"Primer's holiday" - a script with fairy -tale heroes, in a playful way, interesting

A collection of scenarios for the "Primer holiday" at school.

Scenario of the holiday "Farewell to the Primer"

Farewell farewell scenario with a primer
Scenario of the holiday "Farewell to the Primer"

Scenario of the holiday "Farewell to the Primer":

How children rejoice today -
There are more competent in the world.
Let's say "literal" we are "goodbye"
And we’ll see goodbye with your hand.

It was difficult for us at the beginning,
We studied the letters for six months!
But now it is completely clear to us
That the Starans were not in vain.

There is nothing better in the world,
How to read a magazine or newspaper,
The twenty -first century children,
We will master sites on the Internet!

We are very happy today
All the guys, dads, mothers.
We welcome the guests
Dear teachers!

All acquaintances, unfamiliar,
Both serious and funny
First grade, first grade
I invited you to the holiday!

We collected dads and mothers,
But not for fun.
We are reporting today
About their successes.

Song "Farewell to the Primer"

Do you think guys who misses our holiday?


Let's call a primer together!

A primer enters.

Hello, primer!
We are glad to see you at our holiday.

I am a primer, I teach to read.
I can’t but know.
You will study me well
And you can then
Read any book
Without any difficulty.
And in the books there is about everything, about everything:
About rivers and seas,
And that the sky has no end
And round earth,
About astronauts, to the clouds
Flying many times,
About rain, and lightning, and thunder,
About light, heat and gas.

Primer, we want to make a journey along the letter today.
So, stop the first. DEMIREMENT station! Who will meet us here?
The army of letters, consisting of 10 vowels and 23 consonants to the parade of letters from A to me is ready!
Dear guests! Allow me to start the parade?

Great -great -grandfathers sometimes
The letters stood in a clear system.
Structure as a system, but not simple.
He is called alphabet.

Letters - icons, like fighters per parade,
In a clear equal, they were built in a row.
Everyone in the assigned place is worth
And it is called an alphabet.


Pupils (choir):
We are here!

Vowels stretch in a ringing song,
They can cry and scream,
Call and Acup in a dark forest,
And in the cradle of the sister, she bay,
But they do not want to whistle and grumble.

The letter “A” is known to everyone -
The letter is very glorious.
And besides, the letter "A"
In the alphabet, the main one.

The letter "E" we will write this way:
The trunk and the trunk has three branches.
The letter "E" remember, children.

The Christmas tree is the same as the spruce
And above the Christmas tree drops.
Add drops,
“E” - we read the letter like that.

"And" - looks like an accordion
And on a frightened cat,
"And" - between two roads
One fell obliquely.

The letter "o" is the moon and the sun,
The house has a round window.
And the clock and the wheel,
And this, it seems, is not all.

The letter "y" resembles ears
At the bunny on the top of the head.
The snail has a horny too
So they look like the letter "y".

"Y" ... what a fat woman you are!
Your tummy is like a pillow.
To make it easier to walk,
The wand had to get.

The letter "e" - how do not take a look -
You will see ticks and claws.

All the letter "yu" bent,
Holds his wand.
So it looks like that -
Old woman with a key.

A bunch of apples on the counter ...
And I noticed, friends,
If there were two paws,
Immediately, the letter "I" came out.

A surprise awaits us:
Someone is already meeting us.
A clown runs out. He has balls in his hands.

I am a cheerful clown Vasya -
Appeared in your hall.
And brought balls with him
For their beloved children.
I'll give you balls
But first I will command everyone
Think to write correctly
And do not offend friends.
Before going further, fulfill my tasks.
We will play with you in the game "This I"!

Who is going to the school with a vatago of fun to school?
- It's me…
Which of you comes to class late for an hour?
- No, not me…
Who performs his home lesson on time?!
- It's me…
Which of you stores the books of the pen and notebooks in order?
- It's me…
Which of you, tell me aloud, catches flies in the lesson?
- No, not me…
Which of you, tell me in chorus, is busy with a conversation in the classroom?!
- No, not me…
Which of you, I want to find out, Zabiyaka and brawls?
- No, not me…
Which of you is such a dodger best plays the ball?
- It's me…
Which of you does not go gloomy, loves sport and physical education?
- It's me…
Who played football and scored a goal in the window?
- No, not me…
Which of you with your labor decorates class and house?!
- It's me…
Which of you from the kids walks dirty to your ears?
- No, not me…

Thank you, clown. Listen to poems about our letters.


Pupils (choir):
We are here!

And the consonants agree
Rustling, whisper, creak,
But they do not want to sing them.

A cheerful fat clown
Plays on the pipe.
This pot -bellied is similar
The letter "B".

"B" - the letter is very important,
I imagined a terrible one.
The chest is wheel, the stomach is put on,
As if there is no more important here.

Stork on one leg
It resembles the letter "G".

"D" - like a neat house
With a high roof of a gable.

"F" has so many legs
As if the letter can crawl.
The letter "F" for sure
On paper, the shadow of the beetle.

Look at this letter!
She is just like three.
"Z" is not just a curl,
"Z" - a spring, a codel, chips.

And further in order
I will call "and brief."

"K" is dancing with one paw,
And with the other paw waves,
And at the same time, the letter "K"
Like the antennae of the beetle.

The alphabet will continue ours
The letter "l" is a forest hut.

Know this letter simple
Who was at least once in the subway
In the evenings we are shining for everyone
Between the houses the letter "M".

I have about the letter "n"
Suddenly a song came up:
It turned out a ladder.

Someone recently said
"P" is similar to the gate,
I was too lazy to object
I knew that “P” was like a stump.

How to remember the letter "P"?
Everyone can, for example,
Put a hand on a barrel
And to each other “P” to imagine.

Moon sickle melted in the sky.
The sickle was inclined to damage.
And therefore from heaven
The letter “C” shone for us.

The antenna "T" looks like
And on the umbrella, as if too.

"F" inflated its cheeks
Or stood up on the sides.

The letter "x", laughter
And a good bunch!
We will start a round dance
Singing merrily, cheerfully.

The letter "c" stands a barrel
And hook everyone.

They painted the number four -
We drew the letter "h".

The letter "w" in such words:
"School, pole, charad, shah."
The letter "w" I wrote:
Three poles and below the sleeper.

This letter "С" as if ...
Throw all doubts.
Decorates this letter
Pigging tail.

Letters that do not denote sounds!

Pupils (choir):
We are here!

"Kommersant" write like this:
Wheel and match,
Behind the pigtail.

The letter "P" was turned over,
And sat down like in a chair
And they called the letter so - "b."

We continue our journey. The next station Zagadadkino.

The riddle is for the mind of charging.

1. I know everything, I teach everyone,
But I always keep silent.
To make friends with me,
It is necessary to learn literacy (book).

2. If you reward it,
You will draw everything you want:
The sun, sea, mountains, beach.
What is this? (pencil)

3. His pigtail without fear
She dipped in paints.
Then a painted pigtail
In the album drives a page (brush).

4. In this narrow box
You will find pencils
Pens, eraser -
Anything for the soul (pencil case).

5. How boring, brothers,
Ride on someone else's back!
I would give me someone a couple of legs
So that I myself can run (briefcase).

6. Although I'm not a laundress, friends,
I wash me diligently (Eraser).

7. The children, blue networks, deployed,
But at the desk,
And not in the river, not for fish,
And on the words (notebook).

8. Guess what kind of little thing, -
A sharp beak, not a bird.
She is this beak
Sowing - sows seeds.
Not on the field, not on the garden -
On the sheets of your notebook (handle).

The next station is literary. Who will meet us here?

Grandma loved the girl very much
I gave a red hat to her,
The girl forgot her name,
Do you tell me what was her name?

A red hat comes out.

Red Riding Hood:
Hello guys! Dunno confused the names of stories and fairy tales.
Help, back the names.

1. Snow princess. (The Snow Queen.)

2. Yellow hat. (Red Riding Hood.)
3. Leo and cat.

4. Adventures of Malvina. 5. Crocodile Gene and his enemies.

6. Cat in shoes.

7. The ugly chicken. (Ugly duck.)

8. The tale of a fisherman and a fisherman. (The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish.)

Red Riding Hood:
Today, fabulous heroes came to visit us.


FOX: Bunny, Zainka is a friend! Sit an hour with me.

HARE: I can't do a minute.
I'm going to visit the hedgehog.
He met me yesterday,
I invited a clogging.

HARE: What are you, hedgehog is so prickly?

HEDGEHOG: This is me just in case.
Do you know who my neighbors are?
Foxes, wolves and bears.

CROW: Kra! Theft!
Guard! Robbery! The missing!
The thief crept out early in the morning!
He stole a brooch from his pocket!
Pencil! Cardboard! Traffic jam!
And a beautiful box!

HEDGEHOG: Wait, raven, don't scream!
Do not scream, you, shut up!
You cannot live without deception!
You don't have a pocket!

CROW: How! (The crow jumped
And blinked in surprise).
What did you say before?
Karrrr-Aul! Pocket! Ukr-r-rally!

Red Riding Hood:
Standing the kids?
Each get up and dance.

Merry physical education

And we continue our journey. The next School station. Do you know, children, what you need to take with you to school?

Every student must
Take to school with you ... (diary).
To write with handles,

We will prepare ... (notebook).
Who will color your album?

Well, of course ... (pencil).
So that he suddenly does not disappear

We will prepare ... (pencil case) She says soundlessly,
But it’s understandable and not boring.
You talk to her more often -
You will become four -smarter ... (Book).

Today we say goodbye to the primer, but other books will be replaced.
They will tell new interesting stories.

Literary reading:
I am a good friend and your companion.
Be, a schoolboy, careful with me.
My pure view is pleasant
Protect me from stains.
Do not bend my binding
And do not break the spine.
Wrap me in paper.
Where I took me - return it there.
Remember, I'm your best friend
But not for dirty hands.

For the guys I am very happy, I see -
You are a friendly detachment!
You read the primer to the crust,
You are reading the five.
Behind the hard work
Slot reading.
I give you today

The fact that the "alphabet" was read,
The full course of sciences has passed!
And now without a break
We read any books.
Indeed? No questions!
Mikhalkov, Marshak and Nosov,
Zakhoder, Barto, Chukovsky,
Paustovsky, Mayakovsky,
Leo Cassil and Leo Tolstoy,
Pushkin, Lermontov ... Wait!
You cannot list everyone -
All my friends are now!

Good to you in the country of reads!

Gifts are heard for children.
Children sing a song.

"Primer's holiday" in grade 1 - script

Celebration of the primer in grade 1 - script
"Primer's holiday" in grade 1 - script

"Primer's holiday" in grade 1 - script:

Attention! Attention!
Hello, dear viewers,
Children, teachers and parents!
The holiday begins,
Everyone is invited here.
Today is a solemn day with us,
He, I know, will never happen again
Though there is still a lot to study,
But the most important is the first grade!

Sounds the song "Primer's Day"

The first main book.
And she showed the first letters
To their girls and boys.
The letters then formed in words
Words are in sentences and phrases.
Huge and colorful world then
Opened, guys, you at once.

Pupil 1: We remember that calling bell,
What rang us for the first time
When we entered the flowers to school,
In your best, first grade

Pupil 2: Sitting at the desk carefully,
So that you do not get cold holiday costumes,
We revealed our alphabets
Opened the school notebook.

Pupil 3: Now we know letters, syllables,
We can speak, count
And gradually, little by little
We learned to read everything
We all say today:
"For all of you, the alphabet, thank you!"

And now the letters invite us to play the game with them. When I ask: “For whom?”- you should answer “for me” in chorus. If I ask: "For whom?" You are responsible for me.

Someone made a desk
For whom? (For me)

Drawn this card
For whom? (For me)

Pencil, notebook, handle
For whom? (For me)

And all the textbooks are better
For whom? (For me)

A call on a break
For whom? (For me)

There the teacher is waiting for an answer
From whom? (From me)

So you need to work like that
So that people do not be ashamed
For whom? (For me).

Pupil 4:
We now read ourselves,
We know syllables and words.
Let's say thanks to the alphabet
It’s time for us to part!

Pupil 5:
She opened her pages to us,
Teaching, entertaining, having fun.
The necessary knowledge gave us a lot!
And now we are the best friends.

Pupil 6:
We want to say thank you
We thank you for everything!
We tell you goodbye!
Hello! We are talking to a new book.

Pupil 7:
Laughter and tears, joy and sadness,
We had a chance to experience
But we are not sorry for our efforts
Books are easy for us now to read!

Pupil 8:
"How good to be able to read!"

Well done, first graders!
You read the alphabet to the crust,
You are reading the five!
Behind the hard work,
Slot reading.
I give you today - certificates!
The fact that the alphabet was read!
The full course of sciences has passed!
And now without a break
You will read any books!

Scenario - "Primer's holiday" Interesting

Scenario - Primer's holiday interesting
Scenario - "Primer's holiday" Interesting

Scenario - “Primer's holiday” interesting:

Many beautiful holidays
On the sheets of the calendar,
And between them is also a holiday
School - the holiday of the primer.

In 1a come to us,
And grab the smiles,
We learned to read.
We will celebrate the holiday!

Outside the window, snowflakes curl.
The day is friendly.
Today is the holiday in the first grade -
Farewell day with the alphabet!

For the fact that everything is in the world of books
Now we can read
We want to be azibuka thank you
Farewell to say!

Autumn day, wonderful day
We entered the classroom.
ABC - for all gifts
They found their tables on their tables.

But the holidays end
And everyday life occurs
And our student day,
Sometimes rather difficult.

And dad with mom does not understand,
How difficult it was to read
For the first time we are “ay”, “ua” -
Such difficult words.

Among bright thick books
Inconspicuous and modest,
But read - at six months!
She taught us!

We walked along the pictures.
On the steps - they walked.
Ah, how much we learned!
Ah, how much we read!

From September to February
We went to class for nothing.
The letters are all now we know.
Hello, the holiday of the primer!

Our path was not very long,
The days are running imperceptibly.
And already on the book shelf
Other books are waiting for us.

Many books in the library,
We must have time to read them
And stories and riddles,
And there are poems and fairy tales.

They say that every year
Different textbooks.
How to study them all?
We are not wizards?

Do not worry, read
And we will expand the horizons,
Because we know letters
And we read since then.

And why was it?
I have been reading from five years.
We need this first class!
I'm going home now!
I'll ask you to buy a computer,
I will play all day,
Letters to the Internet write.

Wait, take your time
Take a look at school better
And you will always have time to leave,
And join the Internet.
You can't take a letter -
Make a whole light!

Okay, I stay
Maybe I will learn more!
I will study physics, chemistry, history,
Algebra, botany, as well as astronomy!

How to be able to read well
No need to pester mom,
No need to ask grandmother,
Please read.

No need to beg a sister
Well, read another page
No need to wait, do not call,
And you can sit down and read.

The song "The holiday of the primer." Anya Study.

The girl sits, reads the alphabet. (The dog comes).
- Anya, play with me!
- Once, to me, my friend, I teach lessons!
- Which lessons? You are small. You are only seven years old!
“You, my friend, I'm studying in the first grade!”
(Cats come).
- Anya, let's go play!
- What are you, Murka, I have no time!

I threw dolls
I'm sitting and silent!
Go, play -
I teach letters!

- And how much have you learned?
- 33 letters, the whole alphabet.
- Can I find out what letters are?
- Of course, sit down and listen!

A - the beginning of the alphabet,
Thus, she is famous.
And to recognize it is easy:
The legs are wide.

The letter b Wakes up early.
The letter B is a barrel with a crane.
Wash yourself! Be healthy,
The hero Boris Bobrov.

The letter B. visible in the distance,
Beautiful twisted.
As if the Crendel was baked
The visitors are waiting.

G-hook ordinary,
But in the work, the assistant is true.

This house - the letter D.
In the house is a window.
There is a smoke from the pipe,
And in the window - a cat.

In the yard - such pity!
Our ladder has broken.
Our ladder has broken,
The letter e But she stayed.

E and yo- Native sisters,
It is not easy to distinguish sisters.
But the letter E has two points,
As if in a ladder in a ladder.

Look: The letter w
It looks like a beetle
Because she has
Six horror legs.

Look at this letter:
She is completely as the digit of Z.

I got a hammer
I knocked the letter from the planks.
How many planks are there?
-Three! And what is the letter? AND!

This letter is not simple
The voice is short and angry
Because a comma
She sits on her shoulders.

On a straight wand
Sitting Glachka sat on the right.
There to this day and sits -
The letter K at us looks.

The alphabet will continue ours
The letter l - Forest hut.

Stick and stick,
Between them, a checkbox.
And it is clear to everyone at once:
It turned out letter M.

On the letter n - I'm like a ladder
I sit and sing songs!

There is no corner in this letter
That's why it is round.
Before that, she was round
I could ride.

The letter p In the gym
They called the crossbar.
-Come on, dear, do not be lazy,
- Come and pull yourself up.

I still tremble with fear! -
The log exclaimed -
The letter looks like an ax!
Will certainly split!

What kind of letter is glowing
The old clear month?
Crescent in the sky dark
Letter C. Hang over the house.

T is the antenna above the roof -
He will see everything, he will hear everything
We turn on the TV,
We don't miss the screens.

Comfortable letter!
It is convenient in it
What can be on the letter
Hang a coat.

Filin - two huge eyes -
The letter f remind you right away.
Lupo -eyed aiming a look,
Like a camera.

X - Funny toy,
Wooden turntable.
Wooden turntable -
Wind free girlfriend.

This bean
With a cunning, tenacious paw.
- Come, who do not feel sorry,
I scratch me in an instant.
That's what the letter T:
With someone at the end.
Claw - scratch,
Like a cat's foot.

The letter h She said: "Yes!"
I gave it an honor to someone.
Yes, you correctly decided:
We write how four.
Only with numbers, friends,
We can not confuse letters.

Look at the letter sh
The letter is very good
Because from her
You can do E and E.

To comb SH is similar.
Three teeth of all? Well!

A silent hard sign
Not pronounced in any way!
But many people need him,
You will have to teach him.
If you want,
He stands in the alphabet!

Here is an ax. Floor nearby.
It turned out that it is necessary:
It turned out the letter y -
We all have to know her.

The letter p Turned over -
She turned into a soft sign.

The letter e on the S.
As if in the mirror, it looks.
There is a similarity for sure
Only there is no language.

So that it does not roll about
I will kill firmly to the column.
Oh, look,
What happened:
It turned out ... the letter Yu.

This letter is like you
Called the letter "I"
I ends the alphabet,
It is quiet after all.

Staging the poem "Letter I"

Everyone knows the letter "I"
In the alphabet - the last.
Is it known to anyone -
Why and why?

- Unknown!
- Interesting?
- Interesting!
Well, listen to the story!

We lived in the alphabet of letters.
Lived, did not push
Because everyone was friends.
Where no one quarrels -
It is arguing there.

Only time
The whole thing got up
Due to a terrible scandal:
The letter "I" ...
I didn’t get into the line.

The letter "I" rebelled:
“I,” said the letter “I,” “
Home, title!

I want,
To everywhere
I stood!

I don't want to stand in a row
I wish to be in sight!

They say to her: - Take it in place!
He answers: - I won’t go!
I'm not just a letter!
I am a pronoun!
You are compared to me -
The misunderstanding is neither more nor less!
Then the whole alphabet came into terrible excitement.

The letter F.
-Fu-you, well, you! - snorted "Ef",
From resentment blushing.

Letter S.
- Ground! -
The ES said angrily.

Letter V.
"VE" shouts:
- I imagined!
Everyone could!
Maybe I'm an excuse myself!

Grounded "PE":
- Try,
Cring with such a special!

I need a special approach to her!
Suddenly mumbled a soft sign.

And the angry hard sign silently showed a fist.

Hush, letters! I'm ashamed, signs!
The vowels shouted!
Only a fight was missing!
And also consonants!

We must figure it out earlier
And then already fight!
We are a competent people!
The letter "I" will understand:
Is it a conceivable business
Everywhere "I" to poke forward?
After all, no one is in such a letter
He will not understand either Be or Me!

"I" flooded with my feet:
I do not want to find it with you!
I will do everything myself
Enough I have a mind!

The letters here looked at each other
Everyone literally smiled
And the friendly choir answered:
- Good!
We go to the dispute.

If you can alone
Write at least a line -
That is,

- So I
Yes, I failed
I'm not anyone

The letter "I" got down to business:
She is for an hour
And grunted
And sweat -
She managed to write
"I am I - I - I - I!"

How the letter "ha" flows:
- H - ha - ha - ha - ha - ha ha!

“O” rolled out of laughter!
"A" grabbed the head!
"B" grabbed the stomach ...

The letter "I"
At first it was attached
And then it will roar:
- I guys guilty!
I admit my guilt!
I agree to get up, guys,
Even behind the letters "Yu".

“Well,” the whole alphabet decided, “
If he wants, let him stand.
It's not at all in the place at all
The fact is that we are all together!

The letter "I"
Always was
To everyone and everyone Mila
But we advise, friends,
Remember the place
The letters "I"!

(Come "Two" and "Five").

- Tell the letters, and the alphabet will come to your holiday?

- Yes, only you have to call her!

- Dear alphabet, come to visit!

ABC. Hello children!

I will arrange an exam for you
I will not let you get bored.
You guys show
How can you read.

(Children receive cards with texts and read.)


Ah yes children! Brown!
You learned to read!
Deserved, deserved
I ask everyone to put "five".

Teacher. I sincerely congratulate you and give you these certificates about the end of the ABC course.

We read the primer to the crust.
We are reading (all in chorus) of the five!
Behind the hard work,
Slow reading
We are given today
The fact that we read the primer
The full course of sciences passed
And now without a break
We read any books.

ABC, you rest.
And lie on the shelf.
To school in September again
First -graders will come.
And your pages
Letters will enter the kingdom.


What? What happened?
Why was it so upset?

I feel sorry for you to say goodbye to you.
In the second year I want to stay!

Look more fun and tears,
So many wonderful are waiting for you ahead.
I came not alone, but with my sister.
Native speech, take the baton,
Lead the children along the roads of the planet.

Native speech.
The alphabet is my sister -
Clever mind,
She taught you
Fold words.
Letters, syllables and riddles
They live in a good alphabet.
On the steps, gradually
You are leading you to the world of fairy tales.

We now read ourselves,
We know syllables and words.
Let's say the alphabet: "Thank you!" -
It’s time for us to part.

We want to say "thank you!"
We thank you!
We say: "Goodbye!"
“Hello,” we say a new book!

Teacher. I congratulate you again and wish you new successes. New steps are waiting for you on the way to wisdom. And now the word for congratulations is provided to honorary guests.

"Primer's holiday"- a script with a presentation

Celebration of the Book- the script with the presentation
"Primer's holiday"- a script with a presentation

"Primer's holiday"- a script with a presentation:


Why isn't schoolchildren in the morning lessons?
Why in the front -line form now children?
They removed the cover from the alphabet, and there are no bookmarks ...
Everyone is a little excited ... What is the secret?
Schoolchildren read this book yesterday,
And today is a farewell day, the holiday of the primer.

Peppy: Today you have a Primer holiday that you read from crust to crust. I congratulate you on this event.

Pupil 1.
We collected dads and mothers,
But not for fun.
We are reporting today
About their successes.

Pupil 2.
We are now new in outfits,
And everyone has a happy look:
After all, today we are ahead of schedule
We studied the alphabet.

Pupil 3.
Wake me up at night
In the very middle -
I'll tell you the alphabet
Without one record!

Pupil 4.
Over the country spring morning
The dawn took up.
At school, the holiday is a bright holiday,
The holiday "ABC" and "Primer".

Why are we calling our textbook to the alphabet,
Do others call the book a primer?

Student 5.
The book that introduces the letter,
The primary was called the Primer.
In honor of the Slavic "AZ" and "Buki"
The primer is called the alphabet.

Student 6.
Already the earth has changed the dress,
I put on my outfit.
It is a holiday today -
School holiday -
For all reading guys!

Vedas: I am very happy for the guys!
I see: they learn everything -
Accounting, literacy, writing.
At least still in appearance,
Know the Russian alphabet.
How many letters are there?

Children. Thirty three! (Read the alphabet in poetic form.)

Peppy: When I was in a hurry to you, I met the postman of Pechkin, he asked to convey to you telegrams. That's just the trouble - they are not signed. Help me figure out who they are from. Will you help?

Congratulations on the holiday, but I can’t come, because I lost my shoe on the way. ("Cinderella", Sh. Perro)
Congratulations to everyone on the holiday. Tchk. Do not quarrel. Tchk. Let's live in peace. Tchk. (Cat Leopold)
Congratulations to first -graders on the fact that they learned to read everything. Tchk. I can’t come to the holiday. Tchk. Lost a shoe. Tchk. (Cinderella)
I left my grandmother. Tchk. I left my grandfather. Tchk. I will be at the holiday soon. Tchk. Wait. Tchk. (Kolobok)
I live on the roof. Tchk. I love sweets. Tchk. I congratulate you. Tchk. I am flying. Tchk. (Carloson)

Baba Yaga: What kind of noise is here? From what? I do not understand anything!

Children (in chorus). Hello, grandmother!

Baba Yaga. Hello, Karbatika! What's this? Bukoks? What is the use of them? Just think, some gate! Or this one (looks at the letter A) - like a hut. You can do without them completely!

Peppy: No, Baba Yaga, you are mistaken. Try to read at least one word without vowels.

Baba Yaga. Well, I'll try!

Approaches to the poster on which it is written: L, F, B, T.

Baba Yaga. Oh I do not know.

Peppy: Oh you! Look how the guys can handle it! What vowels should you put, guys? What word will turn out?

Children. It is necessary to insert the vowels a and and. The word "alphabet" will turn out.

Baba Yaga. Look, how smart!
Wow, what smart children are here!
No, I will confuse, I will confuse everything!
Do you read fairy tales?
Do you know the names too?
Now let's see.

"Snow Princess" ("Snow Queen")
"Red Kepochka" ("Red hat")
“Ilya-Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf” (“Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”)
"Boy and Carlson" ("Baby and Carlson")
"Strong Iron Soldier" ("Persistent Tin Soldier")
"Ugly chicken" ("Master duckling")
"The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fisherman" ("The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish")
"Horse Humpboon" ("Humpbacked Horse")
"Onion Boy" ("Chipolino").

Baba Yaga: Look, what are smart! They all know! Listen to the poem and name the words in which the sound has lost. Determine what sound and correct it.

Lived in the forest one eccentric,
He made a varnish (poppy) in the garden.

Sewed a kitten of slippers for himself,
So that hats (paws) do not freeze in winter.
Having dropped the handle from his hands, Masha rushes to his mother:
“Green onion creeps there (beetle)

With a long mustache! ”
Did not teach lessons, but played football,
That is why a goal (stake) appeared in the notebook.

I sit with a stove (river) with a fishing rod,
I do not take my eyes off the fish.

Mustachioed whale (cat)
Sits on the stove,
Choosing a warm place.

Baba Yaga. I run away, run away ...
Maybe there are guys somewhere,
That those riddles do not know.
You can outwit them,
Make a deuce to get!

Peppy: Well done, guys, did not let you down!

Pupil 13:
Laughter and tears, joy and sadness
We had a chance to experience for a year,
But we are not sorry for our efforts -
It is easy for us to read books now.
And our first book helped us in this - “Primer”!

The primer comes out

I'm very happy for the guys
I see - you are a friendly detachment!
To someone who wants to know a lot,
Who wants to read the book
About the mountains, about the valleys,
About water depths,
About rivers, stars and sea, -
Do not do without a primer!
Studied for me and got up,
I am a school book - Primer!
Guys, I have prepared riddles for you, will you guess?

1. The boy is a cheerful onion,
They know everything from school.
Onions are not sweet raspberries.
His name ......... (Chipollino)

2. The white collar of the dressing gown,
A bandage in his hands and cotton wool.
The flu will heal and bronchitis
Children's Doctor ……. (Aibolit)

3. Doll with blue curls
Well guess yourself.
Not Irina, not Marina
The name of the girl ... (Malvina)

4. With a book walks to school
Wooden little boy.
It falls instead of a school
In a wooden booth.
What is this book?
What is that boy called? (Pinocchio)

6. The wolf of the evil deceived,
The pies carried granny.
Such an obedient paw,
And call her ... (Red hat)

Pepi: And these children read
And they draw and sing -
They live a lot of fun.

14 Pupil:
Today in our school
The holiday of the primer.
We read the primer to the crust,
For reading - five!

15 Pupil:
Behind the hard work
Slot reading:
We are given today

16 Pupil:
The fact that we read the primer
The full course of sciences passed
And now without a break
We read any books.

Children are awarded certificates of the end of the primer.

Peppy. Dear Primer! The guys prepared a gift for you: they will perform a song.

Children perform a song
Children, mothers and fathers rejoice,
Because together we are well done!
We were taken to school, apparently, you are not in vain.
We became friends with the letters from the primer.

The letters are different from A to me -
Our best friends are now.
Vowels and consonants -
Girlfriends of an expensive primer.

I do not need to pester my mom anymore -
We can read the book ourselves.
Because we rushed to school for no vain,
We studied the letters from the primer.


Children, mothers and fathers rejoice,
Because together we are well done!
And we will survive any difficulty,
Friendship, friendship with a primer won!


Primer. Well, guys, I have to go to other schools,
I wish you girls and boys,
To get along and make friends with a book.
Let the love of a good book
It will live with you together.

Peppy: We finish the representation -
Our performance is small.
Fascinating reading
We wish you all our hearts.

"Primer's holiday" - a script with fairy -tale heroes

Prier's holiday - script with fairy -tale heroes
"Primer's holiday" - a script with fairy -tale heroes

"Primer's holiday" - a script with fairy -tale heroes:

Music sounds (song "Alphabet", the words of I. Reznik, music. R. Pauls)

Leshy and Baba Yaga come to the stage.

What are you, Yaga, so pleased?
The last time you were in May.
Perhaps you fixed the stupa?

Baba - Yaga (happily):
No, better.
A granddaughter comes to me today.
She is big, goes to first grade.
Oh, it will grow smart with us!

Yes, grandmother, school is power.
You, I suppose, have not studied anywhere?

Baba Yaga (sighs):
I did not have a chance to comprehend science.
I never took a pen in my hand
And I never took books either,
And not in my hut.

Goblin (surprised):
And where do you eat?

Baba Yaga (shrugs):
Yes, right on the bench,
And in the summer - on the litter on the grass.
Yes, you, Leshy, did not study either?

I, like you, were born in the forest.
I grew up here, I live here, but there are no schools here.
At least I am five hundred, probably years,
But I still do not know letters.

Baba Yaga (waving his hand, upset):
Well, we have such a fate.

The granddaughter runs.

Oh, grandmother, hello. Is this a goblin?
And where is the water with kikimore?

Baba Yaga (grumbled):
You and Leshim say hello at first.
Eh, at school you are raised little!

Good morning, Uncle Leshy.


What a wonderful day today!
And I read the book this morning.

Baba Yaga:
Did you already recognize the letters?

I know the alphabet perfectly now.

You look, what a scientist!

Granddaughter (shows the primer):
My primer helped me in this.
If you want, I’ll spend a lesson with you.

Children perform the song "Letters"

  Baba Yaga(surprised):
Are you really teaching us to read?

Goblin (with hope):
And we will also know the alphabet?

Of course, is it difficult?

Baba Yaga:
But we are old for this, perhaps?

Well, what are you, grandmother, open the primer soon!

Baba Yaga (does not dare to touch the primer):
Something is scary to me.

Hey, grandmother, not timid.
Baba - Yaga opens the primer.

Baba Yaga (pokes a finger to the page):
Wow, what watermelon is lying!
And orange is good in appearance.
And what is this letter here?

All these words begin with her.

Goblin (draws the letter a in the air):
I understand, this is the letter A.

Baba Yaga:
Well, Leshy, you are smart! And I:
I will never learn.

What are you, grandmother, what a nonsense!
I will teach you both quickly.
So that you were literate, I want.

Leshy and Baba Yaga:
Please tell us what are you teaching at school?

Of course we will tell you!
We studied differently, tried and lazy,
But seriously, we honestly worked.

Children perform the song "What they teach at school."

1 student:
Outside the window is the pound
Sails quietly across the sky.
I have a letterwheel now
He lives on my table.

2 Pupil:
They gave me a letterwalk
On my birthday.
And, giving, they said:
"There is nothing more wonderful!"

3 Pupil:
The first book is mine
I love the shore.
Even so far and by syllables,
I read it myself.

4 Pupil:
And from the end and from the middle,
It has beautiful pictures in it
There are poems, stories, songs.
I am more interesting to live with the book!

An expensive literal
I say: "Thank you!"

Children perform a song about the alphabet (Sl. Z. Petrova, Muses. A. Ostrovsky)

The family lives in the primer:
The letters are all from A to Y.
They have two teams,
They seem to be here.
Imagine, friends, I am the first team.

Vowels enter the stage:
We all got together together
They are ready to sing on "BIS",
After all, we are vowels -
All singers are beautiful.

Children perform a song "We need to learn fun"

Fairy consonants come out.
We are another team
And who is not here:
Vigorous and remote
And completely - completely deaf.
Let's get up in pairs now
And we will dance for you.

Dance. Children dance "Menuet"

We are the letters y, n, l, r
We give you an example for all.
Though we all live without a couple,
You are always happy to see us.

Children perform a dance with flags.

C, С, x and h.
Dear quite.
They say that we are deaf
But there is no trouble in this.
Such daring
The helmet is fiery hello to you.

Children perform the dance "Cha-cha-cha"

There were two brothers remained
And without us there will be no book.
Hard sign and soft sign,
You can’t live without us.

Children perform a dance »Visiting"

These are our letters
Glorious Russian alphabet.
Know him perfectly
Everyone, every student.

1 student:
Goodbye, the primer is expensive!
It is sad for us to part with you.
Books of others you are Miles and relatives -
We read you for many days!

2 Pupil:
We did not lose time in vain:
We know the letters from A and to Y.
Now we part with you
Goodbye, the primer is expensive!

Children pass on the primer to the goblin and Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga:
Now we will learn to read.

There are many books in the world,
(Turning to Baba -Yaga)
We can read all the books.

Who loves music and songs,
Tom is more interesting.
And on the day of farewell with a primer
We will dance and sing.

Children dance the Polish.

1 student:
In mid -December
At school - the holiday of the primer.
We read the primer to the crust,
For reading - five!

2 Pupil:
Behind the hard work
Slot reading
We are given today

3 Pupil:
The fact that we are a primer - read
A full course of sciences - passed.
And now without a break
We read any books!

Children are awarded certificates and gifts.

"Primer's holiday" in roles cheerful

Feast of the primer in roles cheerful
"Primer's holiday" in roles cheerful

"Primer's holiday" in roles is cheerful:

We are now new in outfits,
And everyone has a happy look -
After all, today we are ahead of schedule
Studied the alphabet!

Wake me up at night
In the very middle -
I'll tell you the alphabet
Without one record!

Already the earth has changed the dress,
I put on my outfit.
It is a holiday today -
School holiday -
For all reading guys!


This is the first time with this book
He came to his first bright class.
I fell in love with this book
I studied all the letters in it,
And how joyful I am to say:
"I can read now!"

We were taught to read the primer,
Use words into syllables,
He revealed to us the secrets of many books.
Any of us got used to it.
We are literal "thank you" say
And for him we will tell poems.
A knock on the door, a primer enters.

Children sing the song "What they teach at school"

Leading. Hello, primer!
We are glad to see you at our holiday.

Primer. Hello children.
I am a primer, I teach you how to read
I can’t but know.
Study me for "five"
And then you can
Read any book
Without any difficulty.
Every girl has every boy
There is this book, a cherished book,
Read and today, read and get up
A wonderful book with a name ...

Dear first graders! Your older friends have prepared riddles for you, can you guess them?

"Riddles about letters"
What kind of sound is this?
Either clatter, or a knock.
These are letters in the alphabet
They start a breakdown.
Here are two pillars obliquely
And between them is a belt.
Do you know this letter? BUT?
Before you the letter .... (a)

This letter is wide
And looks like a beetle
And at the same time definitely a beetle
Makes a buzzing sound, (w)

Look at this letter:
She is just like three. (h)

I got a hammer
I knocked the letter from the planks.
How many planks are there? Three!
And what is the letter? (and)

There is no corner in this letter
That's why it is round.
Before that, she was round
I could ride, (o)
Handing hands, friends
And they said: “You yes I -
This is us". And meanwhile
It turned out the letter ... (m)

Primer. Well done boys! All letters learned.

Leading. Dear, primer, our children really know all the letters of the alphabet, now they will tell us it.

We study the alphabet:
The first letter "A" stands.
She disposed to us for us
Both watermelon and pineapple.
Rolls, bagels, bagels
The letter "BE" is lucky on the sled
"VE" for all
Cooking jam,
Winnie the Pooh
Jam praises.
Goose cins the letter "GE":
- I am almost a relative to you;
I have a long neck,
I know how to write the letter "he".
The letter "de" is a cozy house
Dinosaurus is asleep in it.
Blackberry ate a raccoon,
He rubbed his mouth with juice.
The letter "E" carries the water,
So that the raccoon is washed.
Hedgehog sings under a Christmas tree,
The letter "E" calls to visit.
Got to the letter "ZhE"
We write it already.
Write the letter with us
And the giraffe and the beetle with the horns.
Bunny the letter "Ze" taught
And I got the five.
The letter "and" loved children:
I gave everyone toys.
As soon as "and brief" comes to visit,
You remember about yoga, about yogurt and iodine.
The alphabet is not all for now.
We reached the letter "ka".
With the letter "ka" was always friends
Good crocodile gene.
The artist of the watercolor took
And painted the letter "El"
So, near the page
You will paint a lion and lioness.
Who does not like the letter "EM"?
I eat ice cream
Bear licks sweet honey,
Raspberries are waiting for everyone in the forest.
Hello, Hello, the letter "en"
The girls need you to everyone.
We take the threads, scissors
And for dolls we sew a dress.
A donkey with the letter "O" plays:
Like a ball, it rolls.
The steamer sailed along the sea,
And then he returned to the port.
The letter "PE" goes ashore,
Hello passes everyone.
An important sir walks with a cane.
Instead of a cane - the letter "Er".
To read the letter,
It is necessary, like a lynx, to growl.
Until, early, everyone knows
The sun shines in the window.
From dormant night heaven
The month “ES” shines for a month.
The letter "Ta" brings to the house
TV, phone.
Guess where it lurks,
This letter is on the page.
Snail with the letter "U" Friendly
And she wears horns like she.
The lion once invited
In the cafeteria the letter "EF"
The tailcoat was put on, I bought sweets,
He drank coffee with the letter "EF".
"Ha ha ha!" Yes "Ha ha ha!"
The letter "Ha" laughed.
The hamster mixed her:
He put bread on his cheeks.
Everyone knows this letter.
The letter invites us to the circus.
And with flowers on the porch
The letter "Ts" meets everyone.
Worm and turtle
Cha-cha-cha went dancing.
This means to all the guys
The letter "Che" is time to write.
Ha fence is good
The letter "Sha" lurked.
And you will find it in the closet,
If you read all the words.
Pike, seeing the bream,
She promised the letter "SCH":
- I will not eat bream
The letter "SCH" is also in it.
Panenko Irina Nikolaevna
I can't find in any way
I am in the entrance "hard sign."
Help children!
Find the "hard sign"!
Let us take the letter "s" with us
Let's eat icy from a slide.
Skis do not go without it,
Boring without her in winter.
Meet! This is a "soft sign"
You can't write in any way
Without it, the words: seal,
Elk and goose, deer and stump.
Eskimo carries you
Sweet -tooth the letter "E".
The letter yula is spinning.
I want to make friends with us
We will swim into the yacht,
We will take the letter "I" with us.
We will chew apples
Letters to cells write
Primer. Well done guys, pleased!

Dunno enters.

Primer. Hello, Dunno!

Dunno. Can I make puzzles to first -graders? They will never guess!

He must get up early
So as not to yawn at the desk,
To check, everything is in order?
In the satchel books and notebooks?
And the question arose: who is he? (This is a student)

When we come to our class,
She meets the first of us.
She is good, although it is strict,
To the world of knowledge, opening our path!
Who is it? Name. (Teacher)

At least not a hat, but with the fields,
Not a flower, but with a spine,
Talking to us
Patient language. (Book)

The long -awaited bell is given -
It ended ... (lesson).

I love directness
I myself am straight.
Make a flat line
I help everyone. (ruler)

There are, friends, such a bird:
If you sit on the page,
I am very happy
And with me my family. (five)

Leading. Thank you, Dunno! Take a sit down to the guys.

Literary reading is included.
- You are my respect! (Bows).
I am a literary reading.
Party my pages:
Here are poems and fables,
Tales, fables, jokes,
Says, even jokes.

-Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy ...
Yes, the textbook is not easy.
So much interesting
So far, I am unknown.

Literary reading:
I heard from the alphabet
That you know a lot.
I love the inquisitive,
I give a generous knowledge.
Everyone who wants to know a lot,
You need to read well.

Leading. Dear Primer, the children have prepared for you goodbye.

Goodbye, native primer,
The first textbook is mine.
Three quarters were friends
We played with you.

They taught letters earlier,
They composed them in the syllable
And stacked by a ladder
Funny words.

Songs sang with you
They drove a round dance.
And they learned from you
About the fairy -tale people.

About Kolobka and Repka,
About the chicken and grandfather,
About the hut Mishka,
Capricious monkey.

Thank you miracle, our primer
My first mentor!
Let scientists rules
Will stay with me.

Now I can read
Any books I am.
And so glad this:
Neighbors and family.

Primer. Goodbye! Goodbye!

The primer leaves.

Leading. Dear guests, our dear textbook, children have yet prepared poetry for you.

From year to year, from century to century
A lot of people worked,
Tales were written, they cannot be counted
And I can read them all.
Now I myself can read
What rivers are there in the world,
What are the miracles in the world
What is unknown so far.
I can learn from the book,
How people lived in the old days,
Who and when the decree issued
And our city substantiated.
And you want to know about the hippos,
Elephants, horror and about swamps
And about the Sinichka, and about the bee.
Take a book about this from the shelf.
You don't need anyone
Now ask to read it.
We were taught to read the primer,
They learned a lot in it
And on his pages we
Good friends met.
We all know the letters firmly
We write and read ourselves.
We said goodbye to the primer
We take new books.
There is nothing better in the world,
How to read a magazine or newspaper,
The twenty -first century children,
We will master sites on the Internet!

Literary reading. Thank you guys! Now I will wait for a meeting with you!

Literary reading is leaving.

Leading. Our holiday has come to an end. We wish our little students success in studying and handing them a diploma of this reader. Thanks to everyone!

"Primer's holiday" at school - production in verses

Celebration of the primer at school - staging in verses
"Primer's holiday" at school - production in verses

"Primer's holiday" at school - production in verses:

The music is "taught at school."

On the board poster:
“If you want to know a lot,
Achieve a lot
Be sure to read
I have to learn. "

Teacher: Why isn't schoolchildren in the morning lessons?
Why in the front -line form now children?
They removed the cover from the primer, and there are no bookmarks ...
Everyone is a little excited ... What is the secret?
Schoolchildren read this book yesterday,
And today is a farewell day, the holiday of the primer.

First graders: Yes!

Today, friends, we have gathered here,
To say a good word
To the one who was a friend
Who is every hour
He was silent, but taught us to work.
At first, he showed his letters,
Now we read the pages!

Teacher: And where is our friend the primer? Let's call him all together! Music sounds.

Children (choir): Primer! We are waiting for you!

I am a primer, I teach to read
I can’t help but know
You will study me well -
And then you can then
Read any book
Without any difficulty.
And in the books there is about everything, about everything
About rivers and seas
And that the sky has no end
And round earth.
About astronauts to clouds
Flying many times
About rain, and lightning, and thunder
About light, heat and gas.

Book Verkvik, our guys want to tell you many words of gratitude for what you taught them.

Pupil 1:
The months flew quickly,
February, February flashed.
They did not have time to look back
As already rang the drops
And we read the whole “primer”.
An expensive literal
I say: "Thank you!"

Pupil 2:
We say a good word to the literal
Everyone owes today, guys!
Let's give him a song
We will sing it with friends.

Sounds the song "Goodbye, primer"

My primer, my friend is reliable
We part now.
In the new world is large and complex
For me, you opened the door.
We part with the primer,
We sing a song about him! (2 times)
A lot of joyful events
You generously gave me.
To the world of joyful discoveries
You served a step.
We part with the primer,
We sing a song about him! (2 times)
He revealed you like a miracle
Farewell has come.
I will never forget
Your first big lesson.
We part with the primer,
We sing a song about him! (2 times)


- Our holiday is dedicated to farewell to the primer. Let's remember how it all began.

1. How children rejoice today -
There are more competent in the world!
Let's say the alphabet we are "goodbye"
And we’ll see goodbye with your hand.

2. It was difficult for us at the beginning,
We studied the letters for six months!
But now it is completely clear to us
That the Starans were not in vain!

3. There is nothing better in the world,
How to read a magazine or newspaper,
The twenty -first century children,
We will master sites on the Internet!

4. I acted in the fall
To school in first grade.
I am considered a schoolboy
From the first day.

5. Daily in the morning
We need to do it.
We do not take our eyes off the board,
And the teacher teaches us.

6. Spruce, ax, shovel, hands -
In every word we hear sounds.
These sounds are different:
Vowels consonants.

7. The vowels stretch
In a ringing song,
They can cry and scream.
In the dark forest
They can call and auke
And in the cradle of Alenko, she will be launched,
But they do not want to whistle and grumble.

8. And consonants agree
Rustling, whisper, creak,
Even snort and hiss,
But they do not want to sing them.

9. The vowel is friends with the consonant,
Making a syllable together.
"Ma" and "Sha", remember "Masha",
They came to us for a lesson.

10. If the syllables stand nearby,
Words are obtained.
"You" and "kva",
And together the "pumpkin".
“CO” and “wa” - read: “owl”

11. We learned in the primar
How to write both "a" and "p",
And learned, for example:
They say not “re”, but “er”.

12. We know the letters, we know the syllables,
We can speak, write!
And gradually, little by little
We learned to read everything.

Teacher: I think the primer has come to get acquainted with your assistants.
There is on the river on the ink
The city is small, not dusty.
From time immemorial
He is called a primer.
An amazing people live in this city.
- Guys, what kind of people are this?

Children: Letters!
Thirty -three sisters, written beauties,
They live on one page, but they are famous everywhere!
They are in a hurry to you now, glorious sisters -
We very much ask all the guys to make friends with them!
A, b, c, g, d, e, f, rolled on the hedgehog!
3, and, k, l, m, n, about the window turned out together!
P, p, s, t, y, f, x saddled a rooster, -
C, h, w, s, e, yu, I - that’s all, friends!
Get to know them, children! Here they are - stand in a row.
It is very bad to live in the world for those who are not familiar with them!

Song "33 relatives»
33 sisters,
Written beauties.
On one live a page,
And they are famous everywhere.
They are in a hurry to you now,
Glorious sisters -
We ask all the guys very much
Make friends with us!
A b in g d e
Reded on the hedgehog!
Z and k l m n o
Correctly crawled out the window!
P R s t u f x
The rooster was saddened -
CH h shu si yu -
That's all, friends!
33 sisters of the written beauties!
They live on one page, but they are famous everywhere!
Get to know them, children,
Must you whisper secretly:
Very bad to live in the world
Those who are not familiar with them!

-Awk a primer! Take the parade of troops from A to Y. Stand up!

Eat the parade!
Come on, letters, stand in a row!
I am the commander, you are my detachment! (guys reading poetry about letters go on stage)
Vowels? (Step forward, in chorus: “Here!”)
Consonants? (Step forward, in chorus: “Here!”)
Letters that do not mean sounds? (Step forward, in chorus: “Here!”)

1. Letters - icons, like fighters per parade,
In a clear equal, they built in a row!
Everyone in the assigned place is worth
And all the alphabet is called!

2. Look at the letters,
There are exactly thirty -three of them.

(Children read poetry about letters)

The letter A: alphabet head.
He knows Vova, knows Sveta
And it looks like a rocket.

Letters B, B: B - cheesecake, b - bagel.
This is a bakery in an instruction
Bakes in a hot stove:
Bunks, bagels, rings.

Letters G, D: Where? When? We always love
Ask questions to people.
Year after year, day after day
G and D - friends in everything.

The letter E: if the raccoon climbed into the blackberry,
We will barely save him from his needles.
If the hedgehog climbed into the blackberry,
It is still unknown - who is whom.

Letters Zh, Z: Zh-Zh-Z-buzzing poor thing beetle:
He caught his spider on the network.
Z-Z-Z-Zapel mosquito angrily,
He will ask the bandit now.

The letter and: a turkey goes from the city,
A new toy is lucky
The toy is not simple-
The turkey is painted.

Letters K, L: Kostya Lapkin drinks compote,
Is the clown mix the people
Katya the forest draws chalk -
Everyone is busy with an important thing.

Letters M, N: M and N you will find in raspberries,
In a mine, in a decoy, in a store.
A lot of words - everyone knows -
Not without m and n

Letter O: Olenka monkey
It swore on the tail -
It turns out gloriously!
The monkey is easy
Will turn into a letter ...

Letters P, P: We are neighbors in the alphabet,
How beautiful, look.
For two we have three legs,
Where to buy boots for them?

The letter U: Snail asks a duck:
Throw a fishing rod into the river.
The duck threw it -
I took out the fish.

Letters f, x: F - he always snaps like an eagle owl.
X - laughs simple -films.
But always ready to be friends
With them, Fedya Khudyakov.

Letters C, h: did you learn c and h?
We rushed on the ball.
Heron, seagull and circus
They also love games in the ball.

Letters Shch, w: w and ph - native sisters,
To distinguish them is very simple:
It always carries with it
This tail is small.

The letter e: an echo is heard here and there,
Echo walks in the mountains.
Echo, will you go down here?
The echo answers: “Yes”!

The letter Yo: Yunga is the future sailor,
South fish brought us.
And on the garden at Junnat
They sleep exhibits.

The letter I: (Comes to everyone, begins to brag)
Look at me,
Isn't I good?
Not thin, like a,
And not fat like w!
I’ll take the leg to the right
I am neighboring to the letter
I don't want now
I am the last.
(Turning to the primer)
The first book is mine,
Have pity you the letter I,
Allow at least five minutes
The first to stand in the alphabet!

Primer: Friends, I will introduce you to my friend today. But first you should cope with my interesting and funny tasks.

Teacher: It's time to show you
What did you know.
To say goodbye to the primer,
You all need to work hard,
Pass the tests.
Everyone's happy path!

Primer: Then attention. Tests are coming.

1. Station "Remembering" (Conversation on alphabet)
- What is more in the Russian alphabet of letters or sounds?
- How does the sound differ from the letter?
- How many letters are there?
- How many vowels? And vowels? Why are there fewer sounds?
- How many consonants?
- How do consonants differ from vowels?
- What are the letters that do not mean sounds.
- How are voiced sounds different from the deaf?
- What are the consonants that are always solid.
- What are the consonants that are always soft.

2. Station "Choose"
Find an extra letter and explain your choice (on the slide)
A o B I
Yu Yu yu
In with r d
Sh p mf

3. Station "Collected"
Look at what word is strange
Just like a foreign one.
Compose from the letters of the word.
(by collecting words, we demonstrate photos of animals)
R and f and f (giraffe)
B E R Z (zebra)
A to b l e (protein)
E D M E D v B (Bear)
What group can these objects be combined into?

4. Station "Composition"
Make words from these syllables.
chalk, al, precisely, kis, ka, bom
chalk - 1 syllable
album - 2 syllables
brush - 3 syllables
- How to determine how many syllables?
- What group can these objects be combined into?

5. Station Dunno Poems
Find errors and change the letter.
The sea is blue in front of us.
T -shirts fly in front of us.
Doll, dropping out of hands,
Masha rushes to mom:
“Green onion creeps there
With a long mustache! ”
Old grandfather groin
On a goat rode on horseback.

6. Station "Rebus"

7. Station - Prove the proverb
Hurry - ... (make people laugh.)
Seven - ... (one is not waiting.)
It’s hard in learning - ... (easy in battle.)
Business before pleasure.)

8. Station Crossword
Black, crooked,
From birth, dumb.
And as soon as they get in a row
They will suddenly speak right away. (Letters)

At the pencil is simple
There is one assistant.
If you make a mistake,
She will shout her instantly. (Elastic)

I love directness
I myself am straight.
Make an equal line
I help everyone. (Ruler)

Travel to countries
In the seas and oceans.
And by land, and in the middle of the waters,-
I don't need a steamer
Train, plane, bus.
Because there are friends,
I have a magic ball.
It is called ... (globe)

Either I am in a cage, then in a ruler.
Write for me to be able to.
You can draw.
What is I? ... (notebook)

Teacher: Read what happened vertically. (book)

Oh! I completely forgot, friends,
What should I imagine
Who will replace me
It will begin to teach you further.
Primer, 2 part.
You are my respect!
I am a literary reading.
Party my pages:
Here are poems and fables,
Tales, fables, jokes,
Says, even jokes.
Pushkin, Lermontov, Tolstoy ...
Yes, the textbook is not easy
So much interesting
So far I am not known.
I heard from the primer
That you know a lot.
I love the inquisitive,
I give a generous knowledge.
Everyone who wants to know a lot,
You need to read well.

Pupil 1:
Goodbye, the primer is expensive!
It is sad for us to part with you.
Books of others you are Miles and relatives -
We read you for many days!

Pupil 2:

We did not lose time in vain:
We know the letters from “A” to “I”.
Now we part with you
Goodbye, the primer is expensive!

The full course of sciences has passed.
You can read it now
All books that are!

Primer: Goodbye, guys!

Video: Primer's holiday - Poems

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