What is happiness and where to find it? How to become happy: secrets, tips

What is happiness and where to find it? How to become happy: secrets, tips

Everyone wants to be happy and become one of these people is more than real. In our article you will learn what happiness is, where to find it and how to become happy in just 10 minutes a day.

The issue of happiness is always interested in people. And is it true, but how to become happy? This is a fairly slippery question, because when answering it you can face a huge number of contradictions, among which it is difficult to find the right solution. And even more so, it is impossible to give exactly the definition of happiness, because for everyone it is its own.

Therefore, this concept has become somewhat abstract. Everyone knows about him, but no one can understand what it means.

What does “become happy” mean - how to understand?

What does it mean to be happy?
What does it mean to be happy?

In modern society, the concept of “being happy” has become a kind of label that resembles advertising, but which has already lost its meaning. It is often consumed and no one attaches to it. Many even have difficulty in the question - are you happy? This is due to the fact that many themselves do not understand what it is.

Despite everything, it is more than real. You just need to understand what to look. Often people do it where nothing is clearly found. And what does happiness mean? Before answering the question of the search, you need to figure out what is generally happiness.

Why can't you become happy?

For most, the search for happiness is a kind of wandering along a dark labyrinth, where there is only one way out and many wrong that leads back. A person has to run there here, probe every move, in the hope that there is the right one. And such wanderings can last a very long time.

As soon as you stop relaxing a bit, you again have to rush into another hole. And again the hope is warm that this is a right way out. And again, days, weeks, respite and all over. You will find yourself in the maze again, already tired and aged.

So many try to find their own corner of happiness and do not find, and then rush to new constant searches. Someone is trying to find him in dear people, someone in work, in relationships, hobbies and so on.

But in most cases, all this happens without any effectiveness, because happiness is not in this. Just possessing things will not bring any happiness. Yes, you will receive temporary satisfaction, but then other needs will appear. The absence of all these goods will make you unhappy, because over time you become too dependent.

What is happiness?

What is happiness?
What is happiness?

So, if happiness is not in material, then what then? Happiness is relative. And therefore it can not be bought, no matter how hackneyed it sounds. At the same time, it can almost be lost, because it does not disappear from life with other people or benefits. That is, happiness cannot come and go. If it is, then it will always be with you. In general, happiness does not need to be sought in something. You just need to wake it. To do this, you need to learn harmony with yourself. Then you will become happy.

If we talk about him as a state, then it can be called a “metabolic position”, which is above all the others and allows you to determine the attitude to everything. Happiness is not enjoyment. It cannot be temporary. This is measured and calm joy and harmony with yourself.

Happiness cannot be achieved through your achievements and joy. After all, if there are too many of them, it is not a fact that you will become happier. So you express your view of life and individual things, and also support your spirit and so on. Happiness is inside us and it cannot be achieved with expensive things or a change of place of life. You must first learn to harmonize with yourself. And along with this, everything else will come.

Well, think for yourself, will it be possible to become happy if you just change your place of residence? After all, you will pick up all internal experiences with you. They will be inside you and will not go anywhere. Will you be happy with big money and expensive things if you have a lot of fears and complexes? This will all bring you only temporary satisfaction.

How to find and find happiness?

Where to find happiness?
Where to find happiness?

If you are not able to be happy with what is and it always seems that everything is wrong, then this is very bad. You should start working on yourself. Of course, perhaps the lack of benefits gives you a bunch of negativity and you might think that you will become happy if you have all this, but you are mistaken.

These are the wrong moves that will not lead to anything, but only give temporary relief. But such is our essence that we still squeeze into these passages and do not see other obvious things, and the brain actively sorting out all sorts of options that only knows. Perhaps you need to try new options.

Dissatisfaction, suffering, lack of some goals and aspirations. From this, people try to frantically find a way out and revise all sorts of solutions. Someone makes his way to glory, someone rests on religion, sex, alcohol and so on. And it turns out that a person rushes to different options and eventually returns back. But it is not for nothing that they say that happiness is always there. To achieve it, it is enough to strive for harmony and integrity.

However, it is worth being careful, because all sorts of charlatans are actively using this. Often, they gain money from people who are looking for happiness. And for this many are ready to give a lot of money.

Everyone wants happiness, or at least get rid of bad sensations. Only what exactly should be done - no one knows. Many try to offer ready -made options - work, believe, consume. And people accept this, dissolve in their illusions - salvation of the soul, work, eternal waste.

These are all phantoms and a person cannot find himself in them, even if it seems to him. This is similar to oblivion, a narcotic intoxication, which dramatizes pain, but it always remains, and the body does not feel it.

Happiness is to be independent of desires!

What is happiness?
What is happiness?

Undoubtedly, happiness is not entirely cloudless and, of course, it depends to some extent on the financial situation, place of residence and relationship. The thing is that when a person is happy, he is independent of whether his desires are fulfilled. He is very good without it. Yes, happy people may want an expensive car or a good job. But only they do not make a fix from this and do not focus on it, although they continue to search. That is, if there are no benefits, then the person still remains happy.

By the way, happy people are much more successful than others. Everything is easy for them, even if they do not want it so much. They have reached inner harmony and get along with them. In addition, happy people have more activity. They are always ready to go to their goal and do not see any barriers. They are distinguished by prudence, more free and flexible. They are not stupefied by desires.

And how to achieve such a state? The answer lies in several rules that will take you literally 10 minutes a day.

How to become a happy person - what to do: tips

As you know, to become happy, you will have to change your life. It all starts small, but you need to do it all daily. Let's find out how to become happy, spending only 10 minutes a day on it.

  • Put in order in the house
How to become happy?
How to become happy?

Of course, we are not talking about general cleaning. Start small. Make yourself a calendar and write a few things in it for every day so that they take 10 minutes. It can be anything - cleaning in the closet, wiping dust, washing floors and so on. And along the way, remove all the superfluous from the house that you are unnecessary or sadness.

If you think that you have nothing to do, then just start writing a list of both 10 cases and 10 unnecessary things. You will see that you definitely need to do something or throw it away.

  • Put things in order in life

Are you all spinning, rush? And you thought that you can stop at least once and think what you want? And here the conversation is not even about everyday goals. For example, think about what you want to get in 15 years. If you do not know, then sit down and write 10 such goals. You can even make a card if there is a desire.

  • Become a little happier

How long have you felt the echoes of happiness? And what really pleases you? It is enough for someone to jump along the puddles, and someone is not enough for someone. So, for 10 days, write everything that in your opinion can give you happiness or misfortune.

In the evenings, check with the list, and in the morning set yourself new goals. Thus, gradually fulfill all the points of your list. This will allow you to really feel better and much happier.

  • Love yourself
Love yourself
Love yourself

Psychologists so often prove that it is important to always love yourself and then there will be fewer problems that are already tired. So give yourself 10 minutes a day. Wait in front of the mirror and tell yourself how much you love yourself. You will not even have time to understand when suddenly your self -esteem has increased, the reflection began to please, and men look in the wake.

  • Put yourself in order

While you only thought about family and work, you most likely have already forgotten what it means to take care of yourself. Remember what it is - to pamper yourself. Make a mask, manicure, pluck your eyebrows. Make the same plan as cleaning and follow it.

  • Bring your health in order

To drink a glass of water with lemon juice, you will leave less than a minute, but so much good. So drink 10 days every morning for a glass of such water. And add 10 fruits, vegetables and herbs in the diet. At the end of 10 days, you definitely noticed the result.

  • Become more sporty

You do not need to constantly walk and spend a lot of time on sports. It is enough to learn how to make several approaches of the bar, run in place, squat and push up. Believe me, all this is realistic in 10 minutes and the benefits will be enormous.

  • Learn to value your time

Do you know what time management is? If not, then it's time to find out! In the morning, always plan your business, and in the evening check if you succeeded and why. This is also enough for only 10 minutes.

  • Read the book

If you read only 10 minutes every day, then study more than one book. Start with something simpler. Choose what you wanted to read for a long time, but there was still no time. Gradually move on to more serious books on development and personal growth.

  • Tune in to success

Every evening, check with the list and control what you have done and what - no. And it doesn’t matter that you didn’t succeed in something, still tell yourself that you are well done and move in the right direction.

Video: Factory of happiness. What is happiness and why it? The main element

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  1. Happiness

    The sun sets. May evening.
    A solid house with a manor.
    And the apple garden has already blossomed
    Filling space with broadcasts.
    A gray -haired old man sits on a bench
    In thought, remembering something.
    The brown brown hacks.
    With the love of grandfather, obeying
    He sits down tightly.
    With a rough hand, imperceptibly
    Wiping the tears
    Grandfather asks the grandson:
    Tell me, granddaughter,
    What does happiness mean for you?
    Birds fell silent, the breeze fell silent.
    The stars and the earth listened.
    Maybe right now
    They will hear all the magical words:
    How to become happy and, in general,
    What is the meaning of earthly being.
    - Grandfather, dear, happiness for me,
    So that the family was friendly.
    So that a son and father
    Never parted.
    So that the grandfather and grandson, so that you and me,
    All generations are a series
    Did not lose the thread of kinship
    That God is given to everyone.
    So that everyone had the homeland.
    At least a small piece, it was.
    To always be a lost soul
    I could return there,
    Where are her relatives and land await.
    Here I wake up at dawn
    I will go to the Sun to the garden,
    And thank you all the heart
    I could say the first word.
    Birch, river and grass.
    All birds, air, foliage.
    And the sun of the morning rays
    And every flower and you,
    Who created this beauty.
    Return your homeland people.

    I want to hear a sonorous laughter
    Funny children.
    So that kindness does not end,
    The sun does not go out in the embroidery.
    And to a strong hand
    It was always supported
    All living on earth.
    Let the stars always burn us,
    May there be always joy.
    Then happiness to man
    It will be simple, available.
    I believe my grandfather in him
    One morning it dismounts
    And knock on our window.
    We will let happiness into the house,
    Where there is love and is warm.
    It remains here forever,
    Here will be his homeland.

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