted boiling water and cooled for douching.


Washing recipe:

Collection from oak bark, nettles, string, lavender (3: 2: 1.5: 1 part). 1 tbsp. a spoon of 150 ml of boiling water, let it brew for 2-3 hours. The solution is ready. The baking soda solution is also good, prepared in the same way as for douching.

Tampons with thrush:

Smell the swamp from gauze with fresh degreased kefir, enter into the vagina, having previously fixed the thread at the end so that it is easy to extract, leave it overnight. In the morning, after extracting the tampon, get a decoction of chamomile.


Herbs for internal use:

The yarrow, sage, juniper, chamomile, eucalyptus, calendula, kidneys and black poplar take in equal proportions. 2 tbsp. Pour a liter of boiling water, insist for several hours. Drink before meals 3 times a day for 50 ml. The same decoction can be used for sedentary baths.

Treatment of thrush in women at home

The thrush must be treated comprehensively. Most often, at home, douching with herbal decoctions, local baths with soda solution or herbal decoctions are actively used, and tea tree tampons with kefir or oil of tea wood are used.


IMPORTANT: Food adjustment and vitamin therapy are also an indispensable condition for success in treatment. But it is worth remembering that neglected forms of candidiasis can be cured without visiting a specialist and taking special antifungal agents.

Tips and reviews for thrush in women

Anna: The thrush fell completely unexpectedly. How to treat? Of course, Diflucan! Advertising is spinning constantly. I bought, drank, helped. But then she found out that the active substance is fluconazole. Fluconazole, which costs 20 r, and Diflukan - 600 r! I already drank fluconazole already, I did not feel the difference at all. Tip: Always ask cheap analogues, do not throw money away!

Marina: I bought candles Pimafucin. Reviews seem to be good about them. But it did not help me! It turned out that it did not help, because I had a bacterial vaginitis, not the thrush ... The doctor told me when I went to the reception. He appointed Betadin tablets and suppositories. That helped. And I saved Pimafucin during pregnancy - then it worked)) Do not treat yourself, girls, go to the doctor.


Regardless of whether you prefer traditional medicine or folk remedies, it must be remembered that the main thing is the correct diagnosis and timely treatment. Health to you, and let this ailment be unfamiliar to you.

Video: What do doctors say? How to determine thrush?

Video: Is it possible to get rid of thrush yourself?

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Comments K. article

  1. I have already had a thrush for many years, earlier expensive drugs had still taken from it. And now I see that after them the same relapses as after the cheap ones switched to simple nystatin and metrogil plus, at least, savings.

  2. Yeah, try to find Nistatin in a pharmacy now. And the metrogil plus is not so cheap, about 200 r costs.

  3. Ecofemin Aflyuvag is well complemented by treatment, but it is not cheap. And I have not found an analogue yet.

  4. Volumes, analogues in ecofemin mass - acilakt, vaginorm, lactobacterin. Another thing is that not all of them help in principle.

  5. The doctor told me that to accurately get rid of thrush, it would be nice to conduct a two -stage treatment regimen: first an antifungal, then lactoral, which restores and enhances the effect of antifungal agents. Such a treatment regimen helped me, nothing bothers now.

  6. The doctor told me - there is less flour, sweet, etc. Listen, what kind of lactozhinal is it, I have never been appointed to me?

  7. Good advice was given to you by the doctor! And lactozhinal is a tribiotic, it contains lactobacilli with a prebiotic and a postbiotic in one capsule. It helps to establish a pH environment and does not allow the fungus to develop. I used it last year, often the thrush arose. And after treatment, antifungal (lyvarol), and then lactorine. And still has never been.

  8. I completely agree about Lactozhinal. My doctor says that two-stage thrush should always be treated, as above and wrote-condensed, then lactozhinal. According to this scheme, my thrush has passed and does not return, I passed the tests, all perfectly.

  9. But here I just prescribe an antifungal doctor with thrush. The truth is always different.

  10. Julia, well, in general, there should always be different antifungal agents with exacerbation of thrush. But these means affect the microflora, from here relaxes arise. I went through the lactozhinal to restore microflora, and no relapses, everything is fine.

  11. The doctor prescribes me only antifungal with thrush. Each time different, but for a long time I do not have enough effect (((

  12. Lyudmila, everything is the right doctor who prescribes different you all the time. But in general, of course, this is not enough. That's above correctly about lactorism. This drug restores the microflora, what is needed for the second stage of the treatment of thrush. I also took place in two stages of therapy.

  13. I was only treated from thrush, and she is here (((what to do?

  14. I, too, used to suffer from excess of thrush. But the last time the gynecologist prescribed me in addition to the antibiotic, the second stage, the vaginal capsules of Lactozhinal. They, as it turned out, perfectly restore the vaginal microflora, positively affect local immunity. Thanks to this, I am now enjoying remission.

  15. I also suffered from thrush before several times a year. Until last fall, this situation continued. And that fall, the new gynecologist prescribed me a two -stage treatment for this disease, with the mandatory use of the second stage of the lactizhinal capsules, which restore intimate microflora and local immunity. And so, everything is still fine, the thrush does not return, I hope it will continue))

  16. Thank you, an excellent informative article.

  17. first of all, the diet is needed and the doctor prescribed me Liveo 4, there are probiotics and prebiotics, and, it is necessary to drink the full course - as indicated in the instructions, so that there is no relapse.

  18. Alas, few doctors know that only a two -stage method of treatment helps with thrush. They treat the old -fashioned antifungal in the old fashioned way, and then they are surprised that a relapse was happening again and again. But the second stage is needed - lactozhinal, the microflora is restored with it, and the thrush does not come again)))

  19. How tired of the thrush, I fly it, and she returns again (

  20. From time to time I am concerned about the symptoms of thrush (

  21. Lyudmila, or maybe you are simply not correct therapy. I have not yet passed two staging therapy, there were often recurrence, and now there is a remission that has long been going on for a long time. And by the way, the second stage I also passed using the lactozhinal, about which they already wrote above.

  22. I was treated for a long time and tedious from her ... Therefore, now the prevention is my everything. I take the Femi multiflora. This is a probiotic complex based on lactobacilli. Plus, I try to eat more or less purely with an abundance of fermented products. There was no more relapse and this already noticeably facilitates life.

  23. Recently, for the first time I ran into a thrush, I did not think that it was so not comfortable. I immediately went to the doctor, he prescribed an antifungal and then Lactozhinal is necessarily. It is needed to restore the microflora, then there is less chance that the thrush will begin again.

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