Acne appeared on the chest, in the neckline, under the chest - 5 facts that you did not know about

Acne appeared on the chest, in the neckline, under the chest - 5 facts that you did not know about

Why acne on the chest appear: 5 facts that you did not know about. Treatment of acne under the chest and explaining the problem of acne psychosomatics.

Acne on the chest of women causes a lot of troubles - you can’t put on a dress with a deep neckline, acne is embarrassed and sometimes doubts about their own attractiveness. In this article we collected 5 interesting and useful facts about acne on the chest, which you did not know about.

Fact 1: beer helps from acne on the chest

Typically, acne on the chest in women signal the impairment in the work of hormones. They appear with an excess of androgens, namely testosterone. Women's hormones suppress male. And beer contains phytoestrogens. Therefore, for those who drink beer regularly and in large quantities, acne on the chest is less common.

We do not urge you to drink beer. There are much more civilian ways to solve problems with hormones if acne on the chest cause them. Contact the gynecologist to prescribe you treatment or hormonal contraceptives for acne. Feel free to come with such a request to a specialist. In the instructions for many contraceptive tablets among the indications there are acne.

Acne that are deep in the skin
Acne that are deep in the skin

Hormonal acne On the chest you do not need to be confused with small pimples that may appear in the heat. Acne due to the imbalance of hormones usually sit deep in the skin, they are quite dense, painful, and slowly open.

There are several more signs by which acne on the chest due to hormonal imbalance can be distinguished from other rashes:

  • A woman's acne on her chest becomes more in the second half of the menstrual cycle. Namely before menstruation. At this time, the level of female sex hormones decreases, and the level of testosterone is growing.
  • In addition to acne, there may be other signs of a lack of female hormones. The appearance of hair in those places where they usually do not grow in girls, for example, under the lower lip.
  • Frequent disruptions in the menstrual cycle can also indicate the improper work of hormones. Acne on the chest in women is sometimes combined with these problems. This happens with insufficient production of estrogens.

Fact 2: Full people have acne on the chest less often than that of thin

The matter is again in the male hormone testosterone. If a woman has acne on her chest, then this male hormone can easily be a culprit. It is in the body of representatives of both sexes. And it is scientifically proven that the culprit of a strong acne is precisely the male hormone plus genetic due to the sensitivity of the sebaceous glands.

And where is overweight? The fact is that in fat people, testosterone production is reduced. Remember the full people you saw in your life. Surely you had to admire how smooth and tender sometimes the skin of full women looks. The reason for this is not careful care, but a low level of testosterone.

I must say that a woman’s acne on her chest is unlikely to try to sharply reduce testosterone levels. This hormone performs many important functions in the body and affects the mood. Your life tone, a thirst for rivalry and struggle are associated with the level of the hormone.

The next video will help to open the veil of the appearance of acne. His author is a man who was once a woman. He takes testosterone in the form of injections that need to be done about once a month. The level of testosterone in the body turns out to be unstable, and it is precisely when it is high, according to the author of the video, acne appears.

Video: Testosterone injections and rashes

Fact 3: Acne on the chest and back is in no way connected with chocolate, buns and other products

Even some dermatologists can advise a special diet from acne on their chests. However, many studies have already been conducted that showed that there is no connection between food and the amount of acne. They examined everything: chocolate, pastries, sugar, meat, eggs, potatoes. And only between milk and acne managed to find a connection. But, it is important to note here that this does not concern Russian milk at all, but concerns only imported, in which there are hormones.

Cholesterol and acne
Cholesterol and acne

On the other hand, there is no smoke without fire. Some bloggers and YouTubeers say that they were able to get rid of acne on their chests and face with the help of the right, in their opinion, nutrition. But, if you think about it, then this is not just a rejection of some product, but more raw food diet. When a person is not any animal fats.

The reason may be in testosterone again. Testosterone is produced from cholesterol. And if there is no animal food at all, “testosterone hunger” with the ensuing consequences will occur.

Video: acne and food

Fact 4: The most effective medicines for acne on the chest cannot be pregnant

  • The most effective tool for acne on the chest, back and face is the substance isotinoin. And it is strictly contraindicated in pregnant women, because it causes severe malformations of the fetus. Isotinoin is part of the Roaccutan tablets, Aknekutan capsules, and retinoic ointment.
  • Pregnant women cannot be accepted and hormonal contraceptives, Which are also considered a powerful remedy for acne on the chest of women. Men hormonal tablets with estrogens also do not need to drink categorically for obvious reasons.
  • Antibiotics are considered third in terms of acne efficiency, you are also probably heard about their side effects.

Thus, only external agents for acne with lower efficiency can be considered safe for pregnant women. And acne medications on the chest and face can be very serious.

Many drugs for acne cannot be pregnant
Many drugs for acne cannot be pregnant

Fact 5: Marriage people have less acne on their faces and chest

It happens in different ways: some girls are soothing, you will marry, give birth to a child, and acne will pass. And acne and after marriage do not go anywhere. But it often happens that just after marriage, youthful acne leaves forever.

There are several prerequisites for this:

  • Firstly, the age of marriage may coincide with the time when a teenage hormonal storm is already behind, and the old rashes passed by themselves.
  • Secondly, studies have shown that men who are married, and especially those who have small children, are slightly lower than the level of testosterone. Testosterone is a hormone of the struggle, in males in the wild it is above all, just when they fight for females. And testosterone directly affects the appearance of acne.
  • Pregnancy is a time when a woman has a special hormonal background. And after it, the body is rebuilt, and the hormonal balance can already be a little different as before. In some, acne takes place forever precisely after childbirth.

But to wait for acne on the chest will not be worth it forever. Now there are many means to get rid of them. Consult a doctor, check the hormonal background. And if everything is in order and acne on the chest and back do not use one of the popular drugs.

Some acne products
Some acne products

Acne on the chest - psychosomatics

Psychosomatics A complex and ambiguous course in medicine and psychology. But she leaves no one indifferent. Sometimes psychosomatics is a more than real reflection of thoughts on physical health. For example, vegetative-vascular dystonia, when a person begins to have problems with pressure due to his anxiety. There are dermatitis on the nervous ground. But, it often happens that all diseases begin to write off on psychosomatics in general, including pediculosis.

How much to believe what says about acne on the chest psychosomatics - you decide. We think that acne is possible on the chest or back can be due to the fact that a person often touches these places with his hands. Or with the fact that a person, for example, has a tense back and he does not react to pain in time, and can depart this place, as a result, acne will appear. In general, there is some small share of truth in this. Often acne in the neckline occurs due to shaving.

What do acne on different parts of the body mean?
What do acne on different parts of the body mean?

Psychosomatics of acne

  •  Acne on the breastsandmean that a person feels humiliation. And he feels him from his beloved, meaningful person.
  • Acne on the chest and back - They mean that a person has taken over a very big responsibility. He cannot abandon his overwhelming burden due to moral attitudes.
  • Acne on the priest - A sign that a person feels humiliated constantly, performing the most ordinary everyday matters. Someone or something prevents him from dealing with everyday problems, and they seem insurmountable to him.
  • Acne on the face - mean small outbreaks of anger, which are mainly suppressed. These outbreaks of anger occur when communicating with other people. After all, the face is that part of our body that is most significant for communication with others.

Psychosomatic literature says that adult women often have acne on the face. Because women are more accustomed to solve problems, discussing them with other people. And men often have acne on their backs, they tend to keep everything in themselves. There are interesting cases when rashes from the same person “wander” on the face, then on the back, then on the chest.

Acne on the chest means a sense of humiliation from a significant person
Acne on the chest means a sense of humiliation from a significant person

Acne under the chest - how to get rid of?

Acne under the chest Appear mainly in the summer heat. And the reason for their appearance is diaper rash. What to do with this problem? The easiest way so that acne under the chest does not appear to use the same products that are used from diaper rash for babies. For example, Sudocerre or children's update. But children's powder can be collected in hard lumps and annoy the skin even more, so it is better to give preference to creams under the diaper.

What other means will help get rid of acne under the chest? All means that dry the skin will be useful. It copes with this task sulfur soap. Another frequently used tool - zinc ointment.

If the cracks are formed, use wound healing funds, like a balm "Rescuer" or tincture of calendula. But if acne under the chest is adjacent to sores, it will be difficult to do without a visit to the doctor. Need antibiotics.

Acne under the chest can be confused with small papillomas. Papillomas can occur due to the fact that the virus penetrated through the wound in the skin and spread as quickly as a rash. Papillomas can not be able to get rid of as easy as acne under the chest, they need to be cauterized, for example, by superwatch or remove from a dermatologist.

On our site there are other articles on the problem of acne:

Video: How to cope with diaper rash under the chest?

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